The Life Story of
Sir Charles Tilston Bright
Knighted September 4th, 1858, for laying the First Atlantic Cable— age 26.
The Life Story
Sir Charles Tilston Bright
History, Construction and Working.
For particulars and Press Opinions, see
end of this volume.
TN response to a number of suggestions and in view
•*• of the present year being the Fiftieth Anniversary
of the Atlantic Cable, this abridgement of the original
biography x has been prepared by the author.
Whilst the present volume cannot profess to deal in the
same complete manner with the pioneering of Submarine
Telegraphy in general, it covers — in a compressed form
—the entire scope of its subject as set forth in full on the
The Appendices to the two previous volumes— mainly
covering Sir Charles Bright's scientific and engineering
papers, addresses, official reports, and inventions — are
omitted here, with the exception of that dealing with his
inventions. This also applies in a measure to the contem-
poraneous doings of others in the same field. Even now,
however, being to some extent an historical work of refer-
ence, the author has to plead indulgence for occasional
repetitions under different chapters and headings.
1 The Life-Story of the late Sir Charles Tilston Bright, Civil Engi-
neer, with which is incorporated the Story of the Atlantic Cable and
the first Telegraph to India and the Colonies. By his brother,
Edward Brailsford Bright, and his son, Charles Bright, F.R.S.E.
(London : Archibald Constable & Co., 1898. £3 35. net.)
It only remains to be said that this biography is based
on original and official documents, mostly in the author's
possession. Special care has been bestowed on the Index
to enable the reader to readily follow the sequence of
events in regard to the history of telegraphy — under the
various subject headings— or the main features of the life
dealt with.
December, 1908.
r I ^HE exploits, inventions, and scientific achievements
•^ are here chronicled of one who, when in his seven-
teenth year, devised his first invention, since in active use ;
when a youth of nineteen, carried out important telegraph
work, including the laying of a complete system of wires,
under the streets of Manchester in a single night — with-
out incurring any disturbance to the traffic ; when twenty
became Chief Engineer to the Magnetic Telegraph Com-
pany, extending its lines throughout the United King-
dom ; and who, a year later, in establishing telegraphic
communication between Great Britain and Ireland, was —
to quote the late Lord Kelvin — " the first to lay a
cable in deep water."
When but twenty years of age the subject of this Memoir
had patented as many as twenty-four distinct inventions
—which he had been elaborating during the three pre-
ceding years. This was at precisely the same period of
life as that at which one of the most prolific inventors,
Mr. Edison, took out his first patent ; and many of young
Bright's early inventions are still in use and essential to
present-day telegraphy. Altogether he brought out no
less than 119 separate inventions, and a large proportion
of these proved of general utility.1
When twenty-three, Bright became a projector of the
Atlantic Telegraph, to which, a year later, he was ap-
pointed Engineer-in-Chief. After a series of almost in-
surmountable difficulties, he, in 1858— and contrary to
expert opinion— successfully laid the first cable between
Ireland and America, at the age of twenty-six,
thereby telegraphically uniting two great continents. It
had been said by many who had watched his energy
and talent in early days, that honours were in store for
him. The prediction was verified. He became the youngest
knight in that same year, for what was at the time very
justly described as " the great scientific achievement of
the century." It may, perhaps, be added that in- those
days a knighthood signified more than it does now, if only
because it was an honour comparatively closely confined to
men who had achieved something for their country—
rather than for services to party politics.
In his Presidential Address to the Institution of Elec-
trical Engineers, in 1889, Lord Kelvin (then Sir William
Thomson) said in regard to the above undertaking :
' To Sir C. Bright 's vigour, earnestness, and enthusiasm
was due the successful laying of the cable. We must
1 Those in constant use to-day comprise : (i) The insulator
and shackle for aerial telegraphs. (2) The acoustic bell telegraph
instrument. (3) The means of finding out the position of a fault
in a submarine cable, or subterranean wires, by an alternative
circuit of varying resistance coils. (4) The protection of sub-
marine cable cores with ribands of metal wound spirally and
overlapping. (5) The cable compound, and method of application.
always feel deeply indebted to our late colleague as the
pioneer of that great work, when other engineers would
not look at it, and thought it absolutely impracticable." l
Again, when, as President of the same Institution in
1897, Sir Henry Mance, C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E., delivered his
address, he expressed himself in these terms with reference
to the aforesaid topic : " If we, as engineers, desire to do
honour to any one individual who pre-eminently distin-
guished himself in the development of oceanic telegraphy,
we have simply to refer to the list of our Past -Presidents,
and select the name of Charles Tilston Bright."
In this connection, Bright 's youthful talent has been
spoken of as scarcely second to that of William Pitt.
His mind was essentially an inventive one ; but he was
equally a man of action. It was, probably, the union of
these two qualities which enabled him to overcome the
difficulties encountered in laying the First Atlantic Cable.
Afterwards carrying out many important submarine cable
undertakings in the Mediterranean and elsewhere — in-
cluding the first telegraph to India, and between the West
Indian Islands — he also took an active part in politics,
and was elected a Member of Parliament at the age of
thirty-three. Whilst in the House of Commons he was
1 Fortunately we are soon to have a biography worthy of the
late Lord Kelvin, written by so distinguished an author as Dr.
Silvanus Thompson, F.R.S. ; and here will be provided a suitable
record of his lordship's marvellous — indeed, unrivalled — contribu-
tion to the theory and practice of submarine telegraphy. As is
now fairly well recognised, it was Lord Kelvin's mathematical and
inventive skill in the electrical working of ocean cables which put
them on a sound commercial footing.
constantly to the fore in advocating the extension of tele-
graphic communication with our Colonies and Dependencies,
besides serving on more than one Committee with similar
objects in view.
Bright also acted as expert adviser and consulting
engineer to a large number of projects— for the second and
third Atlantic Cables and for a variety of subsequent sub-
marine lines, as well as other engineering enterprises.
He continued his career of practical work and invention
in electric lighting as well as telegraphy, until his death
in 1888. His engineering association with the former was
never, however, of the same leading character as was the
case in regard to telegraphy. It was, indeed, quite
secondary in this country to that of Siemens, Hopkinson,
Crompton, Ferranti, Kennedy, Swinburne, and Mordey.
The closing event of his life was that of becoming
President of the Society of Telegraph Engineers and
Electricians (now the Institution of Electrical Engineers)
during the Electric Telegraph Jubilee of 1887.
Bright was amongst the foremost to take an active in-
terest in the Volunteer movement, and when set afoot
became Captain of one of the first corps.
In his home he was a genial host, who gathered
many friends around him, and entered keenly into all
His was in every sense a full life — full of endeavour,
and full of achievement. A man of wide sympathies, he
was, indeed, capable of throwing himself with enthusiasm
into everything he took up ; and here, perhaps, lies the
secret of his usefulness.
There are not many cases in which so much ground has
been covered in so short a time and at so early a period
of life. Indeed, in its leading article on the occasion of
his death, The Times remarked : " If a man's life may be
measured by the amount he has accomplished, Sir Charles
Bright lived long, though dying at the comparatively early
age of fifty-five. Few men have ever done more useful
work for his country and for commerce within less than
forty years." A study of The Dictionary of National
Biography, Men of the Reign, or Men of the Time, corro-
borates this view.
There is probably no branch of engineering which lends
itself so readily to a full sight of the world as that of
telegraphy. Thus, the present volume is centred in
many climes, and partly consists of stirring narratives of
adventure — suggestive of romance rather than the plain
story of a man of science. It is thought, therefore, that
these pages will appeal to the general reader— only in a
lesser degree than to the engineer, student, and historian.
Apart from his profession, indeed — in his varied tastes,
sympathies, and recreations — Sir Charles was as much the
traveller as the scientist ; and even when engaged on most
trying cable ventures in unhealthy climates he invariably
kept neatly written records of the day's performance — of
what he had seen and learnt — never retiring to bed with-
out attending to his task. In the chapter dealing with
the West Indian Cables these diaries have been largely
drawn from, in order to illustrate the real character of a
telegraph engineer's life and the vicissitudes encountered
during a cable expedition under unfavourable conditions.
Surprise is sometimes expressed that social festivities-
given and received — should form a feature in cable expedi-
tions. It should, however, be remembered that the nature
of the work points to the necessity of ensuring friendly
relations with those to whom the cable has been taken.
Bright's life was throughout associated with trouble. It
would, in fact, have been well had he turned to lighter
occupations in his closing years, when, with failing health,
he no longer had the constitution for arduous work.
Essentially a man of action, and obviously endowed with
great ability, his main characteristics were, in the author's
opinion, intense energy, patience, fortitude under adverse
circumstances, determination, perseverance and resource.
He seemed constantly to be living up to Longfellow's
Knes :—
Each morning sees some task begun,
Each evening sees it close ;
Something attempted, something done,
Has earned a night's repose.
II BOYHOOD ........ 4
Section i. Investigations and Stepping Stones ... 32
2. Formation of the Company and Construction of
the Cable . ...... 39
3. Ships, Stowage, and Departure for Valentia . 53
4. The "Wire Squadron" at Valentia ... 63
5. Laying the First Ocean Cable .... 66
6. Preparations for Another Attempt ... 73
7. The Trial Trip 88
8. The Storm 91
9. The Renewed Effort . . . . .105
10. Finis coronal opus . . . . . .116
11. The Celebration . . . . . .140
12. The Working of the Line . . . .149
13. The Inquest .162
14. Other Routes ... ... 167
15. The 1865 and 1866 Cables . .176
VII 1860-1863 2°5
Proposed Permanent Exhibition in Paris— Retirement from
Engineership to the Magnetic Telegraph Company —
Partnership with Mr. Latimer Clark— The Formulation of
Electrical Standards and Units.
Section i. Retrospect and Preparations . .219
2. The Design, Construction and Testing of the Per-
sian Gulf Cable . .225
3. Laying the Cable . .232
4. The Land Line Connecting Links . . 256
5. Retrospection and Reminiscences . .261
X 1865-1869 . . . . . . .276
The Inquiry into the Construction of Submarine Telegraphs —
Second and Third Atlantic Cables, 1865-66 — Hooper's
India-rubber Cables — Improvement of Communication with
India and the East — Extension to the Far East — The Anglo-
Mediterranean Cable — British-Indian Lines — British-
Indian Extension, etc., Lines — Marseilles, Algiers and
Malta Line — Falmouth, Gibraltar and Malta Cable — Rival
Schemes — The "Eastern" Companies — Parliamentary
Section i. The Florida-Cuba Line 305
2. Preparations and Manufacture of Island Links . 310
3. Laying the Cables . . . . . .319
4. Adventures and Reminiscences . . .361
5. The Griefs of Grappling . . . . .362
6. Homeward Bound ...... 367
XII 1873-1874 ... ... 371
Section i. Transfer to the State .... 373
2. Railway and Government Arbitrations . . 376
The Servian Mines.
The "Direct United States" Cable Arbitration — Other
Atlantic Cables — Duplex Telegraphy — The Phonopore.
Shooting and Fishing — Yachting — Tours and Picnics — Club
List of Illustrations
Sir Charles Bright (age 26) Frontispiece
Monument to Sir John Bright, Bart. . . 2
Bright's Testing and Fault Localisation System . . 7
Bright's Insulator ..... I2
Bright's Shackles ...... I2
Bright's Telegraph Post .... I2
Bright's Underground System I ^
Bright's Bell Instrument ..... 22
Bright's Acoustic Telegraph . . . . . .24
The Anglo-Irish Cable, 1853 . . . . -27
Laying the First Cable to Ireland, 1853 . . . . 31
Signatures to Atlantic Cable Agreement .... 40
Route for Atlantic Cable, with Soundings .... 47
First Atlantic Cable . . . . . . . .48
First Atlantic Cable (shore-end type) 49
Mr. C. T. Bright (age 25) 53
The Cedars, Harrow Weald 54
Coiling the Cable Aboard 55
H.M.S. Agamemnon taking Cable abroad . . . -57
U.S.N.S. Niagara ........ 59
Landing the Cable on the Coast of Ireland .... 65
Picking up Cable 74
The Self-Releasing Friction Brake 76
The Principle of the Brake 77
Bright's Paying-out Gear for the First Atlantic Cable, 1858 79
H.M.S. Agamemnon, with the Cable, in a Storm . . 98
H.M.S. Agamemnon completing the First Atlantic Cable . 136
U.S.N.S. Niagara completing the Cable at the American end 138
Landing the Irish End of the Cable . « . . .141
Facsimile of one of the first Messages received on the Atlantic
Cable ..-,... • Z55
North Atlantic Telegraph Project, 1860 : ....... ... 169
Second Atlantic Cable .... • *79
Second Atlantic Cable (shore end) • 185
Buoys, Grapnels, Mushrooms — and Men . .186
Great Eastern Completing the Second Atlantic Cable . . 191
The Cable-covering Apparatus . .216
Compound Conveyer . . • 2r7
Map showing Telegraph to India . .222
Portrait of Sir Charles Bright (age 32) . 224
The Persian Gulf Cable (main type) . .229
Cable-laying in the Persian Gulf . . . . .236
Elphinstone Island" and Telegraph Station .... 245
Landing the Cable in the Mud at Fao . . . .248
Telegraphic Communication to the East, 1868 . . .292
Little Sutton, Chiswick . . . . . . -303
Sir Charles Bright (age 37). .... . 306
Route for the West Indian Cables . . . . -307
Telegraph Ship Dacia off the Silvertown Works . 3 r i
Bright's Cable Gear aboard T.S. Dacia . . . .312
The West Indian Cable (deep-sea type) . . . .313
The West Indian Cable (shore end) . . . . -313
Grapnel in Operation . . . . . . .317
Grappling Rope . . . . . . . .317
H.M.S. Vestal with T.S.S. Dacia and Suffolk off the Cuban
Coast ......... 320
Reproduction from Diary . . . . . . -335
Reproduction from Diary ...... 342-3
Reproduction from Diary . . • . . . . .356
Fire Alarm Post 389
Bright's Street Fire Alarm System . . . . .391
Bright's Automatic Fire Alarm .392
Bust of Sir Charles Bright ...... 440
Bright's Double-roofed Shackle ...... 456
Bright's Curb Transmitting Key 457
Bright's Lightning Guard for Submarine Cables . . -459
Bright's Printing Telegraph 462
Bright's Arc Lamp .463
Bright's Continuous Current Dynamo Machine . . 464
Bright's Alternate-Current Dynamo . . . . . 466
Family Memoirs
nrVHE subject of this biography was descended from
-*• the ancient Hallamshire family of Bright, of which
he represented the senior branch — Hallamshire being
formerly one of the divisions of Yorkshire.
The most notable member of the family in remote times
was Colonel Sir John Bright, Bart., of Carbrook Hall and
Badsworth, who was a military chief under Cromwell, and
fought with Lord Fairfax in the Parliamentary wars. He
raised a regiment of horse on his own estates, and was in
turn Governor of York, Sheffield and Hull. During the
Commonwealth, Colonel Bright was one of the six represen-
tatives in Parliament of the West Riding. When, how-
ever, the execution of King Charles was decided upon, he
withdrew from the Parliamentarian ranks, and disbanded
his regiment. He subsequently assisted in the Restoration,
and was created a baronet.
The only surviving child of Sir John Bright married
Sir Henry Liddell, Bart. The eldest son by this marriage,
Thomas, was the ancestor of the first Lord Ravensworth.
John, the second son, was made principal heir of his grand-
father, on whose death he assumed the name and arms of
i B
Bright. At one time M.P. for Pontefract, he was the origina-
tor and first master of the Badsworth Hunt, which, in
connection with the said John Bright's mastership, boasts
the oldest hunt song in existence.
A granddaughter of the above, Mary Bright, was
married to the Marquis of Rockingham, who was Prime
Minister for a short time towards the end of the eighteenth
The pedigree of all branches of the Yorkshire Brights
is given, with elaborate ramifications, in Hunter's Hallam-
shire. More recently a condensed edition, with reference
to this branch of the family, was published in Burke's
Authorised Arms.
T)ORN near Wanstead, Essex, on June 8th, 1832, Charles
U Tilston Bright, the youngest son of Brailsford
Bright, was brought up with his brothers William and
Edward, the latter being afterwards especially associated
with him in telegraph and other electric engineering work.
Charles Bright's second name (Tilston) came from his grand-
mother— a godchild of Nelson's — -who was the daughter
of Edward Tilston, of Mold, the Tilstons being another
Yorkshire family of distinction.
The son of a keen sportsman, young Bright seems to have
had full opportunities for developing tastes which served
him and his brother in good stead on subsequent travels
into various wild and deserted quarters of the world.
With family connections on the governing body, these
boys were sent to Merchant Taylors School (one of the
oldest of our scholastic institutions) at the usual life-period
at which boys go to a public school. Young Charles evinced,
if anything, a greater strength in Classics than in Mathe-
matics ; but there seems little doubt that all three boys
distinguished themselves bodily rather than mentally dur-
ing their boyhood, representing their school in the Racquet
Court as well as on the River.
In those days Merchant Taylors held a somewhat similar
position in boating to Eton, and had the benefit of the
best of Oxford coaches. The two younger brothers thus
started their career on the river under favourable condi-
tions. They also had an early opportunity of practising
their powers at swimming, for on one of the first occasions
on which they went out in an " outrigger," the eight was
swamped by the swell of a passing steamer. Indeed,
what with passing steamers, bridges, boat collisions, etc.,
the brothers had to swim for their lives eight times, in all,
before completing their rowing experiences on the Thames.
On one occasion, just after young Charles had been hauled
aboard the steamer, and was shaking the water off him-
self, an old gentleman inquired, " May I ask, young man,
if you're insured ? " It turned out afterwards that this
worthy old gentleman was a director of a Life Assurance
Company ! l
1 It were better, however, to physically prevent than to pecuni-
arily provide for. May it not be said, indeed, that the parents of
every child ought to be compelled, by Act of Parliament, to make
their progeny learn to swim ; and that national baths and instructors
should be instituted for the purpose ?
Land Telegraphs
/CHARLES BRIGHT and his elder brothers were in-
^-^ tended for an Oxford career ; but owing to heavy
pecuniary losses on the part of their father, the serious and
more immediately practical side of life had to be at once
entered upon. As schoolboys, Edward and Charles had
very much interested themselves both in electricity and
chemistry. Thus, soon after its formation in 1847, they
joined, when respectively sixteen and fifteen years old,
the Electric Telegraph Company. This came about by
Charles Bright answering a Times advertisement " for
gentlemen's sons with education." Young Charles started
as a telegraph clerk at Harrow Station on the London and
North-Western Railway, the telegraph work on the line
being undertaken by the " Electric " Company.
Young Charles' initial occupation was, then, working
the telegraph instruments in a railway signalling box,
varied by sleeping in a local inn when off duty. But he
foresaw a sufficient future in this new application of Electric
Science to introduce his two brothers a little later to the
Company. The elder brother, William, did not for long
remain attached to electrical work.1 His tastes and abilities
1 Of an adventurous turn, he went out to Australia a little later.
There he died in 1872, leaving a son, Charles Edward, who has
done good service in telegraphic administration, and is now Deputy
Postmaster- General to the Australian Commonwealth.
ran in other directions; but Edward was always more
or less in double harness with Charles throughout their
lives. Some time after these two brothers had been
working with the Electric Company they discovered
that it was largely under the auspices of that great tele-
graphic inventor, Mr. (afterwards Sir William) Fothergill
Cooke, who was a connection by marriage ; but all their
successes were effected off their own bat, so to speak, and
without the exercise of any personal interest.
Within a year of entering upon this new field, both boys
became inventors. Much of their spare time was devoted
to thinking over, discussing together, and devising practical
improvements on the Cooke and Wheatstone and other
systems of telegraphy.
In those days, patent fees of £150 had to be paid, in
addition to the heavy charges to patent agents for drafting,
drawing, and completing patents. As much as this the
brothers could not afford, so they contented themselves,
for the time being, with starting a joint invention book,
kept under lock and key, into which they, from time to
time, entered up drawings, descriptions, and dates. These
were afterwards, with several additions, embodied in the
famous patent of October 21, 1852. x It suffices to say
here, that many of the novelties included therein are now
in common use after a lapse of forty-five years.2
Perhaps the most important of their early inventions was
the system, devised in February, 1849, °f testing insulated
conductors to localise faults from a distant point, by means
of a series of standard resistance coils of different values,
brought into circuit successively by turning a connecting
handle. The preceding drawing, reproduced from the
1852 specification, shows what is even now the best form
of resistance coil arrangement in use for testing land and
1 Patent Specification, No. 14,331 of 1852.
8 Youthful inventors may not be very uncommon ; but how
many actually invent anything at the age of seventeen which ever
comes into practical use ?
submarine telegraphs. Indeed, capital would never have
been found for the vast system of submarine cables through-
out the world without the aid of this invention, which
enables repairing vessels to at once go to the scene of damage,
instead of having to pick up and cut the cable here, there
and everywhere at haphazard.
The year 1851 saw some important changes in the lives
of both the brothers. After having for some time been in
charge of the Birmingham station, Charles left the " Elec-
tric " Company, and shortly after became Assistant Engineer
to the lately formed British Telegraph Company, whilst
Edward joined the Magnetic Telegraph Company. Thus,
the two brothers became engaged in advancing the early
stages of two competing concerns — a curious and novel
position. Charles' headquarters were at Manchester,
whilst Edward was stationed at Liverpool. As a rule,
however, each passed alternate Sundays with the other.
On taking up his new position, Charles Bright was at
once engaged in superintending the erection of telegraphs
on the Lancashire and Yorkshire and other railways, as well
as in connecting and fitting up various telegraph offices
for the Company he was serving at that time. The follow-
ing is a copy of a letter he wrote to the young lady to whom
he was now engaged, and who shortly after became his
wife : —
British Electric Telegraph Company,
September $th, 1851.
I received your letter yesterday, but could not answer it, as
I was fully occupied until past post time.
You may easily imagine that with 160 miles of line which I
have to commence at once, and a great many more directly after —
if not nearly at the same time — that I have a great deal to look
after. The only person who could assist me, one of the directors,
is fully engaged with bringing out a Bill for next Parliament for
a new railway line. So I am the only manager of telegraphic
detail for the campaign, in addition to which I have some twenty-
five long patents to bear in mind as to their separate claims
and intentions, so as not to infringe any other people's property.
I look forward to a stormy and active life for the next six
months in various parts of the country — a life which I shall go
into with pleasure, as I have you as the prize to look and hope
for. It will not be unpleasant to me — however uncomfortable
generally and disagreeable in detail — for, as you know, my aim
for some time has been to weave a web of wire in opposition to
the monopoly, and, as I cannot do it for ourselves, I am well
content to do it for others. Having no stake or responsibility
in it, I feel more comfortable perhaps than I should have had we
succeeded in establishing a Company, which would have been
a case of either make or mar.
I write you these business details, dearest, because I know they
will not be tedious to you, and because I think you may have
wasted your thoughts in speculations as to what I could be doing
in London ! . . . It is pleasant to be engaged in a work of
interest to oneself, and how much more when there is an object
to be worked for so dear as my own B !
You will be glad to hear that there is nothing irksome or un-
pleasant in my position with the Company. Though very young
(I haven't told them how young !) I am looked up to, and I have
no reason to be dissatisfied. I am treated kindly and like a
gentleman, and it is astonishing how much more energetically
one can work with such treatment than with that distance which
is so common between directors and officers of a Company. The
promises held out to me at first have been renewed, and I hope
I shall hold even a higher position than I was sanguine enough
to anticipate ; but of course I do not expect everything at once,
or until the directors receive some return— or without some
actual work and thought. .
On the success of the Magnetic Company being demon-
strated, capital was quickly forthcoming for the organisa-
tion of a powerful Chartered Company under limited lia-
bility, entitled the English and Irish Magnetic Telegraph
Company. The headquarters of the new Company were
located in Liverpool, where most of the capital was repre-
In 1852, the subject of this memoir, when scarcely twenty
3^ears of age, was asked by the Board to become their
Engineer-in-Chief , which post he accepted, resigning his posi-
tion on the " British." Edward Bright had been Manager
of the Company for some months previously.
It was in this year that the brothers took out their famous
patent, to which allusion has already been made. It con-
tained twenty-four distinct inventions connected with
telegraphs, and it may be well here to enumerate some of
the more important.
First of all, there was the porcelain insulator for fixing
aerial telegraph wires mounted on posts. This has been
found to be a highly efficient method of insulation.1 It
was at once adopted on an extensive scale, and, in one form
or another, it continues in use to the present day. There
was also its adjunct, the shackle or terminal insulator.
This is also made of porcelain, and is universally employed
for terminations, and whenever the wire has to be taken at
1 In his article on the " Electric Telegraph," in the Encyclopedia
Britannica, 8th edition, vol. xxi., the late Lord Kelvin referred to
this as " the best idea for a single telegraphic insulator,"
an angle — over houses, for instance, round a corner, or in
any case where great strains are involved, whether owing
to long spans or otherwise.
Then followed the now universal system of aeriel tele-
graph posts with varying length of arms, to avoid the chance
of one wire dropping on
After this came the
brass tape device for the
protection of insulated
conductors of s u b t e r-
ranean, or submarine,
There was then a trans-
lator, or repeater, for re-
transmitting electric cur-
rents of either kind in
both directions on a single
Another important item in the above famous master
patent was the plan of testing insulated conductors for
purposes of fault localisation. This, however, has already
been referred to.
There was also a standard galvanometer (foreshadowing
differential testing) and a new type-printing instrument, as
well as what was then a novel mode of laying underground
wires in troughs.
This patent was taken out when the patentees were
respectively twenty-one and twenty years of age ; but it
contained the results of four years' combined thought.
In addition to the labour and experiments associated with
the practical application of these improvements for the
" Magnetic " Company, during 1852, young Bright directed
the completion of a vast telegraphic system throughout
the United Kingdom, which had lately been commenced by
the Company. This included a main trunk line along the
high-roads, consisting of ten gutta-percha-covered wires
laid in troughs underground between London, Birmingham
and Manchester, thence by railway to Liverpool and Pres-
ton, and six wires onwards, also underground, to Carlisle,
Dumfries, Glasgow, and Greenock. From Dumfries a
branch of six underground wires was laid under the roads
to Portpatrick, to meet the Company's Irish cable. In
Ireland, the underground system was extended from
Donaghadee to Belfast, and thence, via Newry and Dundalk,
to Dublin, comprising in all nearly 7,000 miles of wire. Al-
though gutta-percha had been discovered in 1843, and its
insulating qualities had been appreciated by Faraday and
Werner Siemens as early as 1847, this was the first instance,
in our country, in which any length of gutta-percha-covered
cable had been laid underground.
Let us now consider the nature of this underground sys-
tem. The form it should take had been very carefully gone
into by Charles Bright. It was evident that the integrity
of the insulating coatings of gutta-percha could not be pre-
served long without some external protection throughout
the length of each line, as the mere compression of the soil,
gravel and stones would have at once injured it ; and in
opening the roads for repair they would experience still
further damage.
After discussing the merits of various plans of protection,
it was finally decided that the wires throughout towns
should be deposited in 2-J-inch cast-iron piping, divided
longitudinally, so that the wires might be laid in quickly
without the tedious and injurious operation of drawing
through associated with the old system of street work, in
which the wires were deposited in ordinary gas-piping. On
the other hand, Bright decided that along the country
roads — which were comparatively little liable to disturbance
from the construction of sewers, or laying of gas or water
pipes — the wires should be deposited in creosoted wooden
troughs of about three-inch scantling, cut in long lengths,
so as to be almost free from the chances of damage upon
any partial subsidence of the soil. The tops of the troughs
were to be protected by fastening to them a galvanised
iron lid.
Some idea of the trough system for the public highways
may be gathered from the accompanying sketch. The
gutta-percha-covered wires were deposited in the square,
creosoted wooden trough (shown below), after being bound
together by a lapping of tarred yarn. To deposit the rope
of insulated conductors in the trough it was first coiled
upon a large drum, and this was then rolled slowly over the
trench, which had a depth of some three feet. The rope of
wires was paid off easily and evenly into its bed. The gal-
vanised iron lid, about an eighth of an inch thick, was then
fastened on by clamps (see illustration), and the trench
filled in again.
The method adopted in the case of underground wires
laid in iron troughs under the streets of towns must now
be described in some detail ; for it was in connection with
the application of this at Manchester that young Bright
was first brought into public notice about this time (1852),
over what was rightly recognised as a remarkable feat.
It was essential that the traffic of so busy a city should be
interrupted as little as possible. Charles Bright did not
interrupt the traffic at all. In one night he had the streets
up, deposited the wires, and had laid the pavements down
again before the inhabitants were out of their beds in the
morning. He was then but nineteen, and received great
credit in the public journals, notably in The Times, which
made this piece of work the subject of a leading article.
The following arrangements for the night's work go to
show the prescience and energy characteristic of him. A
large number of navvies were engaged, with competent
foremen. To each gang was assigned a given length of
street, along which the flagstones were to be lifted, the
trench opened to the requisite depth, and the under-halves
of the pipes laid and linked at the bottom. Another gang
at once followed, wheeling the drum (whose breadth ex-
ceeded that of the trench), and unwinding the rope of wires
into the under-halves of the pipes previously laid down.
A further gang followed for applying, linking, and tightening
the upper-halves of the pipes, while yet another set of men
filled up the trench and replaced the flags. This operation,
though easily described, required at this early stage of
telegraphy a great deal of consideration, coupled with very
active and determined control throughout the short night.
The following letter, addressed by young Bright to his
fiancee, will be of interest here, as picturing the scene : — •
September nth, 1852.
Your letter did not arrive until last evening. I should have
written sooner, but have been very busy. Last night I spent
entirely out of doors, and as I have not been able to get any
sleep since, I shall not write long now. ... It is the third
bedless night I have had lately, and I expect two more next
I was at Liverpool last night, getting our wires from the station
to our offices in the Exchange. From the great traffic during
the day, it is impossible either in Liverpool or Manchester to do
anything by day, and unless I keep a sharp eye on the men, either
the pipes are laid too near the surface, or they break gas or
water pipes and cause expensive repairs. Moreover, they never
do a third of the work at night unless I am with them !
Last night I did the quickest piece of telegraphic work which
has ever been done. We began at ten, and by eight in the morn-
ing we had laid piping containing eight wires under the streets
nearly half a mile, and all repaved.
Can you fancy such a scene ? A long row of men with pick-
axes, followed by others with spades, and after them a gang of
men laying pipes and wires, and, to conclude, another set re-laying
the paving-stones. This row of workmen are lighted up by
large fire-grates at intervals, flaring and smoking away like beacons
on the coast — a perfect Babel of voices — the continual sharp
knocking of the pickaxes and the scraping and clanging of the
pipes being laid and hammered up, added to continued shouting
for this or that tool. If you can conjure up this, you can fancy
my figure appearing in the light here and there with two or three
foremen — quite in my element, only I don't like the night.
I expect you would be very much alarmed if you were unexpec-
tedly awoke by such a noise and looked out on such a scene ! . . .
I tell you all about my night's doings, because I was pleased
at the speed, which I had previously calculated on doing it in.
The plan was a new one of my own. . . .
One of Bright 's assistants has described how his chief
wrote out instructions to the minutest details, even to the
extent of stating where the vessels of pitch were to be placed,
besides specifying the temperature of the mixture and that
it was to be tested before being run into the trough.1
Charles Bright subsequently carried out the same work
through the streets of London, Liverpool and other large
The great advantage gained in laying these main trunk
lines underground was that they were thereby absolutely
beyond the reach of damage by stormy weather.
Thus it was that the " Magnetic " Company became at
once a prosperous and successful company ; but Charles
Bright also personally directed the erection of overhead
wires on the following railways : — The East Lancashire,
Caledonian, Midland, Great Western, Great Southern and
Western, Waterford and Limerick, Dublin and Drogheda,
Belfast junction, Ulster, County Down, Belfast and
Coleraine, Londonderry and Enniskillen, Londonderry
and Coleraine.
The Journal of the Institution of Civil Engineers, in
its obituary notice,2 contains the following testimony in
regard to these undertakings : " All this work, both over-
head and underground, entailed a vast amount of energy
and perseverance on the part of Sir Charles Bright, and
many are the stories related of the difficulties overcome
in the rapid progress of the underground work."
The summer of 1853 saw great events in Charles Bright's
1 Since the original edition, attention has been called in the House
of Commons, as well as in the Press, to this striking work of young,
nineteen-year old, Bright, a propos of the disturbance to traffic often
nowadays experienced in the height of the London season.
2 Mins. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xciii., part iii.
life. He married, at the age of twenty-one, Miss Taylor,
daughter of Mr. John Taylor, of Belle vue, Kingston-
upon-Hull, to whom he had for some time been devotedly
attached. Mr. Taylor was head of one of the leading mer-
cantile firms in Hull. Like the Brights, the Taylors,
and their ancestors the Willots and the Gills, came
originally from the West Riding of Yorkshire. Charles
Bright's fiancee was one of the youngest in a family
of nine. The young couple had become engaged
nearly two years previously. They had met first while
staying with mutual cousins, the Henry Brights, near
Hull. The wedding took place on May nth, 1853, at
St. James', Hull. These young people started life
together on an income of about £250. Later on they
often looked back with pleasure on those early days of
comparative poverty, which were, nevertheless, some of
the happiest of their married life.
In that year (1853) the first effective cable to Ireland
was made, under Bright's supervision, by Messrs. Newall
& Company, of Gateshead, and laid between Donaghadee,
in Ireland, and Portpatrick, in Scotland. This undertaking
is dealt with in the next chapter.
At the outset of the " Magnetic " Company's opera-
tions, the brothers found it necessary to devise fresh appa-
ratus to compensate for the inductive discharge resulting
from the long underground circuits, by discharging to
earth and thus neutralising the recoil currents. From that
time till the spring of 1854 they carried out a series of
experiments on the great lengths of subterranean wires
under their control, in order to investigate this novel
phenomenon, with a view to working through an Atlantic
cable. This had been the great object which Charles Bright
had in view in pushing on the Company's extension in the
West of Ireland, his idea being at the time that a point
between Limerick and Galway would be the most suitable
landing-place for the cable. Some of the results of these
researches were detailed and illustrated experimentally by
Edward Bright, at a meeting of the British Association
at Liverpool, in I854,1 m an address on " The Retardation
of Electricity through Long Subterranean Wires."
During 1854, the brothers were heavily burdened, Charles
in completing the enormous network of telegraphic wires
—thousands of miles in all — that had been constructed
under his direction with such wonderful rapidity through-
out the kingdom ; and Edward in acquiring and fitting
up the stations, organising the staff, making rules and
regulations for the service, arranging message tariffs and
supply of news to the Press, etc.
Time was nevertheless found for other work. They
engaged in experiments with the late Mr. Staite, on the
electric light— then in its absolute infancy. Mr. Staite's
arc lamp had been exhibited for some months on the Liver-
pool Landing Stage, till the pilots complained (as well as
the steamboat captains) that it dazzled them and hindered
their steering on the river Mersey.
At this period, both the brothers materially aided the
late Admiral Fitzroy in the inauguration of his plan of
daily telegraphic reports in connection with the newly-
born Meteorological Department of the Board of Trade, and
1 See British Association Reports, 1854.
the storm-warning system which the Admiral had organ-
ised. They arranged for the requisite barometers, thermo-
meters, wind gauges, etc., to be set up at a number of the
Magnetic Company's stations, especially in the West of
Ireland and Scotland, including Cape Clear, Limerick,
Tralee, Galway, Portrush, Ayr, Ardrossan, etc., where
coming changes of weather are, as a rule, first indicated
from the Atlantic. The " Magnetic " staff were duly
instructed in the taking of observations twice daily. These
were then telegraphed to the Meteorological Office in Lon-
don by means of a concise code, drawn up by Admiral Fitz-
roy and Charles Bright, with a view to expediting the mes-
sages by reducing their length, as it did, by about one-fifth.
Although at the outset these weather forecasts were some-
what tentative and were much derided, their vast utility
in lessening the danger to life at sea was not long in being
recognised, and the forecasting of the weather has now, by
dint of experience, become almost an exact science.
At the end of the year 1855 a revolution was effected in
the telegraphic apparatus used by the " Magnetic." This
company had up to the period in question employed
Henley's magneto-electric telegraph instruments. Young
Bright, however, perceiving the objection to any instru-
ment based on visual signalling, set to work to devise an
apparatus which would communicate signals to the ear.
The result was that in 1854 he produced the Acoustic
Telegraph, since commonly known as " Bright 's Bells."
The cardinal features of this invention (Patent Specifica-
tion No. 2,103 of 1855) were set forth in Noad and Preece's
Student's Text Book of Electricity, as follows : —
Under the ordinary system of telegraphing, it is necessary
to employ a transcriber to write down the words as interpreted
from the visual signals and dictated to him by the receiving
operator, whose eyes being fixed on the rapidly moving needles
could not be engaged in conjunction with his hands in writing.
It was found that, owing to the frequent occurrence of words
of nearly similar sound, the transcriber sometimes unavoidably
misunderstood the meaning of the receiving operator, and
altered the sense of the despatch by writing the wrong word.
Such words as two, too, to ; four, for ; hour, our, etc., may, for
instance, be very easily confounded. These errors cannot, how-
ever, arise when the clerk, who, having heard each word pass
through the acoustic telegraph letter by letter, is able — his eyes
being at liberty — to himself write what he has received without
the aid of an amanuensis. Besides the saving in staff (of writers)
and in mistakes, any injury to the eyes of the clerks is pre-
vented, and an appeal is made to an organ far better capable of
endurance and accurate interpretation.
The general principle of the instrument consists in the
sounding of two bells of different pitch by different cur-
rents. The letters and words are readily formed from
the difference in their tone and the number of beats, the
same (Morse)
alphabet being
employed as in
other telegraph
The nature of
the apparatus is
shown in the ac-
companying illus-
tration : —
a is the hammer of the bell, held back to a stop by a flexible
spring. The rod of the hammer is fixed to the projecting
horns of the movable soft iron core of an electro-magnet
b'. This electro-magnet b' is placed opposite to a fixed
horse-shoe electro-magnet b ; and the connections are
so arranged that, on the current passing from the relay,
the electro-magnets are polarised with their opposite poles
to one another. Upon a current passing, the bell affected
is at once struck, and the bell being muffled so as to pro-
duce a short sound, the blow may be repeated as rapidly
as desired without any vibration caused by one sound
interfering with that succeeding it.
A local battery supplies the mechanical power required
to strike the bells. The battery is put in connection with
either bell, according to the current — positive or negative-
passed through a relay, shown in the next illustration, where
also may be seen the general arrangement. Here, the
receiving clerk — with his head bet ween the two different toned
bells, each fixed to a wooden partition — can readily distin-
guish the signals corresponding to the beats of the needle.
As fast as he does so, he writes down their significance.
The keys with which currents are sent to work this ap-
paratus are of a simple commutating form. By pressing
down one lever, the current is made to pass in one direction,
and in the reverse when the other lever is used.
This form of telegraph, like the Morse (sounder or writer)
and other instruments of to-day, requires only one wire.
In point of speed, however, it has a great advantage, as it
utilises both positive and negative currents, while the Morse
is only available for one current. Thus, the acoustic instru-
ment only occupies in the transmission of the alphabet
about half the time of the American apparatus, and is, more-
over, much faster * than any type of visual telegraph
(except, of course, those worked on the Wheatstone auto-
matic system), for reasons already explained. It is also far
more accurate. So simple and yet speedy in its working, this
invention in still in extensive use, mainly owing to the
great increase in press messages.
During 1855, young Bright thought out another impor-
tant invention with his brother. This consisted of a
system of duplex telegraphy, fully described in the same
specification. This was worked successfully between
London and Birmingham. As, however, the " Magnetic "
1 A speed of forty words a minute is frequently attained.
Company's traffic did not then fill their wires, the system
was temporarily laid on one side.
During the year 1856 some of the Magnetic Company's
underground lines began to give trouble. The authorities
thereupon set themselves to consider how they could best
extend their overhead system. This culminated in the
absorption of the British Telegraph Company, which had
exclusive rights for overhead telegraphs along the public
roadways. After the above amalgamation, the under-
ground wires were only used in places where circumstances
rendered them specially desirable. The new " Magnetic "
had an agreement with the Submarine Telegraph Company,
under which the whole of the latter's cables were to be
worked in connection with the land lines belonging to the
Charles Bright remained engineer-in-chief to the
Magnetic Company until about 1860, from which time
(owing to press of other work) he held a consulting position
only. Thereupon Edward Bright assumed the engineership
in addition to the general management.
The business of some of the early telegraph companies
with which Charles Bright was connected flourished so
well that they were able to pay dividends as high as 15
per cent, per annum, the Magnetic Company maintaining a
steady dividend of not less than 12 per cent, for a number
of years.
The Cable to Ireland
AT the date of the first cable to Ireland, two submarine
cables had already been submerged.1 The first
serious attempt was that projected and primarily promoted
by the brothers Brett ; this was eventually carried to a
successful issue in 1851, by Mr. Thomas Russell Crampton,
a civil engineer of distinction. Prior to these, in 1849,
an experimental line with a gutta-percha core had been
laid by Mr. C. V. Walker, F.R.S., in the English Channel,
for some distance off Folkestone. Also in the following
year, another unprotected gutta-percha insulated conductor
had been laid between England and France by Mr. Charlton
Wollaston, acting as engineer to the Submarine Telegraph
Company. Through want of armoured protection, both
of these latter failed to be effective. The second successful
line was that between Dover and Ostend, being also on
behalf of the Submarine Telegraph Company.2 Thus
1 Submarine Telegraphs : Their History, Construction and Working.
By Charles Bright, F.R.S.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E.
(London: Crosby Lockwood & Son, 1888).
2 Since Bright's death this Company's cable system has been
absorbed by the State and worked by H.M. Post Office. The transfer
of the business took place in 1889, and has proved a serious matter
pecuniarily to Sir Charles' family. The late Sir Julian Goldsmid,
as chairman, did his best to bring about a satisfactory arrangement ;
but, in the end, the Company and its shareholders came off very
poorly at the hands of the Government.
Bright 's line to Ireland was the third submarine cable
communication successfully carried out. It was, however,
in much deeper water than had hitherto been experienced.1
As three previous attempts (made by others) to lay a line
across the Irish Channel had failed, every care was taken
to ensure success.
An important improvement was effected in the design
of this cable as compared with what immediately preceded
1 Referring to this line in subsequent years, the late Lord
Kelvin — when speaking in regard to the proposed memorial to the
Inception of Submarine Telegraphy— remarked : — "Thus, Sir
Charles Bright was the first to successfully lay a cable in really
deep water."
it. In this case an inner bedding of yarn was supplied
for the six insulated wires (see illustration). The total
weight of the cable was seven tons to the mile. The manu-
facture was carried out unaccompanied by any serious
mishap. As fast as it was made, it was coiled up on the
wharf ready for shipment. When the time for shipment
came, the massive six-core cable was stowed away in the
hold of the laying vessel in an oblong coil.
It so happened that the submergence of this line had to
take place during the days closely following upon Charles
Bright's marriage. The expedition was graced by the
presence of his bride, who was thus able to assist at the
telegraphic union of Great Britain and Ireland. The
expedition consisted of the screw steamer William Hutt
(with the cable and apparatus on board), the Conqueror,
and the Wizard. The ships were under the navigation con-
trol of Captain Hawes, R.N., especially appointed by the
Admiralty. Beside young Bright and his bride, there
were on board during the expedition : — Mr. Newall, the
contractor ; Mr. Statham, of the Gutta-Percha Company ;
Mr. William Reid, and Mr. T. B. Moseley.
Starting operations from the Irish coast, the shore end of
the cable was first landed at a point about two miles from
the south of Donaghadee Harbour, Co. Down, and the
laying of the deep-sea cable was then proceeded with. This
undertaking was not, however, without its vicissitudes.
The arrangements and apparatus then employed for sub-
merging a cable were, it need scarcely be said, not of the
complete character with which experience has endowed
us to-day. Each coil was turned bodily over by the men
below to take the turn out in emerging to the guide pulley
above, whence it passed through a rotometer, or speed
measurer, to a large drum on deck. Round this drum
it took several turns before passing into the sea over an iron
rail at the stern. The drum was fitted with a flexible iron
strap on its circumference, attached to a lever hand-brake,
to check the cable's rate of delivery outboard. Without
this precaution, in the deeper water (nearly a quarter of a
mile in places) the heavy monster would have " taken
charge " altogether. As it was — when a heavyish sea
arose about midway across — notwithstanding the efforts
of the man in the hold, one turn got on several occasions
under another, making a " foul flake," which would pass
up in a tangled mass. This necessitated the stopping
of the ship and a temporary cessation of paying-out opera-
tions till the great knot was unravelled. Such an opera-
tion as this is no easy matter when the extreme rigidity of
this heavily armoured cable, with its twelve stout iron wires,
is considered.
Thus it was that the expedition did not arrive and anchor
off Port Patrick, on the southern border of Wigtownshire,
until midnight, the landing of the shore end being deferred
till the following morning. This final operation was
performed, amid much enthusiasm, in Mora Bay, a little
to the north of Port Patrick. As soon as the cable end had
been taken up to the position assigned for it, the signal-
ling apparatus was put into operation, and the following
message despatched to Dublin :—
May 2yd, 1853.
The Directors of the British and Irish Magnetic Telegraph
Company beg to acquaint His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant
that they have this morning successfully effected communication
between the shores of Great Britain and Ireland by means of a
submarine cable from Port Patrick to Donaghadee.
The cable lasted, with slight repairs, for many years—
up to, and long after, the purchase of the Magnetic
Company's lines by Government, in 1870.
In later years, when referring to this expedition, Sir
Charles Bright used to humorously remark that, so long
as we had telegraphic communication with Ireland, there
could be no possible need for discussing the question of
Irish Home Rule.
The Atlantic Cable
Investigations and Stepping-Stones
WE now come to the most arduous, as well as the
most interesting and memorable achievement of
Charles Bright's career, namely, the telegraphic linking of
England and America by submarine cable.
In A Midsummer Night's Dream, Shakespeare makes
Puck say, " I'll put a girdle round about the earth in forty
minutes ! " Though little Puck never carried out his boast,
the subject of our memoir in the undertaking here referred
to went some way towards realising it in practice. From
this he acquired such fame, whilst only twenty-six years old,
as few men engaged in carrying out the great works of
the world can ever hope to attain. This achievement was
characterised by The Times as " the accomplishment of the
age," and by Prof. Morse as " the great feat of the century."
The part Bright took in this then unprecedented enter-
prise included the scientific demonstration of its practica-
bility, the projection, the provision of capital, the organisa-
tion, and the ultimate successful laying of 2,200 miles of
cable across ocean depths of two to three miles, in the
face of storms, repeated breakages, and every kind of
difficulty. By his scientific knowledge, ingenuity, and
determined pluck, he carried it through at a time when only
a few short cables had been successfully laid — mostly in
comparative^ shallow water — and when the art of submarine
cable work was in its infancy as regards construction, insula-
tion, and mechanical appliances. Nothing so daring as
a cable laid in an open seaway had, in fact, yet been at-
tempted ; and in his Presidential Address to the Institution
of Electrical Engineers, in 1889, Lord Kelvin, referring to
this undertaking, said : " We must always feel indebted to
Sir Charles Bright as the pioneer in that great work, when
other engineers would not look at it, and thought it was
absolutely impracticable." Many at Bright's age would
have flinched at the responsibility with so limited an ex-
Before the Atlantic Telegraph could assume a practical
shape, the following had to be effected l :—
1. Ocean soundings, showing the depths and nature of the
sea-bottom, required to be taken and placed on record.
2. Experiments had to be made to prove that a conductor,
insulated with gutta percha, and of the necessary length (over
2,000 miles), could be signalled through for telegraphic purposes.
3. A suitable form of cable for the specific purpose must be
4. Provision had to be made to prevent competition, so that—
for some time, at least — a fair return might accrue to those who
staked their capital in what then appeared so risky an enterprise.
5. The confidence of the moneyed mercantile class — who would
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable. By Charles Bright, F.R.S.E.,
M.I.E.E. (London: George Newnes, Ltd., 1903).
mostly benefit by such a means of communication— required
to be won ; and
6. Government recognition had to be obtained, and, if possible,
Government subsidies.
Lieutenant O. H. Berryman, U.S.N., had run a line of
deep-sea soundings in the Atlantic basin between New-
foundland and Ireland in the summer of 1856, from the U.S.
steamer Arctic. The soundings gave a general depth of
about two miles and a half, gradually shoaling on the New-
foundland side, but rising more quickly towards the Irish
shore. The entire route was marked by an oozy bottom,
of which specimens brought to the surface were shown
under the microscope to consist of the tiny shells of animal-
cula — the indestructible outside skeletons of diatomacea
and fomminifem. No sand or gravel was found on the ocean
bed, from which it was deduced that no currents or other
disturbing elements existed at those depths. The plateau,
or ridge, which extended for some 400 miles in breadth, was,
in fact, considered a veritable feather-bed for a cable,
when once weather and other conditions allowed of its
safe submersion. Lieut. M. F. Maury, U.S.N., Chief of the
National U.S. Observatory— to whom the observations and
results of Lieut. Berryman were referred— made a long
report to the Secretary of the U.S. Navy, dated February
22, 1854, in which he remarked :—
This line of deep-sea soundings seems to be decisive on the ques-
tion of the practicability of a submarine telegraph between the
two continents, in so far as the bottom of the deep sea is concerned.
From Newfoundland to Ireland the distance between the nearest
points is about 1,600 miles ; and at the bottom of the sea be-
tween the two places there exists a " plateau," or shallow plat-
form, which seems to have been placed especially for the purpose
of holding the wires of a submarine telegraph, and of keeping them
out of harm's way. . . . But whether it would be better to lead
the wires from Newfoundland or Labrador is not now the point
at issue ; not do I pretend to consider the question as to the
possibility of findings time calm enough, the sea smooth enough,
a wire long enough, or a ship big enough to lay a coil of wire six-
teen hundred miles in length. Still, I have no fear but that the
enterprise and ingenuity of the age, whenever called upon to
solve these problems, will be ready with a satisfactory and prac-
tical solution of them.
Similar conclusions to these were arrived at from the
soundings taken in the North Atlantic by Commander
Joseph Dayman, R.N., in H.M.S. Cyclops, a little while
The possibility of laying an Atlantic line had taken firm
hold in the mind of Charles Bright, ever since the success-
ful laying of the cables to France, Ireland, and Belgium.
Between 1853 and 1855, he and his brother Edward had
(as already stated) carried on an extensive series of experi-
ments on the great lengths of underground gutta-percha-
covered wires under their management. In these wires
the conditions were similar, electrically speaking, to those
existing in the case of a submarine cable. By linking the
wires to and fro between London and Dublin — including
the conductors of one of the Irish cables — or employing
the ten wires between London and Manchester, Charles
Bright was enabled to extend these investigations until the
total length under test was upwards of 2,000 miles. He was
thus able to determine the practicability of working through
a cable of the length required to connect Ireland with New-
To avoid interrupting the traffic, the experiment had to
be made during the night, or on Sundays. Hence, on many
occasions, young Bright was unable to return home at the
end of a heavy's day work.
The inductive effect observed in the earlier stage of
these trials was then an entirely novel phenomenon, as was
also the consequent retardation of the current. In 1855,
the practical results of these researches were included
in a patent taken out by Charles Bright and his brother
for signalling through long distances of gutta-percha-
insulated conductors by the employment of alternating
During these years the Magnetic Company's system had
been completed by Bright through Ireland, and extended
to the West Coast at various points, including Limerick,
Galway, Sligo, Portrush, Tralee, and Cape Clear Island.
The wires were erected mostly on the railways and under
exclusive agreements ; and a few miles' extension from one
or other of these stations would suffice to connect the system
to an Atlantic cable.
While Charles Bright was engaged on the completion of
his experiments preliminary to the great Atlantic work,
his brother — accompanied by some of the " Magnetic " staff —
took an opportunity of surveying, in the summer of 1855,
the westernmost part of the Irish coast in a fishing smack,
for the purpose of ascertaining the best landing-place for
the proposed cable. The main conditions .required by Bright
were : —
(1) Freedom from anchorage.
(2) Shelter from rough weather.
(3) A smooth bottom for the heavy shore end of the cable,
and the deeper part at the approach clear of rocks.
Various small harbours and bays between Bantry Bay and
Ventry Harbour were examined ; also Doulas Bay, Valentia,
leading up to the Cahirciveen on the mainland. Valentia
Harbour was eventually considered to best comply with
requirements— beside being almost the nearest point to the
outstretched hand of Newfoundland — and Edward Bright
reported accordingly to his brother Charles.1
Whilst Ireland was thus telegraphically equipped as the
great stepping-stone on this side of the ocean, matters on the
American side were not so far advanced. The work there
was much heavier, for it involved a long land telegraph across
Newfoundland over a very wild country.
In 1852, Mr. Frederick Newton Gisborne, an English
engineer, in concert with a small American syndicate, had
obtained an exclusive concession and sole cable landing
rights for thirty years in Newfoundland, subject to the erec-
tion of a line between St. John's and Cape Ray in the Gulf
of St. Lawrence, whence news and messages were to be
passed to and from Cape Breton, on the other side of the Gulf,
by steamer or carrier pigeons. A few miles of cable were
made in England, and laid between Prince Edward Island
and New Brunswick with much difficulty. Mr. Gisborne
1 The selection has been abundantly justified, as may be gathered
from the number of Atlantic cables since landed there, or in the
immediate vicinity.
then surveyed the route for the Newfoundland line, and
even erected about forty miles of it. At this stage, his
American associates stopped supplies. When in New York,
in 1854, however, Gisborne was fortunately introduced to
Cyrus West Field, a retired Merchant. Mr. Field was a
man of sanguine temperament and intense business energy l ;
and having caught on to the idea of the Atlantic Cable, had
the acumen to recognise the importance of turning to useful
purpose the exclusive rights granted to Mr. Gisborne. He
formed a strong syndicate with half a dozen friends, and
procured a concession with improved terms.
Armed with this apparent monopoly, but as his brother,
Mr. Henry Field, expressed it, " with no experience in the
business of laying a submarine telegraph," the presiding genius
of this Newfoundland Company was despatched to England
at the end of 1854, where he ordered a cable of about eighty
miles, to span the Gulf of St. Lawrence between Cape Ray
and the Island of Cape Breton. There he became acquainted
with Mr. John Watkins Brett, who, with his brother Jacob,
had taken the foremost part in establishing the first lines
to France and Belgium. In the spring of 1855, Mr. Brett
took £5,000 in shares and bonds in the " Newfoundland "
Company, thus becoming a partner on equal terms with
Mr. Field and the other members of the syndicate.
The attempt to lay the Cape Breton cable was a failure,
1 In his 1887 Inaugural Address to the Society of Telegraph
Engineers (now the Institution of Electrical Engineers), Sir Charles
described Mr. Field as " rapid in thinking and acting, and endowed
with courage and perseverance under difficulties— qualities which
are rarely met with " (see Journal I.E.E., vol. xvi., p. 7).
partly owing to rough weather. But in the following year
the Contractors (Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co.) successfully
accomplished the task; and in 1856 the aerial land line
was stretched across Newfoundland.
Thus, then, the series of stepping-stones were now also
completed on the American side.
Formation of the Company and Construction of the Cable
The next step towards the realisation of the enterprise,
in which Charles Bright's energy was centred, had better
be told in his own words : *
In July, 1856, Mr. Cyrus Field, the deputy-chairman of the
New York and Newfoundland Telegraph Company, left America
for London, empowered by his associates to deal with the ex-
clusive concession possessed by that Company for the coast of
Newfoundland and other rights in Nova Scotia. He had been
here before about telegraph business, and I had discussed the
Atlantic line with him in the previous year.
On September 2gth, 1856, an agreement was entered into be-
tween Mr. Brett, Mr. Field, and myself, by which we mutually, and
on equal terms, engaged to exert ourselves with the view to, and for
the purpose of, forming a Company for establishing and working
of electric telegraphic communication between Newfoundland and
Ireland, such Company to be called the " Atlantic Telegraph Com-
pany," or by such other name as the parties hereto shall jointly
agree upon.
1 Sir Charles Bright's Presidential Address to the Society of
Telegraph Engineers and Electricians, 1887.
We here reproduce the signatures as they are at the foot
of this agreement :—
The above " promoters and projectors " were a little
later joined by Mr. Edward Orange Wildman Whitehouse,
originally a medical practitioner. Mr. Whitehouse had been
engaged for some time upon experiments similar to those
on which the brothers Bright had worked, with a view to
overcoming the difficulties incidental to long distance
ocean telegraphy.
The time had now come for action. As a result of con-
siderable discussion, the two Governments concerned
came to recognise the grandeur and feasibility of this un-
dertaking for linking together the two English-speaking
nations, and the benefits it would confer upon humanity.
Both the English and United States Governments gave a
subsidy, which jointly amounted to eight per cent, on the
capital, but payable only while the cable worked.
The Atlantic Telegraph Company was registered on
October 20th, 1856.
The Magnetic Company, under the management of
Charles Bright, had proved a success from its foundation
in 1852. The lines had been constructed, and the staff
trained, under his supervision ; while the improved tele-
graphic apparatus, and appliances employed, were devised
by him. The headquarters were in Liverpool ; and the
shareholders were composed of . the leading merchants
and shipowners there, as well as in Manchester, London,
Glasgow and Dublin. The Magnetic Company's Board
was composed of practical business men, who fully appre-
ciated the immense advantages which direct communication
with America would bring them, not only as regards their
trade, but on account of increased traffic over the " Mag-
netic " lines, which alone extended through Ireland. The
directors had also acquired thorough confidence in their
comparatively youthful engineer, whilst appreciating the
value of the experiments and scientific investigations which
he had carried out.
The first meeting of the " Atlantic " Company was
convened for November I2th, 1856, at the Underwriters'
Rooms in the Exchange, Liverpool, by a small circular, on
a half-sheet of notepaper, issued by Mr. Edward Bright
from the Magnetic Company's chief office. Most of the
enterprise, influence, and wealth of the town were repre-
sented, and the inspiriting addresses of Messrs. Field and
Brett, accompanied by the scientific explanations (and
answers to questions) of Charles Bright, were exceedingly
well received.
So much enthusiasm had been aroused by the experi-
ments and explanations already alluded to, that in the
course of a few days the entire capital was raised by
the issue of 350 shares of £1,000 each, chiefly taken up
by the shareholders of the Magnetic Company. The
public lists were opened at the latter's headquarters in
the Exchange, Liverpool, and at their other principal
offices. The first to put down their names were Charles
Bright and two old friends, Mr. Joseph Hubback (Mayor
of Liverpool), and Mr. Charles Pickering (of Messrs.
Schroder & Co.), the two former for £2,000 each, and
the latter for £6,000. Subsequently, Mr. J. W. Brett,
who was a man of wealth, took up shares to the value
of £25,000, Mr. Field following his example for a similar
The formation of the Company was absolutely unique
at the time, and formed a fit complement to the grandeur
of the enterprise. There was no promotion money ; no
prospectus was published. There were no advertisements,
no brokers, and no commissions were paid ; nor were
there either board of directors or executive officers. The
election of a Board was left to a meeting of shareholders,
to be held after the allotment of shares had been made
by a provisional committee. Any remuneration of the
projectors was made wholly dependent upon, and subject
to, the profits of the shareholders amounting to 10 per
cent, per annum, the surplus being then divided between
the promoters and the Company.
To show the interest taken in the scheme, even those
entirely unconnected with business took shares, among
others being the widow of Lord Byron, and Mr. Thackeray
the author.
Mr. Field had reserved £75,000 for American subscrip-
tion, for which he signed, in addition to what he took for
himself ; but his confidence in his compatriots turned
out to be greatly misplaced. The result has been thus
told by Mr. Henry Field l : —
In taking so large a share it was not his intention to
carry this load alone. It was too large a proportion for
one man. But he took it for his countrymen. He thought
one-fourth of the stock should be held in this country (the
United States) and he did not doubt, from the eagerness with
which three-fourths had been taken in England, that the
remainder would be at once subscribed in America.
It was only, in fact, after much trouble that subscribers
were obtained in America for a total of twenty-seven shares —
or less than one-twelfth of the total capital. The faith
of the Americans in the project proved to be small ; for—
notwithstanding their confessed enthusiasm — they certainly
did not readily rise to the occasion, and when they did
so it was only after considerable pressure.
The negotiations with Government led to important
results, which were thus embodied in a letter :—
November loth, 1856.
Having laid before the Lords Commissioners of Her Majesty's
Treasury your letter of the I5th ult., addressed to the Earl of
1 Brother of Mr. Cyrus Field. He subsequently wrote an animating
description of the enterprise.
Clarendon, requesting certain privileges and protection in regard
to the line of telegraph which it is proposed to establish between
Newfoundland and Ireland, I am directed by their Lordships
to inform you that they are prepared to enter into a contract,
based upon the following conditions, viz. —
1. It is understood that the capital required to lay down the
line will be (£350,000) three hundred and fifty thousand pounds.
2. Her Majesty's Government engage to furnish the aid of
ships to take what soundings may still be considered needful, or
to verify those already taken, and favourably to consider any
request that may be made to furnish aid by their vessels in laying
down the cable.
3. The British Government, from the time of the connection
of the line, and so long as it shall continue in working order,
undertakes to pay at the rate of (£14,000) fourteen thousand
pounds a year, being at the rate of four per cent, on the assumed
capital, as a fixed remuneration for the work done on behalf of
the Government, in the conveyance outward and homeward of
their messages. This payment to continue until the net profits
of the proposed Company are equal to a dividend of six pounds
per cent, per annum, when the payment shall be reduced to
(£10,000) ten thousand pounds a year, for a period of twenty-five
years. •
It is, however, understood that if the Government messages
in any year shall, at the usual tariff charged to the public,
amount to a larger sum, such additional payment shall be made
as equivalent thereto.
4. That the British Government shall have a priority in the
conveyance of their messages over all others, subject to the excep-
tion only of the Government of the United States, in the event
of their entering into an arrangement with the Telegraph Com-
pany similar in principle to that of the British Government, in
which case the messages of the two Governments shall have
priority in the order in which they arrive at the stations.
5. That the tariff of charges shall be fixed with the consent
of the Treasury, and shall not be increased, without such con-
sent being obtained, as long as this contract lasts.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient servant,
The first meeting of shareholders took place on December
gth, 1856, and a board of directors was elected. The first
chairman was Mr. Brown, M.P. (afterwards Sir William
Brown, Bart.), Mr. Samuel Gurney, M.P., and after him
Mr. T. H. Brooking, being deputy-chairman, whilst Mr.
Lampson (later Sir Curtis Lampson, Bart.) was vice-chair-
man. At a subsequent date the chair was occupied by the
Right Hon. James Stuart- Wortley, M.P.
To instance the large part taken by the Magnetic Company
in this undertaking, no less than ten of the Board of the
" Atlantic " were also directors or shareholders of the
" Magnetic," prominent amongst them being Mr. Brett
and Mr. (afterwards Sir John) Pender, who was ultimately
associated with so many cable enterprises.
Professor William Thomson, of Glasgow — afterwards
Lord Kelvin, G.C.V.O., F.R.S.— was a tower of scientific
strength on the Board. He had been from the outset a
great believer in the Atlantic Cable, having, indeed, stated
his views as to its practicability before the Royal Society
in the year 1854. His acquisition as a director was
destined to prove of vast importance in influencing the
development of trans-oceanic communication ; for his
subsequent experiments on the Atlantic Cable during
1857-58 led up to his invention of the mirror galvanometer
and signalling instrument, whereby the most attenuated
currents of electricity, which were incapable of producing
visible signals on other telegraph apparatus, were so magni-
fied in their effect by reflection as to be readily legible.
Charles Bright was appointed Engineer-in-Chief by the
Board, with Mr. Whitehouse as Electrician. Mr. Cyrus Field
became the General Manager, and later, Managing Director.
The chart on next page (a reproduction of the original)
shows the route proposed and adopted for the cable,
together with the line of soundings taken by Lieut.
Berryman and Commander Dayman.
Charles Bright recommended a cable with a much larger
copper conductor than had ever been used before, weighing,
in fact, 3! cwt. (392 Ib.) per nautical mile, and the same
weight of gutta-percha for the insulator, but he found that
this point had been settled and the contract given out
before he became engineer.1 Indeed, a provisional commit-
tee of those registering the Company had in their anxiety
to save time — and to enable the work to be carried out
during the summer of 1857— entered into contracts for a
cable with only 107 Ib. of copper conductor per nautical
mile and 261 Ib. of gutta-percha insulation. It is true
that the core specified by Charles Bright would have weighed
on the 2,500 miles of cable to be shipped about 460 tons
more ; but the cable having upwards of 3^ times the con-
ducting power the signalling speed he calculated on from
1 On being consulted by the Government in regard to the pro-
posed Falmouth-Gibraltar line in 1859, Bright recommended the
same core as above. In this instance he had the satisfaction of
seeing his recommendation adopted, though the cable was ultimately
applied to connecting up Malta and Alexandria.
the preceding experiments would then have been realised—
besides which the insulation would have been more reliable.
Unfortunately, those who had arranged for the smaller
core were fully supported by Mr. Whitehouse's views ;
which, moreover, received entire approval from that great
electrical savant, Michael Faraday, as well as from Pro-
fessor Morse. The latter reported that " large coated
wires used beneath the water, or the earth, are worse con-
ductors— so far as velocity of transmission is concerned —
than small ones ; and therefore are not so well suited as
smaU ones for the purposes of submarine transmission of
telegraphic signals." Not so, however, Professor Thomson,
who had previously crossed swords with Mr. Whitehouse
in connection with the latter's B.A. paper of 1854, on
" Experimental Observations on an Electric Cable." Mr.
Whitehouse appeared to consider a low inductive capacity
as the one and only point to be aimed at in the design of
a submarine conductor, without regard to the resistance
offered by the wire to an electric current. On his appoint-
ment as engineer, Charles Bright made every effort to
get the contract altered in favour of the larger conductor
which he had recommended ; but this change was not
-CQ^dered practicable, as it would have meant the raising
of a considerable amount of further capital.
What the actual manufacture of the cable alone entailed,
the following detailed description will serve to show : —
The conductor, weighing 107 Ib. per nautical mile, con-
sisted of seven strands of copper wire, each of No. 22 gauge,
covered with 261 Ib. of gutta-percha, in three separate
layers, r8 to No. 'oo B.W.G. f inch. This insulated
core was then served spirally with hemp yarn saturated
with a preservative composition of tar, pitch, linseed oil,
and wax. The core was next protected by an armour of
eighteen iron strands, each composed of seven fine wires
also of No. 22 gauge, wound
around1 in a long spiral.2 The
finished cable then received a
coating of a cold mixture (re-
ferred to further on) of tar,
pitch and linseed oil. Its weight
in air was about 20 cwt., and in
water 13^ cwt., with a breaking
strain of about 13!- tons.
1 The manner in which the specimens had been given out for
tender by the original provisional committee to the different firms,
led to the wires being eventually applied with an opposite lay at the
two sheathing factories. On Charles Bright becoming engineer he
learnt what had been done by the Committee. The matter was not,
however, considered to be serious, neither was it found so afterwards.
2 This particular type of iron sheathing was adopted partly at
the suggestion of the late Mr. Isambard Kingdom Brunei, F.R.S.,
one of the greatest engineers of the day. Mr. Glass also strongly
recommended it. Nowadays, such wires would be considered too
fine, besides the stranding being, on the whole, undesirable ; but at
that time there was great difficulty in obtaining a high-class wire
from larger gauges.
For each end approaching the shore, the sheathing (see
illustration) consisted of twelve wires of No. o gauge, mak-
ing the total weight over eight tons to the mile. This type
was adopted for the first ten miles from the Irish coast,
and for fifteen miles from the landing at Newfoundland, at
both of which localities rocks had been found to abound
Only six months was allowed for the manufacturers to
complete the 2,500 miles. This involved the preparation
and drawing of 17,500 miles of copper and stranding it into
the 2,500 miles of conductor. Then the three separate
coatings of gutta-percha had to be applied outside, and
subsequently the yarn. Finally 315,000 miles of char-
coal-iron wire had to be drawn and laid up into 45,000
miles of strand, and the core then to be covered with
it. The entire length of copper and iron wire employed
was therefore 322,500 miles — enough to engirdle the earth
thirteen times, and considerably more than enough to
extend from the earth to the moon.
The manufacture of the core was entrusted to the Gutta-
Percha Company, and that for the outer sheathing divided
between Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co., and Messrs. R. S.
Newall & Co., the former to cover half the cable with its
outer sheath at East Greenwich, and the latter to treat
the other half at Birkenhead, these firms being practically
the only manufacturers of that description at the time.
This subdivision of labour (by giving half the contract to
Messrs. Newall) was decided upon in order, in the first
place, to complete the work within the appointed time ; and
secondly, with a view to checking threatened opposition.
This was a somewhat prejudicial arrangement, as it precluded
any testing or trial of the entire length until the ships
met at Queenstown ; but Mr. Field and some of his associates
were anxious to hurry on. Their sole aim was to get the
immense length of cable made and laid the following summer
—a few months only after it was actually ordered.
The construction of the line was commenced with all
despatch at the three factories.
When once the wheels had been fairly set in motion, it
was necessary for Charles Bright to gather round him a
competent staff of engineers, ready for the expedition.
First of all, as his chief assistant, he secured the services
of Mr. Samuel Canning, who had laid the Gulf of St.
Lawrence cable for Messrs. Glass & EUiot, in the preceding
year. The next place was filled by Mr. William Henry
Woodhouse, who had laid cables for Mr. Brett in the Mediter-
ranean. Then came Mr. F. C. Webb, who had probably
been associated — in one capacity or another — with more
early cable work than any other single telegraph engineer.
Finally, Mr. Henry Clifford joined. He was a cousin of
the Taylors, and was in this way introduced to the under-
taking, besides being a mechanical engineer of considerable
A few extracts from Charles Bright's diary may here be
of interest, as showing the arduous and constant vigilance
necessary in superintending the manufacture :—
January ist, 1857. — At Greenwich (Glass & Elliot's), saw
sample cable 60 ft. long spun off. Considered about keeping
the wire in tank either always covered with water or always
dry. Appointment with Edgington's re tarpaulin for covering
coils. Talked with Canning as to undertaking part of charge of
paying-out machinery. Appointment for test cable.
Saturday, yd. — To Brown & Lenox's, at Millwall, at one
to test cable with Glass. Two samples broke off at the clamp,
not fair trial ; fresh appointment for Tuesday.
Tuesday, 6th.— -To Brown & Lenox's to test cable ; stood up
to 3 tons ii cwt. Then to Greenwich, testing joints.
Monday, igth. To Gutta-Percha Works in morning, then to
Greenwich. Spinning started with one machine. Discussion
as to tacpaulin covering. Edgington's want £350 for six months'
rent of tarpaulins.
Friday, 2yd. — Tar-pitch mixture (cold) answers very well for
coating (with a brush) outside of cable, as a preservative against
January 27 th. — 3 barrels tar \
| barrel pitch, Preservative mixture
12 Ib. beeswax, ( decided on.
6 gallons linseed oil./
Twelve or thirteen gallons per mile.
All the contractors concerned in this work were ready
with their supply within the time stipulated.
Among the illustrious visitors at Greenwich during the
construction were the Prince of Wales (now His Majesty
the King) and Prince Alfred (afterwards Duke of Edinburgh).
Both evinced a lively interest in the work, and carefully
studied each stage of the manufacture, young Bright having
the honour of acting as " showman."
Ships, Stowage, and Departure for Valentia
Charles Bright was but twenty-four years old at the
time when he was appointed Chief Engineer to carry out
this important and far-reaching enterprise — enabling the
people of two great Continents to speak together, in a few
moments of time, though separated by a vast ocean.
The work involved was enormous, and few engineers
have, at his age, been placed in a position of such heavy
(From the Illustrated London News at this period)
Improved paying-out machinery to suit the great depths
required to be devised. He had to select ships suitable
to carry two thousand five hundred miles of cable, and to
prepare them to receive it, together with the requisite
machinery, so arranging the distribution of weight as to
keep them fairly in trim. In addition there was the neces-
sity for more or less constant attendance on the directors
—meeting as they did almost daily — and the preparation
of frequent reports.
It was just about this time — the end of 1856 — that the
scene of young Bright's home was changed from South-
port, near Liverpool, to The Cedars, near Harrow.
Soon after becoming engineer to the undertaking, in
conjunction with the authorities of the Admiralty, he had
visited and inspected various ships. Eventually H.M.S.
Agamemnon was selected and placed by Government at
the service of the Company. She proved to be splendidly
adapted, by her very peculiar construction, for the service
of receiving the cable. In this capacious receptacle nearly
half the cable was stowed away. She was a screw-pro-
pelled line-of-battle ship of ninety-one guns, and one of the
finest in our navy. She was to do more during her coming
mission to bring about the reign of peace — by drawing
together in closer communion the several nations of the
earth — than any man-of-war was ever called to do, before
or after. The American Government, after five months'
hesitation, sent over the largest and finest ships of their
navy, the U.S. frigate Niagara, a screw-corvette, which,
with her tonnage of 5,200, exceeded in size our largest line-
of-battle ship. Unfortunately, the Niagara had to ex-
perience much cutting about to enable her to accommo-
date the required length of cable. As a consort, the U.S.
paddle frigate Susquehanna was also detailed for the expe-
dition. H.M.S. Leopard was similarly provided by our
Government, whilst H.M. sounding vessel Cyclops was to
precede this little fleet, to show the way.
During the short time left, Charles Bright devised ap-
paratus for paying out the cable on a somewhat different
principle from that which had hitherto been in use for laying
cables in comparatively shallow water. This was ren-
dered necessary on account of the fresh conditions. More-
over, the apparatus previously in vogue was of a rather
primitive kind, consisting of a drum, round which the cable
was coiled several times, with a brake strap surrounding
it, regulated by a hand lever upon a more or less " rule of
thumb " system. This arrangement had repeatedly broken
down, notably in 1854 in the Mediterranean, when the
cable slipped upon the surface of the brake-drum used
to check it, and flew out of the vessel with great force,
cutting its way through the bulwarks of the ship in its
passage. The same trouble of the cable surging and
" taking charge " with the above rough and ready appli-
ances, also occurred between Sardinia and Algeria in the
following year.
Bright's machinery for regulating the egress of the cable
from the laying vessels was constructed with a view to (i)
the great depth of water to be passed over, (2) the constant
strain, and (3) the number of days during which the opera-
tion must unceasingly be in progress. There were also
arrangements by means of which picking up could be
effected from the bows, and the cable taken aft to the
" winding-in " machine.
In connection with this undertaking Charles Bright
further invented a patent log, a wheel of which was " ar-
ranged to make and break an electric circuit at every
revolution." A gutta-percha-covered wire was run up
from the revolving wheel on to the deck of the ship, so that
it should carry the current whenever the circuit was com-
pleted, and record there (upon a piece of apparatus pro-
vided for the purpose) the speed of the vessel.
It had previously been intended to start laying the cable
by both ships simultaneously from mid-ocean, and Charles
Bright, backed by his immediate staff— as well as by all
the nautical authorities concerned— strongly urged this
course. The electrician, Mr. E. O. Wildman Whitehouse,
however— whose health did not permit him to sail with the
expedition— together with the other electricians, urged
that one ship commencing to pay out from Ireland, the
other should continue the work when the first had used
up all her cable. This course necessarily doubled the time
taken in laying, and left the junction between the two cable
ends to be effected in the deepest water, when it might
be impracticable through rough weather. Yet such was
the anxiety of the Board to keep in touch with the expe-
dition, for daily reports of progress, that they followed the
counsel of the electricians.1
By the third week in July (within the course of as many
weeks) the great ships had received all their precious cargo—
the Agamemnon in the Thames, and the Niagara in the
Then came some farewell feastings. It seemed to be
considered a suitable occasion for giving a banquet in honour
of Bright and others about to take part in the laying of the
A few days later, the last coil of cable having been
shipped on the Agamemnon from the Greenwich Works,
the occasion was duly honoured by a scene as unique as it
was beautiful.
To quote The Times of July 24th :—
All the details connected with the manufacture and stowage
of the cable are now completed, and the conclusion of the arduous
labour was celebrated yesterday with high festivity and rejoicing.
All the artisans who have been engaged on the great work, with
their wives and families, a large party of the officers, with the
sailors from the Agamemnon, and a number of distinguished
scientific visitors, were entertained upon this occasion at a kind
of fete champetre at Belvedere House, the seat of Sir Culling
Eardley, near Erith. Although in no way personally interested
in the project, the honourable baronet has all along evinced the
liveliest sympathy with the undertaking. The tradespeople,
1 Charles Bright's plan was, however, adopted in the expedition
of the following year.
fired with generous emulation, erected spacious tents on the lawn
and provided a magnificent banquet for the guests, and a sub-
stantial one for the sailors of the Agamemnon and the artificers
who had been employed in the construction of the cable. By
an admirable arrangement, the guests were accommodated at a
vast semicircular table which ran round the whole pavilion,
while the sailors and workmen sat at right angles with the chord,
so that the general effect was that all lunched together, while at
the same time sufficient distinction was preserved to satisfy the
most fastidious. The three centre tables were occupied by the
crew of the Agamemnon, a fine active body of men, who paid
the greatest attention to the speeches, and drank all the toasts
with remarkable punctuality — at least, so long as their three
pints of beer per man lasted. But we regret to add that with
the heat of the day and the enthusiasm of Jack in the cause of
science, the mugs were all empty long before the chairman's
list of toasts had been gone through. Next in interest to the
sailors were the workmen and their wives and babies, all being
permitted to assist. The latter, it is true, sometimes squalled
at an affecting peroration, but that rather improved the effect
than otherwise ; and the presence of their little ones only marked
the genuine good feeling of the employers, who had thus invited
not only their workmen but their workmen's families to the feast.
It was a momentary return to the old patriarchal times, and every
one present seemed delighted with the experiment.
These festivities having come to an end, the Agamemnon
set out for Sheerness to adjust compasses. The Observer
in a report stated :—
When leaving her moorings, opposite Glass & Elliot's Works,
the scene was one of considerable interest. Many thousands of
persons thronged the river side as far as Greenwich Hospital.
In the immediate neighbourhood of the factory a salute was
fired as the proud vessel moved away, and a deafening cheer
was raised by the assembled crowds. The crew of H.M.S.
Agamemnon manned the gunwales, and returned the cheer with
lusty lungs, while from the stern gallery ladies waved their
handkerchiefs, and savants forgot for awhile the mysteries of
electricity and submarine cable work, as they returned the
hearty cheers which reached them from the shore.
The Agamemnon was taken in tow by three steam-tugs, one
on each side, and a third in front. The tall masts of the giant
ship were watched with anxious eagerness till they were lost in
the far distance, and her huge hull disappeared amid the numer-
ous bends and windings of the river.
The two ships met at Queenstown, Cork, on July 30th.
Charles Bright at once ran a piece of cable between the
ships, which were moored about three-quarters of a mile
apart, so as to enable the entire length of 2,500 miles to
be tested and worked through. The experiments were
continued by Mr. Whitehouse for two days, the whole cable
proving to be perfect.
What by that time had become known as the " Wire
Squadron," sailed from this rendezvous for Valentia Bay
on Monday, August 3rd.
After its full strength had been collected at Queenstown,
the fleet was composed as follows :—
The U.S. screw-steamer Niagara to lay the half of the
cable from Valentia Bay, Ireland.
The U.S. paddle-steamer Susquehanna to attend as
consort to the Niagara.
H.M. screw-steamer Agamemnon, to lay the half of the
cable on the American side.
H.M. paddle-steamer Leopard to attend upon the Agamem-
H.M. screw-steamer Cyclops to go ahead of the steamers
and keep the course.
H.M. tender Advice, and the steam-tug Willing Mind,
to assist in landing the cable at Valentia.
Then in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, the U.S. screw-
steamer Arctic and the paddle-steamer Victoria (chartered
by the " Newfoundland " Telegraph Company) were to
await the arrival of the fleet, and assist in landing the cable.
Advantage was taken of the passage from Cork to experi-
ment with the paying-out machinery, which was found to
be perfectly satisfactory.
The " Wire Squadron " at Valentia
On arrival at Valentia Harbour, on August 4th, the ships
were most hospitably welcomed by the Knight of Kerry,
Sir Peter Fitzgerald, who had from the commencement
taken a keen interest in the project. Then, His Excel-
lency the Earl of Carlisle, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland—
with his suite and many friends to the cable — had journeyed
from Dublin Castle by special train, and the little corner
of Ireland was quite en fete in this " the next parish to
During that afternoon the Agamemnon and Niagara,
with their consorts, hove in sight. The following morning
Charles Bright and his assistants were occupied in complet-
ing the arrangements for landing the massive shore end,
which was calculated to withstand damage from any
anchorage in the bay. The landing-place which had been
finally selected was a little cove known as Ballycarberry,
about three miles from Caherciveen, in Valentia Harbour.
The two small assistant steamers — Willing Mind, a tug
with a zeal worthy of her name, and Advice, ready not
merely with advice but most lusty help — with several other
launches and boats, were employed on this operation, which
commenced at about two o'clock on the afternoon of August
5th, and was thus described in one of several newspaper
reports :—
Valentia Bay was studded with innumerable small craft
decked with the gayest bunting. Small boats flitted hither and
thither, their occupants cheering enthusiastically as the work
successfully progressed. The cable boats were managed by the
sailors of the Niagara and the Susquehanna. It was a well-
designed compliment, and indicative of the future fraternisation
of the nations, that the shore rope was arranged to be presented
at this side of the Atlantic to the representative of the Queen by
the officers and men of the United States Navy ; and that at
the other side the British officers and sailors should make a
similar presentation to the President of the great Republic.
From the mainland the operations were watched with intense
interest. For several hours the Lord Lieutenant stood on the
beach surrounded by his staff and the directors of the railway
and telegraph companies, waiting the arrival of the cable. When
at length the American sailors jumped through the surge with
the hawser to which it was attached, his Excellency was among
the first to lay hold of it and pull it lustily to the shore. Indeed,
every one present seemed desirous of having a hand in the great
work. Never before, perhaps, were there so many willing assist-
ants at the long pull, the strong pull, and the pull all together.
At half-past seven o'clock the cable was hauled on shore at
Ballycarberry Strand, and formal presentation was made of it
to the Lord Lieutenant, his Excellency expressing a hope that
the work so well begun would be carried to a satisfactory com-
After the vicar of the parish had offered a prayer for
the success of the undertaking, the Lord Lieutenant closed
the proceedings with some inspiriting remarks. The work
connected with the landing of the shore end was not actually
completed till sunset ; so, as it was too late to proceed on
their journey, the ships remained at anchor in the bay till
That night there was a grand ball at the little village
of Knightstown, and the day dawn caught the merry-
makers still engaged in their festivities. In writing to his
wife, young Bright described the scene as viewed from
the Agamemnon, in the following words :—
A bonfire of peat, piled up as high as a good-sized two-story
house, sent its ruddy and cheerful light far out into the darkness,
brightening up the black crevices in the frowning rocks, and
throwing a glow on the faces of the light-hearted peasantry that
gathered around in a huge circle.
Laying the First Ocean Cable
Charles Bright, with his chief assistants, Messrs. Canning,
Woodhouse and Clifford, had taken up quarters on board
the Niagara, besides Bright 's brother-in-law, Mr. Robert
John Taylor, who accompanied the expedition as a visitor.
Here were also Mr. Field and Professor Morse.1
Mr. Webb was quartered on the Agamemnon, together
with Professor Thomson and Mr. H. A. Moriarty 2 as Navi-
gating Master. The latter had been specially detailed by
the Admiralty on account of his skill in that class of work.
Mr. C. V. de Sauty, a gentleman of considerable practical
experience, was placed in charge of the electrical arrange-
ments on board the Niagara, subservient, however, to the
orders of Mr. Whitehouse from shore. Mr. J. C. Laws was
also there. Mr. Whitehouse was not able to go out on the
expedition for reasons of health.
The ships got under way at an early hour on the morn-
ing following the landing of the shore end. Paying out
was commenced from the forepart of the Niagara ; and as
the distance from that to the stern was considerable, a
number of men were stationed at intervals, like sentinels,
to see that every foot of the line safely reached its destina-
1 The latter — who besides being electrician to the New Yorl
and Newfoundland Telegraph Company, held also an honorary
watching brief on behalf of the United States Government— had
unfortunately, to retire to his berth as soon as the elements began
to assert themselves, and remained there more or less continuously
throughout the expedition.
2 Afterwards Staff-Commander Moriarty, C.B.
tion. The machinery did not seem at first to take kindly
to its work, giving vent to many ominous groans. After
five miles had been disgorged in safety, the bulky line
caught in some of the apparatus and parted. The good
ship at once put back ; and the cable was under-run by
the Willing Mind the whole distance from the shore — a
tedious and hard task, as may be imagined. At length the
end was lifted out of the water and spliced to the gigantic
coil on board ; and as it dropped safely to the bottom of
the sea, the mighty ship steamed ahead once more. At first
she moved very slowly — not more than two miles an hour —
to avoid the danger of another accident ; but the feeling
that they were at last away was in itself a relief. The
ships were all in sight, and so near that they could hear each
other's bells. The Niagara, as if knowing she was bound
for the land out of whose forests she came, bowed her head
proudly to the waves,.
In the words of Mr. Henry Field : —
Slowly passed the hours of that day. But all went well, and
the ships were moving out into the broad Atlantic. At length
the sun went down in the west, and stars came out on the face
of the deep. But no man slept. A thousand eyes were watch-
ing a great experiment, including those who had a personal
interest in the issue.
All through that night, and through the anxious days and nights
that followed, there was a feeling in the heart of every soul on
board, as if some dear friend were at the turning point of death,
and they were watching beside him. There was a strange
unnatural silence in the ship. Men paced the deck with soft
and muffled tread, speaking only in whispers, as if a loud or heavy
footfall might snap the vital cord. So much had they grown to
feel for the enterprise, that the cable seemed to them like a human
creature, on whose fate they themselves hung, as if it were to
decide their own destiny.
There are some who will never forget that first night at sea.
Perhaps the reaction from the excitement on shore made the
impression the deeper. There are moments in life when every-
thing comes back to us. What memories cropped up in those
long night hours ! How many on board that ship, as they stood
on the deck and watched that mysterious cord disappearing in
the darkness, thought of homes beyond the sea, of absent ones, of
the distant and of the dead ! But no musings turn them from
the work in hand. There are vigilant eyes on deck— Mr. Bright,
the engineer-in-chief, is there ; also, in turn, Mr. Woodhouse and
Mr. Canning, his chief assistants. . . . The paying-out machinery
does its work, and though it makes a constant rumble in the
ship, that dull heavy sound is music in their ears, as it tells them
that all is well. If one should drop to sleep, and wake up at
night, he has only to hear the sound of " the old coffee-mill "
and his fears are relieved, and he goes to sleep again.
The second day at sea was a day of beautiful weather.
The ships were getting further away from land, and began
to steam ahead at the rate of four and five knots. The
cable was paid out at a speed a little faster than the ship,
to allow for inequalities of surface on the bottom of the
sea. While it was thus going overboard, communica-
tion was kept up constantly with the land.
To quote Mr. Henry Field again :—
Every moment the current was passing between ship and
shore. The communication was as perfect as between Liverpool
and London, or Boston and New York. Not only did the elec-
tricians telegraph back to Valentia the progress they were mak-
ing, but the officers on board sent messages to their friends in
America to go out by the steamers from Liverpool. The heavens
seemed to smile on them that day. The coils came up from
below the deck without a kink, and unwinding themselves
easily, passed over the stern into the sea.
All Sunday the same favouring fortune continued ; and when
the officers who could be spared from the deck met in the cabin,
and Captain Hudson read the service, it was with subdued voices
and grateful hearts that they responded to the prayers to " Him
Who spreadeth out the heavens and ruleth the raging of the sea."
On Monday they were over two hundred miles at sea. They
had got far beyond the shallow waters off the coast. They had
passed over the submarine mountain that figures on the charts
of Dayman and Berryman, and where Mr. Bright 's log gives a
descent from five hundred and fifty to seventeen hundred and
fifty fathoms within eight miles. Then they came to the deeper
waters of the Atlantic, where the cable sank to the awful depth
of two thousand fathoms ! Still the iron cord buried itself in
the waves, and every instant the flash of light in the darkened
telegraph room told of the passage of the electric current.
Everything went well till 3.45 p.m. on the fourth day out, the
nth August, when the cable snapped after 380 miles had been
laid, owing to mismanagement on the part of the mechanic at
the brakes.
Thus, the familiar thin Hne which had been streaming
out from the Niagara for six days was no longer to be seen
by the accompanying vessels.
One who was present wrote :—
The unbidden tear started to many a manly eye. The interest
taken in the enterprise by officers and men alike exceeded any-
thing ever seen, and there is no wonder that there should have
been so much emotion on the occasion of the accident.
In the course of a Report to the Directors of the Company,
Charles Bright gave the full details of the expedition up to
the time of this regrettable occurrence. The following
is taken from the Report, and deals with the accident and
with the conclusions he had arrived at for resuming the
undertaking :—
I had, up to this, attended personally to the regulation of the
brakes ; but finding that all was going well, and it being
necessary that I should be temporarily away from the machine
—to ascertain the rate of the ship, to see how the cable was com-
ing out of the hold, and also to visit the electricians' room — the
machine was for the moment left in charge of a mechanic who
had been engaged from the first in its construction and fitting,
and was intimately acquainted with its operation.
In proceeding towards the fore part of the ship I heard the
machine stop ; I immediately called out to relieve the brakes,
but when I reached the spot, the cable was broken. On examin-
ing the machine, which was otherwise in perfect order, I found
that the brakes had not been released ; and to this — or to the
hand wheel of the brake being turned the wrong way — may be
attributed the stoppage, and consequent fracture, of the cable.
When the rate of the wheels grew slower, as the ship dropped her
stern in the swell, the brake should have been eased. This
had been done regularly whenever an unusually sudden descent
of the ship temporarily withdrew the pressure from the cable in
the sea. But owing to our entering the deep water the previous
morning, and having all hands ready for any emergency that
might occur there, the chief part of my staff had been compelled
to give in at night through sheer exhaustion ; and hence, being
short-handed, I was obliged for the time to leave the machine
without, as it proved, sufficient intelligence to control it.
I perceive that on the next occasion it will be needful, owing
to the wearing and anxious nature of the work — to have three
separate relays of staff ; and to employ, for attention to the
brakes a higher degree of mechanical skill.
The origin of the accident was, no doubt, the amount of
retarding strain put upon the cable ; but had the machine been
properly manipulated at the time, it could not possibly have
taken place.
For three days, in shallow and deep water, as well as in rapid
transition from one to the other, nothing could be more perfect
than the working of the cable machinery. It had been made
extra heavy with a view to recovery work. However, it per-
formed its duty so smoothly and efficiently in the smaller depths
— where the weight of the cable had less ability to overcome its
friction and resistance — that it can scarcely be said to be too heavy
for paying out in deep water, where it was necessary, from the
increased weight of cable, to restrain its rapid motion, by apply-
ing to it a considerable degree of additional friction. Its action
was most complete, and all parts worked well together.
I see how the gear can be improved, by a modification in the
form of sheaves, by an addition to the arrangement for adjusting
the brakes, and some other alterations ; but with proper manage-
ment, without any change whatever, I am confident that the
whole length of cable might have been safely laid by the ex-
isting gear. And it must be remembered — as a test of the work
which it has done — that, unfortunate as this termination to the
expedition is, the longest length of cable ever laid has been
paid out by it, and that in the deepest water yet passed over.
After the accident had occurred, soundings were taken by
Lieutenant Dayman from the Cyclops, and the depth found to be
2,000 fathoms.
It will be remembered that some importance was attached to
the cable on board the Niagara and Agamemnon being manufac-
tured in opposite lays. I thought this a favourable opportunity
to show that practically the difference was not of consequence in
effecting the junction in mid-ocean. We therefore made a splice
between the two vessels. This was then lowered in a heavy sea,
after which several miles were paid out without difficulty.
I requested the commanders of the several vessels to proceed
to Plymouth, as the docks there afford better facilities than any
other port for landing the cable, should it be necessary to do so.
The whole of the cable remaining on board has been carefully
tested and inspected, and found to be in as perfect condition as
when it left the works at Greenwich and Birkenhead respectively.
One important point presses for your consideration at an early
period. A large portion of cable, already laid, may be recovered
at a comparatively small expense. I append an estimate of the
cost, and shall be glad to receive your authority to proceed with
this work.
I do not perceive in our present position any reason for dis-
couragement ; but I have, on the contrary, a greater confidence
than ever in the undertaking. It has been proved beyond a
doubt that no obstacle exists to prevent our ultimate success,
and I see clearly how every difficulty which has presented itself
in this voyage can be effectually dealt with in the next.
The cable has been laid at the expected rate in the great depths ;
its electric working through the entire length has been satis-
factorily accomplished ; while the portion laid, actually improved
in efficiency by being submerged — from the low temperature of
the water and the increased close texture of gutta-percha there-
by effected.
Mechanically speaking, the structure of the cable has answered
every expectation that I had formed of it. Its weight in water
is so adjusted to the depth, that strain is within a manageable
scope ; while the effects of the undercurrents upon its surface
prove how dangerous it would be to lay a much lighter rope,
which would, by the greater time occupied in sinking, expose an
increased surface to their power — besides its descent being at
an angle such as would not provide for good laying at the bottom.
On the other hand, in regard to any further length made, I would
take the opportunity of again strongly urging the desirability of
a much larger conductor and corresponding increase in the
weight of insulation, in accordance with my original recom-
The Report here quoted from was afterwards sent by the
Secretary of the Company to The Times for publication.
Preparations for another Attempt
This untoward accident was naturally a cause of great
sorrow to all connected with the undertaking. There
was not enough cable left to complete the work, nor was
there time to get more made and stowed on board to renew
the attempt before the season would be too far advanced.
Yet much experience had been gained, and there were many
points of encouragement in Charles Bright 's report. Those
immediately concerned in the great enterprise were, des-
pite their heavy disappointment, in the end undaunted.
The squadron proceeded to Plymouth to unload the cable
into tanks at Keyham Dockyard, chiefly because some of
the ships could not be spared by their respective Govern-
ments till the following year. The insulation was carefully
tested by Professor Thomson and Mr. Whitehouse, who
found that the copper wire had forced its way through
the gutta-percha at several points — probably owing to
the repeated coiling and uncoiling — the manufacture of
gutta-percha at the proper temperature not being then
understood as it is now. These defects were duly repaired.
On being discharged from the ships, the cable was passed
through a composition of tar, pitch, linseed-oil, and bees-
wax, as a precaution against oxidation ; and was coiled
in compact circles in four large roofed tanks specially con-
structed for the purpose, with a view to storing the cable
ashore until the following summer, when the undertaking
was to be resumed— at least so many hoped.
In the middle of October, Bright proceeded to Valentia,
accompanied by Mr. Clifford, in'a small paddle-steamer, with
the object of picking up some of the cable near here. After
experiencing a series of gales, over fifty miles of the main
cable were recovered, and the shore end buoyed ready for
splicing on to in the coming year. Whilst engaged in the
above work the subject of our biography penned the fol-
lowing to his wife, which serves to describe the operation
and the apparatus employed :—
October 24th, 1857.
I send you a gift from Henry Clifford, a view from our win-
dow at the inn here. The steamer to the right is the Leipzig.
The pier is the breakwater of Valentia Harbour. The queer-
looking thing to the left is an apparatus I have fitted up for
under-running the cable. It is composed of two very large long
iron buoys fixed together like a twin ship with a platform of
timber over it. On this, at each end, is a saddle with a deep
groove for the cable to run in. The cable being on the near
shore, it is towed along. When near the end of the heavy cable
I shall take it off, cut the cable, buoy the heavy end, and begin
winding up the small one as we go on.
This first expedition had opened the eyes of the investing
public to the vastness of the undertaking, and led many to
doubt who did not doubt before. Some even began to
look upon it as a romantic adventure of the sea, rather
than as a serious commercial undertaking. As Henry
Field reminds us : " This decline of popular faith was felt
as soon as there was a call for more money."
The loss of 335 miles of cable, with the postponement
of the expedition to another year, was equivalent to a loss
of £100,000. To make this good, the capital of the com-
pany had to be increased, and this new capital was not
readily obtainable. The projectors found that it was easy
to go with the current of popular enthusiasm, but very hard
to stem a growing tide of popular distrust. And it must
also be remembered that, from the very first, that section
of the public which looked with distrust upon the idea of
an Atlantic Telegraph was far in excess of that which did
not ; indeed, the opposition encountered was much on
a par with the popular prejudice which George Stephenson
had to overcome when projecting his great Railway schemes.
But whatever the depression at the untimely termination
of the first expedition, it did not interfere with renewed and
vigorous efforts to prepare for a second. In the end, the
appeal to the shareholders for more money was responded
to ; and the directors were enabled to give orders for the
manufacture of 700 miles of new cable of the same descrip-
tion, to make up for what had been lost, and to provide a
surplus against all contingencies. Thus, 3,000 nautical
miles in all were eventually shipped this time, instead of
2,500 miles.
A committee was arranged to confer with Charles Bright
as to the machinery. This committee consisted of Mr.
Thomas Lloyd, the chief of the Steam Department of Her
Majesty's Navy ; Mr. John Penn, of Greenwich ; and Mr.
Joshua Field, F.R.S., of Maudslay, Son & Field. Mr.
W. E. Everett, U.S.N., was also consulted later. As the
chief (ship's) engineer of the Niagara, on the late expedition,
Mr. Everett had acquired a good deal of information from
seeing the working of the apparatus on board. He also
joined in approving Charles Bright 's suggested alterations.
This gentleman had to return to America with his ship ; but on
again arriving in London, on January i8th of the following
year, he had the satisfaction of attesting to the sterling
qualities of the machine devised, adopted, and constructed
in his absence, as well as in partly superintending the setting
up of it aboard the ships. The above committee reported :
' We consider the paying-out sheaves require no alterations
except those suggested by Mr. Bright in a memorandum
he was good enough to place in our hands."
Quite independently Charles Bright had decided that the
checking gear, or brake, should not be left in the power of
any person in charge to j amb the machine ; and subsequently
a very opportune invention of Mr. J. G. Appold, F.R.S.,
was considered in this connection. It consisted of a brake
so arranged that a lever exercised a uniform holding power
in exact proportion to the weights attached to it ; and while
capable of being released by a hand-wheel, it could not be
tightened. This clever appliance had been introduced in
association with the crank apparatus in gaols, so as to
regulate the amount of labour in proportion to the strength
of the prisoner. The above invention was especially
adapted to the exigencies of cable work by Mr. C. E. Amos,
M.Inst.C.E., and Charles Bright. The great feature
about it was that it provided for automatic release of the
brake, upon the strain exceeding that intended. Thus
only a maximum agreed strain could be applied, this being
regulated from time to time by weights, according to depth
of water and consequent weight of cable being paid out.
In passing from the hold to the stern of the laying vessel,
the cable is taken round a drum.1 Attached to the axle of
the drum 2 is a wheel fitted with an iron friction-strap (to
which are fixed blocks of hard wood), capable of exerting
a given retarding power, varying with the weights hung
on to the lever N which tightens the strap. When the fric-
tion becomes great, the wheels have an increased tendency
to carry the wooden blocks round with them : thus the
lever bars are deflected from the vertical line and the iron
band opened sufficiently to lessen the brake power. Hence,
this apparatus may be said to be partially self-regulating
in its action — to the extent of avoiding an excess retarding-
Charles Bright also devised a dynamometer apparatus —
for indicating and controlling the strain during paying out —
which was a great improvement on that embodied in the
previous machines.
The working connections of the friction-brake and hand-
wheel referred to are shown on the previous page. A more
1 In the actual apparatus for the laying of the 1858 cable, there
were (see illustration, p. 79) two drums, A and B, each having two
brake wheels attached to their axles.
2 This drum is carried round by the weight of the axle as the ship
moves onwards.
complete notion of it, however, as well as of the entire
paying-out gear (with Bright's dynamometer), as ultimately
adopted for the next expedition, is best obtained from the
plate on the previous page.
The working of the entire machine was as follows x : —
Between the two brake drums A and B and the stern of the vessel,
the cable was bent somewhat out of the straight line by being led
under the grooved wheel O of the dynamometer. This wheel
had a weight attached to it, and could be moved up or down in
an iron frame G. If the strain upon the cable was small, the
wheel would bend the cable downwards, and its index would show
a low degree of pressure ; but whenever the strain increased,
the cable, in straightening itself, would at once lift the dynamo-
meter wheel with the indicator attached to it, which showed the
pressure in hundredweights and tons. The amount of strain
with a given weight upon the wheel was determined by experi-
ment, and a hand-wheel W in connection with the levers of the
paying-out machine was placed immediately opposite the
dynamometer ; so that directly the indicator showed strain
increasing, the person in charge could at once, by turning the
hand-wheel, lift up the weights that tightened the friction straps,
and so let the cable run freely through the paying-out machine.
Although, therefore, the strain could be reduced — or entirely with-
drawn— in a moment, it could not be increased by the man at
the wheel.
The dynamometer principle of Charles Bright here introduced
has been universally adopted in the laying of all subsequent
submarine cables.
The construction of this improved apparatus was carried
out by Messrs. Easton & Amos at their works in Southwark.
Mr. Henry Clifford, who, as a mechanical engineer, was an
1 Submarine Telegraphs.
expert in machinery, also attended closely to the manufac-
ture of the gear.
About this time, two able calculating engineers, Mr. T.
A. Longridge, M.Inst.C.E., and Mr. C. H. Brooks, read a
paper before the Institution of Civil Engineers with refer-
ence to this subject, and young Bright led off the discussion.1
This paper was of a mathematical and almost entirely
theoretical order, regarding the resistance to a rope intro-
duced by skin friction in passing through water. These gentle-
men also asserted, from their mathematical deductions,
that : "The result of a stoppage of the paying-out apparatus,
in a depth of 2,000 fathoms, whilst the vessel was pro-
ceeding at the rate of six feet per second, would be to bring
a strain on the cable amounting to over seven tons, while
its strength was only about half that." It was, however,
actually in evidence that Charles Bright had stopped paying
out, during the last expedition, when in very nearly that
depth, for some length of time, while clearing tar off the
brake machine.
The following week the " Civils " engaged once more in
submarine cable talk. This time an eminently practical
discourse was furnished by Mr. F. C. Webb2 ; and here was
the occasion on which Professor Airy,3 the then Astronomer
Royal, expressed himself very decidedly that (ist) " it
was a mathematical impossibility to submerge the cable
successfully at so great a depth in safety," and (2nd) that
" if it were possible, no signals could be transmitted through
1 Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xvii. See also Appendix 8 to Vol. I.
of the original biography.
2 Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xvii.
3 Afterwards Sir George Biddell Airy, K.C.B., F.R.S.
so great a length." Professor Airy stated in addition that :
" When a cable was paid out at the angle of 10 (with the
horizon), there was a strain upon it of nearly sixty-six
times the minimum tension, or sixty-six times the depth
of the sea at that place. When this was considered, it
seemed to him, that in all the annals of engineering there
was not another instance in which danger was incurred so
needlessly. . . . The angle at which it should be paid
out should never be less than 45° with the horizon." He
also supported his theory by a series of computations. But
he altogether omitted to take into account the fact that a
cable ship merely moves quickly, as it were, from under
the cable it carries ; and that the faster the paying out can
be carried on, the closer is the angle of the cable to the
horizon — 10° to 15° being very customary. At this meeting
Charles Bright took the opportunity to correct some of
the erroneous views that had obtained currency and given
rise to false conclusions.
From the very outset of the project, and as soon as he
was appointed engineer, young Bright had had to deal
with amateurs in the art ! As the " Jack-in-office " all
were, ready to pounce upon him : thus he was subjected
to all manner of suggestions regarding the laying of cables,
transmitted to him officially through the secretary of the
Company.1 These— which, with our present lights, do in-
deed seem ludicrous— had to be politely dealt with, not-
withstanding extreme pressure of work. Some, be it
added, emanated from men of highly scientific attainments.
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable,
The projected cable, and the formation of such a company,
appeared, indeed, to stimulate and excite the brains of many
a sanguine inventor.
It is both amusing and sad to think of some of the ideas
put forward. Perhaps the most frequent was in connection
with the fallacy, that, as the water increased in depth,
therefore at a given point in deep water, a long way off
the bottom, the cable would be held in suspense. This was
a very common delusion at the time. Obviously, the pres-
sure increases with the depths, on all sides of a cable (or
anything else), in its descent through the sea; but as,
practically, everything on earth is more compressible than
water, it is clear that the iron wire, yarn, gutta-percha,
and copper conductor forming the cable, must be more
and more compressed as they descend. Thus the cable
constantly increases its density, or specific gravity, in going
down ; while the equal bulk of the water surrounding it
continues to have, practically speaking, the same specific
gravity as at the surface. Without this valuable property
possessed by water, the hydraulic press would not exist ;
but the strange blunder here described was participated in
by some of the most distinguished naval men. To obviate
this non-existent difficulty, it was gravely proposed to
festoon the cable across, at a given maximum depth, between
buoys, and floats, or even parachutes — at which ships might
call, hook on, and telegraphically talk to shore !
Others, again, proposed to apply gummed cotton to
the outside of the cable in connection with the above buoying
system. The idea was that the gum (or glue) would gradu-
ally dissolve, and so let the cable down " quietly ! "
One naval officer of eminence urged the employment of
an immense floating cylinder, on which the cable was to
be wound. This cylinder was then to be towed across the
Atlantic, unrolling the cable in its progress. The unwieldi-
ness of such a cylinder, with some 2,500 miles of cable en-
circling it, in addition to its own weight, and the practical
impossibility of regulating delivery in its revolutions — or of
dealing with it even in an ordinary roughish sea — did not
appear to be held of much account by the projector.
It was also suggested that the proper place to pay out
was from the centre of the ship, as the point of least motion,
and therefore least liable to damage the cable ; and it was
proposed to have an opening in the middle to let it down.
But as the cable in paying out leaves the ship at an angle
only a little removed from the horizontal, the absurdity
of such a suggestion is manifest.
Again, a trail, or flexible pipe, was strongly advocated,
" to hang down from the ship's stern to the bottom of the
sea, through which the cable was to be allowed to pass."
The promoters of this plan omitted, however, to consider
the effects of the friction resulting from 2,000 miles of cable
passing through it. Of whatever substance such a trail
might be made, a day or two's rubbing of the cable would
have worn it through.
Some again absolutely went so far as to take out patents
for converting the laying vessel into a huge factory, " with a
view to making the cable on board in one continuous length,
and submerging it during the process."
Another party (a retired naval officer) gravely asserted
that no soundings could have been obtained across the
Atlantic, as " both modern science and actual experiment
demonstrate that, long before any such depths could
be reached, the lead must necessarily have displaced its
own specific gravity in so dense a medium as water, and
consequently at once then stop, remaining suspended,
Let us now return to the active and practical preparations
for the forthcoming expedition. It is difficult for the
uninitiated to realise what these meant. They would have
driven many crazy, if only on account of their vast and
varied character. In this connection, Charles Bright notes
in his diary : — •
It was only by dint of bribing, bullying, cajoling, and going
day by day to see the state of things ordered, that anything is
ready in time for starting.
He then says :—
At first one goes nearly mad with vexation at the delays ;
but soon one finds that they are the rule, and then it becomes
necessary to feign a rage one does not feel.
Further :—
I look upon it as the natural course of things that if I give a
order it will not be carried out ; or, if by accident it is carried
out, it will be carried out wrongly. The only remedy is to watch
the performance at every stage.
All this incessant toil seems to have additionally inspired
the following note :—
When idle, one can love, one can be good, feel kindly to all,
devote oneself to others, be thankful for existence, educate one's
mind, one's heart, one's body.1 When busy, one sometimes seems
too busy to indulge in any of these pleasures.
1 The truth of this need not necessarily conflict with the fact that,
in most instances, the permanently idle find no time for any of the
above virtues.
As soon as one of the machines for paying out the cable
was completed and set up in working order, all Bright's
staff inspected the, working of the machine ; whilst at the
same time receiving instructions, as above, for the coming
expedition. There then followed the trial mentioned, during
which a complete rehearsal was gone through of the various
operations to be performed with the apparatus.
Bright's arrangement for stowing the cable aboard formed
a subject for discussion at the hands of some of the naval
officers concerned with the undertaking. Our young
engineer had determined this time that the large coil in
the hold of the Agamemnon must be made as truly circular
and also as large as he had insisted on for the Niagara
in the previous year. He also decided that a cone in the
middle of each coil, and a large margin of space to the
hatchway-eye above, were both essential provisions for safe
paying out. These alterations were all duly made, although
one of the naval experts had expressed himself that the
cable " should be stowed in long Flemish flakes/' The same
officer also considered that " no other machinery for paying
out was necessary or desirable than a handspike to stop
the egress of the cable "(!) Charles Bright, whilst always
ready to listen to suggestions, had sometimes to remind
his critics, in effect, that " criticism is always easier than
Whilst the cable was stored in the tanks at Keyham
Dockyard, Mr. Whitehouse— partly in conjunction with
Professor Thomson— took the opportunity of conducting a
fresh series of experiments through the entire length, with
various apparatus and under various conditions. These
experiments were more especially in the direction of testing,
and improving on, the rate of working. As a result, a
speed of four words per minute was attained through the
2,000 odd miles.
Since the manufacture of the cable in 1857, Professor
Thomson had become impressed with the conviction that
the electric conductivity of copper varied greatly with its
degree of purity. Resulting from the professor's further
investigations, the extra length of cable made for the coming
expedition was subjected to systematic and searching tests
for the purity and conductivity of the copper. Every hank
of wire was tested ; and all whose conducting power fell
below a certain value rejected. Here, then, we have the first
instance of an organised system of testing for conductivity
at the cable factory — a system which has ever since been
rigorously insisted on.
And now, in the spring of 1858, an invention was perfected
that was destined to have a remarkable effect on sub-
marine cable enterprise. For within about a year of his
entering the ranks of telegraphic scientists, Professor Thom-
son (afterwards Lord Kelvin) devised and perfected the
mirror-speaking instrument, then often described as the
marine galvanometer, that entirely revolutionised long
distance signalling and electrical testing aboard ship. It
is only to be regretted that the electrician responsible for
the subsequent working-through operations did not sooner
appreciate the great beauties of this apparatus, and the
advantage of a small generating force such as it only
The Board decided " that it would be desirable to begin
paying out the cable in mid-ocean." Thus, they reversed
the starting from shore of the previous expedition. The
latter, it will be remembered, was a concession to the
electricians, though strongly opposed by Charles Bright
and the whole of his engineering staff at the time. The
grounds on which the former plan was preferable were
(i) the ability to choose the day for joining the ends in good
weather ; (2) the reduction of the time taken over the
laying operation by one-half, with thus a better chance of
fine weather being maintained throughout the expedition ;
and (3) that the most difficult part of the work, in the
deepest water, would be dealt with first.
It was also arranged by Charles Bright that the main
cable should be buoyed at each end, and the connections
to it by the heavy cable from shore effected at the earliest
opportunity afterwards.
The Trial Trip
All the 3,000 miles of cable was coiled into the two large
ships and the improved machinery fitted on board of them
by the end of May. The Agamemnon was on this occasion
in naval command of Captain (afterwards Vice-Admiral)
G. W. Preedy, R.N.—in place of Capt. Noddall, R.N.— but
her navigating master was Mr. H. A. Moriarty, R.N., as
Thus equipped, the fleet again set forth from Plymouth
on May 29th, 1858, but this time without any show of public
enthusiasm. Charles Bright was accompanied by the en-
gineering and electrical staff already referred to. With him
on the Agamemnon were Mr. Canning (his chief assistant), and
Mr. Clifford ; whilst on the Niagara he was jointly repre-
sented by Mr. Everett and Mr. Woodhouse, the former
taking charge of the machinery, and the latter — with
a greater experience in such work — of the cable. They
were assisted by Captain John Kell. Mr. Cyrus Field also
accompanied the Niagara. Mr. Whitehouse being again
unable to take passage, Professor Thomson agreed to
supervise the testing-room arrangements in the Agamemnon,
whilst Mr. de Sauty and Mr. Laws — together with Mr.
John Murray — had the electrical force of the Niagara under
their charge.
Although the improved paying-out gear had passed through
most satisfactory experiments at Messrs. Easton & Amos'
works, it was arranged by Charles Bright to test it practically
in very deep water — besides making splices at sea, picking
up, buoying and exercising all hands in their work generally
—before commencing to lay in mid-Atlantic. So the cable-
laden ships, with H.M.S. Valorous and H.M.S. Gorgon as con-
sorts, first made a trial trip to the Bay of Biscay as far as
lat. 47°i2'N., long. 9°32'W., about 120 miles north-
west of Corunna, where the Gorgon got soundings of 2,530
fathoms, or nearly three statute miles, in depth. The
Agamemnon and Niagara were then backed close together,
stern on, and a strong hawser was passed between them.
Each ship had on board some defective cable for the
experiment about to be conducted. The further proceed-
ings may now be observed from a perusal of Bright's diary,
written aboard the Agamemnon :—
Monday, May ^ist. — 10 a.m., hove to, lat. 47°n/, long. 9°37'
Up to midday engaged in making splice between experimental
cable in fore coil and that in main hold, besides other minor
operations. In afternoon, getting hawser from Niagara, and
her portion of cable to make joint, and splice. 4 p.m., com-
menced splice ; 5.15, splice completed ; 5.25, let go splice frame
(weight 3 cwt.) over gangway, amidships, starboard side. 5.30,
after getting splice frame (containing the splice) clear of the
ship and lowering it to the bottom, each vessel (then about a
quarter of a mile apart) commenced paying out in opposite
9 p.m., got on board Niagara's warp and her end of cable, to
make another splice for second experiment.
June ist. — i a.m. (night), electrical continuity gone, the cable
having parted after two miles in all had been paid out. 1
Since i a.m., engaged in hauling in our cable. Recovered all
our portion and even managed to heave up the splice frame (in
perfect condition), besides 100 fathoms of Niagaras cable, which
she had parted. Fastened splice to stern of vessel and ceased
9.23 a.m., second experiment. Started paying out again.
Weather very misty.
9.40, one mile paid out at strain 16 cwt. ; angle of cable 16°
with the horizon ; running out straight ; rate of ship 2, cable 3.
9.45, changed to lower hold. 9.56, two miles out ; last mile
in i6J minutes ; strain 17 to 20 cwt. ; angle of cable 20°. 10.10
last three miles out in 14 minutes.
1 This did not, of course, come as a surprise ; for the length of
cable employed for these experiments had long since been condemned
as imperfect.
10.32 a.m., four and a half miles out. Third experiment
stopped ship, lowered guard, stoppered cable.
10.50, buoy let go, strain 16 cwt. when let go, the cable being
nearly up and down, n.6, running at rate of 5j knots paying
out, strain 21 to 23 cwt., varying. Cable shortly afterwards
parted, through getting jammed in the machinery.
The subsequent experiments were mainly in the direction of
buoying, picking up, and passing the cable from the stern to the
bow sheave for picking up. All of these operations were in turn
successfully performed ; and, finally, in paying out, a speed of
seven knots was attained without difficulty.
And now, the programme being exhausted, there was
nothing left to be done but to return to Plymouth. On the
whole, the trip proved eminently satisfactory. The paying-
out machinery had behaved well, the various engineering
operations had been successfully performed, and the elec-
trical working through the whole cable was perfect. Pro-
fessor Thomson had brought with him that offspring of his
brain — his reflecting and testing instrument — and this gave
excellent results.
The Storm
The "wire ships" thus additionally experienced arrived
at Plymouth on Thursday, June 3rd. The results were duly
reported by Charles Bright, and some further arrange-
ments made, principally connected with the electrical
A week later— having taken in a fresh supply of coal—
the expedition again left England " with fair skies and bright
prospects." The barometer standing at 30*64, it was an
auspicious start in what was declared by a consensus of
nautical authorities to be the best time of the year for the
Atlantic. This prognostication was doomed to a terrible dis-
appointment, for the voyage nearly ended in the Agamemnon
" turning turtle." She was repeatedly almost on her beam
ends, the cable was partly shifted, and a large number of
those on board were more or less seriously injured.
Charles Bright, with Messrs. Canning and Clifford, were —
as during the trial trip — on the Agamemnon, and also Pro-
fessor Thomson, who again took charge of the electricians'
department, Mr. Whitehouse being ashore. Messrs. Everett
and Woodhouse were once more on the Niagara, with Mr.
de Sauty superintending the signalling. Mr. Cyrus Field,
as before, sailed in the American ship.
In order that laying operations should be started by the
two ships in mid-ocean, it was arranged that the entire
fleet should meet in lat. 52°2', and long. 33°i8/ as a ren-
dezvous. The Porcupine, the smallest ship of the squadron,
had been sent to St. John's, Nova Scotia, with orders to
meet the Niagara on her way to Trinity Bay. Besides
the laying vessels, there were the Valorous and the Gorgon,
the former acting as an escort to the Agamemnon, and the
latter doing similar duty for the Niagara.
As it is impossible to follow the movements of more
than one ship at a time, and as the vessel which Charles
Bright sailed with — the Agamemnon — had the more ex-
citing experience, we will confine our attention to her up to
the date of the rendezvous. The day after starting there was
no wind, but on the Saturday, the i2th, a breeze sprang
up, and, with screw hoisted and fires raked out, the
Agamemnon bowled along at a rare pace under royals
and studding sails. The barometer fell fast, and squally
weather coming on with the boisterous premonitory
symptoms of an Atlantic gale, even those least versed in
such matters could see at a glance that they were " in
for it."
On Sunday the sky was a wretched mist — half rain, half
vapour — through which the attendant vessels loomed faintly
like shadows. The gale increased ; till at four in the after-
noon the good ship was rushing through the foam under
close-reefed topsails and foresail. That night the storm
got worse, and most of the squadron gradually parted
company. The ocean resembled one vast snowdrift, the
whitish glare from which — reflected from the dark clouds
that almost rested on the sea — had a tremendous and un-
natural effect, as if the ordinary laws of nature had been
Very heavy weather continued till the following Sunday,
June 20 th, which ushered in as fierce a storm as ever
swept over the Atlantic. The narrative of this fight of
nautical science with the elements may best be continued
in the words of Mr. Nicholas Woods, who, representing The
Times, was an eye-witness throughout— especially as it is
probably the most intensely realistic description of a storm
that has ever been written :—
The Niagara, which had hitherto kept close— whilst the other
smaller vessels had dropped out of sight— began to give us a
very wide berth, and, as darkness increased, it was a case of every
one for themselves.
Our ship, the Agamemnon, rolling many degrees, was labouring
so heavily that she looked like breaking up. The massive beams
under her upper deck coil cracked and snapped with a noise
resembling that of small artillery, almost drowning the hideous
roar of the wind as it moaned and howled through the rigging.
Those in the improvised cabins on the main deck had little sleep
that night, for the upper deck planks above them were " working
themselves free," as sailors say ; and, beyond a doubt, they were
infinitely more free than easy, for they groaned under the pressure
of the coil, and availed themselves of the opportunity to let in
a little light, with a good deal of water, at every roll. The sea,
too, kept striking with dull heavy violence against the vessel's
bows, forcing its way through hawse-holes and ill-closed ports
with a heavy slush ; and thence, hissing and winding aft, it
roused the occupants of the cabins aforesaid to a knowledge
that their floors were under water, and that the flotsam and
jetsam noises they heard beneath were only caused by their
outfit for the voyage taking a cruise of its own in some five
or six inches of dirty bilge. Such was Sunday night, and
such was a fair average of all the nights throughout the week,
varying only from bad to worse. On Monday things became
The barometer was lower, and, as a matter of course, the wind
and sea were infinitely higher than the day before. It was
singular, but at 12 o'clock the sun pierced through the pall of
clouds, and shone brilliantly for half an hour, and during that
brief time it blew as it has not often blown before. So fierce
was this gust, that its roar drowned every other sound, and it
was almost impossible to give the watch the necessary orders for
taking in the close-reefed foresail. This gust passed, and the
usual gale set in — now blowing steadily from the south-west, and
taking us more and more out of our course each minute. Every
hour the storm got worse, till towards five in the afternoon—
when it raged with such a violence of wind and sea that matters
really looked " desperate " even for such a strong and large ship
as the Agamemnon. The upper deck coil had strained her decks
throughout ; and, though this mass, in theory, was supposed to
prevent her rolling so quickly and heavily as she would have
done without it, yet still she heeled over to such an alarming
extent that fears of the coil itself shifting again occupied every
mind, and it was accordingly strengthened with additional
shores bolted down to the deck. The space occupied by the main
coil below had deprived the Agamemnon of several of her coal
bunkers ; and in order to make up for this deficiency, as well as
to endeavour to counterbalance the immense mass which weighed
her down by the head, a large quantity of coals had been stowed
on the deck aft. On each side of her main deck were thirty-five
tons, secured in a mass, while on the lower deck ninety tons were
stowed away in the same manner. The precautions taken to
secure these huge masses also required attention as the great
ship surged from side to side. Everything, therefore, was made
"snug," as sailors call it; though their efforts by no means
resulted in the comfort which might have been expected from the
term. The night passed over without any mischance beyond
the smashing of all things incautiously left loose and capable of
rolling, and one or two attempts which the Agamemnon made
in the middle watch to turn bottom upwards. In other matters
it was the mere ditto of Sunday night ; except, perhaps, a little
worse, and certainly much more wet below. Tuesday, the gale
continued with unabated force ; though the barometer had risen
to 2930, and there was sufficient sun to take a clear observation,
which showed our distance from the rendezvous to be 563 miles.
During this afternoon the Niagara joined company, and, the
wind going more ahead, the Agamemnon took to violent pitching,
plunging steadily into the trough of the sea as if she meant to
break her back and lay the Atlantic cable in a heap. This change
in her motion strained and taxed every inch of timber near the
coils to the very utmost. It was curious to see how they worked
and bent as the Agamemnon went at everything she met head first.
One time she pitched so heavily as to break one of the main-beams
of the lower deck, which had to be shored with screw-jacks
forthwith. Saturday, June igth, things looked a little better.
The barometer seemed inclined to go up and the sea to go down ;
and for the first time that morning — since the gale began some
six days previous — the decks could be walked with tolerable
comfort and security. But, alas ! appearances are as deceitful
in the Atlantic as elsewhere ; and during a comparative calm
that afternoon the glass fell lower, while a thin line of black haze
to windward seemed to grow up until it covered the heavens
with a sombre darkness, and warned us that the worst was yet
to come. There was much heavy rain that evening, and then
the wind began — not violently, nor in gusts, but with a steadily
increasing force. The sea was " ready-built to hand," as sailors
say ; so at first the storm did little more than urge on the ponder-
ous masses of water with redoubled force, and fill the air with the
foam and spray it tore from their rugged crests. By-and-by,
however, it grew more dangerous, and Captain Preedy himself
remained on deck throughout the middle watch.
At 4 a.m., sail was shortened to close-reefed fore and main-
topsails and reefed foresail. This was a long and tedious job,
for the wind so roared and howled, and the hiss of the boiling
sea was so deafening, that words of command were useless ; and
the men aloft — holding on with all their might to the yards as
the ship rolled over and over almost to the water — were quite
incapable of struggling with the masses of wet canvas, that
flapped and plunged as if men, yards and everything were going
away together. The ship was almost as wet inside as out — and
so things wore on till 8 or 9 o'clock, everything getting adrift and
being smashed, and every one on board jamming themselves
up in corners or holding on to beams to prevent their going adrift
likewise. At 10 o'clock the good ship was rolling and labouring
fearfully, with the sky getting darker, and both wind and sea
increasing every minute. Half an hour later three or four gigan-
tic waves were seen approaching the ship, coming slowly on
through the mist, nearer and nearer, rolling on like hills of green
water, with a crown of foam that seemed to double their height.
The Agamemnon rose heavily to the first, and then went down
quickly into the deep trough of the sea, falling over in the act,
so as to nearly capsize on the port side. There was a fearful
crashing as she lay over this way, for everything broke adrift,
whether secured or not, and the uproar and confusion were ter-
rific for a minute ; then back she came again on the starboard
beam in the same manner — only quicker and deeper than before.
Again, there was the same noise and crashing, and the officers in
the ward-room, realising the danger, struggled to their feet and
opened the door leading to the main deck. The scene, for an
instant, defied description. Amid loud shouts and efforts to
save themselves, a confused mass of sailors, boys, and marines
with deck-buckets, ropes, ladders, and everything that could get
loose, and which had fallen back to the port side — were being
hurled again in a mass across the ship to starboard. Dimly, and
only for a moment, could this be seen ; and then, with a tremen-
dous crash, as the ship fell over still deeper, the coals stowed on
the main deck broke loose, and, smashing everything before them,
went over among the rest to leeward. The coal-dust hid every-
thing on the main deck in an instant ; but the crashing could
still be 'heard going on in all directions, as the lumps and sacks
of coal, with stanchions, ladders, and mess-tins, went leaping
about the decks, pouring down the hatchways, and crashing
through the glass skylights into the engine-room below. Matters
now became most serious ; for it was evident that two or three
more such lurches and the masts would go like reeds, while half
the crew might be maimed or killed below. Captain Preedy was
already on the poop, with Lieutenant Gibson, and it was " Hands,
wear ship," at once ; while Mr. Brown, the indefatigable chief
engineer, was ordered to get up steam immediately. The crew
gained the deck with difficulty, and not till after a lapse of some
minutes ; for all the ladders had been broken away, the men
were grimed with coal-dust, and many bore still more serious
marks upon their faces of how they had been knocked about
below. There was great confusion at first, for the storm was
fearful. The officers were quite inaudible ; and a wild, dangerous,
sea, running mountains high, heeled the great ship backwards
and forwards, so that the crew were unable to keep their feet for
an instant, and in some cases were thrown right across the decks.
Two marines went with a rush head-foremost into the paying-
out machine, as if they meant to butt it over the side ; yet,
strange to say, neither the men nor the machine suffered. What
made matters worse, the ship's barge, though lashed down to the
deck, had partly broken loose ; and dropping from side to side
as the vessel lurched, it threatened to crush any who ventured
to pass. The regular discipline of the ship, however, soon pre-
vailed ; and the crew set to work to wear round the ship on the
starboard tack, while Lieutenants Robinson and Murray went
below to see after those who had been hurt. The marine sentry
v outside the ward-room door on the main deck had not had time
to escape, and was completely buried under the coals. Some
time elapsed before he could be got out ; for one of the beam s
which had crushed his arm very badly, still lay across the man-
gled limb — jamming it in such a manner that it was found im-
possible to remove it without risking the man's life. The timber
had, indeed, to be sawn away before the poor fellow could be
extricated. Another marine on the lower deck endeavoured to
save himself by catching hold of what seemed like a ledge in the
planks ; but, unfortunately, it was only caused by the beams
straining apart, and, of course, as the Agamemnon righted they
closed again, and crushed his fingers flat. One of the assistant
engineers was also buried among the coals on the lower deck, and
sustained some severe internal injuries. The lurch of the ship
was calculated at forty-five degrees each way for five times in rapid
succession. The galley coppers were only half filled with soup ;
nevertheless, it nearly all poured out, and scalded some of those
who were extended on the decks, holding on to anything in reach.
These, with a dislocation, were the chief casualties ; but there
were others of bruises and contusions, more or less severe, and a
long list of escapes more marvellous than any injury. One poor
fellow went head-first from the main deck into the hold without
being hurt ; and one on the orlop deck was " chevied " .about
for some ten minutes by three large casks of oil which had got
adrift, and any one of which would have flattened him like a
pancake had it overtaken him.
As soon as the Agamemnon had gone round on the other tack
the Niagara wore also, and bore down as if to render assistance.
She had witnessed our danger, and, as we afterwards learnt,
imagined that the upper deck coil had broken loose and that we
were sinking. Things, however, were not so bad as that, though
they were bad enough, Heaven knows, for everything seemed to
have gone wrong that day. The upper deck coil had strained
the ship to the very utmost, yet still held on fast. But not so
the coil in the main hold. This had begun to get adrift, and
the top kept working and shifting over from side to side, as the
ship lurched, until some forty or fifty miles were in a hopeless
state of tangle, resembling nothing so much as a cargo of live
Going round upon the starboard tack had eased the ship to a
certain extent. The crew, who had been at work since nearly
four in the morning, were set to clear up the decks from the masses
of coal that covered them. About six in the evening it was
thought better to wear ship once more and stand by for the
rendezvous under easy steam. Her head accordingly was put
about and once more faced the storm. As she went round, she of
course fell into the trough of the sea again, rolling so awfully
as to break her waste steam-pipe, filling her engine-room with
steam, and depriving her of the services of one boiler when it was
sorely needed. The sun set upon as wild and wicked a night as
ever taxed the courage and coolness of a sailor. There were, of
course, men on board who were familiar with gales and storms in
all parts of the world ; and there were some who had witnessed
the tremendous hurricane which swept the Black Sea on the
memorable November I4th, when scores of vessels were lost and
seamen perished by the thousand. But of all on board none had
ever seen a fiercer or more dangerous sea than raged throughout
that night and the following morning, tossing the good ship from
side to side like a mere plaything among the waters. The night
was thick and very dark, the low black clouds almost hemming
the vessel in ; now and then a fiercer blast than usual drove the
great masses slowly aside, and showed the moon, a dim, greasy
blotch upon the sky, with the ocean — white as driven snow-
boiling and seething like a cauldron. But these were only
glimpses, alternated with darkness, through which the waves
rushed upon the ship as though they must overwhelm it, and
dealing it one staggering blow, went hissing and surging past into
the darkness again. The grandeur of the scene was almost lost
in its dangers and terrors, for of all the many forms in which
death approaches man there is none so easy in fact, so terrific
in appearance, as death by shipwreck.
Sleep was impossible that night on board the Agamemnon.
Even those in cots were thrown out, from their striking against
the vessel's side as she pitched. The berths of wood fixed athwart-
ships in the cabins on the main deck had worked to pieces. Chairs
and tables were broken, chests of drawers capsized, and a little
surf was running over the floors of the cabins themselves, pour-
ing miniature seas into portmanteaus, and breaking over carpet-
bags of clean linen. Fast as it flowed off by the scuppers it came
in faster by the hawse-holes and ports, while the beams and
knees strained with a doleful noise, as though it was impossible
they could hold together much longer. It was, indeed, as anxious
a night as ever was passed on board any line-of-battle ship in
Her Majesty's service. Captain Preedy never left the poop
throughout — though it was hard work to remain there, even
holding on to the poop-rail with both hands. Morning brought no
change. The storm was as fierce as ever ; and whilst the sea
could not be higher or wilder, the additional amount of broken
water made it still more dangerous to the ship. Very dimly,
and only now and then, through the thick scud, the Niagara
could be seen — one moment on a monstrous hill of water and the
next quite lost to view, as the Agamemnon went down between
the waves. Even these glimpses showed us that our Transatlantic
consort was plunging heavily, shipping seas, and evidently having
a bad time oi it. But she got through it better than the Agamem-
non, as of course she could. Suddenly it came on darker and
thicker, and we lost sight of her in the thick spray, and had only
ourselves to look after. This was quite enough, for every minute
made matters worse, and the aspect of affairs began to excite
serious misgivings in the minds of those in charge. The Agamem-
non is one of the finest line-of-battle ships in the whole navy ;
but in such a storm, and so heavily overladen, what could she
do but make bad weather worse, and strain and labour and fall
into the trough of the sea, as if she were going down head fore-
most ? Three or four hours more, and the vessel had borne all
she could bear with safety. The masts were rapidly getting
worse, the deck coil worked more and more with each tremendous
plunge ; and, even if both these held, it was evident that the
ship itself would soon strain to pieces if the present weather
continued. The sea, forcing its way through ports and hawse-
holes, had accumulated on the lower deck to such an extent
that it floated the stoke-hole, so that the men could scarcely
remain at their posts. Everything was smashing and rolling
about. One plunge put all the electrical instruments hors de
combat at a blow, and staved some barrels of strong solution of
sulphate of copper, which went cruising about, turning all it
touched to a light pea-green. By-and-by we began to ship seas.
Water came down the ventilators near the funnel into the engine-
room. Then a tremendous sea struck us forward, drenching
those on deck, and leaving them up to their knees in water, and
the least versed on board could see that things were fast going
to the bad unless a change took place in the weather or the con-
dition of the ship. Of the first there seemed little chance. It
certainly showed no disposition to clear — on the contrary, livid-
looking black clouds seemed to be closing round the vessel faster
than ever. For the relief of the ship, three courses were open to
Captain Preedy — one to wear round and try her on the starboard
tack, as he had been compelled to do the day before ; another,
to fairly run for it before the. wind ; and, the third and last, to
endeavour to lighten the vessel by getting some of the cable over-
bo ard. Of course the latter would not have been thought of
till the first two had been tried and failed— in fact, not till it was
evident that nothing else could save the ship. Against wearing
round there was the danger of her again falling off into the trough
of the sea, losing her masts, shifting the upper deck coil, and so
finding her way to the bottom in ten minutes ; while to attempt
running before the storm with such a sea on was to risk her stern
being stove in and a hundred tons of water added to her burden
with each wave that came up afterwards, till the poor Agamemnon
went under them all for ever. A little after ten o'clock on Mon-
day, the 2ist, the aspect of affairs was so alarming that Captain
Preedy resolved at all risks to try wearing the ship round on the
other tack. It was hard enough to make the words of command
audible, but to execute them seemed almost impossible. The
ship's head went round enough to leave her broadside on to the
seas, and then for a time it seemed as if nothing could be done.
All the rolls which she had ever given on the previous day seemed
mere trifles compared with her performances then. Of more
than 200 men on deck at least 150 were thrown down, falling
over from side to side in heaps — while others, holding on to
ropes, swung to and fro with every heave. It really appeared
as if the last hour of the stout ship had come, and to this minute
it seems miraculous that her masts held on. Each time she fell
over, her main chains went deep under water. The lower decks
were flooded, and those above could hear by the fearful crashing
— audible amid the hoarse roar of the storm — that something
alarming had happened. It was then found that the coals had,
once more, got loose below, had broken into the engine room, and
were carrying all before them. During these rolls the main deck
coil shifted over to such a degree as to entirely envelope four men,
who, sitting on the top, were trying to wedge it down with beams.
One of them was so much jammed by the mass which came over
him that he was seriously contused. He had to be removed to
the sick bay, making up the sick list to forty-five— of which ten
were from injuries caused by the rolling of the ship, and most of
the rest from continual fatigue and exposure during the gale.
Once round on the starboard tack, and it was seen in an instant
that the ship was in no degree relieved by the change. Another
heavy sea struck her forward, sweeping clean over the fore part
of the vessel, and carrying away the woodwork and platforms
which had been placed there round the machinery for under-
running. This and a few more plunges were quite sufficient to
settle the matter ; and at last Captain Preedy reluctantly suc-
cumbed to a storm he could neither conquer nor contend against.
Full steam was got on, and, with a foresail and foretopsail to
lift her head, the Agamemnon ran before the wind, rolling and
tumbling over the huge waves at a tremendous pace. It was
well for all that the wind gave this much way on her, or her
stern would certainly have been stove in. As it was, a wave
partly struck her on the starboard quarter, smashing the quarter
galley and ward-room windows on that side ; and sending such
a sea into the ward-room itself as to wash two officers off a sofa.
This was a kind of parting blow ; for the glass began to rise, and
the storm was evidently beginning to moderate : and although
the sea still ran as high as ever, there was less broken water, and
altogether, towards midday, affairs assumed a better and more
cheerful aspect. The ward-room that afternoon was a study for
an artist ; with its windows half darkened and smashed, the sea
water still slushing about in odd corners, with everything that
was capable of being broken strewn over the floor in pieces, and
some fifteen or twenty officers, seated amid the ruins, holding
on to the deck or table with one hand, while with the other they
contended at a disadvantage with a tough meal — the first which
most had eaten for twenty-four hours. Little sleep had been
indulged in, though much lolloping about. Those, however, who
prepared themselves for a night's rest in their berths rather than
at the ocean bottom, had great difficulty in finding their day
garments of a morning. The boots especially went astray, and
got so hopelessly mixed that the man who could " show up " with
both pairs of his own was, indeed, a man to be congratulated.
But all things have an end ; and this long gale— of over a
week's duration — at last blew itself out, and the weary ocean
rocked itself to rest. Throughout the whole of Monday the
Agamemnon ran before the wind, which moderated so much that
at 4 a.m. on Tuesday her head was once more put about ; and
for the second time she commenced beating up for the rendezvous,
then some 200 miles further from us than when the storm was at
its height on Sunday morning. So little was gained against
this wind, that Friday, the 25th— sixteen days after leaving
Plymouth — still found us some fifty miles from the rendezvous. It
was, therefore, determined to get up steam and run down on it at
once. As we approached the place of meeting the angry sea went
down. The Valorous hove in sight at noon ; in the afternoon the
Niagara came in from the north ; and at even, the Gorgon from the
south, and then, almost for the first time since starting, the
squadron was re-united near the spot where the great work was
to have commenced fifteen days previously— as tranquil in
the middle of the Atlantic as if in Plymouth Sound.
The Renewed Effort
That evening the four vessels lay together side by side,
and there was such a stillness in the sea and air as would
have seemed remarkable even on an inland lake. On the
Atlantic, and after what had been so lately experienced,
it seemed positively unnatural.
The boats were out, and the officers were passing from ship
to ship, telling their experiences of the voyage, and form-
ing plans for the morrow. Captain Preedy had a sorry
tale to tell. The strain to which the Agamemnon had been
subjected during the storm— by the great weight, rendering
her almost unmanageable, and owing to the peculiar nature
of her cargo — had opened her " waterways," where the deck
and the sides were joined, by about two inches. Then
again, one of the crew, a marine, had been literally fright-
ened out of his wits, and remained crazy for some days.
One man had his arm fractured in two places, and another
his leg broken.
The Niagara, on the other hand, had weathered the gale
splendidly, though nevertheless with her it had been a
hard and anxious time. She had lost her jib-boom, and
the buoys she carried for suspending the cable had been
washed from her sides, no man knew where. After taking
stock of things generally, a start was made to repair the
damage. The shifting of the upper part of the main coil on
the Agamemnon into a hopeless tangle, entailed recoiling
a considerable length of cable.
I We will now once more continue our narrative in the words
of Mr. Nicholas Woods, in reporting for The Times from
the Agamemnon :—
Neither Mr. Bright, nor Mr. Canning, nor Mr. Clifford was
to be daunted by the aspect of a difficulty, however formidable.
Absurd as 'the statement seemed at first, they were all positive
that the tangle did not extend far down the coil ; and they
were right. Captain Preedy gave them his hearty assistance ;
men were at work day and night, drawing it out of the hold
and coiling it aft on the main deck. For the first twenty-four
hours the labour seemed hopeless, for so dense was the tangle
that an hour's hard work would sometimes scarcely clear a
half-mile. By-and-by, however, it began to mend, the efforts
were redoubled, and late on Friday night 140 miles had been
got out, the remainder being clear enough to start work with.
On the morning of Saturday, the 26th of June, all the prepara-
tions were completed for making the splice and commencing
the great undertaking.
The end of the Niagara s cable was sent on board the Agamem-
non, the splice was made, a bent sixpence put in for luck, and
at 2.50, Greenwich time, it was slowly lowered over the side,
and disappeared for ever. The weather was cold and foggy,
with a stiff breeze and dismal sort of sleet, and as there was no
cheering or manifestation of enthusiasm of any kind, the whole
ceremony had a most funereal effect, seeming as solemn as if
we were burying a marine, or some similar mortuary task. As
it turned out, however, it was just as well that no display took
place, for every one would have looked uncommonly silly when
the same operation came to be repeated, as it had to be, an hour
or so afterwards. Not to make a long story longer, I may say
at once, that when each ship had paid out three miles or so,
and they were getting well apart, the cable broke on board the
Niagara, owing to its over-riding and getting off the pulley
leading on to the machine.
The mishap was, of course, instantly detected : both vessels
put about and returned, a fresh splice was made, and again
lowered over at half-past seven. According to arrangement, 150
fathoms were veered out from each ship, and then all stood
away on their course, at first at two miles an hour and after-
wards at four. Everything then went well, the cable running
out easily at five and a half miles an hour, the ship going four.
The greatest strain upon the dynamometer was 2,500 lb., and
this was but for a few minutes, the average giving only 2,000
lb. and 2,100 lb. At twelve at midnight, 21 nautical miles
had been paid out, and the angle of the cable with the horizon
had been reduced considerably. At about half-past three,
forty miles had gone, and nothing could be more perfect and
regular than the working of everything, when suddenly, at 3.40
a.m., on Sunday, the 27th, Professor Thomson came on deck,
and reported a total break of continuity ; that the cable, in
fact, had parted, and, as was believed at the time, from the
Niagara. • The Agamemnon was instantly stopped, and the
brakes applied to the machinery, in order that the cable paid
out might be severed from the mass in the hold, and so enable
Professor Thomson to discover by electrical tests at about what
distance from the ship the fracture had taken place.1 Unfor-
tunately, however, there was a strong breeze on at the time,
with rather a heavy swell, which told severely upon the cable ;
and, before any means could be taken to sufficiently ease the
motion on the ship, it broke — the dynamometer indicating a
strain of nearly 4,000 Ib. In another instant a gun and a blue
light warned the Valorous of what had happened. This roused
all on board the Agamemnon to a knowledge that the machinery
was silent, and that the first part of the Atlantic cable had been
laid — and effectually lost.
The great length of cable on board both ships allowed a large
margin for such mishaps as these ; and the arrangement made
before leaving England was that the splices might be renewed
and the work recommenced till each ship had lost 250 miles of
wire, after which they were to discontinue their efforts and
return to Queenstown. Accordingly, after the breakage on
Sunday morning, the ships' heads were put about ; and for the
fourth time the Agamemnon once more entered on the weary
work of beating up against the wind for that everlasting rendezvous
which we seemed destined to be always seeking. Apart from
the regret with which all regarded the loss of the cable, there were
other reasons for not wishing the cruise to be thus indefinitely
prolonged. The fact is there had been a break in the continuity
of fresh provisions ; and for some days previous the pieces de
resistance had been inflammatory-looking morceaux, salted to an
astonishing pitch, and otherwise uneatable — for it was beef
which had been kept three years beyond its warranty for sound-
ness— to which all were then reduced.
It was hard work beating up against the wind ; so hard,
indeed, that it was not till the noon of Monday, the 28th, that
we again met the Niagara ; and, while all were waiting with
1 By subsequent tests it was clear that at any rate the cable re-
maining on board was perfect. But after comparing notes with the
Niagara, a strong belief was held that the cable parted probably at
the bottom.
impatience for her explanation of how she broke the cable, she
electrified every one by running up the interrogatory, " How
did the cable part ? " This was astounding. As soon as the
boats could be lowered, Mr. Cyrus Field, with the electricians
from the Niagara, came on board ; and a comparison of logs
revealed the painful and mysterious fact that at the same second
of time both vessels discovered that a total fracture had taken
place at a distance of certainly not less than ten miles from
each ship. The logs on both sides were so clear as to the minute
of time — and as to the electrical tests showing not merely leak-
age or defective insulations of the wire, but a total fracture —
that there was no room for doubt as to what had happened.
Of all the many mishaps connected with the Atlantic telegraph,
this was the worst and most disheartennig ; since it proved
that, despite wrhat human skill and science could effect in laying
the wire down with safety, there may be some fatal obstacles to
success at the bottom of the ocean which can never be guarded
against. Was the bottom covered with a soft coating of ooze
in which it had been said the cable might rest undisturbed for
years, as on a bed of down ? or were there, after all, sharp-
pointed rocks lying on that supposed plateau of Maury, Berry-
man and Dayman ? These were the questions that some of
those on board were asking.
But there was no use in further conjecture, or in repining over
what had already happened. Though the prospect of success
appeared to be considerably impaired, it was generally con-
sidered that there was but one course left,, and that was to splice
again and make another — and what was fondly hoped would
be a final — attempt. Accordingly, no time was lost in making
the third splice, which was lowered into 2,000 fathoms of water
at seven o'clock that evening. Before steaming away — as the
Agamemnon was now getting very short of coal — it was agreed
that if the wire parted again before the ships had gone each 100
miles from the rendezvous they were to return and make another
splice. If, on the other hand, the 100 miles had been exceeded,
the ships were not to return, but each make for Queenstown,
With this understanding the ships again parted ; and, with the
wire dropping steadily down between them, the Niagara and
Agamemnon steamed away, and were soon lost in the cold raw
fog which had hung over the rendezvous ever since the operations
had commenced.
The cable, as before, paid out beautifully, and nothing could
have been more regular and more easy than the working of every
part of the apparatus. At first the ship's speed was only two
knots, the cable going three, with a strain of 1,500 lb., the hori-
zontal angle averaging as low as seven, and the vertical about
sixteen. By-and-by, however, the speed was increased to four
knots, the cable going five, at a strain of 2,000 lb., and an angle
of from twelve to fifteen. At this rate it was kept, with trifling
variations, throughout Monday night, neither Mr. Bright, Mr.
Canning, nor Mr. Clifford ever quitting the machine for an
instant. Towards the middle of the night, while the rate of the
ship continued the same, the speed at which the cable paid out
slackened nearly a knot, while the dynamometer indicated as
low as 1,300 lb. This change could only be accounted for on
the supposition that the water had shallowed to a considerable
extent, and that the vessel was, in fact, passing over some sub-
marine Ben Nevis or Skiddaw. After an interval of about an
hour the strain and rate of progress of the cable increased again,
while the increase of the vertical angle seemed to indicate that
the wire was sinking down the side of a declivity. Beyond this
there was no variation throughout Monday night, or, indeed,
through Tuesday. The upper deck coil, which had weighed so
heavily upon the ship — and still more heavily upon the minds
of all during the past storms — was fast disappearing, and by
twelve at midday on Tuesday, the 29th, seventy-six miles had
been paid out to something like sixty miles progress of the ship.
Warned by repeated failures, many of those on board scarcely
dared to hope for success ; but the spirits of all rose as the dis-
tance widened between the ships. Things were going in splendid
style — in such splendid style that "stock had gone up nearly
100 per cent." Those who had leisure for sleep were able to
dream about cable-laying and the terrible effects of too great a
strain. The first question which such as these ask on awakening
is about the cable. For those who do not derive any particular
pleasure from the mere asking of questions, the harmonious
music made by the paying-out machine during its revolutions
supplies the necessary information.
Then, again, the electrical continuity — after all the most im-
portant item — was perfect, and the electricians reported that
the signals passing between the ships were eminently satisfactory.
The door of the testing-room is almost always shut, and the
electricians pursue their work undisturbed ; but it is impossible
to exclude that spirit of scientific inquiry which will satiate its
thirst for information even through a keyhole ! Further, the
weather was all that could be wished for. Indeed, had the poet
who was so anxious for " life on the ocean wave, and a home on
the rolling deep " been aboard, he would have been absolutely
happy, and perhaps even more desirous for a fixed habitation.
The only cause that warranted anxiety was that it was evident
the upper deck coil would be finished by about eleven o'clock at
night, when the men would have to pass along in darkness the
great loop which formed the communication between that and
the coil in the main hold. This was most unfortunate ; but the
operation had been successfully performed in daylight during
the experimental trip in the Bay of Biscay, and every precaution
was now taken that no accident should occur. At nine o'clock
by ship's time, when 146 miles had been paid out, and about
112 miles distance from the rendezvous accomplished, the last
flake but one of the upper deck coil came in turn to be used. In
order to make it easier in passing to the main coil, the revolu-
tions of the screw were reduced gradually, by two revolutions
at a time, from thirty to twenty, while the paying-out machine
went slowly from thirty-six to twenty- two. At this rate, the
vessel going three knots and the cable three and a half, the oper-
ation was continued with perfect regularity, the dynamometer
indicating a strain of 2,100 Ib. Suddenly, without an instant's
warning, or the occurrence of any single incident that could
account for it, the cable parted, when subjected to a strain of
less than a ton.1 The gun that again told the Valorous of this
fatal mishap brought all on board the Agamemnon rushing to
the deck. This time, few could believe the rumour, that had
spread like wildfire about the ship ; but there stood the machine
silent and motionless, while the fractured end of the wire hung
over the stern wheel, swinging loosely to and fro. It seemed
almost impossible to realise the fact that an accident so instan-
taneous and irremediable should have occurred, and at a time
when all seemed to be going so well. A variety of ingenious
suggestions were, however, soon afloat, showing most satis-
factorily how the cable must and ought to have broken. There
was a regular gloom that night on board the Agamemnon. From
first to last the success of the expedition had been uppermost
in the thoughts of all. Every one had laboured for it early
and late, contending with each danger and overcoming numer-
ous obstacles and disasters with an earnestness and devotion
of purpose that is beyond all praise. Immediately after the
mishap, a brief consultation was held by those in charge. As
it was shown that they had only exceeded the distance from the
rendezvous by fourteen miles, and as there was still enough cable
on board the two vessels, it was determined to return to the
rendezvous with a view to making another effort at carrying the
undertaking to a successful issue. The journey to the rendezvous
had, of course, to be effected under sail, the coal bunkers having
to be closely guarded lest, if in coming to paying out the cable
again, steam should run short — thereby endangering the success
of the whole enterprise.
For the fifth time, therefore, the Agamemnon's head went
about, and after twenty days at sea she was once more beating
up against the wind. The following day the wind was blowing
strongly from the south-west, with mist and rain, and Thursday,
1 This was from the last turn in the coil, and subsequently it was
discovered that, owing to the disturbance in the flooring of the tank
during the storm, the cable had been damaged here.
the ist of July, gave every one the most unfavourable opinion of
July weather in the Atlantic. The wind and sea were both high —
the wet fog so dense that one could scarcely see a mast's head,
while the damp cold was really biting. Altogether it was an
atmosphere of which a Londoner would have been ashamed
even in November. Later in the day a heavy sea got up ; the
wind increased without dissipating the fog, and it was double-
reefed topsails, and pitching and rolling as before. However,
the upper deck coil of 250 tons being gone, the Agamemnon was
as buoyant as a lifeboat, and no one cared how much she took
to kicking about, though the cold wet log was a miserable nuisance,
penetrating everywhere, and making the ship as wet inside as
out. What made matters worse was that in such weather there
seemed no chance of meeting the Niagara — unless she ran into us,
when cable-laying would have gone on wholesale ! In order
to avoid such a contretemps, and also to inform the Valorous of
our whereabouts, guns were fired, fog bells rung, and the bugler
stationed forward, to warn the other vessels of our vicinity.
Friday was the ditto of Thursday, and Saturday worse than
both together ; for it almost blew a gale, and there was a very
heavy sea on. On Sunday, the 4th, it cleared ; and the Agamem-
non, for the first time during the whole cruise, reached the actual
rendezvous, and fell in with the Valorous, which had been there
since Friday, the 2nd. But the fog must have been even thicker
there than elsewhere, for she had scarcely seen herself— much
less anything else — till Sunday.
During the remainder of that day arid Monday, when the
weather was very clear, both ships cruised over the place of
meeting, but neither the Niagara nor Gorgon was there, though
day and night the look-out for them was constant and incessant.
It was evident, then, that the Niagara had rigidly— but most
unfortunately — adhered to the mere letter of the agreement
regarding the 100 miles, and after the last fracture had at once
turned back for Queenstown. On Tuesday, the 6th, therefore,
as the dense fogs and winds set in again, it was agreed between
the Valorous and Agamemnon to return once more to the rendez-
vous. But, as usual, the fog was so thick that the whole American
navy might have been cruising there unobserved. The search
was, therefore, given up; and at eight o'clock that night the
ship's head was turned for Cork. The voyage home was made
with ease and swiftness — considering the lightness of the wind
and the trim of the ship ; and at midday on Tuesday, July iath,
the good ship cast anchor in Queenstown harbour, having met
with more dangerous weather and encountered more mishaps
than often falls to the lot of any ship in a cruise of thirty-three
Thus ended the most arduous and dangerous expedition
that has ever been experienced in connection with cable-
work. It, at any rate, had the advantage of supplying the
public with some exciting reading in the columns of The
Times, and Mr. Woods' graphic descriptions were much
appreciated — even by other eye-witnesses.
As regards Charles Bright's diary during this period—
with the constant strain of responsibility on his shoulders —
it had necessarily consisted, in the main, of rough pencil
notices referring to details such as miles run, cable paid
out, strain on dynamometer, percentage of slack, etc. The
subject of our biography used to say that, arduous as it was,
the life on board resembled a good ball— " the excitement
keeping one going." For purposes of accuracy it is to be
regretted, of course, that those holding responsible positions
seldom have time to write a record of the events, or even
to .attend to representatives of the press. If it were other-
wise, there would be fewer false statements, which are passed
on to posterity very often for want of being contradicted by
the few who know better but have other matters to see to.
In this particular instance, however, not only did Mr. Woods
tell his story of the Atlantic cable-laying in a most palatable
form — far more so than would be possible by any of the
officials engaged in the work — but his account was notably
The Niagara had reached Queenstown as far back as
July 5th. Those in charge having found they had run
out a hundred and nine miles when " continuity " ceased,
considered that, in order to carry out their instruc-
tions, they should return at once to the above port—
which they did. Before bearing homewards, however, and
whilst the line was still hanging on to the ship's stern, op-
portunity was taken to make what proved to be an eminently
satisfactory test in regard to the strength of the cable.
After all hope of the continuity being restored was aban-
doned, the brakes were shut down so that the paying-out
machine could not move. In this way the process of pay-
ing-out was stopped for about an hour and a half, during
which the whole weight of the Niagara was literally held
by the slender cord, the wind blowing fresh all the time.
And yet the cable did not break until the pressure put upon
the brakes had reached an equivalent of over four tons
strain !
On the two ships meeting at Queenstown, discussion
immediately took place (i) as to the cessation of con-
tinuity, and (2) regarding the plan adopted by the Niagara
in returning home so promptly. The non-arrival of the
Agamemnon till nearly a week later had been the cause
of much alarm as regards her safety.
Finis coronal opus
The sad tale of disaster commenced to spread abroad
immediately on the Niagara s arrival in Queenstown ; and
when Mr. Field hastened to London to meet the other
directors of the Company, he found that the news had not
only preceded him but had already had its effect. The
Board was soon called together. It met in the same room
in which, six weeks earlier, it had discussed the prospects
of the expedition with full confidence of success. Now it
met as a council of war summoned after a terrible defeat, to
decide whether to surrender or to try once more the chances
of battle.
As described by Mr. Henry Field :
" Most of the directors looked blankly in one another's faces."
With some the feeling was one akin to despair. It was thought
by many that there was nothing left on which to found an
expectation of future success, or to encourage the expenditure
of further capital upon an adventure so " completely visionary."
Sir William Brown (the first chairman), whilst recommending
complete abandonment of the undertaking, suggested " a sale of
the cable remaining on board the ships, and a distribution of the
proceeds amongst the shareholders."
Mr. Brooking, the vice-chairman, also now convinced of the
impracticability of the undertaking, sent in his resignation.
Bolder counsels, however, were destined to prevail.
There were those who thought there was still a chance-
like Robert Bruce, who, after twelve battles and twelve
defeats, yet believed that a thirteenth might bring victory.
Besides the projectors— J. W. Brett, Charles Bright and
Cyrus Field — Mr. Curtis Lampson (who succeeded Mr.
Brooking as deputy-chairman) made a firm stand for action
at once, as did also Professor Thomson 1 and Mr. White-
house. These advocates of non-surrender at length suc-
ceeded in carrying an order for the immediate sailing of the
expedition for a final effort. It was this effort which proved
to the world the possibility of telegraphing from one hemi-
sphere to the other.
The order to advance having been given, the ships imme-
diately took in coal and other necessaries.
During this interval, and whilst in London, Charles Bright
availed himself of the opportunity to run down to his coun-
try home near Harrow for a single day and night, thus
catching a glimpse of those dearest to him. On leaving,
he remarked to his young wife, " I don't say we shall do it
even this time, but we shall do it some time." This was
very characteristic of the man. It will probably be ad-
mitted that the failing with many is that though they set
their teeth at a thing, they do not do so for long enough.
That could scarcely be said of young Bright.
When everything and everybody had been shipped, the
squadron left Queenstown once more on Saturday, July i7th.
As the ships sailed out of the harbour of Cork, it was with
none of the enthusiasm which attended their departure from
Valentia the year before, or even the small amount excited
1 Whilst the ships were lying at Queenstown, Professor Thomson
had transmitted signals through the entire length of cable on the
two ships, thereby again demonstrating the electrical practicability
of the line.
when leaving Plymouth on June icth. Nobody so much as
cheered. In fact, their mission was by this time spoken of
as a " mad freak " of " stubborn ignorance " !
The squadron was the same as on the last occasion. It
was agreed that the ships should not attempt to keep to-
gether this time, but that each should make its way to the
given latitude and longitude. The staff were composed
and berthed as before, Mr. Field once more taking up his
quarters aboard the Niagara. Moreover, the expedition
was again accompanied by the same literary talent ; and
we cannot do better now than give the story as it is con-
tinued by Mr. Nicholas Woods on behalf of The Times,1 so far
as the Agamemnon (containing Charles Bright) is concerned —
As your readers have already been informed by telegraph,
the submarine communication between the Old and New Worlds
is now an accomplished fact. In the face of difficulties and
dangers, the engineers engaged in this undertaking have, with
almost untiring energy, adhered to their task with that perse-
verance which is sure, sooner or later, to lead to success. There
were but few some twenty days ago who, after the unsuccessful
return of the squadron to Queenstown, would have dared to
predict such a speedy and glorious termination to all the trials
and difficulties that the promoters of this enterprise have under-
gone. The final accomplishment of the scheme seemed indeed
up to the last moment to hang upon a hair. Many serious diffi-
culties had to be encountered during the six days and a half
that the operations lasted. Any one of these might have ruined
the expedition and delayed the advance of ocean telegraphs
perhaps more than half a century. But the difficult task has
now been accomplished ; and it only remains for us to accept
1 The Times, Wednesday, August nth, 1858.
the benefits which it will undoubtedly confer upon the com-
munity. Wonderful as the conception of conveying sensations
across the almost unknown depths of the ocean may seem to
us now, yet in a very little time people will forget the marvel
while profiting by the fact ; and, without remembering the
years of anxious toil and discouragement which those who have
secured this boon to the community have undergone to secure
success, the wonder will be, not that the undertaking has been
carried out at all, but that it had not been accomplished long
before. It has been the custom of mankind to honour the lives
and celebrate the deeds of great statesmen, successful warriors,
and eminent divines. Indeed, of such materials are the links
in the chain of history chiefly composed. But those men who,
by patient thought and persevering ;action, have achieved vic-
tories over matter — which secure to the community permanent
advantages — very often have their trouble for their reward. It
is to be hoped that this may not be the case with those who
have been mainly instrumental in bringing this great work to
a successful termination. It must be confessed that the pros-
pects of success were very remote when the squadron left Queens-
town on the iyth of last month. The amount of cable in the
two ships had been reduced by nearly 400 miles ; and the re-
collection of three separate and most unaccountable breakages
was still fresh in the minds of all who had accompanied the
first expedition. There was no assurance whatever that the
very same thing would not occur again. The cable might, and
evidently did, as far as the contractors are concerned, fulfil all
the guaranteed requirements ; and the numerous accidents
which occurred might be due to the cable having become injured
during the gale. This supposition, though it may be gratifying
to Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co., and to Messrs. Newall & Co., was
no consolation to either the engineers or the shareholders. Under
these circumstances, it is not surprising that many regarded
the prosecution of the scheme as a waste of the shareholders'
money. However, in spite of the most vehement opposition,
the majority of the directors determined to despatch the expe-
dition to try their fortune once again in mid-ocean before they
finally abandoned the project as impracticable. Accordingly, on
the morning of Saturday, theiyth of July the Valorous, Gorgon,
and Niagara, having completed coaling, steamed away from
Queenstown for the rendezvous. The Agamemnon, having to wait
for Professor W. Thomson, one of the directors, who took charge
of the electrical department on board,1 did not weigh anchor
till two o'clock on the following morning. As the ships left the
harbour there was apparently no notice taken of their departure
by those on shore or in the vessels anchored around them.
Every one appeared impressed with the conviction that we
were engaged in a hopeless enterprise ; and the squadron seemed
rather to have slunk away on some discreditable mission than to
have sailed for the accomplishment of a grand national scheme.
It was just dawn when the Agamemnon got clear of Queens-
town Harbour. Of the voyage out there is little to be said: It
is not checkered by the excitement of continual storms or the
tedium of perpetual calms, but we had a sufficient admixture of
both to render our passage to the rendezvous a very ordinary and
uninteresting one. With very little breeze, or wind, the screw
was got up and sails set, so as to husband our coals as much as
possible ; but it soon fell calm, and obliged Captain Preedy to
again get up steam. In consequence of continued delays and
changes from steam to sail, and from sail to steam, much fuel
was expended, and not more than eighty miles of distance made
good each day. On Sunday, the 25th, however, the weather
changed, and for several days in succession there was an un-
interrupted calm. The moon was just at the full ; and for the
next few nights it shone with a brilliancy which turned the
smooth sea into one silvery sheet, which brought out the dark
hull and white sails of the ship in strong contrast to the sea and
sky as the vessel lay all but motionless on the water — the very
L The gentleman holding the position of electrician to the Com-
pany—Mr. Whitehouse— was still, under medical advice, prevented
from accompanying the expedition.
impersonation of solitude and repose. Indeed, until the rendez-
vous was gained, we had such a succession of beautiful sunrises,
gorgeous sunsets, and tranquil moonlight nights as would have
excited the most enthusiastic admiration of any but persons
situated as we were. But by us scenes of this sort were re-
garded only as the annoying indications of the calm which
delayed our progress and wasted our coals. To say that it was
calm is not doing full justice to it — there was not a breath in
the air, and the water was as smooth as a mill-pond. Even
the wake of the ship scarce ruffled its surface ; and the gulls —
which had visited us almost daily, and to which our benevolent
liberality had dispensed innumerable helpings of pork — threw
an almost unbroken shadow upon it as they stooped in their
flight to pick up the largest and most tempting. It was generally
remarked that cable-laying under such circumstances would be
mere child's play. In spite of the unusual calmness of the
weather in general, there were days on which our former un-
pleasant experiences of the Atlantic were brought forcibly to
mind — when it blew hard, and the sea ran sufficiently high to
reproduce on a minor scale some of the discomforts of which
the previous cruise had been so fruitful. These days, however,
were the exception and not the rule. They served to show how
much more pleasant was the inconvenient calm than the weather
which had previously prevailed.
The precise point of the rendezvous — marked by a dot on the
chart — was reached on the evening of Wednesday, the 28th July,
just eleven days after our departure from Queenstown. The
voyage out was a lazy one. Now things are different, and we
no longer hear of the prospects of the heroes and heroines of
the romances and novels which have formed the staple food for
animated discussion for some days past. The rest of the squad-
ron were in sight at nightfall, but at such a considerable distance
that it was past ten o'clock on the morning of Thursday, the
2gth, before the Agamemnon joined them. Some time previous
to reaching the rendezvous the engineer-in-chief (Mr. Bright)
went up in the shrouds on the look-out for the other ships, and
accordingly had to " pay his footing " — much to the amusement
of his staff. Most of them being more advanced in years would
probably have been less equal to the task in an athletic sense.
After the ordinary laconic conversation which characterises
code flag signals x we were as usual greeted by a perfect storm
of questions as to what kept us so much behind our time, and
learned that all had come to the conclusion that the ship must
have got on shore on leaving Queenstown Harbour. The Niagara,
it appeared, had arrived at the rendezvous on Friday night, the
23rd, the Valorous on Sunday the 25th, and the Gorgon on the
afternoon of Tuesday, the 27th.
The day was beautifully calm, so no time was to be lost be-
fore making the splice in lat. 52°9/N., long. 32^7' W., and
soundings of 1,500 fathoms. Boats were soon lowered from
the attendant ships, the two vessels made fast by a hawser, and
the Niagara's end of the cable conveyed on board the Agamemnon.
About half -past twelve o'clock the splice was effectually made,
but with a very different frame from the carefully rounded semi-
circular boards which had been used to enclose the junctions
on previous occasions. It consisted merely of two straight
boards hauled over the joint and splice, with the iron rod and
leaden plummet attached to the centre. In hoisting it out
from the side of the ship, however, the leaden sinker broke short
off and fell overboard. There being no more convenient weight
at hand, a 32 Ib. shot was fastened to the splice instead ; and
the whole apparatus was quickly dropped into the sea without
any formality — and, indeed, almost without a spectator — for
those on board the ship had witnessed so many beginnings to
the telegraphic line that it was evident they despaired of there
ever being an end to it.
1 Such as, "I hope you are all well." " Very well, I thank
you." A touch of irony characterised one, however, when the
Gorgon asked the Niagara if she had any coal to spare, the reply —
this time by word of mouth — came, " None at all. I think the
Agamemnon could give you some, as she can't have burned much
since she left ! "
The stipulated 210 fathoms of cable having been paid out
to allow the splice to sink well below the surface, the signal to
start was hoisted, the hawser cast loose, and the Niagara and
Agamemnon start for the last time at about I p.m. for their
opposite destinations. The announcement comes from the
electrician's testing-room that the continuity is perfect, and
with this assurance the engineers go on more boldly with the
work. In point of fact the engineers may be said to be very
much under the control of the electricians during paying out ;
for if they report anything wrong with the cable, the engineers
are brought to a stand until they are allowed to go on with
their operations by the announcement of the electricians that
the insulation is perfect and the continuity all right. The
testing-room is where the subtle current which flows along the
conductor is generated, and where the mysterious apparatus —
by which electricity is weighed and measured as a marketable
commodity — is fitted up. The system of testing and trans-
mitting and receiving signals through the cable from ship to
ship during the process of paying out must now be briefly re-
ferred to. It consists of an exchange of currents sent alternately
every ten minutes by each ship. These not only serve to give
an accurate test of the continuity and insulation of the con-
ducting wire from end to end, but also to give certain signals
which it is desirable to send for information purposes. For
instance, every ten miles of cable paid out is signalised from
ship to ship, as also the approach to land or momentary stoppage
for splicing, shifting to a fresh coil, etc. The current in its
passage is made to pass through an electro-magnetometer, an
instrument used by Mr. Whitehouse. It is also conveyed in
its passage at each end of the cable through the reflecting gal-
vanometer and speaking instrument just invented by Prof.
Thomson ; and it is this latter which is so invaluable, not only
for the interchange of signals, but also for testing purposes.
The deflections read on the galvanometer, as also the degree
of charge and discharge indicated by the magnetometer, are
carefully recorded. Thus, if a defect of continuity or insulation
occurs, it is brought to light by comparison with those received
For the first three hours the ships proceeded very slowly,
paying out a great quantity of slack ; but after the expiration
of this time the speed of the Agamemnon was increased to about
five knots, the cable going at about six, without indicating
more than a few hundred pounds of strain upon the dynamo-
meter. Shortly after four o'clock a large whale was seen ap-
proaching the starboard bow at a great speed, rolling and tossing
the sea into foam all round ; and for the first time we felt a
possibility for the supposition that our second mysterious break-
age of the cable might have been caused after all by one of these
animals getting foul of it under water. It appeared as if it
were making direct for the cable ; and great was the relief of
all when the ponderous living mass was seen slowly to pass
astern, just grazing the cable where it entered the water — but
fortunately without doing any mischief.
All seemed to go well up to about eight o'clock ; the cable
paid out from the hold with an evenness and regularity which
showed how carefully and perfectly it had been coiled away.
The paying-out machine also worked so smoothly that it left
nothing to be desired. Thus far everything looked promising.
But in such a hazardous work no one knows what a few minutes
may bring forth, and soon after eight o'clock a damaged piece
of the cable was discovered about a mile or two from the portion
paying out. Not a moment was lost by Mr. Canning, the en-
gineer on duty, in setting men to work to cobble up the injury as
well as time would permit ; for the cable was going out at such
a pace that the damaged portion would be paid overboard in
less than twenty minutes, and former experience had shown us
that to check either the speed of the ship or the cable would,
in all probability, be attended by fatal results. Just before
the lapping was finished Professor Thomson reported that the
electrical continuity of the wire had ceased, but that the insu-
lation was still perfect. Attention was naturally directed to
the injured piece as the probable source of the stoppage, and
not a moment was lost in cutting the cable at that point, with
the intention of making a perfect splice.1 To the consternation
of all, the electrical tests applied showed the fault to be over-
board, and in all probability some fifty miles from the ship.
Not a second was to be lost, for it was evident that the cut
portion must be paid overboard in a few minutes ; and in the
meantime the tedious and difficult operation of making a splice
had to be performed. The ship was immediately stopped, and
no more cable paid out than was absolutely necessary to prevent
it breaking. As the stern of the ship was lifted by the waves
a scene of most intense excitement followed. It seemed im-
possible that the junction could be finished before the part was
taken out of the hands of the workmen. The main hold pre-
sented an extraordinary scene. Every one stood in groups
1 In connection with the above, an extract from Bright's diary
will serve to fill up some gaps: —
" 29th July, Greenwich time, 10 p.m. Signals ceased from Niagara.
Professor Thomson reported loss of continuity, with insulation
good. To ascertain whether fault was at the piece of cable which
was about to be lapped, the cable was sprung open at this point
and the gutta-percha wire pricked, and the part in the ship found
good ; pricked again nearer stern, found good inside ship.
" No indication of fracture during the time. It was then cut
about ten turns from the outgoing part, and the test showed the
loss of continuity to be far from the ship— probably more than forty
miles, but decidedly less than 200.
" Joint made again as quickly as possible, and tested. Want
of continuity and good insulation still experienced. When one turn
off joint, commenced veering out again. Ship's time, 9-5 P-m-
Splice paid over safely. Same results. Strong current came. On
testing, ' earth ' found about middle of cable, and on currents
again coming it was concluded that the cable had been cut on board
the Niagara.
" Signals then sent and received regularly, and showed 1,200 or
1,300 miles in circuit.
« Note.— This trouble might have been avoided had complel
speaking arrangements been made."
about the coil, watching with great anxiety the cable as it slowly
unwound itself nearer and nearer the joint, while the workmen
worked at the splice as only men could work who felt that the
life and death of the expedition depended upon their rapidity.
But all their speed was to no purpose, as the cable was unwinding
within a hundred fathoms. As a last and desperate resource
the cable was stopped altogether, and for a few minutes the
ship hung on by the end. Fortunately, however, it was only
for a few minutes, as the strain was continually rising above
two tons, and it would not hold on much longer. When the
splice was finished the signal was made to loose the stoppers,
and happily it passed overboard in safety.
When the excitement, consequent upon having so narrowly
saved the cable, had passed away, we awoke to the consciousness
that the case was yet as hopeless as ever, for the electrical con-
tinuity was still entirely wanting ! Preparations were con-
sequently made to pay out as little rope as possible, and to
hold on for six hours in the hope that the fault — whatever it
should prove to be — might mend itself before cutting the cable
and returning to the rendezvous to make another splice. The
magnetic needles on the receiving instruments were watched
closely for the returning signals ; when, in a few minutes, the
last hope 'was extinguished by their suddenly indicating dead
earth, which tended to show that the cable had broken from the
Niagara, or that the insulation had been completely destroyed.
Nothing, however, could be done. The only course was to
wait until the current should return or take its final departure.
It actually did return — with greater strength than ever ; and
in three minutes every one was agreeably surprised by the
intelligence that the signals had again appeared at their
regular intervals from the Niagara.'1 It is needless to say
1 Later on it was made clear that this mysterious temporary
want of continuity — accompanied by an apparent variation in the
insulation — was due to a defect in the more or less inconstant sand
battery used aboard the latter vessel.
what a load of anxiety this news removed from the minds of
every one ; but the general confidence in the ultimate success
of the operations was much shaken by the occurrence,
for all felt that every minute a similar accident might
again occur.1
For some time the paying-out continued as usual, but towards
the morning another damaged place was discovered in the cable.
1 This unpleasant incident regarding the continuity was never
forgotten to the last, and forbade all to indulge in sanguine expec-
tations, even when prospects seemed perfect. One of those repre-
senting the Press wrote : " The sailors, who are somewhat in the
dark as to the scientific definition of the term ' continuity,' believe
it to be at the bottom of all the trouble, and credit it even with
vindictive qualities. ' Darn the continuity,' said an old ' salt,'
after what was to him a highly scientific — but, to his audience of
messmates, a rather foggy — dissertation on the subject of cable-
work. ' Darn the continuity ; I wish they would get rid of it alto-
gether. It has caused a jolly sight more trouble than the business
is worth. I say they ought to do without it, and let it go. I
believe they'd get the cable down if they didn't pay any attention
to it ! You see,' he went on, ' I was on the last exhibition (expedi-
tion he meant, but it was all the same — his messmates did not
mistake his meaning) and I thought I'd never hear the end of it.
They were always talking about it ; and one night when we were
out last year it was gone for two hours, and we thought that was
the end of the affair, and we should never hear of it again. But it
came back, and soon after the cable busted. Now, I tell you what
men, I'll never forget that night, I tell you. We all felt we had lost
our best friend. After that I have never heard the word " con-
tinuity," or " contiguity," or whatever it is, mentioned, but I was
always afraid something was going to happen. And that's a fact.'
This was conclusive on the minds of the majority of his hearers-
However, a number were of opinion that it was all right, and at
the risk of being considered humbugs— asserted their belief that
whatever might be said against the continuity they couldn't do
without it, and that, on the contrary, it was because it was gone
all the trouble had occurred."
Yet, fortunately, there was time to repair it in the hold without
in any way interfering with the operations, beyond slightly
reducing the speed of the ship for a few moments. Observa-
tions made at noon on Friday showed that we had made good
ninety miles from the starting-point since the previous day,
with an expenditure of 135 miles of cable. During the latter
portion of the day the barometer fell considerably, and towards
the evening it blew almost a gale of wind from the eastward,
dead ahead of our course. As the breeze freshened, the speed
of the engines was gradually increased ; but the wind more
than increased in proportion, so that before the sun went down
the Agamemnon was going full steam against the wind, only
making a speed of some four knots.
During the evening top masts were lowered, and spars, yards,
sails, and, indeed, everything aloft that could offer resistance
to the wind was sent down on deck. Still the ship made but
little way, chiefly in consequence of the heavy sea ; and the
enormous quantity of fuel consumed showed us that if the wind
lasted we should be reduced to burning the masts, spars, and
even the decks, to bring the ship into Valentia. It seemed to
be our particular ill-fortune to meet with head winds which-
ever way the ship's head was turned. On our journey out we
had been delayed and obliged to consume an undue proportion
of coal for want of an easterly wind, and now all our fuel was
wanted because of one. However, during the next day the
wind gradually went round to the south-west, which, though
it raised a heavy sea, allowed us to husband our small
remaining store of fuel.
At noon on Saturday, the 315! of July, observations showed us to
be in lat. 52°23/ N., and long. 26°44' W., having made good
1 20 miles of distance since noon of the previous day, with a
loss of about 27 per cent, of cable. The Niagara, as far as
could be judged from the amount of cable she paid out — which
was signalled at every ten miles— kept pace with us, within one
or two miles, the whole distance across. During the afternoon
of Saturday the wind again freshened. Before nightfall it blew
nearly a gale of wind, and a tremendous sea ran before it from
the south-west, which made the Agamemnon pitch and toss to
such an extent that it was thought unlikely the cable could
hold through the night. Indeed, had it not been for the constant
care and watchfulness exercised by Mr. Bright and his two
energetic assistants, Mr. Canning and Mr. Clifford, it could not
have been done at all. Men were kept at the wheels of the
machine to prevent their stopping (as the stern of the ship
rose and fell with the sea), for had they done so the cable must
have parted.1 During Sunday the sea and wind increased, and
before the evening it blew a smart gale. Now, indeed, were
the energy and activity of all engaged in the operation tasked
to the utmost. Mr. Hoar and Mr. Moore, the two engineers
who had the charge of the relieving wheels of the dynamo-
meter, had to keep watch and watch alternately every four
hours, and while on duty durst not let their attention be removed
from their occupation for one moment ; for on their releasing
the brake every time the stern of the ship fell into the trough
of the sea entirely depended the safety of the cable, and the
result shows how ably they discharged their duty. Throughout
the night there were few who had the least expectation of the
cable holding on till morning, and many lay awake listening for
the sound that every one dreaded to hear — viz., the gun which
should announce the failure of all our hopes. But still the
cable — which, in comparison with the ship from which it was
paid out and the gigantic waves among which it was delivered,
1 The paying-out apparatus was roped in, with a notice placed
conspicuously, reading thus : " No one here except the Engineers'
Watch." This was certainly laconic ; but if any other than the
privileged few made his way inside the sacred ground, the marine
who stood close by informed him he must leave. That was not all,
however ; for if under the impression that he was at liberty to talk
to the operator in charge of the dynamometer, he was soon made
aware of the absurdity of such an idea by another inscription to
the effect that no conversation was allowed with that particular
was but a mere thread — continued toehold on, only leaving a
silvery phosphorescent line upon the stupendous seas as they
rolled on towards the ship.
With Sunday morning came no improvement in the weather.
Still the sky remained black and stormy to windward, and the
constant violent squalls of wind and rain which prevailed during
the whole day served to keep up — if not to augment — the height
of the waves. But the cable had gone through so much during
the night that our confidence in its continuing to hold was much
restored.1 At noon observations showed us to be in lat.
52°26'N., and long. 23°i6/W., having made good 130 miles from
noon of the previous day, and about 350 from our starting-point
in mid-ocean. We had passed by the deepest sounding of 2,400
fathoms, and over more than half of the deep water generally ;
while the length of cable still remaining in the ship was more
than sufficient to carry us to the Irish coast, even supposing
the continuance of the bad weather should oblige us to pay out
nearly the same amount of slack cable as hitherto. Thus far
things looked very promising for our ultimate success. But
former experience showed us only too plainly that we could
never suppose that some accident might not arise until the
ends had been fairly landed on the opposite shores.
One of the expedition made some notes in the present-
tense-story, which are reproduced here ' as indicative
of the feelings indulged in about this time by those on
board :—
The cable is the absorbing subject of conversation. We
hardly dare ask ourselves if we shall lay the line the whole dis-
tance— it seems too much to hope for — and we dread to think
of the future. We count each day, not by hours, but by minutes.
The sound of the machinery has become as familiar to us as
1 A note in Bright's rough diary says : " 8 a.m., insulation reported
better than ever."
that of our own voices ; and when it is drowned in any other
noise, we listen with eagerness to hear it again. The barometer
is consulted hourly, and its variations watched with a jealous
eye, for we can now appreciate how much depends on the weather.
The sight of that thread-like wire battling with the wind and
sea produces a feeling somewhat akin to that with which you
would watch the struggles of a drowning man whom you have
not the power to assist. There is a strong undercurrent of
confidence, though we are still some way from the end. A kink
in the cable, or a hole running through the gutta-percha into
the conductor — a tiny hole, such as you could not force a hair
through — would render the labour of months utterly unavailing.
That group of sailors near the cook's galley are engaged in an
animated discussion on the all-prevailing topic. One of the
number is trying to persuade his messmates that it is impossible
to lay it, but they lend him rather unwilling ears. Altogether
the cable is getting into better repute, and specimens of it are
more highly prized than they were before. Nothing is thought
of during the day but the cable, and I believe two-thirds of the
crew don't dream of anything else. Some of us are unreasonable
enough to wish that things were still better, and that we were
once more at home and amongst our friends — in fact, that this
terrible struggle between hope and fear were at an end. Then
our thoughts turn to the scene of wild excitement ashore when
it is learnt that the " impracticable enterprise " has, after all,
succeeded — that is to say, if everything continues to go well
to the finish.
To continue in the words of The Times correspondent :—
During Sunday night and Monday morning the weather
remained as boisterous as ever. It was only by the most in-
defatigable exertions of the engineer upon duty that the wheels
could be prevented from stopping altogether as the vessel rose
and fell with the sea ; and once or twice they did come com-
pletely to a standstill, in spite of all that could be done to keep
them moving. Fortunately, however, they were again set in
motion before the stern of the ship was thrown up by the
succeeding wave.
During the afternoon of the latter day an American three-
masted schooner, which afterwards proved to be the Chieftain,
was seen standing from the eastward towards us. No notice
was taken of her at first ; but when she was within about half
a mile of the Agamemnon she altered her course, and bore right
down across our bows. A collision, which might prove fatal
to the cable, now seemed inevitable ; or could only be avoided
by the equally hazardous expedient of altering the Agamemnon's
course. The Valorous steamed ahead and fired a gun for her
to heave to, which, as she did not appear to take much notice,
was quickly followed by another from the bows of the Agamem-
non, and a second and third from the Valorous. But still the
vessel held on her course, and as the only resource left to avoid
a collision, the course of the Agamemnon was altered just in
time to pass within a few yards of her. It was evident that
our proceedings were a source of the greatest possible astonish-
ment to them, for all her crew crowded upon her deck and
rigging. At length they evidently discovered who we were
and what we were doing, for the crew manned the rigging, and
dipping the ensign several times they gave us three hearty
cheers. Though the Agamemnon was obliged to acknowledge
these congratulations in due form, the feelings of annoyance
with which we regarded the vessel — which was so near adding
a fatal and unexpected mishap to the long chapter of accidents
which had already been encountered — may easily be imagined.
To those below — who of course did not see the ship approaching
— the sound of the first gun came like a thunderbolt, for all
took it as a signal of the breaking of the cable. The dinner
tables were deserted in a moment, and a general rush made up
the hatches to the deck ; but before reaching it their fears were
quickly banished by the report of the succeeding gun, which
all knew well could only be caused by a ship in our way or a
man overboard.
Throughout the greater part of the same day the electrical
signals from the Niagara had been getting gradually weaker,
until they ceased altogether for nearly three-quarters of an
hour. Then Professor Thomson sent a message to the effect
that the signals were too weak to be read, and in a little while
the deflections returned even stronger than they had ever been
before. Towards the evening, however, they again declined
in force for a few minutes.1 With the exception of these little
stoppages, the electrical condition of the submerged wire seemed
to be much improved. It then became known for the first
time that the low temperature of the water at the immense
depth improved considerably the insulating properties of the
gutta-percha, while the enormous pressure to which it must
have been subjected tended to consolidate its texture and to
fill up any air bubbles or slight faults in manufacture which
may have existed. The weather during that night moderated
a little ; but still there was a very heavy sea on, which en-
dangered the wire every second minute.
About three o'clock on the following (Tuesday) morning all
on board were startled from their beds by the loud booming
of a gun. Every one — without waiting for the performance of
the most particular toilet — rushed on deck to ascertain the
cause of the disturbance. Contrary to all expectation, the cable
was safe ; but just in the grey light could be seen the Valorous,
rounded to in the most warlike attitude, firing gun after gun
in quick succession towards a large American barque, which,
quite unconscious of our proceedings, was standing right across
our stern. Such loud and repeated remonstrances from a large
steam frigate were not to be despised ; and evidently without
1 In connection with the above, Bright's diary says : " August 2nd,
1.40 p.m., Professor Thomson reports no regular signals from the
Niagara for three terms of the usual ten minutes. Currents come,
but no intelligible signals according to the arranged methods. It
is possible they may be earth currents."
It subsequently transpired that the trouble had been due to a
fault in the Niagara's ward-room coil. As soon as the electricians
discovered this, and had it cut out, all went smoothly again.
knowing the why or the wherefore, she quickly threw her sails
aback and remained hove to. Whether those on board her
considered that we were engaged in some filibustering expedition
or regarded our proceedings as another British outrage upon
the American flag it is impossible to say ; but certain it is that
— apparently in great trepidation — she remained hove to until
we had lost sight of her in the distance.
Tuesday was a much finer day than any we had experienced
for nearly a week, but still there was a considerable sea running,
and our dangers were far from passed ; yet the hopes of our
ultimate success ran high. We had accomplished nearly the
whole of the deep portions of the route in safety, and that, too,
under the most unfavourable circumstances possible. There
was, therefore, every reason to believe that unless some unfore-
seen accident should occur, we should accomplish the remain-
der. Observations at noon placed us in lat. 52°26/N., long.
167° 4O'W., having run 134 miles since the previous day. About
five o'clock in the evening the steep submarine mountain which
divides the steep telegraphic plateau from the Irish coast was
reached ; and the sudden shallowing of the water had a very
marked effect upon the cable, causing the strain and the speed
to lessen every minute. A great deal of slack was paid out 1
to allow for any greater inequalities which might exist, though
undiscovered by the sounding line. About ten o'clock the shoal
water of 250 fathoms was reached. The only remaining anxiety
now was the changing from the lower main coil to that upon
the upper deck, and this most dangerous operation was suc-
cessfully performed between three and four o'clock on Wednesday
Wednesday was a beautifully calm day ; indeed, it was the
first on which any one would have thought of making a splice
since the day we started from the rendezvous. At noon we
1 The amount of slack paid out had already been almost ruinous.
Luckily its continuance was not necessary, or we could scarcely
have reached Ireland with the cable on board,
were in lat. 52°n/N., long. i2°4O/2//W., eighty-nine miles distant
from the telegraph station at Valentia. The water was shallow,
so that there was no difficulty in paying out the wire with hardly
any loss by slack ; and all looked upon the undertaking as
virtually accomplished. At about one o'clock in the evening
the second change from the upper deck coil to that upon the
orlop deck was safely effected, and shortly after the vessels
exchanged signals that they were in 200 fathoms water. As
night advanced the speed of the ship was reduced, as it was
known that we were only a short distance from the land, and
there would be no advantage in making it before daylight in
the morning. At about twelve o'clock, however, the Skelligs
Light was seen in the distance, and the Valorous steamed on ahead
to lead us into the coast, firing rockets at intervals to direct us.
By daylight on the morning of Thursday, the 5th, the bold
and rocky mountains which entirely surround the wild and
picturesque neighbourhood of Valentia rose right before us at
a few miles' distance. Never, probably, was the sight of land
more welcome, as it brought to a successful termination one of
the greatest — but at the same time most difficult — projects
which was ever undertaken. Had it been the dullest and most
melancholy swamp on the face of the earth that lay before us,
we should have found it a pleasant prospect ; but as the sun
rose behind the estuary of Dingle Bay, tinging with a deep soft
purple the lofty summits of the mountains which surround its
shores, and illuminating the masses of morning vapour which
hung upon them, it was a scene which might vie in beauty with
anything that could be produced by the most florid imagination
of an artist.
No one on shore was apparently conscious of our approach,
so the Valorous went ahead to the mouth of the harbour and
fired a gun. Both ships made straight for Doulas Bay— the
Agamemnon steaming into the harbour with a feeling that she
had done something — and about 6 a.m. came to anchor at the
side of Beginish Island, opposite to Valentia. As soon as the
inhabitants became aware of our impending arrival there was
a general desertion of the place, and hundreds of boats crowded
round us, their passengers in the greatest state of excitement
to hear all about our voyage. The Knight of Kerry was absent
in Dingle, but a messenger was immediately despatched for him,
and he soon arrived in Her Majesty's gunboat Shamrock.
A short time after our arrival a signal was received from the
Niagara that they were preparing to land, having paid out
1,030 nautical miles of cable, while the Agamemnon had accom-
plished her portion of the distance with an expenditure of 1,020
miles, making the total length of the wire submerged 2,050
geographical miles. Immediately after the ships cast anchor
the paddle-box boats of the Valorous were got ready, and two
miles of cable coiled away in them for the purpose of landing
the end. But it was late in the afternoon before the procession
of boats left the ship, under a salute of three rounds of small
arms from the detachment of marines on board the Agamemnon.
Progress was very slow, in consequence of the stiff wind which
blew at the time ; but at about 3 p.m. the end was safely brought
on shore at Knight's Town, Valentia, by Mr. Bright, to whose
exertions the success of the undertaking is attributable. Mr.
Bright was accompanied by Mr. Canning and the Knight of
Kerry. The end was immediately laid in the trench which had
been dug to receive it. Afterwards a royal salute — making
the neighbouring rocks and mountains reverberate— announced
that the communication between the Old and the New World
had been completed.
The cable was taken into the electrical room by Mr. White-
house and attached to a galvanometer, and the first message
was received through the entire length now lying on the bed of
the sea. It will, in all probability, be nearly a fortnight before
the instruments are connected at the two termini for the trans-
mission of regular messages.
It is unnecessary here to expatiate upon the magnitude of
the undertaking which has just been completed, or upon the
great political and social results which are likely to accrue from
it ; but there cannot fail to be a feeling of universal admiration
for the courage and perseverance which have been displayed
by Mr. Bright,1 and those who acted under his orders, in en-
countering the manifold difficulties which arose on their path
at every step.2
In contradistinction to the heavy seas and difficulties the
Agamemnon had to contend with, her consort, the Niagara,
experienced very quiet weather ; and her part of the work
1 In the Institution of Civil Engineers' obituary notice of Charles
Bright the following lines are of some interest in this connection :
" The enormous amount of energy and resource required for the
organisation and fitting out of such an expedition in those early
days can only with difficulty be comprehended. The details of
such an undertaking are indeed massive, and reflect the very highest
credit on the abilities of the late Sir Charles Bright, who (on this
occasion, as on others) showed himself to be a man of extraordinary
energy and power, and endowed with perseverance under difficulties
— qualities which enabled him to bring this never-to-be-forgotten
undertaking to a successful issue."
2 The Times, Wednesday, August nth, 1858.
was comparatively uneventful l-~ with the exception of the
fault near the bottom of the ward-room coil, which has
already been referred to. This was detected during the
operations on the night of August 2nd, but was removed before
it was paid out into the sea at a depth of two miles. About
four o'clock the next morning the continuity and insulation
was accordingly restored ; and, says Mullaly, " all was going
on as if nothing had occurred to disturb the confidence we
felt in the success of the expedition."
A little later the same chronicler remarks :—
Confidence is growing stronger, and there is considerable
speculation as to the time we shall reach Newfoundland. The
pilot who is to bring us into Trinity Bay is now in great repute,
and is becoming a more important personage every day. His
opinion is solicited in regard to the weather, as he is supposed
to know something about it in these latitudes. He is also par-
ticularly catechised on the navigation of the bay and the forma-
tion and character of the coast. We are really beginning to
have strong hopes that his services will be called into requisition,
and that in the course of a few days more we shall be in sight
of land.
Again, when nearing the end, Mullaly describes in stirring
language the various icebergs — some a hundred feet high
—which they met with.
Shortly after entering Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, the
Niagara was met by H.M.S. Porcupine, which had been sent
out from England at the very beginning of the 1858 expedi-
tion to await her approach and render any assistance that
might be required. The Niagara anchored about i a.m on
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable,
August 5th, having completed her work ; and during the
forenoon of that day the cable was landed in a little bay, Bull
Arm,1 at the head of Trinity Bay, when they " received very
strong currents of electricity through the whole cable from
the other side of the Atlantic." 2 The telegraph house at
the Newfoundland end was some two miles from the beach,
and connected to the cable by a land line.
The Celebration
On landing at Valentia, Charles Bright at once sent the
following welcome message to his Board, which was forth-
with passed on to the Press :—
VALENTIA, August $th.
Charles Bright, to the Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph Company.
The Agamemnon has arrived at Valentia, and we are about
to land the end of the cable.
The Niagara is in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland. There are
good signals between the ships.
We reached the rendezvous on the night of the 28th, and
the splice with the Niagara cable was made on board the Aga-
memnon the following morning.
By noon on the soth, 265 nautical miles were laid between
the ships ; on the sist, 540 ; on the ist August, 884 ; on the
2nd, 1,256 ; on the 4th, 1,854 5 on anchoring at six in the morn-
ing, in Doulas Bay, 2,022.
The speed of the Niagara during the whole time has been
L This spot had been selected on account of its seclusion from
prevailing winds, and owing to the shelter it afforded from drifting
2 Engineer's log, U.S.N.S. Niagara.
nearly the same as ours, the length of cable paid out from the
two ships being generally within ten miles of each other.
With the exception of yesterday, the weather has been very
In the afternoon of Thursday, August 5th — as already
described in The Times report — Charles Bright and his staff
brought to shore the end of the cable, at White Strand
Bay, near Knight's Town, Valentia, in the boats of the
1 The Times, 2nd edition, August 5th, 1858.
Some days later Charles Bright sent in his official report, setting
forth fully the main features of the expedition. Here the maximum
depth was shown to be 2,400 fathoms — nearly 2^ statute miles —
and the average slack paid out somewhere about 17 per cent. This
report (reproduced in The Times) was given in full as Appendix 9
to Vol. I. of the original biography.
Valorous, welcomed by the united cheers of the small crowd
As soon as his work was completed, Charles Bright sent
his wife a telegram couched in these laconic terms :
" Atlantic cable laid. Signals received both ways."
All England applauded the triumph of such undaunted
perseverance, and the engineering and nautical skill displayed
in this victory over the elements. The Atlantic Telegraph
had been justly characterised by Professor Morse as the
" great feat of the century," and this was re-echoed by all
the Press on its realisation. The following extract from the
leading article of The Times, the day after completion, is an
example of the comments upon the achievement :—
Mr. Bright, having landed the end of the Atlantic cable at
Valentia, has brought to a successful termination his anxious
and difficult task of linking the Old World with the New. Since
the discovery of Columbus, nothing has been done in any degree
comparable to the vast enlargement which has thus been given
to the sphere of human activity.1
The rejoicing in America, both in public and private,
knew no bounds. The astounding news of the success of
this unparalleled enterprise, after such combats with
storm and sea, " created universal enthusiasm, exultation
and joy, such as was, perhaps, never before produced by any
event, not even the discovery of the Western hemisphere.
Many had predicted its failure — some from ignorance, others
1 For the rest of this "leader" see Appendix gb to Vol. I. of
the original biography.
simply because they were anti-progressives by nature.
Philanthropists everywhere hailed it as the greatest event of
modern times, heralding the good time coming of universal
peace and brotherhood."
In Newfoundland, Mr. Field, with Captain Hudson, of
the Niagara, Captain Dayman, of H.M.S. Gorgon, and
Commander H. C. Otter, of H.M.S. Porcupine, together with
Mr. Bright's assistant engineers, Messrs. Everett and Wood-
house, and the electricians, Messrs, de Sauty and Laws,
received the heartiest congratulations and welcome from the
Governor and Legislative Council of the Colony. Whilst
acknowledging these congratulations, Mr. Field remarked :
" We have had many difficulties to surmount, many dis-
couragements to bear, and some enemies to overcome, whose
very opposition has stimulated us to greater exertion."
It was a curious coincidence that the cable was suc-
cessfully completed to Valentia on the same day, in
1858, on which the shore end had been landed the year
before. 1
Charles Bright, with Messrs. Canning and Clifford, and
the rest of the staff — including Professor Thomson, and
the other electricians — were absolutely exhausted with the
1 Moreover, it was exactly one hundred and eleven years to a day
since Dr. (later Sir William) Watson had astonished the scientific
world by sending an electric current through a wire two miles long,
using the earth as a return circuit.
It is also worthy of note that the first recorded feat of telegraphy
was executed by order of King Agamemnon to his queen, announcing
the fall of Troy, 1084, years before the birth of Christ, and that
the great feat which we have narrated was carried out by the great
ship Agamemnon, as we have here shown.
incessant watching, apart from the anxiety that attended
their arduous work. Valentia proved a haven of rest for
these " toilers of the deep."
But a series of banquets had to be faced.
Soon after his duties at Valentia were over, Bright made
his way to Dublin. Here he was entertained by the Lord
Mayor and civic authorities of that capital on Wednesday,
September ist. On this occasion Cardinal Wiseman, who
was present, made an eloquent speech ; and the following
account of the proceedings (from the Morning Post) may
be suitably quoted :—
The banquet given on Wednesday, the ist, by the Lord Mayor
of Dublin, to Mr. C. T. Bright, engineer-in-chief to the Atlantic
Telegraph Company, was a great success. The assemblage em-
braced the highest names in the metropolis — civil, military, and
official. Cardinal Wiseman was present in full cardinalite
The Lord Mayor, in proposing the toast of the evening, " The
health of Mr. Bright," dwelt with much eloquence on the achieve-
ments of science, and paid a marked and merited compliment
to the genius and perseverance which, in the face of discourage-
ment from the scientific world, had succeeded in bringing about
their great accomplishment, the laying of the Atlantic telegraph.
His lordship's speech was most complimentary to the distin-
guished guest, Mr. C. T. Bright.
Mr. Bright rose, amidst loud cheers, to respond. He thanked
the assemblage for their hearty welcome, and said he was deeply
sensible of the honour. He next commented upon the value
of this means of communication for the prevention of misunder-
standing between the Governments of the Great Powers, and
then referred to the services of the gentlemen who had been
associated with him in laying the cable, with whom he desired
to share the honours done him that night. (Mr. Bright was
warmly cheered throughout his eloquent speech.)
Mr. Bright then proposed the health of Mr. Cyrus Field,
acknowledging in warm terms the services of this gentleman
in the great project.
Referring next day, in a letter to his wife, to these pro-
ceedings, Bright said : —
The Cardinal came in tremendous costume, just like Kean
in Henry VIII, with a large jewelled cross round his neck, and
an immense sparkling ring of office on his white hand, which
contrasted strongly with his red face and dress. However, I
found him a very pleasant man, full of scientific knowledge
and interest in the Atlantic line. He pressed me to come to
see him in London.
I hope you thought my speech a good one ! I was glad to
have a public opportunity of shaming the " Yankees " by pro-
posing Cyrus Field's health.
Charles Bright was honoured with knighthood within
a few days of his landing.
As this was considered a special occasion — apart from
ordinary periodic honours— and as the Queen was at that
time on her famous and important visit to the Empress of
the French at Cherbourg, it was arranged that the cere-
mony should be performed there and then, at Dublin, by
His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland (the Earl of
Eglinton), in Her Majesty's name. x
With reference to this, Bright wrote to his wife the
day before : —
1 The following spring Charles Bright was duly " presented "
at Court (by Lord Eglinton), in connection with his knighthood.
The Lord Lieutenant having expressed a wish to see me, I
had an interview with him this morning. He intimated his de-
sire to confer upon me — on behalf of Her Majesty — the honour
of knighthood, which ceremony is to be performed to-morrow,
after which I dine with him to meet a large party of the noble
folks of the land, and then I shall be glad to get home and have
a little quiet with "Lady Bright."
Bright was but twenty-six years of age at the time,
being the youngest man who had received the distinction
for generations past — and no similar instance has occurred
since. It was, moreover, the first title conferred on the
telegraphic profession, and remained so for some years.
With Professor Thomson and other colleagues Sir Charles
was light royally entertained in Dublin, Killarney, and
elsewhere, the Lord Lieutenant taking a prominent part in
the celebrations. * Indeed, in Ireland generally, where
he had been previously known for years as the engineer of
the " Magnetic " Company — whose wires he had extended
throughout the length and breadth of the Emerald Isle —
warm greetings were unbounded.
A few days later, on the occasion of the grand banquet
given in his honour at Killarney by the nobility and gentry
of Kerry, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, after some
prefatory remarks, thus referred to him and the cable 2 :—
1 It was just previous to one of these at the Vice-Regal Lodge
that opportunity was taken to perform the ceremony of " knighting "
Bright. At the dinner afterwards he sat next to the then Duchess
of Manchester, who reminded him that an ancestor of his had married
Lady Lucy Montagu — one of the Duke's family — of previous days.
2 Daily News, August 2oth, 1858.
When we consider the extraordinary undertaking that has
been accomplished within the last few weeks ; when we consider
that a cable of about 2,000 miles has been extended beneath
the ocean — a length which, if multiplied ten times, would reach
our farthest colonies and nearly surround the earth ; when we
consider it is stretched along the bed of shingles and shells,
which appeared destined for it as a foundation by Providence,
and stretching from the points which human enterprises would
look to ; and when we consider the great results that will
flow from this great work, we are at a loss how sufficiently to
admire the genius and energy of those who planned it, or how
to be sufficiently thankful to the Almighty for having delegated
such a power to the human race, for whose benefit it is to be
put in force. (Cheers.) And let us look at the career which
this telegraph has passed since it was originally discovered.
At first, it was rapidly laid over the land, uniting states, com-
munities and countries, extending over hills and valleys, roads
and railways ; but the sea appeared to present an impenetrable
barrier. It could not stop here, however ; submarine tele-
graphy was but a question of time, and the first enterprise by
which it was introduced was in connection with an old foe — and
at present our best friend — Imperial France. (Hear, hear.)
The next attempt which was successful was the junction of Eng-
land and our island, which was carried out by the same dis-
tinguished engineer whose name is now in the mouth of every
man. (Hear, hear.) Other submarine attempts followed :
the telegraph paused before the great Atlantic, like another
Alexander, weeping as if it had no more worlds to conquer ;
but it has found another world, and it has gained it— not bringing
strife or conquest, but carrying with it peace and goodwill.
(Applause.) I feel I should be wanting if I did not allude in
terms of admiration to the genius and skill of the engineer,
Sir Charles Bright, who has carried out this project and
brought it to a successful termination. (Applause.) It is
not necessary, I am certain, to call attention to the diligence and
attention shown by the crew of the Agamemnon— (cheers)—
because.! am sure there is no one here who has not read the
description of the voyage in the newspapers. The zeal, courage
and enterprise exhibited were only to be equalled by the skill
with which it was carried out. I believe there was only a differ-
ence of twelve miles between the two ends of the cable when
it came to the shore. There are some questions with regard
to the date at which the work was effected, to which I wish to
call attention. It was on the 5th August, 1857, that this enterprise
was first commenced under the auspices of my distinguished
predecessor, who I wish was here now to rejoice in its success —
I mean only in a private capacity. (Cheers and laughter.) It was
on the 5th August, 1858, it was completed, and it was on the 5th
August, more than 300 years ago, that Columbus left the shores of
Spain to proceed on his ever-memorable voyage to America.
It was on the 5th August, 1583, that Sir Hugh Gilbert, a worthy
countryman of Raleigh and Drake, steered his good ship the
Squirrel to the shores of Newfoundland, and first unfurled the
flag of England in the very bay where this triumph has now
taken place — (applause) — and it was on the same 5th of August
that your Sovereign was received by her imperial friend amidst
the fortifications of Cherbourg, arid thereby put an end to the
ridiculous nonsense about strife and dissension. (Applause.)
Let the 5th August be a day ever memorable among nations. Let
it be, if I may so term it, the birthday of England. (Applause.)
Among the many points which must have given every one
satisfaction, was the manner in which this great success was
received in America. (Hear, hear.) There appears to have been
but one feeling of rejoicing predominant amongst them ; and
I cannot but think that that was not only owing to their commer-
cial enterprise — which they shared along with us — but also
to the feelings of consanguinity and affection which I am sure
we share, though occasionally disturbed by international dis-
putes, and by differences caused by misrepresentations or hasti-
ness. It must still burn as brightly in their breasts as in ours.
(Applause.) I trust that, not only with our friends across the
Atlantic, but with every civilised nation, this great triumph
of science will prove the harbinger of peace, goodwill, and friend-
ship ; and that England and America will not verify the first
line of the stanza —
Lands intersected by a narrow firth
Abhor each other,
but that they will, by mutual intercourse, arrive at the last line
of that stanza, and, " like kindred drops, be mingled into one."
(Warm applause.)
After the various functions in Ireland celebrating the lay-
ing of the cable had been exhausted, Bright was glad to
have the opportunity of returning to his family at Harrow
Weald, for the first time since the successful completion
of the work.
The Working of the Line
As previously shown, two descriptions of instruments
were used on board the ships for testing and working
through whilst laying the cable. These were the detector
of Mr. Whitehouse and Professor Thomson's reflecting
apparatus. The process of testing consisted in sending
from one to the other vessel alternately, during a period
of ten minutes, first, a " reversal " every minute for five
minutes,1 and then a current in one direction for five minutes.
The results were observed and recorded on board both ships.
There was also a special signal for each ten miles of cable
paid out between the vessels.
When the splice was made on the 2Qth July, 72° deflec-
1 This is usually described as a current first in one direction, and
then in another, though, perhaps, not strictly accurate, technically.
tions were obtained on the Agamemnon from seventy-five
cells of a sawdust Daniell's battery on board the Niagara,
which had given 83° on entry. On arrival at Valentia
at 6.30 a.m. on August 5th, the deflection on the same
instruments (detector and marine galvanometer being
both in circuit as before) was 68° ; while the sending battery
power on the Niagara had fallen off at entry to 62^°
through the marine galvanometer on board that vessel.
The figures quoted show that, taking into account the
certain diminution in electro-motive force of the " sawdust "
battery employed, the cable had considerably improved
by submersion, the insulation being even greater than
that recorded before laying, when the cable was reported
as perfect.
When Charles Bright and his staff had accomplished
their part of the undertaking on August 5th, the cable was
handed over to Mr. Whitehouse, the electrician of the
Company, and his assistants. It was then reported to be in
perfect condition.1 Mr. Whitehouse, however, after taking
charge of the line, found difficulty in working it with his
special induction apparatus,2 but appears to have made
no report to the Board for some time. No information
arrived at headquarters except some telegrams stating that
signals were highly satisfactory, and that the adjustment of
instruments was progressing.3 More than a week passed,
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
2 Besides being fully described in the pages of The Engineer
at the time, some of Mr. Whitehouse's apparatus may now be seen
at Messrs. Elliott Brothers, the famous instrument makers.
3 The Transatlantic Submarine Telegraph, p. 33, by George Saward,
Secretary to the Atlantic Telegraph Company.
during which Mr. Whitehouse continued his ineffectual
efforts to work with the induction apparatus ; and then
Professor Thomson's reflecting galvanometer— that had
worked so well during the voyage— was again inserted,
with ordinary Daniell cells, in the circuit.
Thus, communication was resumed, the first clear message
being received from Newfoundland on August 13th,
1858, and on the i6th the following message was got through
from the directors in England to the directors in America x : —
Europe and America are united by telegraph. " Glory to
God in the highest, on earth peace, good-will toward men." 2
Then followed :—
From Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain to His Excellency
the President of the United States.
The Queen desires to congratulate the President upon the
successful completion of this great international work, in which
the Queen has taken the greatest interest.
1 There had been a considerable delay in getting the apparatus
ready at Newfoundland ; and, unfortunately, they adhered to alter-
nating electro-magnetic apparatus there, in conjunction with a
relay. The result was that supreme difficulty was experienced
throughout in working the line this way. On the other hand, at
Valentia they once reported : " We are now receiving from New-
foundland accurately, at the rate of 100 words per hour." Indeed,
nearly all the really successful working was effected by the Thomson
" marine galvanometer," at a speed up to five words per minute,
as compared with 1-75 per minute with the other apparatus.
2 With reference to this and some of the following cablegrams,
Sir D. Brewster wrote (in the Edinburgh Review) at the time : "It
is impossible to read, without emotion, these messages which breathe
— from the earliest to the latest — the ardent wish that peace and
good will should reign between hitherto unfriendly nations, born of
the same blood, speaking the same tongue, and rejoicing in the same
The Queen is convinced that the President will join with
her in fervently hoping that the electric cable, which now
already connects Great Britain with the United States, will
prove an additional link between the two nations, whose
friendship is founded upon their common interest and recipro-
cal esteem.
The Queen has much pleasure in thus directly communicating
with the President, and in renewing to him her best wishes
for the prosperity of the United States.
The message was shortly afterwards responded to as
follows : —
The President of the United States to Her Majesty Victoria, Queen
of Great Britain.
The President cordially reciprocates the congratulations of
Her Majesty the Queen on the success of the great international
enterprise accomplished by the skill, science, and indomitable
energy of the two countries.
It is a triumph more glorious, because far more useful to
mankind, than was ever won by a conqueror on the field of
May the Atlantic Telegraph, under the blessing of Heaven,
prove to be a bond of perpetual peace and friendship between
the kindred nations, and an instrument destined by Divine
Providence to diffuse religion, civilisation, liberty, and law
throughout the world !
In this view will not all the nations of Christendom spon-
taneously unite in the declaration that it shall be for ever neutral,
and that its communications shall be held sacred in passing to
the place of their destination, even in the midst of hostilities ?
Throughout the United States the arrival of the Queen's
message was the signal for a fresh outburst of popular en-
Mr. Henry Field wrote in his description : —
The next morning, August lyth, the city of New York was
awakened by the thunder of artillery. A hundred guns were
fired in the City Hall Park at daybreak, and the salute was
repeated at noon. At this hour flags were flying from all the
public buildings, and the bells of the principal churches began
to ring, as Christmas bells signal the birthday of One Who
came to bring peace and good-will to men — chimes that, it was
fondly hoped, might usher in, as they should, a new era.
Ring out the old, ring in the new,
Ring out the false, ring in the true.
That night the city was illuminated. Never had it seen so
brilliant a spectacle. Such was the blaze of light around the
City Hall that the cupola caught fire and was consumed, and the
Hall itself narrowly escaped destruction. But one night did
not exhaust the public enthusiasm, for the following evening
witnessed one of those displays for which New York surpasses
all the cities of the world — a fireman's torchlight procession.
Moreover, several wagon-loads (each containing about twelve
miles) of the cable left on board the Niagara were drawn through
the principal streets of the city.
Similar demonstrations took place in other parts of the United
1 Whoever shall write the history of popular enthusiasm must
give a large space to the way in which the advent of Atlantic tele-
graphy was received in the United States. Never did the tidings
of any great achievement — whether of peace or war — more truly
electrify a nation. In New York, the news was received at first with
incredulity. No doubt the impression was greater, because it took
every one completely by surprise. This undertaking had been
looked upon as hopeless. Its projectors had shared the usual lot
of those who conceive vast designs and venture on great enterprises,
and their labours had been watched with mixed feelings of derision
and pity.
States. From the Atlantic to the valley of the Mississippi,
and to the Gulf of Mexico, in every city was heard the firing
of guns and the ringing of bells. Nothing seemed too extrava-
gant to give expression to the popular rejoicing.
The English Press were warm in their recognition of
those to whom the nation were " indebted for bringing into
action the greatest invention of the age," 1 and expressed
their full belief that " the effect of bringing the Three
Kingdoms and the United States into instantaneous
communication with each other will be to render hostilities
between the two nations almost impossible for the future."
And again :— " More was done yesterday for the con-
solidation of our Empire than the wisdom of our statesmen,
the liberality of our Legislature, or the loyalty of our
Colonists could ever have effected."
The sermons preached on the subject, both in England
and America, were literally without number. Enough
found their way into print to fill several large volumes.
Never, indeed, had an event more deeply touched the
spirit of religious enthusiasm.
With further reference to the active life of the cable,
the following communications have some interest :—
Three long congratulatory messages were transmitted :
One on August i8th, from Mr. Peter Cooper, President
of the New York, Newfoundland, and London Telegraph
Company, to the Directors of the Atlantic Telegraph
Company ; another, from the Mayor of New York to the
Lord Mayor of London, his reply in acknowledgment
1 The Times, August 6th, 1858.
Two of the great Cunard mail steamers, the Europa
and Arabia, came into collision on August I4th, while on
their outward and homeward voyages. Neither the news
nor the injured vessels could reach those concerned on both
sides of the Atlantic for some days ; but as soon as it became
known in New York, a message was sent by the cable :—
Arabia in collision with Europa, Cape Race, Saturday. Arabia
Received per the Atlantic Telegraph Company.
Message, this /Y day of
18 J+
on her way. Head slightly injured. Europa lost bowsprit,
cutwater stem sprung. Will remain in St. John's ten days from
i6th. Persia calls at St. John's for mails and passengers. No
loss of life or limb.
This first public news message showed the relief given
by speedy knowledge in dispelling doubt and fear. Subse-
quently, messages giving the news on both Continents
were transmitted, and published daily.
Further, as exemplifying the aid the cable afforded to
our Government, we may mention two messages sent from
the Commander-in-Chief, at the Horse Guards, on August
3ist — owing to the quelling of the Indian Mutiny — cancel-
ling orders sent by mail to Canada, thus :—
The first, to General Trollope, Halifax, ran as follows :
" The 62nd Regiment is not to return to England." The
other, to the officer in command at Montreal, ran thus :
" The 3Qth Regiment is not to return to England."
From £50,000 to £60,000 was estimated by the authori-
ties to have been saved in the unnecessary transportation
of the troops by these two cable communications, which
were delivered the same day that they were sent.
But the insulation of the precious wire had, unhappily,
been giving way ; and the diminished flashes of light
proved to be only the flickering of the flame that was
soon to be extinguished in the eternal darkness of the
waters. After a period of confused signals, the line
ultimately breathed its last on October 20th, after 732 mes-
sages in all had been conveyed during a period of three
months. The last word which the line uttered — and which
may be said to have come beyond the sea — was " For-
ward ! " The very day that the whole of New York rose
up to do honour to the Atlantic Telegraph — when the
roar of guns, the chiming of bells in the sacred spires, and
the shouts of joy throughout the land might be heard
o'er hill and dale, and when even London was about to
do it honour — the throbs of this almost living thing were
becoming visibly weaker, and fears began to prevail
that it would shortly sleep for ever silent in its ocean
The line had been subject to frequent interruption through-
out. The wonder is that it did so much, when we consider
the lack of experience at that period in the initial manufac-
ture of deep-sea cables, the short time allowed, and the
treatment the line received after being laid. 1
An unusually violent lightning storm occurred at New-
foundland shortly after the cable had been laid. This was
spoken of as a possible part cause of the gradual failure of
the line ; also a supposed " factory fault," masked
by the tar in the hemp. There were, however, those who
hinted at foul play. It was certainly singular that the
cable should continue to work for several weeks and
only show definite signs of sickness on the very day of
the celebration in New York !
When all the efforts of the electricians failed to draw more
than a few faint whispers— a dying gasp from the depths
of the sea— there ensued, in the public mind, a feeling of
1 It is extremely doubtful whether any cable, even of the present
day, would long stand a trial with currents so generated and of such
In his work on the " Electric Telegraph " (p.34»)> the late Mr* Robert
Sabine said : " At the date of the first Atlantic cable the engineering
department was far ahead of the electrical. The cable was success-
fully laid— mechanically good, but electrically bad."
profound discouragement. And, then, as regards those
officially concerned in the enterprise. What a bitter dis-
appointment ! Imagine Charles Bright's state of mind after
all he had gone through, and after he had ultimately accom-
plished his part of the undertaking with complete success.
In all the experience of life there are no sadder moments
than those in which, after years of anxious toil, striving for
a great object, and after a glorious triumph, the achieve-
ment that seemed complete becomes a wreck !
Still, young Bright had the satisfaction of knowing that
he had (i) demonstrated the possibility of laying over
2,000 miles1 of cable in one continuous length across the
Atlantic Ocean at depths of two to three miles 2 ; and (2)
that by means of an electric current, distinct and regular
signals could be transmitted and received through an insu-
lated conductor — even when at such a depth beneath the
sea — across this vast distance.3
1 This was a length six times greater than had ever been previ-
ously laid, and at an average depth far in excess of anything before.
2 He had also proved, amongst other things, that a ship could be
hove to in deep water with a cable hanging on without the latter
3 In his Presidential Address to the Institution of Electrical
Engineers, in 1889, the late Lord Kelvin (then Sir William Thomson)
said, in regard to the above work —
" The first Atlantic Cable gave me the happiness and privilege of meet-
ing and working with the late Sir Charles Bright. He was the engineer
of this great undertaking — full of vigour, full of enthusiasm. We were
shipmates on the Agamemnon on the ever memorable expedition of 1858,
during which we were out of sight of land for thirty-three days.
To Sir C. Bright's vigour, earnestness, and enthusiasm was due the suc-
cessful laying of the cable. We must always feel deeply indebted to our
late colleague as the pioneer in that great work, when other engineers
would not look at it, and thought it absolutely impracticable."
Of course the gutta-percha coverings, as then applied in
those early stages of submarine work,1 cannot in any way
be compared to the continual progress made in insulating
methods and materials during the many years that have
since elapsed.2 But in 1856-57 the Atlantic Cable in-
sulation was a great advance upon that applied to the wires
of previous cables ; moreover, the conductor was a strand
of copper, and much larger than anything before adopted.
It was to be regretted that owing to the precipitate orders
given by the provisional committee of the subscribers to
the memorandum of association of the Company — before
even the Board had been formed, or Charles Bright appointed
engineer — that his specification of a conductor nearly four
times larger had not been worked to.3 Bright's specification
— had it been acted on — would have given six times the insu-
lation, and more than treble the conductivity. Under such
conditions it is highly improbable that strong currents would
have been applied for the working of the line. Unhappily
Professor Morse had, as we have seen, promulgated an
opinion directly opposed to Charles Bright's practical
1 It was thought by some that the gutta-percha had let the water
percolate in at the seams, and also that weak joints contributed to
the ultimate failure of the line.
2 Submarine Telegraphs.
3 As previously stated, this heavier type of core was subsequently
recommended to Government by Sir C. Bright, in 1860, for the Fal-
mouth-Gibraltar cable, eventually used to connect Malta and
Alexandria. It was also specified by Bright for the Second and
Third Atlantic Cables of 1865 and 1866, and duly adopted, as may
be seen further on.
Professor Morse's views ran thus : —
That by the use of comparatively small-coated wires, and of
electro-magnetic induction coils for the exciting magnets, tele-
graphic signals can be transmitted through two thousand miles,
with a speed amply sufficient for all commercial and economical
A similarly incorrect theory was adopted even by Fara-
day (the greatest electrical scientist of the day), who, in
a discussion on the proposed Atlantic Cable at the Institu-
tion of Civil Engineers, stated " that the larger the jar, or
the larger the wire, the more electricity was required to
charge it ; and the greater was the retardation of that electric
impulse, which should be occupied in sending the charge
forward,"2 thereby entirely disregarding the factor of con-
ductor resistance. The Company were completely misled
by this and by similar views entertained by Mr. White-
house. And so to a cable of comparatively small carrying
power and poor insulation was set the task of withstanding
electric currents of an intensity that would ruin any line
ever laid, even now — fifty years later !
The cable, inadequately equipped as it was, would
probably have worked — though slowly, of course — for
years, had the battery power been limited to that which had
been previously employed on the ships during the laying
operations, in connection with Professor Thomson's highly
sensitive mirror apparatus. Mr. Whitehouse, however,
1 Report by Professor S. F. B. Morse, LL.D., to the Provisional
Committee of the Atlantic Telegraph Company.
2 Professor Michael Faraday in Proceedings of Inst. C.E., vol.
xvi., p. 221.
connected his battery to fearfully intense induction coils in
order to work his specially devised relay and Morse electro-
magnetic recording instruments at the further end of the
line. Moreover, finding difficulty in getting his appliances
to act properly, he appears to have increased the power
from time to time, up to nearly 500 cells — of a very potent
type — during the first week of working, till the induction
coils about five feet long yielded electricity that was esti-
mated by the experts (who sat at a sort of coroner's inquest
on the unhappy cable) to have an intensity of about 2,000
volts ! *
Hence, when signalling was resumed by the com-
paratively mild voltaic currents, actuating Professor
Thomson's instrument, a fault (or faults) had been already
developed, necessitating a far higher battery power than
had been employed during the continuous communication
between the ships whilst paying out. The wounds opened
further under the various stimulating doses ; the insula-
tion was unable to bear the electrical strain ; and the circu-
lation gradually ceased through a cable already in a state
of dissolution.
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
The Inquest
The great historical sea line having collapsed, some of
the foremost of the electrical profession were called in to
aid, first in determining the nature of the interruption, with
a view to remedies if practicable ; then to elicit the cause.
Mr. C. F. Varley,1 the electrician of the Electric Telegraph
Company ; Mr. E. B. Bright, Manager to the Magnetic
Company ; and Mr. W. T. Henley, the well-known tele-
graph inventor, were severally requested by the "Atlantic"
Company to examine and report in conjunction with Sir
Charles Bright and Professor Thomson.
Resistance coils and apparatus for ascertaining the posi-
tion of the fault, patented by the Messrs. Bright in 1852—
as referred to in Chapter III — were employed, the result
being that a serious leakage of electricity was indicated
at a distance of about 300 miles from Valentia. There was
clearly no fracture of the conductor, for excessively weak
currents still came through in a fitful sort of way. Accord-
ing to the above location, the main leak through the gutta-
percha envelope was in water of a depth of about two miles.
At that time means had not been devised for grappling
and lifting a cable from such depths.
As the result of tests made independently by Charles
Bright and Professor Thomson, it seemed likely that the
1 About this time, Mr. Varley became electrician to the Atlantic
Company in succession to Mr. Whitehouse, who had retired,
whilst Professor Thomson still remained scientific adviser to the
Board of Directors.
Valentia shore end was especially faulty. Accordingly, it
was under-run from the catamaran raft, previously used in
1857, f°r some three miles ; but on being cut at the furthest
point at which it was found possible to raise the cable, the
fault still appeared on the seaward side. The idea of
repairs had, therefore, to be abandoned, and the cable was
again spliced up.
The line being once more intact, efforts were made to
renew signals by means of a large and improved magnetic
telegraph devised by Mr. Henley, as w7ell as by curb keys
recently invented by the Brights. With the latter, cur-
rents of opposite character, and of given lengths, were
transmitted, so that each signalling current was followed
instantly by one of opposite polarity, which neutralised
all that remained of its predecessor. The road was thus
cleared for the succeeding signal.
All efforts, however, proved unavailing ; for signalling
purposes the poor cable was defunct.
Having dealt with the nature of the interruption, we
now come to the cause. It is first of all abundantly clear
from the station diaries kept by the electricians at Valentia
and Newfoundland — as well as by other irrefutable evidence-
that when the laying was completed, and the cable ends
were handed over to them from the ships on August 5th,
all was in good working order.
Thus :-
" On the landing of the cable at Newfoundland some of them
' tasted ' the current, and received a pretty strong shock, so
strong that they willingly resigned the chance of repeating the
experiment." On the same day, August 5th, Mr. Field telegraphed
to the New York Associated Press : " The electrical signals
sent through the whole cable are perfect." The station diary
records the same. Again, on August 8th, the entry runs : " Good
signals being received through the cable." On the gth, Mr. de
Sauty, the electrician, reports : " Receiving good, recorded
signals from Valentia. Perfectly satisfactory."
So much for the American end. On this side it was stated
in the papers on August 5th, " good signals passing to and fro."
Mr. Whitehouse, the chief electrician, reports on the 6th :
" Electric communication is maintained perfectly." 7th: ''The
currents from Newfoundland are good, giving deflections of 60°
on either side of the galvanometer, according as a positive or
negative current is transmitted. ' ' On August ioth, Mr. Whitehouse
telegraphed, " rate of transmission fully equals that obtained at
Keyham, and the line works as well as it did before it was laid." 1
With reference to the electrical working during laying
operations, Mr. Whitehouse stated in his evidence before
the Government Commission appointed in 1861 to enquire
into the construction of submarine cables : " The signals
were very strong : they made the relay speak out loud, so
that you could hear it across the room. The battery power
employed at the time at Newfoundland was seven twelve-
cell sawdust batteries."
On board the ships during the submersion, only moderate
charges of electricity were employed for signalling — some
seventy cells of a very ordinary, and weak, form of voltaic
battery. The use of these was continued at Valentia after
landing, and worked the cable perfectly, though of course
slowly compared with overhead land wires.
All the eminent electricians examined before the pre-
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
viously mentioned Parliamentary Committee were unani-
mous on this point1:— Mr. Cromwell Varley, F.R.S., de-
clared his belief " that had a more moderate power been
used, the cable would still have been capable of transmitting
messages," and that " its faulty condition was no doubt due
to the employment of large induction coils." Mr. J. W.
Brett (a Director) stated that " the Board had clear evidence
that the cable sustained injury by the use of very great
power." Mr. Glass " was persuaded that the intense
currents were finally the cause of the signals ceasing."
Professor Hughes, the inventor of the well-known type-
printing telegraph, declared that " the cable was injured
by the induction coils, and that the intense currents de-
veloped by them were strong enough to burst through
A member of the committee afterwards inquired whether
it was the fact that those who had the misfortune to touch
the cable at the time when the current was discharged from
the induction coil received so severe a shock from it that they
nearly fainted. It was admitted in reply, " that those who
touched the bare wire would suffer for their carelessness,
though not, if discretion were exercised, in grasping the
gutta-percha only."
Professor Wheatstone expressed his opinion at the
inquiry in question : " That the force of the induction
coils must have been enormously greater than that of a
battery of 400 elements, such as we subsequently employed
at Valentia in the later signalling efforts." Further evidence
was given to the same effect by other experts, and the
1 " Joint Commission on Submarine Telegraph Cables."
Right Hon. J. Stuart-Wortley, M.P., the then Chairman of
the Atlantic Company, in a deputation to Lord Palmers-
ton in March, 1862, stated that " far too high charges of
electricity were forced into the conductor. It was evidently
thought at that time by certain electricians that you could
not charge a cable of this sort too highly. Thus, they
proceeded somewhat like the man who bores a hole with
a poker in a deal board : he gets the hole, to be sure, but
the board is burnt in the operation."
Professor Thomson (afterwards Lord Kelvin), writing in
1860, expressed the following opinion anent the use of
excessive power :—
The induction coils were superseded by Daniell's battery
at Valentia after a few days' trial, though the rapidly failing
line had seemed to prove them incapable of giving intelligible
signals to the Newfoundland Station. Owing to the immediate
introduction and continued use of my mirror galvanometer
as a receiving instrument at Valentia, the signals from New-
foundland were sufficient during the three weeks of successful
working of the cable. It is quite certain that, with a pro-
perly-adjusted mirror galvanometer at each end, twenty cells
of Daniell's battery would have done the work required ; and
the writer has little doubt that if no induction coils and no bat-
tery power exceeding the above had ever been applied to the
cable since the landing of its ends, it would be now in full work
day and night, with no prospect, or probability, of failure.1
Summing up the cause of the catastrophe to the ill-used
cable, it may be said (in engineering parlance) that " high-
pressure steam had been got up in a low-pressure boiler."
1 The Encyclopedia Britannica, 8th Edition, 1860. Article on
" The Electric Telegraph," by Professor W. Thomson, F.R.S.
Other Routes
It soon became evident that no fresh venture would
take practical shape for several years. Seeing this, Sir
Charles devoted himself to his other professional work
connected with the Magnetic Telegraph Company, and
subsequently to the accomplishment of further cable enter-
prises, of which the first line to India was the chief. This
—as will be seen subsequently — was superintended and
laid by him, for Government, in 1864.
It was not, however, as it turned out, long before he
became interested in another big Atlantic project. The
failure of the first line after a short period- of working,
and the slow rate at which messages were capable of being
passed through its conductor, naturally deterred capitalists
from providing the means for another line of such length,
in deep water.
But there was an alternative route between this country
and America, by which the transmission of the electric
current could be sub-divided into four comparatively
short circuits : namely— from the extreme north of Scotland
to the Faroe Islands, thence to Iceland, from there to the
southern point of Greenland, and so to Labrador or New-
foundland. Although this route looks much longer on the
map, it is not really so ; and the earth's curvature is less
in those northern regions than between Ireland and New-
foundland. The distances— varying a little according to
landing-places selected— were approximately :—
From the North of Scotland to Faroe Islands . 225
,, the Faroe Islands to Iceland . . 280
Iceland to Greenland, S.W. Harbour . 700
,, Greenland to Labrador . . . 550
Total 1,755
From the electrician's point of view, these sub-divisions
were extremely favourable, as compared with the great
continuous length entailed by an Atlantic cable between
Ireland and Newfoundland. Then again, the soundings,
except for a section between Greenland and Labrador, did
not yield anything approaching the more southern depths.
But against these palpable advantages there was the
engineering objection — which at first seemed insurmountable
— that the Greenland coast was bound up by ice for a
considerable part of the year, in addition to the risk of
injury to the cable from the grounding icebergs. There
was also the probable difficulty of obtaining a trained
staff to work a line when laid to such inhospitable regions.
Having regard, however, to the anxiety exhibited by many
to get to the North Pole, and to remain for years in the
coldest Arctic regions, this did not present an insuperable
This bold project — with a route across the coldest and
iciest regions of the Atlantic— had been originally brought
to the notice of the Danish Government by Mr. Wyld,
the geographer, even before the Atlantic Telegraph Com-
pany had been established. It was reintroduced in a
different form by Colonel T. P. Shaffner, an American
electrician of some note. Colonel Shaffner, who had been
a pioneer of telegraphs in the Western States, published
his opinion early in 1855 against so long a circuit as the
direct Atlantic line in the following words : " I do not
say that a galvanic, or magnetic, electrical current can
never be sent from Newfoundland to Ireland ; but I do
say that, with the present discoveries of science, I do not
believe it practicable for telegraphic service."1 In this,
of course, he proved to be . mistaken ; nevertheless, he
made a strong case for the series of short stages geographi-
cally afforded by the North Atlantic deviation. After the
1858 cable had ceased working, to back up his belief in the
advantages of the route — which he characterised as having
" natural stepping-stones which Providence had placed
across the ocean in the North " —he actually chartered
a small sailing vessel ; and, with his family on board, put
forth from Boston on August 2Qth, 1859, f°r tne purpose
of making the preliminary survey. He landed at Glasgow in
November of that year ; and there and then presented to
the public the results of an arduous journey which so few
had gone through up to that time.
On the voyage Colonel Shaffner sounded the deep seas
to be traversed between Labrador and Greenland, and
between Greenland and Iceland. He found a firm sup-
porter in Mr. J. Rodney Croskey, of London, who advanced
the " caution " money to the Danish Government for the
concessions requisite in the Faroes, Iceland, and Green-
1 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
2 Mr. Croskey also subsequently found the bulk of the capital
for the exploring expeditions.
Colonel Shaffner had been on terms of friendship for some
years with Sir Charles Bright and his brother, who had
both contributed a good deal to his Telegraph Manual,
published in the United States. Thus, after this prelimi-
nary work, he and Mr. Croskey discussed the matter with
Sir Charles, who soon recognised its feasibility, and entered
heartily into the project as its technical adviser.
The first point was to convince the public that there
were no insuperable difficulties in the way, by further sur-
veys and soundings of a detailed character, so as to ascertain
the inequalities of the bottom, as well as the materials of
which it was composed.
In the course of the spring of 1860, Colonel Shaffner
read a paper on the proposed North Atlantic Telegraph to
the members of the Royal Geographical Society, the result
being that much assistance was offered by those present,
including Earl de Grey, Sir Roderick Murchison, and the
Secretary, Dr. Norton Shaw. On May I5th, Lord Palmers-
ton granted an audience to an influential deputation,
headed by the Right Hon. Milner Gibson, M.P., and four
other members of the House of Commons, to solicit the
assistance of Government, in sending out ships and officers
to make the necessary official survey, for ascertaining the
practicability of the proposed route. The Premier appeared
to fully appreciate the advantages of the north-about
scheme, and in a short time the Admiralty were directed
to despatch an expedition for the purpose of making the
requisite survey. The Admiralty selected for this duty
Captain McClintock, R.N.,1 an officer of great experience
1 Later Admiral Sir Leopold McClintock, K.C.B., LL.D., F.R.S;
in the navigation of the Arctic seas, and H.M.S. Bulldog
was placed under his command. This distinguished officer
was directed to take the deep-sea soundings, and he sailed
from Portsmouth on his mission in June, 1860. In the mean-
time, the promoters of the enterprise purchased the Fox—
the steam yacht formerly employed in the search for Frank-
lin— and fitted her out with a view to making surveys
of the proposed landing-places. The Fox was placed
under the command of Captain Young,1 of the mercantile
marine, an officer well known for his distinguished labours
under McClintock in the Franklin search. At the same time,
Dr. John Rae, an intrepid Arctic explorer, volunteered
his services to join the Fox, in charge of the overland
expeditions in the Faroe Isles, Iceland, and Greenland.
Colonel Shaffner, as concessioner, also accompanied the
Fox expedition, to take part in the surveys.
Before the departure of the Fox, which sailed on July
i8th, 1860, Her Majesty the Queen, the Prince Consort, and
other members of the Royal Family honoured the enter-
prise by a visit to that vessel, while lying off Osborne, and
showed a lively interest in the details of the expedition.
After the royal visit, Sir Charles Bright, with other pro-
moters and friends, saw the party off with many hearty
good wishes.
On the return of the expedition, Sir Leopold McClintock
reported to Sir Charles, favouring the route as perfectly
practicable, pointing out that the ice would not really
prove a difficulty, and strongly approving of the original
intention of a land line across Iceland to Faxe Bay, " as
1 Now Sir Allen Young, C.B.
by so doing you will avoid the only part of the sea where
submarine volcanic disturbances may be suspected."
The results of the voyages of H.M.S. Bulldog and the
steam-yacht Fox were brought before a crowded meeting of
the Royal Geographical Society on January 28th, 1861, when
Sir Leopold McClintock gave the first public account of his
submarine survey along, and in the vicinity of, the proposed
course of the cable. Then followed an exhaustive paper by
Sir Charles Bright, giving a synopsis of Captain Young's
report on his voyage in the Fox — including the examination
of various estuaries and harbours — so as to enable a decision
to be arrived at as to the best landing-places, the climatic
conditions, etc. From both sets of soundings it was shown
that, as a rule, the bottom was of ooze. Dr. Wallich, the
naturalist of the expedition, had brought up brightly
coloured star-fish from depths of over a mile, whereas it
had previously been believed that nothing could possibly
live under such an enormous pressure of water. In con-
cluding his paper, Sir Charles made the following remarks :—
Having thus presented to the Society some of the most valu-
able and interesting portions of Captain Young's report, I have
only to observe that the result of the recent survey has been to
remove from my mind the apprehensions— which I previously
entertained in common with many others — as to the extent and
character of the difficulties to be overcome in carrying a line of
telegraph to America by the northern route.
Prior to the despatch of the surveying expedition, we had no
knowledge of the depth of the seas to be crossed, with the excep-
tion of the few soundings obtained by Colonel Shaffner in 1859,
and our information as to the nature of the shores of Greenland
in regard to the requirements of a telegraphic cable was equally
These points are of vital importance to the prospects of the
North Atlantic route, and the survey has placed us in possession
of satisfactory particulars respecting them. The soundings
taken by Sir Leopold McClintock will be a guide in the selection
of the most suitable form for the deep-sea lengths of the cable,
while the data furnished by Captain Young will direct the con-
struction of the more massive cables to be laid in the inlets of
the coast.
It is not necessary to determine upon the precise landing-places,
and other details in connection with the enterprise, at the present
time. But the promoters of the undertaking have received
ample encouragement from the survey to warrant them in pro-
ceeding with their labours with renewed vigour and confidence.
When they have achieved that success which their perseverance
and energy deserve, I am sure they will always gratefully remem-
ber that their endeavours at the stage of their operations which
is now under discussion would have been very much less produc-
tive of good results but for the patriotic foresight of Lord Pal-
merston in ordering the Bulldog on her late successful service.
We must also be most thankful for the assistance of Sir Leopold
McClintock, Captain Young, Dr. Rae, and the Commissioner
appointed to accompany the Fox by the Danish Government,
whose patience and devotion to their self-imposed work has been
beyond all praise. Nor can those interested in this important
undertaking forget the great help rendered to them by the Royal
Geographical Society.1
Then came a highly instructive paper by Dr. Rae. He
gave a number of interesting particulars of his land surveys,
the population, price of food, wages, etc. He also described
the ride of the Fox party across Iceland, whilst making
important suggestions as to the route for the land line
with a view to avoiding the geysers. These papers were
1 Bright's paper, as above, is given in full in Appendix 12 to
Vol. I. of the original biography.
followed at the next meeting of the Geographical Society by
an exhaustive discussion, at which Lord Ashburton, Admiral
Sir Edward Belcher, Captain (afterwards Rear-Admiral)
Sherard Osborn, R.N., C.B., Mr. John Ball, F.R.S., and
various gentlemen of Arctic expedition fame, spoke favour-
ably of the project.1
At this time, however (1861), there was still too much
discouragement owing to the stoppage in working of the
first Atlantic cable, and the yet more disastrous failure
of the Red Sea and Indian lines, besides the loss of other
cables in the Mediterranean. Moreover, there were those
who continued to fear the ice-floes ; and in the end, the
public did not respond sufficiently. Thus, after all, what
came to be styled the " Grand North Atlantic Telegraph"
project — which had been worked out with so much trouble
and expense — was never actually realised.
Another scheme which attracted some attention about
the same time was described as the " South Atlantic Tele-
graph." This was for a very long length of cable between the
south of Spain and the coast of Brazil, touching at Madeira,
the Canary Islands, Cape de Verde Isles, Don Pedro and
Fernando de Noronha Island on the way — and stretching
out to the West Indies and the United States.
Then there was a project — concerning which Sir Charles
was also consulted — for a cable on an intermediate route
1 It was here that Sir William Fothergill Cooke took occasion
to express the pride he felt in Sir Charles having been — so to speak—
a pupil of his ; and he expressed himself similarly at various times
in public.
from Portugal to the Azores, and thence to America, via
Bermuda and the Southern States.
Being, however, to a great extent foreign in their scope,
these latter schemes found little favour with those in our
country who were by way of promoting such enterprises.1
The 1865 and 1866 Cables*
Though their cables had ceased to work, the Atlantic
Company was kept afloat by the promoters, whilst Mr.
Lampson as vice-chairman, and Mr. Sawrard as secretary,
were doing all that could be done to keep its objects con-
stantly before the public, in the hopes of raising fresh funds.3
In 1862 the Government were prevailed on to despatch
H.M.S. Porcupine to further examine the ocean floor 300
miles out from the coasts of Ireland and Newfoundland
It took a considerable time to get together the full amount
of capital required for another Atlantic cable ; this, indeed,
could only be done gradually. The great civil war in America
stimulated capitalists to renew the undertaking. One of
the main advantages adduced was — on this occasion, as
1 Submarine Telegraphs.
2 It should be observed that a considerable interval of time
occurred between the events just dealt with and those forming the
subject of the present section of this chapter. It was thought best
to depart from order of date here and tell the story of early Atlantic
Telegraphy in a consecutive manner. The intervening period is
accounted for, so far as our object is concerned, in subsequent
3 Submarine Telegraphs.
before — the avoidance of misunderstandings between the
two countries. Another — intended by Mr. Cyrus Field as
a special inducement to his fellow-countrymen — was the
improvement of the agricultural position of the United
States, by extending to it the facilities, already enjoyed by
France, of commanding the foreign grain markets. On this
account, the project was warmly supported by the Right
Honourable John Bright, M.P., and other eminent " Free
Mr. Field, however, met with as little success in obtaining
pecuniary support in the States as he had in connection with
the previous line. His brother, Mr. H. M. Field, writes :—
The summer of this year (1862) Mr. Field spent in America,
where he applied himself vigorously to raising capital for the
new enterprise. To this end he visited Boston, Providence,
Philadelphia, Albany, and Buffalo, to address meetings of mer-
chants and others. He used to amuse us with the account of his
visit to the first city, where he was honoured with the attendance
of a large array of " the solid men of Boston," who listened
with an attention that was most flattering to the pride of the
speaker addressing such an assemblage in the capital of his native
There was no mistaking the interest they felt in the subject.
They went still further ; they passed a series of resolutions, in
which they applauded the projected telegraph across the ocean
as one of the grandest enterprises ever undertaken by man,
which they proudly commended to the confidence and support
of the American public. After this they went home feeling
that they had done the generous thing in bestowing upon it such
a mark of their approbation. But not a man subscribed a dollar !
In point of fact, as before, the cable of 1865— as well as
that of 1866 — was provided for out of English pockets. Let
us now substantiate this statement by a cursory glance at
events. Mr. Thomas Brassey, M.P., was the first to be
appealed to in this country, and he supported the venture
nobly. Then Mr. Fender * was applied to, and here also
substantial aid was forthcoming. Both these gentlemen
had joined the Board of the Telegraph Construction and
Maintenance Company which had just been formed (in
April, 1864), as the result of amalgamation of the Gutta-
Percha Co. and Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co.
Shortly after the first Atlantic cable was laid, Messrs.
Glass, Elliot & Co. availed themselves of the services of
Mr. Canning and Mr. Clifford, whose engagements on Charles
Bright 's staff for the " Atlantic " Company had ceased.
Thus, with an additional staff of electricians, they had
placed themselves in a position to undertake direct contracts
for laying, as well as manufacturing, submarine telegraphs.
They had, indeed, carried out work of this character in the
Mediterranean during the year 1860 ; and on the amalgama-
tion of the two businesses above mentioned into a limited
liability company, their position was still further strengthened.
The capital raised for the new cable by the Atlantic Tele-
graph Company was /6oo,ooo ; and by agreeing to take a
considerable proportion of their payment in " Atlantic "
shares, the contractors, now the Telegraph Construction
Company,2 practically found more than half of this amount.
It will be seen that the new cable was to be an expensive
one as compared with that of 1857-58. It was the outcome
1 Afterwards Sir John Fender, G.C.M.G., M.P.
1 This firm had previously (as Glass, Elliot & Co.) been selected
to undertake the entire work.
of six years' further experience, during which several im-
portant lines — dealt with in subsequent pages — had been
laid. It also followed upon the exhaustive Government
inquiry already alluded to.
The actual type, adopted on the recommendation of Sir
Charles Bright, was much the same in respect to the con-
ductor and insulator l as that which Sir Charles had sug-
gested for the previous Atlantic line, on which occasion, it
will be remembered, his recommendation was not followed.
The armour provided for the present insulated and yarn-
served heart, or core, was precisely similar to Sir Charles'
Government specification of May, 1859, ^or the proposed
cable from Falmouth to Gibraltar. It consisted of a com-
bination of iron and hemp, each wire being enveloped in
manilla yarns. The object of encasing the separate wires
in hemp was (i) to protect them from rust due to exposure
to air and water, and (2) to reduce the specific gravity of
1 300 lb. copper to 400 Ib. gutta-percha per nautical mile. Bright
was also specially consulted regarding the estimates, besides draw-
ing up the specification.
the cable, with a view to rendering it more capable of sup-
porting its own weight in water. This form of cable-
bearing a stress of about eight tons l — was considered by
most of the authorities at that period to perfectly fulfil the
conditions required for deep-sea lines.2
It was determined that this time the cable must be laid
in one length (with the exception of the shore ends), by a
single vessel.3 There was but one ship that could carry such
a cargo. This ship was the Great Eastern — the conception
of that distinguished engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunei.
She was in course of construction, by the late Mr. Scott
Russell, at the time of the first cable, and Charles Bright
had joined with Brunei in his regrets that she wras not then
available. An enormous craft of 22,500 tons, she did not
prove suitable at that time as a cargo boat ; and the laying
of the second Atlantic cable was the first piece of useful
work she did, after lying more or less idle for nearly ten years.
It is sad to think of the way this poor old ship wras metaphori-
cally passed from hand to hand. Even at this period, three
separate companies had already been formed one after
another to work her. As promoter and chairman of one
L The increased breaking strain here afforded over that of the
first Atlantic line was partly due to the great improvements made
in the manufacture of iron wire during the interval.
2 Experience has since taught us, however, that such a type lacks
durability, owing to the rapid decay of the hemp between the iron
wires and the sea. When the hemp has once decayed a bundle of
loose wires are left, wrhich by exposure all round soon become seri-
ously reduced and weakened. Moreover, this pattern was found
afterwards to be unsuitable on account of a broken wire being liable
to stab the insulation — an accident which could scarcely happen to
a close-sheathed type.
3 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
of these, Mr. Gooch, C.E. (afterwards Sir Daniel Gooch,
Bart., M.P.), took an active part in arranging that she should
be chartered for this undertaking. Hence it was that he
became a prominent party in the enterprise, with a seat on
the Board of the Telegraph Construction Company.
In main principles, the apparatus for paying out the cable
was similar to that previously adopted on the Agamemnon
and Niagara.1 There were, however, several modifications
introduced, as the result of the extra experience gained
during the seven years' interval. The main point of differ-
ence was the further application of jockeys, in a more com-
plete form. All the machinery for the present undertaking
was constructed and set up by the famous firm of engineers,
Messrs. John Penn & Son, of Greenwich.
As soon as the full length of cable had been manufac-
tured, and shipped from the Greenwich Works, the Great
Eastern, under the command of Captain (afterwards Sir
James) Anderson,2 left the Thames on July 23rd, 1865, and
proceeded to Foilhommerum Bay, Valentia. Here she
joined up her cable to the shore end 3 which had been laid
1 This general similarity is referred to in the complete account
of the 1865 and 1866 machinery, given by Mr. Elliot (afterwards
Sir George Elliot, Bart,, M.P.) in the course of a paper read before
the Institution of Mechanical Engineers in 1867.
2 Captain Anderson had the reputation of possessing great skill
in the handling of a ship. He was at the time in the service of the
Cunard Steamship Company, by whose permission he joined the
3 This— somewhere near thirty miles in length— had been made
by Mr. W. T. Henley, of North Woolwich. It had an additional
outer sheathing of iron strands, each strand being composed of three
stout wires, bringing the weight up to as much as twenty tons
per mile.
a day earlier by s.s. Caroline, a small vessel chartered and
fitted up for the purpose. The great ship then started
paying out as she steamed away on her journey to America,
escorted by two British men-of-war, the Terrible and the
On behalf of the contractors — the Telegraph Construction
and Maintenance Company — Mr. (now Sir Samuel) Canning
was the Engineer in charge, with Mr. Henry Clifford as his
chief assistant. As we have seen, both these gentlemen
had been engaged with Sir Charles Bright on the first Atlantic
expedition, and had had much experience, alike in cable
work and mechanical engineering. There was also on the
engineering staff of the contractors, Mr. John Temple
(formerly Bright's secretary and assistant engineer), as well
as Mr. Robert London. Mr. C. V. de Sauty served as chief
electrician, assisted by Mr. H. A. C. Saunders, and several
others. By arrangement with the Admiralty, Staff-Com-
mander H. A. Moriarty, R.N., again acted as the navigator
of the expedition. Captain Moriarty was possessed of great
skill in that direction — a fact which had been made clear
in the previous undertakings.
Though acting as Consulting Engineer to this enterprise,
Sir Charles Bright did not accompany the expedition. As
will be seen in a subsequent chapter, he was at the time deeply
engaged in political matters. Indeed, his visits to Green-
wich had been of late largely associated with the General
Election. These visits terminated in his being returned
for that borough ; but the Atlantic Telegraph Company was
represented on board by Professor Thomson and Mr. C. F.
Varley, as electricians, the former acting mainly as scientific
expert in a consultative sense. Both Mr. Field and Mr.
Gooch accompanied the expedition, the former as promoter
of the scheme, and the latter on behalf of the Great Eastern
Company. Representing the Press, there were also on
board Dr. W. H. Russell,1 the well-known correspondent
of The Times, as the historian of the enterprise ; and Mr.
Robert Dudley, an artist of repute, who produced several
excellent pictures of the work in its different stages, as well
as articles for the Illustrated London News.
Inasmuch as Bright was not on board, a detailed account
of the trip is not attempted here. It suffices to say that
several mishaps occurred during the laying. A number
of unsuccessful attempts were made to recover the cable
after it had been broken in deep water when endeavour-
ing to haul back a fault. Ultimately the ships had to
return home, on August nth, without completing their
Second and Successful Attempt, 1866.— The results of the
last expedition, disastrous as they were from a financial
point of view, in no wise abated the courage of the pro-
moters. During the heaviest weather the Great Eastern
had shown exceptional " stiffness " ; whilst her great size
and manoeuvring power (afforded by the screw and paddles
combined) seemed to show her to be the very type of vessel
for the kind of work in hand. The newly-designed picking-
up gear, it was true, had proved insufficient ; but with the
paying-out machinery no serious fault was to be found.
1 Later Sir William Howard Russell, LL.D.
The feasibility of grappling in mid- Atlantic had been de-
monstrated, and they had gone far towards proving the
possibility of recovering the cable from similar depths.
The Atlantic Telegraph Company was amalgamated with
a new concern, the Anglo-American Telegraph Company,
which was formed, mainly by those interested in the older
business, with the object of raising fresh capital for the new
and double ventures of 1866. The ultimate capital of this
Company amounted (as before) to £600,000. In raising this,
Mr. Field first secured the support of Mr. (afterwards Sir
Daniel) Gooch, M.P., chairman of the Great Western Rail-
way Company, who promised, if necessary, to subscribe
as much as £20,000. On the same conditions, Mr. Brassey
expressed his willingness to bear one-tenth of the total cost
of the undertaking. Ultimately, the Telegraph Construc-
tion Company led off with £100,000, this amount being
followed by the signatures of ten directors interested in the
contract (as guarantors) at £10,000 apiece. Then there
were four subscriptions of £5,000, and some of £2,500 to
£1,000, principally from firms participating in one shape
or another in the sub-contracts. These sums were all
subscribed before even the prospectus was issued, or the
books opened to the public. The remaining capital soon
followed. The Telegraph Corstruction Company, in under-
taking the entire work as contractors, were to receive
£500,000 for the new cable in any case ; and if it succeeded,
an extra £100,000. If both cables came into effective opera-
tion, the total amount payable to them was to be £737,140-
It was now proposed not only to lay a new cable between
Ireland and Newfoundland, but also to repair and complete
the one lying at the bottom of the sea. A length of 1,600
miles of cable was ordered from the contractors. Thus,
with the unexpended cable from the last expedition, the
total length available when the expedition started would
be 2,730 miles, of which 1,960 miles were allotted to the
new cable, and 697 to complete the old one, leaving 113
miles as a reserve. The new main cable was similar to that
of the year before. The shore-end type determined on
in this case was of a different description. It had only one
sheathing, consisting of twelve contiguous iron wires of
great individual surface and weight ; and outside all a cover-
ing of tarred hemp and compound. The part of this cable
which was intended for shallow depths was made — in
accordance with Bright's recommendation — in three
different types. Starting from the coast of Ireland, eight
miles of the heaviest was to be laid, then eight miles of the
intermediate, and lastly fourteen miles of the lightest type,
making thirty miles of shoal- water cable on the Irish side.
Five miles of shallow-water cable of the different types named
were considered sufficient on the Newfoundland coast.
For the purpose of grappling the 1865 cable, twyenty miles
of rope were manufactured, which was constituted of forty-
nine iron wires, separately covered with manilla hemp.
Six wires so served were laid up strand-wise round a seventh,
which formed the heart, or core, of the rope. This rope
would stand a longitudinal stress of thirty tons before
breaking. In addition, five miles of buoy rope were pro-
vided, besides buoys of different shapes and sizes, the largest
of which would support a weight of twenty tons. As on
the previous expedition, several kinds of grapnels were
put on board — some of the ordinary sort, and some with
springs to prevent the cable surging and thus escaping
whilst the grapnel was still dragging on the bottom : others,
again, were fashioned like pincers, to hold (or jam) the
cable when raised to a required height, or else to cut it only,
and so take off a large proportion of the strain previous to
picking up.1
The testing arrangements had been perfected by Mr.
Willoughby Smith in such a way that insulation readings
could be continuously observed, even whilst measuring the
copper resistance, or while exchanging signals with Valentia.
Thus there was no longer any danger of a fault being paid
overboard without instant detection. On this occasion,
also, condensers were applied to the receiving end of the
cable, having the effect of very materially increasing the
working speed.
On June 30 th, 1866, the Great Eastern — steaming from
the Thames, followed by the Medway and Albany — arrived
at Valentia, where H.M.S. Terrible and Racoon were found,
under orders to accompany the expedition. The Medway had
on board forty-five miles of deep-sea cable in addition to
the American shore-end.
The principal members of the staff acting on behalf of
the contractors in this expedition were the same as in that
of the previous year : Mr. Canning was again in charge, with
Mr. Clifford and Mr. Temple as his chief assistants. In the
electrical department, however, the Telegraph Construction
1 Submarine Telegraphs.
Company had since secured the services of Mr. Willoughby
Smith as their chief electrician, whilst he still acted in that
capacity at the Wharf Road Gutta-Percha Works. Mr.
Smith, therefore, accompanied the expedition as chief elec-
trician to the contractors. Captain James Anderson and
Staff-Commander H. A. Moriarty, R.N., were once more
to be seen on board the great ship, the former as her cap-
tain, and the latter as navigating officer. Professor Thom-
son was aboard as consulting electrical adviser to the Atlantic
Telegraph Company,1 whilst Mr. C. F. Varley was ashore
at Valentia as their electrician. Sir Charles Bright was at
this period serving on certain committees of the House of
Commons, as alluded to further on ; but his partner, Mr.
Latimer Clark, took up his quarters on board to person-
ally represent the firm of Bright and Clark as consulting
engineers to the Anglo-American Telegraph Company, Mr.
J. C. Laws and Mr. Richard Collett being respectively
at the Valentia and Newfoundland ends representing the
same firm. Mr. Glass, the managing director of the Tele-
graph Construction Company, was ashore at Valentia for
the purpose of giving any instructions to his (the con-
tractor's) staff on the ship, whilst Mr. Gooch and Mr. Field
were on board the Great Eastern as onlookers and watchers
of their individual interests.
On July yth the William Cory — commonly known as the
Dirty Billy — landed the shore end in Foilhommerum Bay,
and afterwards laid out twenty-seven miles of the inter-
mediate cable. On the I3th, the Great Eastern took the end
1 Though financially wrapped up with the new " Anglo " Com-
pany, the " Atlantic " continued in existence till as late as 1874.
on board, and, having spliced on to her cable aboard,
started paying out. The track followed was parallel to
that of the year before, but about twenty-seven miles
further north. There were two instances of fouls in the
tank. These were both due to broken wires catching
neighbouring turns and flakes, and thus drawing up a
whole bundle of cable in an apparently inextricable mass
of kinks quite close to the brake drum. In each case the
ship was promptly got to a standstill, and all hands set to
unravelling the tangle. With a certain amount of luck,
neither accident ended fatally ; and, after straightening
out the wire as far as possible, paying out was resumed.
Fourteen days after starting, the Great Eastern arrived off
Heart's Content, Trinity Bay, where the Medway joined on
and landed the shore-end, thus bringing to a successful
conclusion this part of the expedition. The total length
of cable laid was 1,852 nautical miles, average depth 1,400
fathoms. After much rejoicing1 during the coaling of the
Great Eastern, the Telegraph Fleet once more put to sea, on
August 9th.
Recovery and Completion of 1865 Cable. — It now remained
to find the end of the cable lost on August 2nd, 1865, situated
about 604 miles from Newfoundland, to pick it up, splice
1 These rejoicings were at first somewhat dampened by the fact
that the cable between Newfoundland and Cape Breton (Nova
Scotia) still remained interrupted, and that consequently the entire
telegraphic system was not even now complete. However, in the
course of a few days this line was repaired, and New York and the
rest of the United States and Canada were put into telegraphic
communication with Europe.
on to the cable remaining on board, and finish the work so
unfortunately interrupted the year before. On August I2th,
the Great Eastern, accompanied by s.s. Medway, arrived
on the scene of action, where they joined H.M.S. Terrible
and s.s. Albany, these vessels having left Heart's Content
Bay a week in advance to buoy the line of the 1865 cable
and commence grappling. The plan decided on was to
drag for the cable near the end with all three ships at once.
The cable, when raised to a certain height, was to be cut
by the Medway, stationed to the westward of the Great
Eastern, so as to enable the latter vessel to lift the Valentia
end on board.
After repeated failures and many mishaps, the cable was
hooked on August 3ist by the Great Eastern (when the grapnel
had been lowered for the thirtieth time), and picking up
commenced in a complete calm. When the bight of cable
was about 900 fathoms from the surface, the grappling rope
was buoyed. The big ship then proceeded to grapple three
miles west of the buoy, and the Medway another two miles,
or so, west of her again. The cable was soon once more
hooked by both ships, and when the Medway had raised her
bight to within 300 fathoms of the surface she was ordered
to break it. The Great Eastern having stopped picking up
when the bight was 800 fathoms from the surface, proceeded
to resume the operation as soon as the intentional rupture
of the cable had eased the strain, which, with a loose end
of about two miles, at once fell from 10 or u tons to 5 tons.
Slowly but surely, and amid breathless silence, the long-lost
cable made its appearance at last — for the third time — above
water, a little before one o'clock (early morn) of September
2nd. Two hours later the precious end was on board, and
signals were exchanged with Valentia.1
The recovered end was spliced on to the cable on board,
and the same morning the Great Eastern started paying out
about 680 nautical miles of cable towards Newfoundland.
On September 8th, when only 13 miles from the Bay of Heart's
Content — just after receiving a summary of the ne\vs in
The Times of that morning — the tests showed a fault in the
line. The mischief was soon found to be on board ship ;
and the faulty portion having been cut out, paying out again
proceeded, finishing the same day at eleven o'clock in the
forenoon. The Medway immediately set to work laying the
shore-end, and that evening a second line of communica-
tion across the Atlantic was completed. The total length of
this cable, commenced in 1865, was 1,896 miles ; average
depth, 1,900 fathoms.
The main feature and accomplishment in connection
with the second and third Atlantic cables, of 1865 and 1866,
was the recovery of the former in deeper water than had
ever been before effected, in the open ocean ; just as in the
first (1858) line it was the demonstration of the fact that
a cable could be successfully laid in such a depth, and worked
through electrically.2
It should be mentioned that Professor Thomson's re-
flecting apparatus for testing and signalling through a long
submarine line had been considerably improved since the first
1 Submarine Telegraphs. The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
2 The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
cable. In illustration of the degree of sensibility and perfection
attained at this period in the appliances for working the
line, the following experiment is of striking interest : Mr.
Latimer Clark — who went to Valentia to test the cable on
behalf of Messrs. Bright & Clark — had the conductor of the
two lines joined together at the Newfoundland end, thus
forming an unbroken length of 3,700 miles in circuit. He
then placed some pure sulphuric acid in a lady's silver
thimble, with a fragment of zinc weighing a grain or two.
By this primitive agency he succeeded in conveying signals
twice through the breadth of the Atlantic Ocean in little
more than a second of time. The deflections were not of a
dubious character, but full and strong, the spot of light
traversing freely over a space of 12 inches or more, from
which it was manifest that an even smaller battery would
suffice to produce somewhat similar effects. This speaks
well for the electrical components assigned to the two
lines, and for the arrangements adopted in working them.
It also shows the benefit derived from seven years'
extra experience in manufacture, backed up by the
previously - mentioned exhaustive Government inquiry
Notwithstanding the dimensions of the core, these cables
were worked slowly at first— at a rate of about eight words
per minute. This was, however, steadily increased as the
staff became more accustomed to the apparatus up to fifteen
and even seventeen words per minute, with the application
of condensers.
Unfortunately both these lines broke down a few months
later, and one of them again during the following year.
The faults were localised l with great accuracy from Heart's
Content by Mr. F. Lambert, on behalf of Messrs. Bright
& Clark. Unlike the 1858 line, however, these last cables
had not been killed electrically ; and being worthy of re-
pairs, they were maintained for a considerable time.
On the return of the 1866 Expedition, a banquet was
given to the cable layers by the Liverpool Chamber of Com-
merce as soon as the Great Eastern was once more safely
moored in the Mersey.
The following account from The Times will be of some
interest here :—
The decorations assumed an emblematic character, and were
peculiarly appropriate to the event which was being celebrated.
From the centre of the room there hung the grapnel by which the
previous line was recovered from the bed of the ocean, a piece
of the cable itself, and the grapnel chain. Then around the room
were two lines of the cable supported by gilded grapnels, a pro-
fusion of sea-weed being entangled about the lines. The principal
mirrors were surmounted by trophies of flags : those over the
mirror at the rear of the President consisting of English and
American flags, and those over the principal side mirrors being
flags of all nations.
A line of telegraph was extended from the British and Irish
Magnetic Telegraph Company's Office, at the Liverpool Exchange,
to the banqueting room ; and as a practical illustration of the
working of the cable, a message was despatched to Washington,
besides communications by the telegraph being read from New-
The chair was occupied by the Right Hon. Sir Stafford
1 The above location was performed by a method based on Charles
Blight's patent of 1852, already referred to.
Northcote, Bart.,1 President of the Board of Trade. The
following were amongst the invited guests : The Right Hon.
Lord Stanley, M.P., Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs ;
the Right Hon. Lord Carnarvon ; the Right Rev. the Lord
Bishop of Chester ; the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone, M.P. ;
Sir Charles Bright, M.P., original projector of the Atlantic
Cable, and engineer to the Anglo-American Telegraph
Company ; Professor W. Thomson, electrical adviser to the
Atlantic Telegraph Company ; Mr. Latimer Clark, co-engineer
with Sir C. Bright ; Mr. R. A. Glass, managing director to the
Telegraph Construction Company (contractors) ; Mr. Samuel
Canning, engineer to the contractors ; Mr. Henry Clifford,
assistant engineer to the contractors ; Mr. Willoughby
Smith, electrician to the contractors ; Captain James
Anderson, commander of the Great Eastern ; Mr. William
Barber, chairman of the Great Ship Company ; Mr. John
Chatterton, manager of the Gutta-Percha Works ; Mr. E. B.
Bright, Magnetic Telegraph Company ; Mr. T. B. Horsfall,
M.P. ; and Mr. John Laird, M.P.
After proposing toasts to Her Majesty the Queen, to the Presi-
dent of the United States, and to the Prince of Wales, the Chair-
man (Sir S. Northcote) again rose amidst applause and said it
was a maxim of a great Roman poet that a great work should be
begun by plunging into the middle of the subject. He would
therefore do so by proposing a toast to the projectors of the
Atlantic Telegraph, Sir Charles Bright and Mr. Cyrus Field, Mr.
J. W. Brett having since unfortunately died. When they came
in after years to relate the history of this cable, they would find
many who had contributed to it ; but it would be as impossible
1 Afterwards the first Earl of Iddesleigh, G.C.B.
to say who were the originators of the great invention as it was
to say who were the first inventors of steam. He begged to
couple with the toast the name of Sir Charles Bright, as, perhaps,
the foremost representative from all points of view, up to the
present time. (Applause.) The greatest honour is due to the
indomitable perseverance and energy of Sir C. Bright that the
original cable was successfully laid, though — through no fault
of his — it had but a short useful existence. (Great cheering.)
Sir Charles Bright, M.P., after acknowledging the compliment
paid to the " original projectors " and to himself personally, said
that the idea of laying a cable across the Atlantic was the natural
outcome of the success which was attained in carrying short
lines under the English and Irish Channels, and was a common
subject of discussion among those concerned in telegraph exten-
sion prior to the formation of the Atlantic Telegraph Com-
About ten years ago the science had sufficiently advanced to
permit of the notion assuming a practical form. Soundings
taken in the Atlantic between Ireland and Newfoundland proved
that the bottom was soft, and that no serious currents or abrad-
ing agencies existed ; for the minute and fragile shells brought
up by the sounding-line were perfect and uninjured.
There only remained the proof that electricity could be suc-
cessfully employed through so vast a length of conductor. Upon
this point, and the best mode of working such a line, he had
been experimenting for several years. He had carried on a
series of investigations which resulted in establishing the fact
that messages could be practically passed through an unbroken
circuit of more than two thousand miles of insulated wire — a
notion derided at that time by many distinguished authorities.
Mr. Wildman Whitehouse — who subsequently became Electri-
cian to the Company — had been likewise engaged. On comparing
notes later, it was discovered that they had arrived at similar
conclusions, though holding somewhat different views. His
(Sir C. Bright's) calculations, using other instruments, led him
to believe that a conductor nearly four times the size of that
adopted would be desirable, with a slightly thicker insulator. It
was this type which the new cables just laid had been furnished
In 1856, Mr. Cyrus Field — to whom the world was as much
indebted for the establishment of the line as to any man — came
over to England upon the completion of the telegraph between
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland. He then joined with the
late Mr. Brett and himself (Sir C. Bright) with a view to extend-
ing this system to Europe, and they mutually agreed to carry
out the undertaking.
A meeting was first held in Liverpool, and in the course of a few
days their friends had subscribed the necessary capital. So that in
greeting those who had just returned from the last expedition —
Mr. Canning, Mr. Clifford, Captain Anderson, and other guests
of the evening — Liverpool was fitly welcoming those who had
accomplished the crowning success of an enterprise to which at
the outset she had so largely contributed. (Applause.)
The circumstances connected with the first cable would be in
the recollection of every one ; and although the loss was con-
siderable, the experience gained was of no small moment. A
few months after the old line had ceased to work, their chair-
man (Sir S. Northcote) consulted him on behalf of the Govern-
ment as to the best form of cable for connecting us telegraphically
with Gibraltar ; and he (Sir C. Bright) did not hesitate to recom-
mend the same type of conductor and insulator which he had
before suggested for the Atlantic line. This class of conductor
in the newly-laid Atlantic cable appeared likely to give every
satisfaction, he was happy to say ; and the mechanical con-
struction of the cable — also the same as that he had previously
specified for the Gibraltar line— appeared to have admirably
met some of the difficulties experienced in cable operations.
The credit attached to these second and third Atlantic cables
must mainly rest with the Telegraph Construction Company
(formerly Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co.) and their staff, inasmuch
as in this case the responsibility rested with them throughout.
The directors— including Mr. Glass, Mr. Elliot, Mr. Gooch, Mr.
Fender, Mr. Barclay, and Mr. Brassey — deserved the reward
which they and the shareholders would no doubt reap.
To Mr. Glass — upon whom the principal responsibility of the
manufacture devolved — the greatest praise was due, for his
indomitable perseverance in the enterprise. Then the art of
insulating the conducting wire had been wonderfully improved
by Mr. Chatterton and Mr. Willoughby Smith, so that, nowadays,
a very feeble electrical current was sufficient to work the longest
circuits — an enormous advance on the state of affairs nine years
Again, they must not forget how much of the success now
attained was due to Professor Thomson and his delicate signall-
ing apparatus, the advantages of which have, since 1858, been
more firmly established. Mr. Varley had also done much useful
work since becoming electrician to the " Atlantic " Company.
Moreover, he (Sir C. Bright) hoped the active services of his
partner, Mr. Latimer Clark, would not be lost sight of.
It was satisfactory to find that the cables were already being
worked at a profit. This would doubtless be quadrupled within
a short period, when the land lines on the American side were
improved. (Hear, hear, and applause.)
With this commercial success — combined with the improve-
ments introduced into submarine cables, and the power of picking
up and repairing them from vast depths — there was a future for
submarine telegraphy to which scarcely any bounds could be
assigned. A certain amount had already been done ; but China
and Japan, Australia and New Zealand, South America and the
West India Islands, must all be placed within speaking distance
of England. When this has been accomplished — but not till
then — telegraphic engineers might take a short rest from their
labours and ask with some little pride —
QUCB vegio in terris nostri non plena laboris ?
(Loud Applause.)
Then followed speeches from Lord Stanley, the American
Consul (on behalf of Mr. Cyrus Field)~and others.
Honours were subsequently bestowed on some of the
various gentlemen immediately concerned in these ulti-
mately successful undertakings of 1865 and 1866.
As a natural sequence other Atlantic cables followed—
first of all in 1869 that hailing from France — until now the
North Atlantic ocean alone is spanned by as many as sixteen
in working order.1 Sir Charles Bright acted in a consulting
capacity — where not actually as engineer — to practically all
of those of a pioneer order which came within his lifetime.
1 Submarine Telegraphs. The Story of the Atlantic Cable.
The Mediterranean Cables
OHORTLY after the laying of the 1858 Atlantic Cable,
the attention of Government had been directed
to the importance of establishing direct lines of telegraphic
communication between Great Britain and her depen-
Gibraltar was the first point considered and decided
upon. Thus, in the House of Commons on July 28th, 1859,
Sir W. Gallwey asked the Secretary of the Admiralty
" what experiments were being made before risking the sum
voted for the Gibraltar Cable." Lord Clarence Paget re-
plied that " Experiments were in progress on behalf of the
Board of Trade, by those eminent engineers, Sir Charles
Bright and Mr. Robert Stephenson, with a view to testing
the composition of the outer coverings of telegraphic cables." l
In conjunction with Mr. Stephenson, Charles Bright drew
up a report on the subject. Bright w^as also independently
consulted regarding the proposed line by the late Right Hon.
Sir Stafford Northcote, Bart., M.P.,2 as President of the
Board of Trade. Eventually, at the request of Sir S.
1 The Times, July 2gth, 1859.
? Afterwards the first Earl of Iddesleigh, G.C.B,
Northcote, Bright sent in a detailed report, estimate, and
specification to the Treasury.1 The conductor and insulator
recommended by Sir Charles were the same as he had ineffec-
tively suggested for the First Atlantic Cable — and were
both of much greater dimensions than anything previously
done, consisting, in fact, of nearly 400 Ib. copper per mile
to the same weight of gutta-percha covering.
This core was forthwith ordered by Government, and
manufactured at the Wharf Road Gutta-Percha Works, in
accordance with Bright's specification. The outer cover-
ing ultimately decided on by Sir Charles was exactly the
same as was afterwards adopted for the second and third
Atlantic lines of 1865 and 1866 — a combination of iron and
hemp — with a view to meeting the exigencies of cable opera-
tions in deep water. The cable was constructed at Messrs.
Glass, Elliot & Co.'s factory towards the end of 1859.
Subsequently, the Government decided to use the above
to connect Rangoon with Singapore for the purposes of a
more rapid communication with China. The war with
that country having, however, come to an end before the
cable was completed, the necessity for this line was lessened.
Thus, its destination was changed a third time ; and it
finally came into use as a link with Egypt — one of the
stages on the road to India. The cable was laid in three
shallow water sections, i.e., Malta-Tripoli, Tripoli-Benghazi,
and Benghazi-Alexandria. Perhaps the most remarkable
1 For correspondence and Report see Parliamentary Blue Book
respecting " The Establishment of Telegraphic Communication in
the Mediterranean, and with India/' 1859 ; also Appendix 2 of Vol.
II, of the original biography,
feature in regard to this line is the fact that laying
operations were always suspended at nightfall.1 Notwith-
standing the dimensions of the core provided, it could not
be worked at a higher speed than three words per minute,
on account of the instrument adopted — i.e., the Morse
As we shall see later, these cables were subsequently re-
placed in 1868 by a direct line from Malta to Alexandria,
when Sir Charles acted both as engineer and electrician.
The Balearic Islands connected with Spain
We must now go back in our narrative, as the undertaking
we are about to describe was carried through a year previous
to that just referred to.
For a number of years, from 1855, the deep waters of the
Mediterranean had proved a sort of bete noire to cable layers.
In 1860, however, Sir Charles Bright broke the spell for
a time, by successfully laying an important series of cables
for the Spanish Government — viz., between Barcelona and
Port Mahon, Minorca, 180 miles; Minorca to Majorca, 35
miles; Majorca to Ivica, 74 miles ; and Ivica to San Antonio,
Spain, 76 miles — in all 365 nautical miles. These cables
were submerged in great depths, that between Barcelona
and Port Mahon being 1,400 fathoms deep. They were
manufactured by Mr. W. T. Henley. The sections between
the three islands contained two conductors, each protected
by eighteen outer wires, and weighed i ton 18 cwt. to the
nautical mile ; and the two to the mainland were single
1 This was, it is believed, on the score of difficult navigation.
wire cables, cased with sixteen wires, weighing a ton and
a quarter per nautical mile.
Sir Charles fitted out a vessel — the s.s. Stella — for laying
these lines. The work was carried out with great expe-
dition. On August 2Qth, 1860, Bright laid the Minorca to
Majorca section, completing the shore end and connections
next day. The 315! saw the shore end and connections
made at the opposite end of the island ; and the following
day the cable was laid between Majorca and Iviga, the land-
ing portion being carried out on September 2nd. Rough
weather delayed operation for two days ; but on the 5th
Iviga island was put into telegraphic communication with
the Spanish mainland at Javea Bay, alongside Cape
The remaining section to be laid was that between Barce-
lona and Minorca — a distance of about 100 miles. Sir
Charles mentions in his diary, relating to the laying of this
last length : " Weather very bad, and ship pitching and
rolling much."
After laying the shore end at Javea Bay, and making
the connections with the Spanish land lines, he went on to
Barcelona to complete the longest section— 180 miles—
thence to Port Mahon, Minorca ; but here he met with
considerable delay, first by a fault a long way down the
main coil, which " rendered it necessary for the cable to
be turned over into the after hold to get down to the de-
fect—hands to work day and night." x Then, on Septem-
ber i5th, when ready to start, there came a message from
1 From Sir C. Bright 's diary.
the Spanish Government, from Madrid, to " detain the
Stella until the arrival of Sefior d'Oksza," the Director of
Telegraphs. This gentleman was of Polish origin, his full
name being Count Thaddeus Orzechowski, which he had
thoughtfully abbreviated for business purposes.1
After waiting till September lyth, it began blowing heavily
till the 2ist, when Bright's diary states :—
6 a.m., steam up, ready to leave, but it appears the Bona-
ventura (Spanish gunboat to accompany the Stella) was not
informed yesterday, and cannot leave this morning. Weather
Saturday, September 22nd. — 5 a.m., steam up, but delayed in
lifting anchor by the chain of a brig fouling ours. 6.45, steam-
ing out of harbour. 10 o'clock, all ready for starting, but no
current through cable \ Found that Spaniards had cut the cable
and led it up a pole on shore \ 11.55 a.m., started paying out.
At 1.55 next morning, when in 1,300 fathoms, Sir Charles
enters :—
Drum stopped ; brakesman asleep ; found Suter doing
Bank's work, having been up all the time himself in the hold.
Luckily it was seen to in time.
The latter part of the line was laid in a heavy sea, and
there were several troubles from broken outer wires ; but
the laying to Port Mahon was successfully finished at
These cables worked well for many years.
1 Some twenty years later Sir Charles was again associated with
Count d'Oksza in connection with cables from Spain to the Canary
Isles, as will be seen in subsequent pages,
Proposed Permanent Exhibition in Paris
in\URING the early part of 1860, Bright was actively
*^ engaged on a project brought to him by some lead-
ing Frenchmen, headed by Prince Napoleon, with a view to
establishing a permanent universal exhibition in the build-
ing erected in the Champs Elysees for the recent exhibition.
Although a large amount of space was applied for by impor-
tant English, French, and German firms, it was not enough
to make it a success, or justify the promoters — or Sir Charles
—in carrying out the scheme.
At the beginning of 1860 — as well as previously — Charles
Bright's time was largely taken up in furthering telegraphic
extensions to Hanover, Denmark, the Channel Islands, and
Normandy, on behalf of the " Magnetic '' and "Submarine"
Telegraph Companies, who had a mutual working arrange-
ment. The first of these cables started from the coast of
Norfolk, and Sir Charles erected a special land line from
Cromer to connect it with London. At that time there was
a great deal of prejudice against overhead wires, from an
artistic standpoint. Thus, every effort was made to render
the work as sightly as possible. The poles were furnished
with handsome finials, and were painted green, so as to be
pleasant to the country eye, with a few feet of white at
the bottom to warn vehicles by night. But still these posts
did not meet with the approbation that was desired from
suburban villa residents ; and the song of the wires appears
to have acted as an irritant rather than otherwise ! The
rustics — who, like most of our country folk, had an innate
dislike to anything novel — seem to have supposed this
humming to be occasioned by the passage of the messages ! !
On one occasion, when Sir Charles was inspecting part of
the new work near Norwich, he noticed that the " ganger "
— a powerful man who rejoiced in the sobriquet " Hulks "
— had one side of his head much bruised. " Hulks " ex-
plained that on putting up a pole opposite a villa, " the old
gent came out of his front garden with a spade and caught
me a clop on the head with it, so I just twisted his collar
till his tongue came out, and then we was quite friendly -
like ! "
The cable from Cromer to Hanover was 280 miles in
length. It contained two conductors, and weighed three
tons to the mile. The line to Heligoland and Denmark was
350 miles long, with three conductors, and was four tons per
mile in weight. The " Magnetic " Company subscribed a
considerable amount of the capital for these lines, on account
of the large accession of traffic brought on their land wires in
connection with the North of Europe.
Many have been identified by some peculiar character-
istic or other ; but it is doubtful whether any one has ever
1860-1863 207
been traced on a journey by his love of pickles, except Sir
Charles — for whom they possessed a special attraction
through life. Sir Charles had arranged to accompany the
above Anglo-Continental Cable Expeditions in the " Mag-
netic " Company's interests, and was going down from town
with Mr. Henry Clifford, who, with Mr. (afterwards Sir Samuel)
Canning, ultimately laid the cables on behalf of Messrs.
Glass, Elliot and Co. Somehow they missed one another,
and Clifford arrived alone at Norwich. He made inquiries
at the principal inn whether Sir Charles had arrived.
Whereupon an obtuse, old-fashioned waiter said there had
been some gentlemen, but they didn't leave their names.
When cross-questioned as to their appearance, he said he
thought several were tall, and perhaps fair. Failing infor-
mation, Mr. Clifford sat down to cold beef. On asking for
the mixed pickles, the ancient waiter replied : " Well, a
party, what lunched here just now, finished the bottle,
but I'll send out for some more."
" Oh, indeed ; was he tall and fair ? "
' Yes, sir ; and he drove away to Cromer."
" All right," said Clifford to himself, " Sir Charles has
gone on " ; and so it was.
In November of the same year (1860) Mr. (now Sir)
W. H. Preece read a paper before the Institution of Civil
Engineers, on " The Maintenance and Durability of Sub-
marine Cables in Shallow Water." One of the main purports
of this paper was to point out the supreme importance of
thoroughly surveying the bottom along the route proposed
for a cable. Though the suggestion was somewhat scornfully
received, the same point had been dwelt on by Sir Charles
Bright in his evidence before the Government Committee
on the Construction of Submarine Cables, a year pre-
Bright argued that :—
An extremely close search should be made before telegraphic
cables were lowered into unknown depths and laid across sub-
marine hills, gorges, and valleys, the irregularity of whose forms
as existing between the points hitherto sounded, might prove
to be enormous.
He further asserted that :—
A full and proper submarine search was almost as essential
a preliminary to a rational scheme of laying down a telegraphic
cable, as a survey of the outlines of land was for an engineer
before he could accurately define the best and safest route to be
followed by a railroad.
The result of Mr. Preece's contentions and of Charles
Bright's statements2 is that, nowadays, cables are designed
to suit every depth and every bottom ; moreover, the opera-
tion of laying a cable in a permanent manner has become a
comparatively simple affair.3
Another feature of Mr. Preece's paper was a review of the
relative merits of light and heavy sheathed cables. Bright
1 See Blue-Book.
2 Mr. Preece's remarks were directed in particular to the rocky
bottoms of shallow water, whilst Sir Charles' had reference to the
precipices which deep water undertakings have to cope with.
3 This, however, was not destined to be so, as regards great depths,
for some years ; for it was not till 1872 that the Thomson steel wire
sounding apparatus was introduced, thereby rendering a close and
accurate deep-sea survey practicable where it was not before.
1860-1863 2og
spoke strongly against a slight armour for rough bottoms
or where the cable is liable to disturbances, from one cause
or another, in shallow depths. He also argued against
the various proposals for a cable without any iron sheathing
for deep waters. His contention was that though such
a cable might be readily picked up when new, it would soon
fail to have sufficient strength for the purpose.1
In the early part of 1861 Sir Charles and his family moved
to a town house, 12, Upper Hyde Park Gardens — afterwards
forming a part of Lancaster Gate.
Retirement from Engineer ship to the Magnetic Telegraph
About this time it became clear to Charles Bright that a
large professional business was open to him in connection
with the various submarine telegraphs then in contem-
plation, and that in a consulting capacity he could turn
time to a more profitable account than he could possibly
do as the active Engineer-in-Chief to the British and Irish
Magnetic Telegraph Company, the network of whose
lines was now fairly complete. Accordingly, he relin-
quished the latter post, and became Consulting Engineer
instead.2 A banquet was given in his honour by the direc-
tors and executive staff of the Company. This formed an
occasion for the presentation of some handsome plate,
1 A full report of Sir Charles's remarks on this occasion were
embodied in Appendix 4 of Vol. II. of the original biography.
2 This position he held up to the time of the acquisition of the
telegraphs of the United Kingdom by the State in 1870.
in addition to an illuminated testimonial, similar to one
he had previously received from the Atlantic Company.
Before quitting the subject of Bright 's association with
the " Magnetic " Company, it is thought that a few further
reminiscences may be of interest here. When his Atlantic
Cable work was complete, Sir Charles resumed engineering
charge of the Magnetic system. Soon afterwards he was
confronted with a serious trouble in connection with their
main underground lines, stretching from Dover to London,
and thence to Birmingham, Manchester and Liverpool, with
extensions to Scotland and Ireland. As already described,
they were laid in 1851 and 1852, and although carefully
protected in troughs and covered with tarred yarn, their in-
sulation was rapidly deteriorating by the gutta-percha be-
coming desiccated. This was found to occur in a more
striking manner wherever laid past oak plantations,
from some chemical action of the roots upon the ground.
Fortunately, by the amalgamation with the " British," the
Company was possessed of the former's Act of 1850, which
provided powers to erect post lines along the highways.
None of the other companies had been able to obtain this
privilege, and it was said that the clause, when passed by the
Committee and the House, was supposed by them to refer
to " testing posts ! " However, it proved the salvation
of the Magnetic Company ; for the price of gutta-percha
had about doubled in the interval, and they could not have
afforded to lay new underground wires. As it was, there
was the difficulty of turning the old gutta-percha wires to
sufficient account to pay for the new overhead system.
This was the problem that Sir Charles had to solve. He
1860-1863 2II
approached the Gutta-Percha Company, who had originally
supplied the many thousand miles of gutta-percha-covered
wire to the Company, and who at this time had nearly a
monopoly of the business ; but their able and astute
manager, Mr. Samuel Statham, would make no bid for the
old wire that at all satisfied the requirements. So Sir
Charles set to work to strip the gutta-percha from the copper
conductors, and by warming it up to convert it into saleable
lumps for ordinary manufacture ; for though much of its
insulating power was lost, it was still quite good for a
number of trade purposes. He first tried having the
material sliced off ; but this proved tedious and expensive.
He then had the wires drawn through the rollers used for
making steels for the crinoline, at that time in fashion with
ladies. The rollers were set to the exact diameter of the
copper wire, and the gutta-percha being compressed fell
off on each side as it passed through. It was then made up
into lumps and sold. In this way it realised more than
double the price originally offered by Mr. Statham, who there-
fore, not wanting competition in the gutta-percha market,
bought the whole lot ! Thus the Magnetic Company were
enabled to reconstruct their lines out of the amount secured
for the old wires. Substituting the one system for the other
naturally involved much consideration and care. The most
defective sections had to be completed first, and the change
made to the new wires bit by bit. But this arduous under-
taking was so carefully arranged by Sir Charles and his
able assistants, that no interruption occurred to the heavy
business of the Company throughout the kingdom.
Partnership with Mr. Latimer Clark
A little later Charles Bright joined in partnership with
Mr. Latimer Clark, M.Inst.C.E., a gentleman of great
experience and high repute in telegraph work. He had
been for several years the engineer of the Electric and
International Telegraph Company. There w^as something
singularly appropriate in this union of the engineers of the
two largest telegraphic companies in existence, both indi-
viduals possessing, moreover, great inventive ingenuity.
Sir Charles Bright and Mr. Clark had both favoured heavy
cables for shallow water in contrast to other engineers, who
had employed light cables in small depths.
As consulting engineers, the firm of Bright & Clark
became at once associated with nearly all the big submarine
cable undertakings that followed.
The Formulation of Electrical Standards and Units
In this same year (1861) an important paper1 was con-
L The object of this paper was to point out the desirability of
establishing a set of standards of electrical measurement, and to
ask the aid and authority of the British Association in introducing
such standards into practical use. Four standards or units were
considered necessary: — •
(1) The unit of electro-motive force, or tension, or potential.
(2) The unit of absolute electrical quantity, or of static electricity.
(3) The unit of electrical current, which should be formed by the com-
bination of the unit of quantity with time. Such, for example, as the flow
of a unit of electricity per second.
(4) The unit of electrical resistance, which should be the same unit
as that of current : — viz., a wire which would conduct a unit of electricity
in a second of time.
The necessity of the adoption of some nomenclature was also
pointed out, " in order to adapt the system to the wants of practical
telegraphists." See B.A. Report of Manchester Meeting, 1861.
1860-1863 213
tributed by Sir Charles Bright and his partner, on electrical
standards, units, and measurements, to the British Asso-
ciation for the Advancement of Science. This formed the
sequel to a letter addressed by Bright to Prof. J. Clerk
Maxwell, F.R.S., some months previously, on the whole ques-
tion of electrical standards and units. Upon the paper above
alluded to being read, Professor William Thomson1 obtained
the appointment of a committee with the object of deter-
mining a rational system of electrical units, and to construct
an equivalent standard of measurement. The members
were : Professors Williamson, Wheatstone, Thomson, Miller,
Clerk Maxwell, Dr. Matthiessen and Mr. Fleeming Jenkin.
These were joined by Sir Charles Bright, Dr. J. P. Joule,
Dr. Esselbach, Messrs. Balfour Stewart and C. W. Siemens.
Later on Prof. G. C. Foster, Messrs. D. Forbes, C. F. Varley,
Latimer Clark and Charles Hockin were added to the
strength of the committee.2
The first of the British Association reports of 1862 may
be said to have been the signal for a great advance in the
1 Referring to this paper some years later, Lord Kelvin (then
Sir William Thomson) said : "I may mention that a paper was com-
municated to the British Association in 1861 by Sir Charles Bright
and Mr. Latimer Clark, in which the names that we now have, with
some slight differences, were suggested ; moreover, a complete
continuous system of measurement was proposed, which fulfilled
most of the conditions of the absolute system in an exceedingly useful
manner. To Sir Charles Bright and Mr. Latimer Clark, therefore,
is due the whole system of nomenclature in electrical units and
standards ; we are consequently very greatly indebted to them in
the matter." (See " Thomson on Electrical Units of Measurement,"
Proc. Inst. C.E., 1883.)
2 See Reports of Electrical Standards, edited by Fleeming Jenkin,
methods of testing submarine lines electrically. The work
of the committee lasted eight years, and was not entirely
finished until the close of the year 1869. As the result of
its labours, we have the system of electro-magnetic absolute
units from which are derived the ohm, ampere, farad, volt,
and coulomb, being a system of nomenclature suggested
by Sir C. Bright and Mr. Latimer Clark in their paper of
I86I.1 This system was confirmed by an International
Congress, in 1881, at which every civilised nation was re-
presented. The creation of these standards has substituted
perfectly definite and identical quantities for the many
arbitrary units formerly in general use among electricians,
has introduced precise definitions in all questions of elec-
trical measurements, and has, indeed, rendered immense
service, both to the electrical industry and to science
During the year 1861, Sir Charles and Mr. Clark were
largely engaged upon experiments on gutta-percha-covered
wire, mainly with a view to determining the influence
which temperature had upon the insulating value of the
gum. An exhaustive series of tests was carried out, and a
comprehensive table of definite and reliable results compiled
therefrom. These were supplemented by a curve and table
of co-efficients, which are given in Bright's paper on " The
1 In introducing the above nomenclature for electrical standards
and units, Sir Charles and his partner enshrined the names and
memories of some of our greatest and earliest electrical savants in
the every-day words employed by electricians throughout the world
in such a way as to honour them in perpetuity. It now remains
for the revered name Kelvin to be turned to similar account.
1860-1863 215
Telegraph to India,"1 reproduced in the Appendices to Vol.
II of the original biography. In these experiments the
wire was subjected to water at temperatures varying from
freezing point to over 100° Fah. The results obtained gave
a law, which forms the basis of present-day practice, for arriv-
ing at the electrical resistance independent of temperature
influence. This law pointed to an enormous increase in
value on a cable being submerged in the cold water (a few
degrees above freezing point), at the depths of the ocean.
Corresponding investigations were made subsequently
regarding the effect of pressure on the insulation in order
to arrive at the difference after submergence at the bottom
of the sea ; and here again a satisfactory formula was
attained. A similar improvement was revealed, where
cables are laid at great depths, and also where time has a
maturing effect upon the insulation.2
In 1862, Sir Charles Bright took out patents in connection
with the outer coverings of submarine cables. By this inven-
tion two layers of hemp or other yarn are wound round the
sheathing wires in opposite directions, each layer being satu-
rated with a preservative adhesive compound of bitumen
and tar. It was thought that the layers of yarn and bitu-
minous composition so applied would effectually check
1 " The Telegraph to India, and its Extensions to Australasia and
China," by Sir Charles Tilston Bright, M.P., M.Inst.C.E. Minutes
Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xxv. (1865).
2 For further particulars, see a paper on " The Physical and Elec-
trical Effect of Pressure and Temperature on a Submarine Cable
Core," by Charles Bright, F.R.S.E., M.I.E.E. Journal Inst. E,E,,
vol. xvii.
the oxidation of the iron wires — by acting as a more or less
waterproof, and even air-tight, casing ; and so it proved.
It was soon found that such an outer cover also behaved
as an excellent binder for the sheathing wires, and in holding
them in place avoided the trouble caused by broken wires
getting adrift.
Previously, in 1858, Mr. Latimer Clark, Mr. Frederick
Braithwaite, and Mr. George Preece had collaborated in
a patent — of which Mr. Clark was the main author — for a
covering of hemp and asphalte for retarding the decay of
the zinc coating the iron wires. The cable itself was drawn
through hot asphalte heated up by charcoal fires. This plan
was tried on a short cable to the Isle of Man in 1859. ^»
however, gave a good deal of trouble during manufacture, the
insulation becoming seriously damaged by the process : as
a result no further use was made of that particular method
of protection. On the other hand, Sir Charles Bright's
system generally commended itself. It was at once adopted
in the construction of the Pembroke and Wexford (Irish)
cable, and has been in universal use ever since. Though,
after an extensive series of experiments, Bright arrived at
1860-1863 217
an improved composition, the main feature in his device
was the method of application. Here, instead of the cable
passing through the hot compound, the latter, whilst yet
plastic, is poured over it in streams by an elevator from a
tank. Furthermore, inasmuch as this process is performed
simultaneously with the laying on of the hemp, or jute,
yarns — by having the shaft of the compound apparatus
geared to the rest of the cable machine — the delay of the
double manufacture is saved. Moreover, by Bright's de-
vice, in the event of a stoppage the supply of compound
v _ *
^ / *" **V
A V •:• )
xx ^ /
A is a steam-jacketted tank, with molten, bituminous compound ; B B, the elevator —
usually an endless chain worked with pulleys— dipping into the tank. The cable passes under
the chain, from which the compound drops, by gravity, in a continuous stream, into the inclined
chute D, and so on to the cable.
to the outside of the cable is immediately and auto-
matically arrested, thereby avoiding damage to the insula-
tion— as in the case of the hot compound continuing to flow
over the cable. A part of Sir Charles' method consisted in
the cable being finally — at one and the same operation —
drawn between semi-circular rollers under a stream of cold
water. By this, the coating is thoroughly pressed into all
the interstices of the yarns and wires, rendering the
outside surface hard, even, and smooth — thereby reducing the
co-efficient of friction during cable-laying or recovery opera-
tions. The success attending this process — subsequently
included in every submarine cable specification — was so
great that up to the time of the expiry of Bright's patent
it had yielded nearly £30,000 to Sir Charles and his
The same patent also included an improved apparatus for
curbing the currents sent into a cable for signalling purposes.
This was an arrangement whereby the superabundant (remain-
ing) part of each charge communicated to the line was to be
neutralised, thereby overcoming the effect of inductive re-
tardation to the signal following after — in fact clearing the
line so as to increase the working speed of the cable.
The Telegraph to India
Retrospect and Preparations
N 1862 Sir Charles Bright was called upon by Govern-
ment to carry out another important achievement of
his life — the first successful and permanent telegraph to
India, and the pioneer cable, electrically speaking.
Let us take a glance at the situation at the moment. In
the first place it was considered that the Governments of
England and India should be brought into the speediest
possible method of communication. It was, indeed, thought
that in this era of the telegraph the countries could not
any longer be allowed to be separated by thirty days of
postal service, when, by the agency of the wires, but a few
hours need divide them. The imperative necessity for
electric communication between this country and the
greatest of her dependencies had actually been felt for years,
not only by Government — on political grounds — but by
the great mercantile community whose enormous business
was dependent upon our Eastern possessions. So urgently
was this desired — and, after the Mutiny, so essential was
the telegraph deemed to be for the preservation of our
position — that in 1858 the Red Sea and India Telegraph
Company had been formed (with a guarantee from Govern-
ment on a capital of £800,000) to lay a line from Suez
down the Red Sea to Aden, and thence to Karachi, with
intermediate stations at Kassiri, Suakin, Hillainich and
Messrs. R. S. Newall & Co. were the contractors for the
construction and laying of this line, Messrs. Gisborne &
Forde the engineers, and Messrs. Siemens & Halske the
electricians. Though for a very different depth and bottom,
the type of cable adopted was somewhat similar to that of
the first Atlantic line. The route was not sufficiently sur-
veyed by soundings, and the cable was too slightly made
for the purpose. It was once spoken of as being " like
running a donkey for the Leger ! " Being laid taut, and
here and there across reefs, although messages were trans-
mitted through each separate section they broke down in
a few days, and were never worked together in one con-
tinuous length as originally intended.1
A new Company was formed in 1862 for restoring com-
munication and working the lines of the " Red Sea " Com-
pany. This was called the Telegraph to India Company,
to which Sir Charles acted as technical adviser ; and his
report on the subject is given in Appendix 6 of Vol. II
of the original biography.
Though the cables broke down, the land line from Alex-
1 For further particulars of this cable, see Submarine Telegraphs ;
also Old Cable Stories Retold, by F. C. Webb, M.Inst.C.E., The
andria to Suez was worked by the Telegraph to India
Company for a number of years. Subsequently, however,
it was transferred, writh the Egyptian concessions, to the
British Indian Submarine Telegraph Company, on the
latter's formation in 1870. The Telegraph to India Com-
pany was then voluntarily wound up, after paying a fairly
regular dividend of 3 per cent.
Under the somewhat hasty, and perhaps careless, con-
ditions agreed to by Government with the " Red Sea "
Company, the interest on the outlay became a charge on
the country (till 1908) to the extent of £36,000 per annum.
This failure was naturally a heavy blow to submarine
telegraph extension, and a great discouragement to the
authorities. Yet the demand for the Indian Telegraph
became more and more pressing. The want was no longer
merely confined to commercial or political interests : it
was eminently national. The Turkish Government were
constructing a land line between Constantinople and
Baghdad, via Scutari, Angora, Diarbekir, and Mosul ;
and an agreement was come to by Her Majesty's Govern-
ment with the Sublime Porte for special wires, as well as
for the extension of the telegraph overland from Baghdad
to the Shat-el-Arab at the head of the Persian Gulf.
Partly at the instance of the late Sir Henry Rawlinson,
K.C.B., it was at first proposed to erect a land line along
the Mekran coast of the Persian Gulf ; but Lieutenant-
Colonel Patrick Stewart, R.E.,1 who had been especially
1 The " Pat Stewart " of Mutiny fame.
despatched to Persia regarding the matter, reported against
its practicability, on reaching England in the summer
of 1862. Meanwhile Mr. Latimer Clark had returned
after fully investigating the condition of the damaged and
unworkable cable between Suez, Aden, and Karachi. Mr.
Clark's investigations went to show that it was impossible to
put any of the sections into working order.
In view of these authoritative reports, the Government,
together with the India Council, determined upon laying a
submarine cable between the mouth of the Shat-el-Arab—
the river uniting the Tigris and Euphrates in their flow
into the Persian Gulf — and Gwadur (or Chubar), the most
westerly point to which it was then found practicable to
extend the Indian land telegraphs. It was afterwards re-
solved— in consequence of the workmen on the Mekran
land telegraph being molested by the natives — to extend the
submarine cable from Gwadur to Karachi, thereby avoiding
the vandalism of barbarous and then unconquered tribes.
It was determined to divide the line into sections, with a
station at Gwadur on the Mekran coast, another near Cape
Mussendom on the Arabian coast, at the entrance to the Gulf,
and a third at Bushire, on the coast of Persia.
Notwithstanding the previous careful surveys by the
officers of the Indian Navy — the character, as well as the
depth, of the bottom being of so much importance in regard
to the permanence of a submarine cable — a special survey
was made during 1862, by Lieutenant (now Captain) A. W.
Stiffe, of what was then called the Bombay Marine. On the
whole, the bed of the Persian Gulf was found to be quite
favourable to the deposition of a cable.
The Indian Government arranged to assist the Turks
in connection with the erection of the land line between
Baghdad, Bussorah, and the mouth of the Shat-el-Arab,
and also agreed with the Persian Government — after a
survey by Major Goldsmid1 — for the construction of an
alternative land line from the Turkish frontier to Ispahan,
Teheran, Shiraz, and Bushire on the Persian Gulf, where
(Age 32)
connection would also be made with the cable. Besides
these junctions a cross line was to be made to provide
against interruption, linking Baghdad with Teheran via
The Government appointed Colonel Stewart as director
1 Of the Madras Staff Corps, and afterwards Major-General Sir
F. J. Goldsmid, K.C.S.I., C.B.
of this great length of line. They also appointed Messrs.
Bright & Clark the engineers for the construction, electrical
testing, and laying of the cable, Sir Charles Bright under-
taking the personal supervision of the entire work.
The Design, Construction, and Testing of the Persian Gulf
Shortly after Colonel Stewart had come over to England, an
order for the core was placed with the Gutta-Percha Company,
of Wharf Road, whilst the contract for the rest of the
manufacture fell to Mr. W. T. Henley, of North Woolwich.
The Persian Gulf was one of the greatest habitats of the
teredo. This little "auger worm" likes, and lives on,
woody matter, besides having an affection for yarns and
gutta-percha. Indeed, it appears to regard the submarine
cable as a sort of private larder provided for its immediate
use. The outer spiral wires of a cable are sure to open out
slightly under the strain of laying, leaving small crevices, of
which this boring worm takes advantage. He then works his
way through the yarn and gutta-percha, to the copper
conductor — thus creating an electrical leak through the
hole bored in the insulation of the cable. The teredo
was, in fact, at that time the deterrent of telegraphs in
warm climates. With a view, then, to defeating the ravages
of this objectionable little creature, Sir Charles Bright
added a proportion of powdered silica (made by grinding
calcined flints) to the outer covering compound already
referred to. This addition was found to effectually damage
the boring tool of the teredo, and thus frustrate his incur-
We now come to the improvements introduced in the
conductor of this line. In the earliest submarine cables the
copper conductor was formed of solid wire, as in subterranean
lines ; but in later years the use of a strand of seven copper
wires had been introduced, it being seen that a weak spot in a
single wire would interfere with the working of the line, while
it was not likely that seven separate wires would develop
flaws at the same point. A stranded conductor had, however,
the disadvantage of presenting a greater surface for a given
weight (and resistance) of copper than the solid wire ;
thus the retardative efforts of induction were proportionately
To obviate the latter defect, a conductor built up of
segmental copper bars, with an outer embracing tube,
was adopted for this cable. To quote Sir Charles' words :
' The result of experiments upon this form of conductor,
compared with a strand made of the same copper and of the
same gauge, showed that the new device preserved equal
mechanical properties, coupled with the best form for
electrical requirements." 2 Less inductive retardation
represented greater speed of message transmission through
the conductor of the cable, thereby imbuing it with a
higher earning power.
1 For further particulars, vide Note on " Telegraphic Communi-
cation between England and India : its Present Condition and
Future Development," by Charles Bright, F.R.S.E. M.I.E.E.
(Society of Arts Journal, vol. xlii).
2 The Telegraph to India, by Sir Charles Tilston Bright, M.P.,
M.Inst.C.E. (Mins. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xxv., 1865-6).
The new segmental conductor weighed 225 Ib. to the
nautical mile. It gave a good deal of trouble — not to say
expense — in construction l ; for instance, even when drawn
dowrn to wire, the joints entailed were very numerous.
Special care was taken to ensure the purification of
the copper used. The lowest limit of specific conductivity
allowed for the copper was 76, what was then known as
" pure galvano-plastic copper " being taken at 100. The
mean conductivity of the whole line was thus raised to
nearly 90 per cent. In many of the older submarine cables,
which were laid before this point had received attention,
the conductivity had come out as low as 30 and 40.
Let us now turn our attention to the insulation of the con-
ductor. In testing this during manufacture certain novel
precautions were taken. The apparatus was much more
delicate than any hitherto employed for the purpose, and the
testing of joints was first carried out on this occasion. The
joints made in the insulating material during manufacture,
and in the finished core, had always been the subject of con-
siderable anxiety to those engaged in the supervision of
submarine telegraphs, as although the loss on a single joint
might be so small as hardly to affect the tests obtained
upon a considerable length, yet dearly-bought experience
had shown that the defect might contain within it the seeds
of a serious fault hereafter.
Then, again, it was on this enterprise that condensers were
employed for the first time in cable testing. These were
1 The result is that we now adopt modifications of this principle
for the conductors of our ocean cables — as, for example, the excellent
device of the late Sir William Siemens.
formed of plates of mica, coated on each side with tinfoil, and
having a standard capacity equal to that of one mile of the
Persian Gulf core. These were found very permanent in
practice, and most convenient for use. The measurements
were taken after one minute's electrification, by observing the
swing of the suspended needle of a galvanometer, and the
extreme variations in the several coils did not exceed 8 per
cent, above or below the average capacity. From the above
data it was easy to ascertain the inductive capacity of any
portion of the cable with great accuracy. Thus, in one
interruption which occurred during the laying of the cable—
from the copper wire having broken within the gutta-
percha — whereas the distance of the fault was calculated
at 9233 miles off, it actually proved to be 92*4 miles distant.
During the manufacture of the core, advantage was
taken of the facilities afforded at the Gutta-Percha Com-
pany's works for trying a series of experiments as to the
effect of temperature upon the conducting power of gutta-
percha and india-rubber. It had long been known that
the resistances of these substances varied greatly with
changes of temperature ; but the exact law had not hitherto
been satisfactorily determined.
The manufacture and testing of the entire line was under
the personal supervision of Sir Charles Bright. The testing
of the core at the Gutta-Percha Company's works was
carried out, with every precaution which skill and experi-
ence could suggest, by Mr. J. C. Laws (the senior of Messrs.
Bright & Clark's staff), assisted by Mr. Frank Lambert.
These gentlemen — who had previously served Sir Charles
on the Atlantic expeditions — were also to look after the
electrical welfare of the line during submergence.
As has frequently been stated,
this was the first cable which passed
through a complete system of
electrical testing during the various
stages of manufacture. It must
be remembered, however, that it
was almost the earliest undertaking
of the sort following after the sug-
gestion of Sir Charles and his part-
ner at the British Association for
definite electrical units and
standards and a proper system of
nomenclature. It was, indeed, the
first occasion on which the core
was tested in separate (three-mile)
lengths under water ; and a wholly
unprecedented degree of insulation
was obtained.
The external protecting coats,
already referred to, were then ap-
plied. In the end this constituted
one of the most efficient and dur-
able cables ever devised, and con-
siderably excelled anything up to
that time.
The total weight of the cable was THE
four tons per nautical mile. For (Main type)
the shore-end portions, the sheathing wires were materi-
ally larger, bringing the weight up to eight tons. Some
of this contained two insulated conductors, to enable
one sheathing to do service for the circuit each way at
an intermediate station.
The completed cable subsequently received a coating
of whitewash to prevent sticking, and was then coiled
away into tanks under cover and filled wdth water, the
tests being continued at periodic intervals till the cable was
shipped.1 The immediate superintendence of this branch
of the work was carried on, under Sir Charles' directions, by
Mr. F. C. Webb, M.Inst.C.E.,2 assisted by Messrs. Thomas
Alexander, J. E. Tennison Woods, T. Brasher, T. B.
Moseley, and other members of Messrs. Bright & Clark's
The manufacture of the core was commenced by the
Gutta-Percha Company in February, 1863, and the 1,450
miles of cable, weighing nearly 7,000 tons, was completed
by Mr. Henley on November loth. This formed by far
the heaviest length ever carried in a submarine telegraph
It was coiled into five large sailing vessels and a
small steamer. In addition to machinery for laying the
line, these vessels were all fitted with iron tanks, in which
1 This was the earliest occasion on which all the above routine
was gone through, though now matters of common practice.
2 Mr. Webb had been connected with many important cable
undertakings, including the First Atlantic. He was now the chief
of the engineering staff of Messrs. Bright & Clark.
the cable was coiled, besides a small engine and a Gwynne's
pump for filling and emptying the tanks. The ships were
severally in charge of Messrs. E. Donovan, E. D. Walker,
T. B. Moseley, J. E. T. Woods and J. P. E. Crookes as
electricians, who kept up tests of the cable on each ship
during the voyage round the Cape to Bombay. Some
interesting observations were taken of the currents pro-
duced by the action of the earth's magnetism on the coils
of cable at each roll of the vessel. These were most evident
in the higher latitudes, became invisible at the equator, and
were in the reverse direction in the southern hemisphere.
In rough weather they were sufficiently powerful to inter-
fere seriously with the measurements of the conductivity
of the copper wire.
Accompanied by Colonel Patrick Stewart, R.E., Captain
Colvin Stewart (a younger brother), Dr. Esselbach, Mr.
Hirz and Mr. Mance,1 Sir Charles Bright proceeded to the
scene of action by the overland route to Bombay towards
the end of November (1863).
1 Afterwards Sir H. C. Mance, C.I. E., M.Inst.C.E., Past President
of the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
Laying the Cable
An outline of the work to be done will form the best
preliminary here. Karachi was the sea terminus of the
existing Indian telegraph system (to Bombay, Calcutta,
Madras, and -other main towns) at the north-west corner
of the great peninsula. Fao, at the head of the Persian
Gulf, was the sea terminus of the Turkish telegraph system,
connected with the systems of Continental Europe and,
through them, with England. Karachi is distant from
Fao about 1,250 miles. It was intended to join the two by
submarine cable laid in four sections, in round numbers
as follows : Karachi to Gwadur, 300 miles ; Gwadur to
Mussendom 400 miles ; Mussendom to Bushire, 400 miles ;
Bushire to Fao, 150 miles. The first section to be laid
was that from Gwadur to Mussendom ; and the ships
immediately engaged were to rendezvous on February 4th,
at the former station, whence operations would com-
As soon as a portion of the telegraph fleet arrived at
Bombay, Sir Charles and Colonel Stewart, R.E., joined them
by embarking on the steamer Coromandel, the flag-ship
of the expedition.
The following letter from Charles Bright to his wife about
this time gives an idea of the way the time was passed
after reaching India (on December loth), whilst waiting
for the ships :—
BOMBAY, December zSth, 1863.
... I write this without having yet heard from you since
the letter I got at Marseilles. . . .
I keep very well. The climate is delightful. ... I have had
one trip into the interior since I wrote by last mail, to a place
called Matherau, about sixty miles hence, where I went with an
old schoolfellow, Baker,1 who found me out here. He has a
bungalow there, and I stayed a couple of days with him. It was
harder work, though, than I had expected, but well worth the
First, I went to a place called Narel by train ; then I had
to get on horseback and ride nine miles up hill. At the top,
about 2,000 feet above the sea, is an extraordinary range of
mountains, with the most wonderful view I have ever seen in the
extent of country they command. All the hillsides are covered
with trees and beautiful wild shrubs and flowers, with bridle
paths winding about in every direction. It is much cooler there
than here, and in the hot season numbers of people go to live
there as a sanatorium.
Bombay itself has little to recommend it, but the people
are very hospitable. On Christmas Eve I dined with the
Governor,2 but on Christmas Day I was at the hotel — not the
place I should have chosen.
For the last week I have been very busy, owing to the first of
our ships, the Marion Moore, having arrived. (They are very
slow here in getting work done.) You will be glad to hear that
the cable in her is all in excellent order. I expect to get off in
a few days to commence work. I shall write before leaving,
but the letter will not go till the next mail, about a fortnight
1 When Mr. Baker came to call on Bright, the latter did not
recognise him at first. Baker then reminded Sir Charles that they
had been interrupted in a fight when at school, whereupon Charles
said, " Let's finish it now ! " If they had, the prospects would
have been very different ; for though Baker was the bigger boy as
schoolfellows, it was now all the other way, the subject of our
biography standing 6 ft. i in. in his boots.
2 The late Sir Bartle Frere, G.C.B., G.C.S.I.
My movements are rather uncertain, and it is probable that
you may not get any letter by the mail following the next, as I
shall most likely be on the Mekran coast without any means of
sending a letter ; but it is also possible that I may come back
here, as we have an extra steamer which I can use for the pur-
pose, if my plans then require it. ...
The above was followed up a few days later by the follow-
ing :-
BOMBAY, January ist, 1864.
... I did not get your letter of the 2nd until the 3Oth, the
mails being delayed and very late. Captain Dayman, of H.M.S.
Hornet, an old Atlantic friend of mine (he took the soundings
in 1857 in the Cyclops, and commanded the Gorgon afterwards
in our trip in 1858), is going to Aden about some risings of the
Arab tribes between there and Mocha, and I take this chance
of writing.
I have not much fresh information as to my doings or move-
ments to communicate, except to tell you of the delight my
dearest's letter gave me after waiting so impatiently for it, as I
have spent my days principally at the Government dockyard
here, and on board the Marion Moore, since I wrote.
I don't find folks work so well, either at the head or foot of
departments, here as in England, and I have been very savage
at the delays I find in getting things clone. The climate, I sup-
pose, has its effect on people after a long stay, or else they don't
like working between Christmas and the new Year. Whatever
the cause, I am still more aggravated to find that there is general
holiday from to-day (Friday) to Tuesday next. This has delayed
me so much that I shall now probably await the arrival of the
second ship, the Kirkham, which left on September nth, and
ought to be here in a few days.
This will be a great saving of time ultimately, as I shall
have the two ships towed on to the scene of action together, but
I am so tired of Bombay — having seen nearly everything and
everybody — that I am eager to get off, and to work. The day
I got your letter I had an engagement to go to the Governor's,
to meet the Ranee Begum of Bhopal at a sort of evening levee,
so I had only just time to read your dear letter and be off, leaving
my business letters and Robert's to be read afterwards ; and the
newspapers sent me from the office (which I read with great
appetite) kept me afterwards till past four, having got back
from the Governor's at half-past twelve. The party at the
Governor's was full of interest to me — much more so than his
dinner-party before, which was subdued and ceremonial- — a bad
feature in dinner-parties.
Her Royal Highness the Begum is, of course, looked upon as
a great personage, for she stuck to us throughout the Mutiny,
while all her relatives were against us. She has, therefore, been
made a Knight of the Star of India. To look upon, she is a little
dried-up, brown, loud-voiced thing. When I was presented to
her exalted Majesty, she shook hands very cordially ; and, as
Sir Bartle Frere translated her lingo, said " she knew all about
me, and about telegraphs too ! " so I did not think it needful
to give her any further information on the two subjects. She
had some important Indian personages with her. Her son-in-
law, the Maharajah of something or another, was a great swell,
with gold headpiece, gold-cloth clothes, but no shoes or stockings
(according to the native custom here), and his feet and ankles
did not look a good finish. A lot of meaner stars — male and
female — of the native sort, made up the suite.
The room, a very grand and well-proportioned one, was filled
up with ladies in full dress, and officers of every kind and colour
of uniform, which made the scene quite amusing to me, if only
from its novelty. . . .
On the Marion Moore and Kirkham reaching Bombay
with sufficient cable for the section between Gwadur and
Mussendom, Bright took charge ; and, after erecting the
machinery on deck for paying out the cable, they were
towed to Gwadur by the Zenobia and Semiramis, two power-
ful paddle-wheel steamers of the Government. They
anchored after seven days' cruise, and were joined by
H.M. Gunboat Clyde, and also found the rest of the fleet
awaiting them, a few days in advance of the appointed time.
Gwadur is a small Beloochee town erected on a sandy
isthmus between two very lofty and precipitous sandstone
ranges. The inhabitants are neither Arab, Persian, nor
(From a sketch by Sir Charles Bright)
Beloochee, but seem to be a mixed race, possessing few of
the distinctive qualities of either but their colour, their
dirt, and their general dislike of work.
Having landed the shore end, Sir Charles commenced
on February 4th, 1864, laying the cable towards Mussendom,
on the Arabian side of the Persian Gulf, from the Kirkham,
in tow of the Zenobia, the screw-steamer Coromandel
(with Colonel Stewart on board) piloting the course.
The expedition skirted along near the mountainous
cliffs which bound the Mekran coast, and for the purposes
of description we will now follow the records of an eye-
witness, Mr. J. E. Tennison Woods, who acted as special
correspondent to the Daily Telegraph :—
1 Nothing could exceed the perfect regularity with which the
arrangements acted. The cable uncoiled itself with absolute
freedom from the hold, and the bituminous covering, instead of
proving an embarrassment on account of its sticking together,
was found to be a positive advantage in keeping the cable from
springing out of its place, and in preventing the wires — which
occasionally get broken in passing over the drum — from escaping
and fouling the machinery, a species of accident not un-
common in paying out cables unprovided with such protection.
There are always considerable difficulties attendant upon
paying out cable from a ship towed by a steamer. In the first
place, it is impossible to stop the ship's way, alter her course,
or, indeed, to do anything in case of an emergency, without going
through the laborious — and, at best, very uncertain — method
of signalling either by lamps or flags. This difficulty was to a
great extent overcome by an ingenious adaptation of the Morse
alphabet (as used by all the telegraph companies) to semaphore
and lamp signals. At night it was effected with a bull's eye
lantern, the shutter of which is carried on the end of a small
lever. The duration of time the light is exposed is made to
represent the "dot" and "dash" of the Morse code. With such
skill and rapidity were these instruments used on board both
the Kirkham and Zenobia that the most complicated messages
were exchanged by flashes of light between the steamer and the
ship in tow, at the rate of some twenty words a minute ; whereas
by means of the Marryat code it would be next to impossible
1 Daily Telegraph, article on " The Anglo-Indian Electric Line,"
March loth, i 864.
to transmit a message of twenty words in less than half an hour.1
The system of testing adopted during the submersion by Mr.
Laws, the chief electrician, and his assistant, Mr. Lambert, was so
perfectly contrived that hardly a minute elapsed during which
the line was not under electrical examination.2 The test for
insulation was kept on constantly, the current being reversed
on the ship every half-hour. For testing the continuity of the
conductor a condenser was charged from the cable end every
five minutes, and then discharged, thus giving a slight and sudden
deflection on the ship's galvanometer.3 Thus the least fault
or injury occurring during the process of submersion would
be detected before it was too late to remedy the defect.
Everything, indeed, went so smoothly that Sir Charles Bright
and his assistant engineers had little to do but to see that
the already perfect arrangements were adhered to. The cable
was paid out at from 5 J to 6 knots — a rate just sufficiently in
excess of that of the ship to allow the line to accommodate itself
to the inequalities of the bottom.
The Kirkham finished paying out her portion of the cable
on the morning of February 6th, when near Jask. The most
troublesome part of the business — the transfer of the staff,
cable hands, stores and apparatus of the Marion Moore —
was then successfully carried out at sea, and the laying
continued across the entrance to the Persian Gulf.
1 This was the first cable expedition on which Morse Flag and
Lamp signalling were made use of by day and night respectively.
2 On this occasion the Thomson marine galvanometer was used
for the first time. Previously, in connection with the Atlantic
Cable, Professor Thomson had introduced his mirror speaking
instrument ; and as it was also — indeed mainly — used for testing
it was more often termed a galvanometer.
3 The above plan, with modifications, is in very general use during
cable-laying operations in the present day. It originated with this
Says the Daily Telegraph correspondent : —
1 By daylight on the morning of the Qth the lofty mountains
of the Arabian coast could be seen towering high above the morn-
ing mist, apparently, though not in reality, close to the ships.
The ships continued to approach the land, but no opening in
what appeared to be an unbroken line of cliffs was visible, until
when within hardly more than 100 yards of the shore the narrow
entrance to Malcolm's Inlet came in sight. After passing through
this natural portal, the ships of the squadron steamed up the
inlet, enclosed and hemmed in on all sides by lofty and precipi-
tous rocks several thousand feet in height. The points of land
overlapped each other so as to form a series of lakes, which might
vie with the wildest parts of the Highlands for savage beauty.
As the vessels proceeded, shotted guns were fired — alike to inform
the Arabs of our approach, and to let them know that the ships
were not defenceless. Nothing could exceed the strange effect
of these artillery discharges, reverberating from rock to rock with
the sound of thunder ; each gun seemed magnified by the echo
into a broadside.
About noon the vessels arrived at the head of the inlet, and,
the water being very deep, anchored within a short distance of
the shore. Several days were occupied in erecting a land line
across the peninsula, and in selecting a suitable place for the
erection of the tents for a temporary station here. After this,
on February I3th, the end of the cable was landed at this, the
hottest region on earth, and electrical communication opened
with Gwadur, distant by cable 370 miles.
The line proved to be in splendid order, and capable of
transmitting messages at the rate of twenty-five words per
minute — a speed quite unprecedented in a submarine cable
of such length. The first message transmitted was to Sir
1 " The Anglo-Indian Electric Line." — Ibid,
Charles Bright himself, conveying the news from England
of the birth of his son Charles. It ran thus : — From Mr.
Walton,1 Karachi, 4th February, 3.7 p.m., to Sir Charles
Bright, Gwadur.' I send you the following from The Times
of 2nd January, in case it may interest you.
On December 25th, at 12, Upper Hyde Park Gardens, Lady
Bright, of a son."
After this, communication was maintained with Bombay
and the rest of India throughout the laying of each cable
H.M.S. Sinde — with Colonel Goldsmid, who had surveyed
the Mekran coast — and the Clyde arrived on the I3th. The
Zenobia then left with the Marion Moore for Bombay.
Colonel Stewart, Sir Charles Bright, and Colonel Disbrowe,
the Political Resident (or Agent) at Muscat, remained at
Mussendom, to arrange difficulties with the Arabs, pending
the arrival of the Tweed and Assay e with 735 miles of cable
to continue the work. More than a month was spent here, the
Arabs giving a good deal of trouble throughout. In the words
of Colonel Goldsmid : " Even the fishermen were reluctant
to bestow their friendly offices on comparative strangers
without at least the guarantee of some substantial return
for the privilege they considered they were granting."
One of the expedition, in corresponding for The Times
of India, wrote with regard to the experiences off Mussen-
dom :—
1 Mr. H. Izaak Walton was the Director of the Mekram Coast
2 See Telegraph and Travel, by Sir F. J. Goldsmid, C.B., K. C.S.I.
(Macmillan & Co., 1874).
It seems very doubtful whose territory this barren country
is in. Even the inhabitants do not appear to know, some speak-
ing of a Sheik named Ben Suggar, of Ras el Kymer, as their
rightful ruler, while others look upon the head of their villages as
" without superiors on earth," and responsible to God alone !
The Arabs soon began to flock off to the ships in very original-
looking boats, and became most pressing and troublesome in
their familiarities ; but as it was highly important to secure good~
will for the sake, of the electricians, signallers, and others who were
to be on shore in charge of the " repeating " station, they were
treated with the utmost kindness, and no effort was spared to
propitiate them by presents of rice, sugar, coffee, etc.
Evidently they do not understand the meaning of quid pro quo :
for when asked to assist in landing stores, pitching tents, and
building one or two wooden huts, though promised liberal pay-
ment in money or food for doing so, they showed no alacrity to
close with the offer. The old plan of paying a few rogues well
to watch the rest has succeeded perfectly hitherto, the charge of
all the stores landed having been entrusted to about a dozen
Arabs. The policy thought best is to secure the goodwill of
the leading men by making it their interest to treat our people
well. Great difficulty is, however, experienced in finding out
who are the real chiefs, for the local politics are most intricate ;
and every now and then the knots into which they get are so
complicated that the sword is deemed the only means of solution !
Here we will again quote the Daily Telegraph l : -
The aspect of the place accorded well with the known char-
acter of its inhabitants, who are wild and savage in the extreme.
These intricate and tortuous passages — running as they do into
the very centre of the mountain fastnesses — are indeed well
calculated to shelter and protect the desperate hordes of pirates
who inhabited them a few years ago under the chief of Ras el
Kymer, the Sultan Ben Suggar. What the inhabitants were
The Anglo-Indian Electric Line." — Ibid.
then, so they are now in disposition. They are no longer open
pirates, because piracy does not pay. The unremitting vigilance
of the Indian navy ships has rendered that occupation even more
precarious than the uncertain pearl fishery. But these men are
truculent and fierce, and— following out their old traditions —
would always rather bully for an advantage than obtain it in
any other way.
From the first they showed strong signs of objection to
the expedition ; but shortly after the arrival a curious
incident occurred. A crowd of these ruffians had assumed
a threatening attitude on the landing of Sir Charles with
but a small escort. Having, however, read that Free-
masonry was current among the Arabs, and being a member
of the craft, it occurred to him to try them with a well-
known sign. They exhibited some astonishment for a
moment ; but on its repetition several answered the sign,
and at once became warm friends, though their demon-
strations of fraternal affection involved some slightly un-
pleasant hugging with not over fragrant " brothers " !
There can be no doubt that when, as in this instance, the
masonic signs, symbols and fellowship are found established
in the desert wilds of the East, the craft is much more widely
spread over the globe than most people — even Freemasons —
have believed. At all events it proved a good thing to
voyage with, in a very out-of-the-way and queer place — a
couple of thousand miles or so from what we deem civilisation.
The same masonic formula being current among a most
truculent race of predatory Arabs, in the far south-east
corner of Arabia, is certainly a striking instance of the
widely-spread character of Masonry.
This curious demonstration of brotherly love did not,
however, extend beyond Sir Charles, and as time wore on—
while waiting for the other cable ships, which did not
arrive for several weeks — the suspicions of the tribes
increased, and their attitude became more and more hostile.
They probably thought from the continued presence of the
three ships of war that some permanent annexation was
intended. So it was considered desirable to make some
slight demonstration of the power (or rather powder) at
command. The gunboat Clyde was therefore told off for
target practice with her guns at the face of a rock close by
the landing-place. The smashing effect upon the cliff of
this pounding immediately mollified the people, and modified
their views as to their powers of resistance. They had
probably never heard a cannon fired before, but showed
themselves now quite capable of recognising force majeure.
But even when matters were arranged later by Colonel
Stewart and Colonel Disbrowe, it was a case of much " back-
shish." A sort of " durbar," or reception of chiefs, and
distribution of presents was held. On this occasion the
chiefs — or pretended chiefs — attended in all the glory
of such state vestments as they were possessed of, and,
after considerable chatter, filed out apparently satisfied
with what they had received. Those who had come first
were, however, shortly succeeded by another batch of
claimants. But it was remarked that they came in wearing
identically the same gorgeous robes of office as their pre-
decessors had displayed ; and in the hurry of changing
outside, the " borrowed plumes " didn't fit some, making
their appearance ridiculous, and — to say the least — consider-
ably diminishing the dignity of their " get-up ! " They
were evidently sent in by the real " head men " with the
deliberate intention of ascertaining whether by this means
still more blackmail could not be extracted ; one was
indeed recognised as the boatman of a sheik ! When accused
by the interpreter of so flagrant an act of impersonation,
they " stormed " and seemed extremely vexed at the failure
of their attempt to "spoil the giaours " —though not
one whit ashamed at the detection of their trick. They
shambled off crestfallen — with much wagging of beard and
jaw !
Of course the tribes had to be propitiated by presents
and promises of periodical payments for safeguarding the
staff and stations after the expedition had left ; but it
required considerable knowledge and tact to deal with the
right headmen, and yet not to give more than absolutely
necessary — difficult points to decide with such ruffians,
who were quite disposed to " slit throats " on small pro-
vocation. Notwithstanding the amicable relations thus
temporarily established with the shore " ruffs," it was
decided not to leave the staff and stores at their tender
mercies on the mainland, after the squadron was withdrawn.
A station was therefore established on a small rocky island
nearly a mile from shore, in Elphinstone Inlet, and about a
quarter of a mile long. Two armed hulks, the Euphrates and
Constance, were then moored off the island, and the gunboat
Clyde was left on guard.
On March i8th, the expedition started for Bushire on the
Persian side of the Gulf, the cable being laid from the Tweed
in tow of the Zcnobia. Some very rough weather was
encountered, and at one time it was doubtful whether Sir
Charles would not be driven to cut and buoy the cable.
The steamer was only able to tow the ship at a speed of two
knots, but they managed to pull through till the storm
abated. Afterwards the paying out was transferred to
the sailing ship Assay e, and by daylight on March 23rd
the snow-capped mountains — some 12,000 feet high, behind
Bushire — shone in the morning sun. The anchorage was
[From a Sketch by SIR CHARLES BRIGHT]
reached shortly afterwards, the 430 miles laid from Mussen-
dom being in splendid order. After, a close inspection by
Bright, in conjunction with Colonel Stewart, the exact
spot for landing the cable was determined, and the section
satisfactorily put through on March 24th.
A propos of the arrival in Bushire, the Daily Telegraph
correspondent wrote l : —
1 "The Anglo-Indian Electric Line." — Ibid.
It is curious what changes and vicissitudes a place will see in
the course of a very few years. It is not quite seven years since
that these same ships anchored in the very same place for the
purpose of landing the British force destined for the siege of
Bushire during the Persian war. Although their present mission
was so different, it was evident that the inhabitants did not feel
at all certain of our pacific intentions, for it was some time before
any boats came off. Those that did, for a long time kept clear
of the Assaye, she having been one of the vessels most actively
employed in the destruction of the Persian batteries in 1857—
as many a patched and torn plank in her deck testifies.
The town of Bushire itself does not appear to have suffered
commercially from the English bombardment. The ruined
buildings and fortifications still remain unrepaired, but the
material prosperity of the place has augmented manyfold.
After the landing of the second shore end, the squadron
started on the morning of March 26th for Fao — some 150
miles distant — at the far end of the Persian Gulf, where the
mouths of the great rivers Euphrates and Tigris converge.
Considerable difficulty occurred in landing the shore end
of the cable at Fao, and connecting it with the floating
station moored off the entrance to the Tigris, owing to the
shallowness of the water and extent of deep mud banks.1
When the ship had got in as far as was possible there were
still some six to eight miles of these mud banks between
her and the beach. Thus the cable could only be landed
in comparatively flat-bottomed vessels. To assist in this
work the Comet, of the Bombay Marine Service, was re-
quisitioned. To make room for the cable, she had to disem-
1 This was, in fact, the most arduous feature of the whole ex-
bark her guns and coal, this operation occupying as much
as fourteen days. The work was commenced on April 5th,
after several days had been occupied by Sir Charles and
Colonel Stewart in exploring the locality, so as to determine
the course to be pursued.
1 About five miles of cable, weighing some twenty tons, were
distributed among ten of the largest boats belonging to the fleet.
When something like four miles had been paid out, the boats
grounded. Though there was very little water there was a great
depth of mud, of about the consistency of cream. There was no
use in hesitation, the cable must be landed at any risk, so Sir
Charles Bright set an example to his staff and the men, and was
the first to get out of the boat and stand up to his waist in the
mud. This example was followed by all the officers and men
— upwards of a hundred in number — who were soon wal-
lowing in the soft yielding slush up to their chests, but still
dragging the end of the cable with them.2
The progress through such a material was necessarily slow —
half swimming, half wading. It was impossible to rest for a
moment without hopelessly sinking below the surface ; yet no
one thought of abandoning the cable. Though it was only
two o'clock when the party left the boats, it was nearly dark
before the last man reached the shore. Several sank so deeply
in places when attempting to stand upright on approaching the
beach that they were compelled — as the only practical mode of
progression — to throw themselves down and crawl like
turtles. All were grimed with mud, and nineteen out of twenty
were nearly naked, having left or abandoned almost every article
1 The Times.
2 Some idea of this performance may be gathered from our
illustration — which appeared in the Illustrated London News at
the time — from a sketch made by an eye-witness, in which Sir
Charles is shown directing operations on the left.
of their clothing in the effort to reach the shore. But in spite
of obstacles the cable was landed.
Just as the troubles of the landing party appeared to be over,
it was found that the ships of the expedition, which were waiting
to receive them in the Tigris, lay at the other side of a mud
bank — onlv a little less fluid than that which had just been passed,
(From the Illustrated London News)
and four miles in extent ! To make matters worse, a thunder-
storm, truly tropical in its violence, was raging ; and the tide,
which washes the banks, was rapidly rising. The party, however,
made a dash for it, and all succeeded in reaching the ships, with
the exception of one of the Lascars, who was overwhelmed by the
mud and tide, and sank before assistance could reach him. The
remainder were much exhausted — some, indeed, having to be
carried by their companions. Even when the solid part of the
bank was reached, the cable had to be cut into mile and a half
lengths, carried on the backs of several hundred Arabs, and then
joined up again.
As an instance of the kindly thoughtfulness always
evinced by Sir Charles towards his colleagues, on the shore
trenchings being finished, Sir Frederick Goldsmid says,
in his interesting book,1 alluding to Captain Bradshaw 2
and himself— !t When the superintending officers returned
to their tent in the afternoon, they found half a dozen of
champagne, a huge joint of wild hog, and the following
letter in pencil—
I send a very solid piece of wild boar and some champagne
for you and Bradshaw to drink good luck to the cable with, as
you cannot be here. We are going to have a salute and dress
ships at noon. Hurrah ! !
Yours sincerely,
C. B.
In the book referred to, Sir Frederick Goldsmid says much
about the days passed on the monotonous sea shore and
amid the dilapidated out-buildings at Fao, or Fava, a place
barely existing but for the Indo-European Telegraph
Swamps, flats, ditches ; here and there a dwarf tree or shrub ;
men and things disturbed and exaggerated by a marvellous
mirage. Such was indeed the scene at the mouth of the Shat-el-
Arab and Khor Abdullah. The fort itself was an old tumble-
down mud building, rising from a swamp, used mainly as a burial
1 Telegraph and Travel.
2 Captain Bradshaw (afterwards Vice- Admiral Richard Brad-
shaw, C.B.) was serving as a surveying officer, and had accompanied
the expedition on one or other of the pilot vessels.
His diary will also be of some interest here in connection
with a visit to this fort. He says : —
By aid of a canoe we make our way into the fort ; but on striking
off to seaward get into a muddy dilemma. One or two of us take
off shoes and stockings and plunge in. All very well, so far as
it goes, for the soft mud ; but not so for the hard-baked soil,
which cuts unmercifully into the feet. Walk some four miles
and get well out to sea, facing our old anchorage, and seeing the
ships about seven miles off in the Khor Abdullah. SirC. B. and
Colonel S. out the furthest, but all have a pretty good spell.
A fault in the Bushire-Fao cable presented itself soon
after it had been laid ; only the very feeblest signals could
be got through, and these only at intervals. This pointed
to a break, or partial break, in the conductor, though
testing perfectly up to the time of submergence. It was
supposed afterwards — based on the tests made by Mr.
Laws — that the conductor must have been broken 1 during
the construction of the cable, the broken ends remaining in
contact when the cable was submerged. The reduction of
temperature, in contracting the copper, would then have
sufficed to separate the broken ends, and so interfere with
electric continuity.
Sir Charles effected a repair of the defect with a rapidity
and certainty which Colonel Stewart justly described as
" an excellent instance of the thorough efficiency with which
the work has been performed."2 Colonel Stewart adds :
1 As it happened the conductor in this section was a solid wire,
being made before the adoption of the segmental type. It, there-
fore, had not the advantages of greater pliability and immunity
from complete interruption.
2 Lieut. -Colonel Patrick Stewart to Secretary to Government.
Bombay, June nth, 1864.
' The position of the fault was calculated and laid down
with a nicety which has never been surpassed. The course
of the cable was so accurately denned by the surveying
officers, and the vessels sent on the repairing trip so skil-
fully navigated, that the buoy intended to show the presumed
position of the fault was actually laid down by the Zenobia
within less than a quarter of a mile of its true position."
' This defect of manufacture was responsible for the only
hitch experienced during the whole of the operations."
The remaining section of the cable between Gwadur and
Karachi was afterwards successfully laid by Mr. F. C. Webb,
with Messrs. Woods, Alexander, and Moseley, out of the
Assay e and Cospatrick, during April and May, in the absence
of Sir Charles Bright. The latter went to Baghdad with
Colonel Stewart, R.E., and Major Champain, R.E.,1 for the
purpose of endeavouring to arrange for the completion of
the land line from Fao, which had been interfered with
by the Montefic Arabs. On this subject Colonel Stewart
reported to the Indian Government as follows :—
So much having been completed, it remained — in accordance
with the original programme — to extend the submarine line from
Gwadur eastward to the frontier of British possessions at Ras
Mooaree (Cape Monze), some twenty miles west of Karachi.
We thereby rendered the vitally important link between the
Indian system of telegraphs on the one side and those of Turkey
and Persia on the other, more secure than would have been pos-
sible had the efficiency of the whole chain of communication
1 Afterwards Sir John Underwood Bateman-Champain. K.C.M.G.,
Director-in-Chief of the Indo-European Telegraph Department.
been permitted to depend on a land line passing through such a
country as that between Karachi and Gwadur.
In the meantime, however, it was absolutely necessary for me
to proceed at once to Baghdad regarding the completion of the
line between Bussorah and Baghdad, and the introduction of
certain essential reforms in the system of maintaining and work-
ing the telegraph to the westward of the latter city. I was,
therefore, obliged to make special arrangement for superin-
tending the laying of the Gwadur-Karachi cable during my
absence. Fortunately, the qualifications of Mr. F. C. Webb,
the senior of Sir Charles Bright's engineering staff, were such
that there was no need for hesitation in entrusting him with
this duty. At the same time I was enabled to take advantage
of Sir C. Bright's offer to accompany me to Baghdad, and to
secure the advantage of his experience, while considering with
Colonel Kemball the various proposals for effecting improve-
ments in the Turkish telegraphs.
An idea of the travellers' experiences can, perhaps, be best
gathered from Sir Charles' letter to his wife a short time
after their arrival at Baghdad.
April 2$th, 1864.
... I have come up here from the gulf with Colonel Stewart
and Major Champain after getting all the important part of the
cable laid most satisfactorily. The land lines hereabouts are not
as satisfactory, but time will get them right. The Turks are
very tiresome people to deal with, and never keep their engage-
You will have heard of the laying of the cable. I have written
very fully about all that to Clark at the office, and have asked him
to give it to Robert for you to read, as you will like to do so,
and the repetition of it would be a rather long affair. . . . After
laying the cable to the head of the Gulf, and having a desperately
hard job, I came up here, as all the land communication between
this and the Gulf is at a standstill through the Turks and Arabs
fighting together — a very great drawback to us — and the Turks,
as usual, are in the wrong, and won't give way. The river Tigris,
through which we come, is not very interesting, except from the
associations connected with this part of Mesopotamia.
At Korna — where the Tigris and Euphrates joining form one
river, the Shat-el-Arab — is situated the supposed site of the
Garden of Eden. Everybody here assures us it is the very garden,
so we landed and examined it. It is full of the usual palm trees,
dates, roses, etc., which we find everywhere here, and a dirty
Arab village and ruined mosque, with a single minaret, of some
pretensions as regards taste, standing. Bussorah, a little below
Komeh, is a good-sized town. If you took Johnnie to any day
performance at Drury Lane I see you would have a scene of the
port of Bussorah in Sinbad the Sailor, and probably another of
Baghdad. All the old stories in the Arabian Nights are taken
from this part of the country, which was once the richest and
greatest in the world.
A little above Komeh is Ezra's tomb on the banks of the river.
Here he lived and died after taking the Jews back from the Baby-
lonian captivity. Baghdad — where I am writing in an old-
fashioned room looking direct over the river — is a large city, some-
thing like Cairo. There are several large mosques and long rows
of shops under cover, in the bazaar. Still, the general effect is
similar to the Lowther Arcade, but low, dirty, nasty smelling
and unpaved. This bazaar is quite full of people of all kinds —
some dressed in colours, some nearly naked : I saw one man
quite so.
Everybody pushes and shouts, so that it is impossible to go
there except on horseback, which, as it is only a few feet wide,
adds to the confusion. Fancy half a dozen men on horses riding
through Burlington Arcade full of people ! Everything is done
here by Europeans, or persons of any importance, on horse-
back ; and the same in Persia, as there are no carriages any-
where— or, indeed, roads wide enough for them.
To-night I go to dine with the Pasha, in state, with all our
party. To-morrow he dines here with Colonel Kemball, the British
(Political) Resident, whose guests we are, and who, I must say,
treats us exceedingly well — providing rooms, horses, attendants
in uniform and armed to go out with us, and feeding us sump-
It is rather a treat to get ashore for a bit and lie down in a real
bed after being " penned up " on board ship in a narrow, close
berth — not long enough for my unmanageable legs — for three
months at a stretch.
I so like to read all you tell me of yourself and the bairns.
I am longing to get home, and hope to catch the mail of May 24th
from Bombay. . . .
I shall take a long rest and be very idle when I return till the
shooting begins. . . .
Then I shall probably want to go to the South of France to
look at our mines there before the winter sets in. ...
PS. — I have had some good deer and boar-shooting on the
river-banks and on Tomb Island, but it is too hot for much exer-
We will now return to the laying of the last section—
from Gwadur to Cape Moaree, near Karachi — which was
fully reported on by Mr. F. C. Webb, who was left in charge
of operations.
During this part of the work a most exciting incident
occurred, which was described as follows in The Engineer :—
Whilst paying out cable on the evening of April 4th, with very
little warning, the ships were struck by a tremendous squall from
the W.N.W., accompanied by rain, lightning, and a fearful quan-
tity of fine sand, which enveloped everything in the most solid
darkness. So intense was the obscurity, that the Assay e was
driven nearly on to the Zenobia ; and although she was close
under the bows of the Assay e not a vestige of her lights could be
perceived. Just before the total eclipse, as the squall came, the
message, " Webb to Carpendale " : " Don't get blown into deep
water " was sent, and then all signalling was at an end, and
everything total darkness. Both ships " broached to " and
headed in for the land in spite of their helms being hard up.
The full force of the wind came on them thus, right on the beam.
The awning of the Assay e was caught underneath by the wind,
and carried away with a report like a gun — snapping all the
heavy iron stanchions to which the ridge-chains were secured,
and dashing chains, etc., down on deck, fortunately without
doing any injury to life or limb. The paying-out machinery was
completely buried in the wreck. It is, indeed, a wonder that
nothing happened to the cable, seeing that for some time the
ridge- chain was actually resting on the drum of the brake, which
was revolving at the rate of forty-five revolutions a minute.
This was a pretty good test for the mechanical arrangements,
which continued to act as perfectly as if the ships had only been
going three knots — instead of eight and a half.1
While laying the cable from Gwadur, a number of joints
failed through air-bubbles developing, and these had to be
On May i6th, this last section (about 250 miles) was com-
pleted in the presence of Sir Charles Bright and Colonel
Stewart, who had come in the Coromandel from Baghdad,
leaving Major Champain to attend to further matters
A land line, twenty-four miles long, had previously been
erected from Cape Monze to Karachi, and communication
over this— the final link of the Persian Gulf cable system-
was thus established.
A banquet was held to celebrate the successful completion
of the work.
1 The Engineer, August i2th, 1864.
After this Bright left Karachi for Bombay in the Coro-
mandel, with Colonel Stewart and staff.
On May 24th, Sir Charles left in the P. & O. steamer Behar,
homeward bound, accompanied by Mr. Laws and the rest of
his staff, with the exception of Mr. F. C. Webb, who remained
to carry out final arrangements for the working of the line.
Lastly, on June 24th, Colonel Stewart sailed for Constan-
tinople, after all the various vessels, except the Amber
Witch, had been discharged from Government employ.
The Land Line Connecting Links
Bright reached home during the last week of June, only
to find his wife in a poor state of health.
Within a few weeks the family went to a riverside cottage
at Datchet for entire rest and change, the effect of \vhich
was highly beneficial. Here the time was mostly spent in
boating on the Thames, in which Sir Charles was accom-
panied by his brother Edward and other friends.
Very soon, however, there began to come disquieting
news regarding the working of the line between Europe
and the cables which had just been laid under Bright's
immediate supervision.
It was expected that the Turkish land line between
Baghdad and the head of the Persian Gulf would have
been completed simultaneously with the submersion of
the cable ; but a considerable part of the broad tract of
country — 400 miles in extent — between the ancient city
of the Caliphs and the miserable village of Shat-el-Arab
(at the junction between the Tigris and Euphrates) is in-
habited by predatory Arab tribes, incessantly quarrelling
one with another and mutually defying the Turks, their
nominal masters. Backshish — in the form of subsidies
—was the only way to quiet these rapacious vagabonds.
It was not until the commencement of 1865 that their
state of chronic revolt against the Turkish Government
could be put an end to, and the line carried through.
The arrangements eventually made by Major Champain
with the sheiks of the troublesome Montefic tribes, for
safeguarding the land line between Fao and Baghdad,
were based on the rule of procedure often employed with
eastern doctors, who only get " feed " while their patient
is well. As described by Captain Huish : —
At every six miles an Arab guard was employed, who was
paid 155. or i6s. per week, but this pay was stopped if anything
happened to the telegraph. Thus, in addition to the exercise
of his ordinary marauding propensities, this Arab received a
handsome income ; and the guards took care that their brother
Arabs did the telegraph no harm.
The distance through the Turkish dominions was from Constanti-
nople to Baghdad 1,550 miles, and thence to Fao 400 miles ;
and it may be added that the portion most easily maintained
was that which passed through this country of the Bedouin
To the intense grief of Sir Charles Bright, and all taking
part in the carrying through of this great international
undertaking, Colonel Patrick Stewart, R.E., died shortly
afterwards of malarial fever while on a special mission
near Constantinople. He did not survive even to wit-
ness the actual opening to the public of the entire Indo-
European line, to the accomplishment of which he had so
largely contributed and for which he had just been made
a Companion of the Bath.
As expressed by The Times : " Stewart had been
largely instrumental in bringing Sir Charles Bright's
wondrous sea cable to the head of the Persian Gulf, where
it was joined to the land line at Fao under his supervision.
With Sir C. Bright, he shared the honour due for this great
achievement." Referring to Colonel Stewart in his paper
on "The Telegraph to India,"1 Bright said: " By his
death the country has lost an accomplished and fearless
officer, unsurpassed in zealous devotion to his duties, and
rarely equalled in administrative capacity."
Colonel Stewart was succeeded by Colonel Goldsmid ; but
on the latter receiving a special political appointment, Major
Champain received promotion and became the Director
General of the Indo-European Government Telegraphs.
He had had a considerable experience with the Persian
Telegraph system.
It was not until the end of February, 1865, that arrange-
ments had been so far organised as to permit of the line
to India being opened for the transmission of public mes-
sages, since which it has been in daily operation, carrying
a large traffic between India and Europe. It was soon
found, however, that the connecting wires through Tur-
key and between Karachi and the main Indian lines at
1 Mins. Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xxv.
Bombay were very badly managed. Whilst a speedy
service was established on the four sections of cable, messages
between India and England frequently occupied many
days in transit over the land lines. This was partly due
to the inefficient staff of half-castes at first employed in
India. It was also partly due to the carelessness and in-
dolence of the Turks, who often allowed their wires to
be out of order for days together. The extent of Turkish
apathy may be judged when it is stated that messages
were frequently so changed in their order of transmission
that those sent days after others would arrive first ! This
came about from their being filed as they arrived one
after another at an intermediate station, and when suffici-
ently accumulated sent on, those at the top (the last re-
ceived) being dealt with first ! Endeavours were soon made
to arrange for through Turkish wires worked by English
operators ; but so jealous was the Sultan's Government
of interference that this reform did not receive the neces-
sary sanction.
With regard to this, The Times said :—
Advices just received from Baghdad and Beyrout describe
the causes of delay in the transmission of intelligence through
the telegraph to India, the submarine portion of which in the
Persian Gulf was recently completed by Sir Charles Bright. It
appears that seventy miles of the line from Bussorah to Baghdad
are incomplete, and cannot be constructed on account of the
distracted state of the intervening country, the Arabs having
revolted against their Turkish masters. The Porte undertook to
construct this portion of the telegraph through the Pashalic of
Baghdad ; but, in consequence of hostility from the Arabs, not
a Turk, it is said, dare venture into the district unless protected
by a strong military force.
Notwithstanding the above weakness in the system,
the cable at once proved a commercial success to the
Government ; and the traffic materially increased after
Major Champain and a staff of " sappers " erected lines
a year later through Persia from Bushire, so as to connect
up with the already existing Russo-European system at
Tiflis. In later years the Persian Gulf cable had a fresh
feeding string ; for in 1868 the Indo-European Telegraph
Company was formed " for promoting a more speedy
and reliable line of communication between England and
India than that hitherto permitted by the Turkish State
land lines." This line passes through Germany and Lower
Russia, a good traffic being picked up as far as Teheran,
in Persia, where it joins the system of the Indo-European
Telegraph Department of the Indian Government.
Between 1864 and 1869 the Persian Gulf line was earn-
ing at the rate of £100,000 per annum ; this, moreover,
under the disadvantages of a bad land-line connection
through Turkey. At the time it had the monopoly of tele-
graphic communication with India, and it made the best
of it. These halcyon days came to an end when the Eastern
and Associated Companies arrived on the scene.
Retrospection and Reminiscences
Sir Charles Bright 's paper l dealing with the whole
subject of this chapter, and giving a complete account of
the undertaking, was read before the Institution of Civil
Engineers 2 on November i4th, 1865, and four evenings were
occupied in its discussion. This paper won for Sir Charles
the Telford Medal.
It was generally agreed that here was the first instance
of any great length of cable being completely and lastingly
satisfactory. Even after an interval of thirty-five years,
the Persian Gulf cable is acknowledged to have been the
first case in which the real requirements of a cable had
been thoroughly appreciated and put into practice. Apart
from the uninterrupted success attending the laying of
the four sections, a vast advance had been made in the
design, manufacture, and testing, upon anything hitherto
achieved ; and to the novelties and improvements intro-
duced therein the result may be largely attributed. With
the laying of the Persian Gulf cable — forming the first tele-
graphic connection between the United Kingdom, Europe
and India — the science of the construction and laying of
submarine telegraphs had been pretty definitely worked
1 "The Telegraph to India and its Extension to Australia and
China," by Sir Charles Tilston Bright, M.P., M.Inst.C.E. (vide Mins.
Proc. Inst. C.E., vol. xxv) ; also Appendix 2 of Vol. II. of orginal
biography .
2 Sir Charles had lately been elected a full member of this Insti-
tution when thirty — the youngest age possible.
out, and no very striking departure in general principles
has since been introduced ; indeed, the end of the pioneer
stage may be said to have been reached at this juncture,
giving rise to a new era in submarine telegraphy. As a
result of the various precautions taken on the Persian Gulf
line, it was in 1889 reported by the chief technical officer
of the Indo-European Government Telegraphs * to be
" one of the best ever made." Mr. Possmann at the same
time reported that " the gutta-percha insulation is in excellent
order, after submersion under most trying conditions for
no less than thirty years." Now — when we consider the
countless myriads of boring worms in that hot sea, and the
fact that they have a great weakness for yarn and gutta-
percha — we can the better appreciate what this means, and
the value of the improvements introduced in the design of
the cable.
For personal recollections of Sir Charles Bright in connec-
tion with the Indian Telegraph Expedition, the following
graceful tribute from the pen of Mr. F. C. Webb — his chief
engineering assistant — may here be reproduced. It ap-
peared in the Electrical Engineer on the occasion of Sir
Charles' death, and ran thus :—
I can recollect many little traits of character that struck me
suddenly at the time, and that showed me he had a kindly
heart. I remember once when, in my zeal for pushing on the
work of fitting out the five ships for the Persian Gulf cable, I
1 Official History of the Persian Gulf Telegraph Cables. By Julius
Possmann, Engineer and Electrician. 1889.
pressed Sir Charles to take some violent steps against Mr. Hen-
ley. " No," said Sir Charles, " I won't do that. Because we
have the power of giants, that is no reason why we should use
it ! " I was silent for some time. I accepted the rebuke ; and
I hope I have since acted on his words, which showed a kindly
and considerate heart.
Then again, I remember how Sir Charles used to whisper to
me when we were paying out cable from the Marian Moore at
night. " Comedown below," he said ; " my servant is opening
a tin of Bath chaps " ; and down we went, and I never enjoyed
anything in the Persian Gulf so much as these little impromptu
suppers to which Sir Charles was wont to invite me.
Once, I recollect, when we arrived on board the P. & O. steamer
off Suez, we were absolutely starving ; but so Medes and Persian-
like were the laws of the P. & O. Company then, that as dinner
was over, we could not get a scrap to eat. Sir Charles was always
a model of discipline, and would not even raise his voice on the
subject ; but determined to suffer hunger in silence so as to
show an example to his impatient and excitable assistant. We
paced the deck in silent hunger for some time ; then Sir Charles
suggested that we should discuss quietly what we should like
to have for dinner. I immediately fell into the idea. " Julien
soup," I exclaimed. " No," said Sir Charles, in a grave tone,
" half a dozen oysters, and a glass of Chablis." " Good," I
said ; "I see you understand the matter better than I do, Sir
Charles. But still," I said in a pensive way, " Julien soup would
not be bad on empty stomachs like ours ; however, I waive the
point, and accept the oysters, such as they are." " Let us go on
to the fish," said Sir Charles, as we paced the deck faster and
faster in the deepening twilight. " Filet de soles au gratin is a
favourite dish of mine, Sir Charles. Would you mind me having
that ? " " Certainly, my dear fellow, by all means ; but I must
have some cod and oyster sauce to follow." " Tete de veau en
tortue is not bad when you are nearly starving, and the stomach
is in a weak state." " That is true," said Sir Charles, " but petits
pates a la Victoria are not to be despised ;" and so we went on,
pacing the deck until we were obliged to " turn in " awfully
hungry. I dreamt about that dinner, of course, all night, and
then I awoke to a ship's boy bringing me a cup of P. & O. ship's
coffee ; and I suppose that every telegraph engineer or electrician
knows, to his own cost, what P. & O. morning coffee is. If they
don't know, I advise them not to try to. I believe the P. & O.
have reformed since then, so enough of that story ; but I shall
never forget it.
Let me think again.
Once, when we were turning some cable over into a gunboat,
about two miles off Bushire, a mistake, between myself and a
young clerk, had been made as to the number of revolutions of
the machine that was measuring the cable being transhipped to
the gunboat. The mistake was discovered, and I was in constern-
ation. We were shipping into the gunboat enough to land five
shore ends. Sir Charles grasped the situation in a second, and
instead of blowing me up (which " blowing up " I should pro-
bably have passed on to the real culprit, a poor harmless clerk),
simply said in the coolest manner, " I will go ashore, Webb, and
carry all the critics with me."
I could find in my memory, if I had time, many another little
anecdote which would show the kindly feeling that existed in the
heart of Sir Charles Bright. He always showed an unusual
consideration towards all who worked under him, and had a
genial word for every one — entirely irrespective of position.
Politics and Parliament
T7OR some time before the dissolution of Parliament
-^ in 1865 Sir Charles was approached by influential
members of several constituencies as to becoming a candi-
date, but none of these attracted him. When making
holiday in Wales, however, he heard that Mr. W. Angerstein,
one of the sitting members for Greenwich, proposed con-
testing the county instead ; and, after some deliberation, he
consented to " stand " for the vacant Greenwich seat, being
known to many in connection with the Atlantic cable and
other important lines — most of which had been constructed
at Greenwich. Many of his old staff and cable hands lived
there, thus his name was almost a " household word."
As a first step. Bright sounded Mr. Charles Curtoys, an
old telegraphic associate, who had long resided at Charlton,
where he was a churchwarden. Mr. Curtoys took an active
part in political matters, being chairman of the local Con-
servative Association, of which Mr. A. D. Wilson was the
energetic secretary. Now though Sir Charles was a Liberal,
he was moderate in his views, and by no means a Radical. l
1 He was, in fact, what would to-day be called a Liberal Unionist.
Thus Mr. Curtoys at once favoured the idea of his candida-
ture, and this gentleman's influence led to promises of sup-
port from an imporant section of the local Conservatives.
As soon as his willingness to contest the seat was noised
abroad, the moderate section of the Liberal party united
in urging him to do so.
After expressing his political opinions at considerable
length, and after going through the usual " heckling," he
was adopted as candidate by acclamation in conjunction
with the sitting member, Alderman Salomons.
Sir Charles Bright's address to the electors read as fol-
lows : —
Having received a requisition from many of the Electors
of your Borough, inviting me to become a Candidate for your
representation in Parliament at the ensuing election, I feel pride
in accepting the invitation, and I have now the honour of soliciting
your suffrages.
My political principles are, I believe, in unison with those of
the majority of your large body.
I am well contented with the position of our country compared
with that of foreign nations ; and attribute it to the superiority
of its constitutional government. I am an earnest advocate
of an Extension of the Electoral Franchise — conceived in the
spirit of the Reform Bill of 1832, and applied to the present
advanced condition of the population — so as to call into exercise
more of the enlightened intelligence of the country.
In regard to the question of Voting by Ballot, I see no reason
to think that it can be necessary for the protection of the indepen-
dence of the British Voter to resort to a secret use of his rights.
While I am desirous of ensuring, by proper legislation, the
maintenance of the fabric of the National Church, I am no less
anxious to exempt from the payment of rates for such purposes
all those who — from conscientious scruples — are opposed to the
present system, thus removing all grounds of complaint against
the Church of England, of which I am a sincere member.
With reference to the various social subjects that affect the
welfare, comfort and independence of the people, and with re-
spect to our relations with foreign states, by which the interests
of the nation at large are influenced, many opportunities will be
presented to me for affording to the electors the fullest informa-
tion they may require as to my views on these and other public
If you do me the honour of returning me as your representa-
tive, I shall take my seat as an independent supporter of the
present Government, whose general measures have been fraught
with so much proved benefit to the commercial and financial
condition of the country.
I have the honour to be, Gentlemen,
Your faithful servant,
Greenwich was in those days one of the most unwieldy
boroughs existing, comprising the three towns of Greenwich,
Woolwich, and Deptford, besides Plumstead, Charlton,
Blackheath, and Lewisham, thus forming an exceedingly
extensive and varied electorate to canvass. It was, in
fact, the largest Metropolitan borough at that period. It
has since been carved into three separate boroughs, but at
that time a small army of paid canvassers, with a number
of sub-committee rooms— mostly in public-houses—had to
be engaged.
Many meetings and speeches were, of course, necessary,
the latter requiring considerable cogitation as regards
choice of subject, seeing that the shade of opinion varied not
a little between Deptford on the one hand and Woolwich on
the other. However, Sir Charles went through with it,
never letting the grass grow under his feet. His speeches
were duly reported at considerable length by the Kentish
Mercury and other provincial papers. It 'would be impos-
sible to reproduce these, but a report in The Times of one
of them may be taken as a sample, and so is given here :—
A large meeting was held on Wednesday night at the Lecture
Hall, Greenwich, to hear an exposition of the political views of
Sir Charles Bright, whose address as a candidate for the seat
about to be vacated by Mr. Angerstein, M.P., was published
nearly a month since. Mr. W. Jones was called to the chair,
and, after some preliminary remarks,
Sir Charles, who was received with great applause, referred to
the extension of the franchise. The indifference which had
existed for some time on this subject was now at an end, and a
settlement would doubtless be arrived at during the coming Parlia-
ment. The present system of household qualification had many
advantages — that of simplicity among the number ; but it failed
to bring in many persons mentally and morally suited to exercise
the franchise, even of a class who might be considered above the
standard intended to be drawn. Men, whatever their station
and intelligence, living with their parents, were excluded, and
practically also lodgers. It was further complained — and appar-
ently with much reason — that artisans were left out of thepresent
system altogether ; in some boroughs, no doubt, a certain number
were included, as in Greenwich, where many skilled mechanics
were on the muster-roll ; but the number could not be taken, at the
extreme, as more than 10 per cent, of the whole, and the trading
part of the community enjoyed the lion's share of the electoral
power. Let them consider the position of that class. It was a
third part of a century since the passing of the Reform Bill,
and what gigantic strides had been made everywhere in that
period. Railways, telegraphs, the penny post, and a crowd of
improvements had been introduced, most important in their
influence on the habits of the people. Nor had the political world
been idle. In that time had occurred the abolition of slavery,
as well as the repeal of the corn laws and navigation laws. The
poor law had been reformed, as well as the criminal law, by which
the punishment of death had been abolished for forgery, larceny
and other crimes previously subject to the extreme penalty.
Taxes upon knowledge had been removed, and many other liberal
and progressive measures had been carried out. One wheel of
the machine had, however, been stationary — the distribution of
the voting power of the people — and this in the face of the ad-
mitted increase of education and habits of frugality everywhere.
He would not inflict any statistics upon them to establish this,
for it was incontestable ; but he pointed to the late distress in
Lancashire, arising from the sudden stoppage of the staple manu-
facture of the country, and the manly, uncomplaining, thought-
ful conduct of the operatives during a long season of misfortune.
On the grounds of education and intelligence, he, therefore,
considered that the time had arrived for a re-consideration of
the limits imposed upon the electoral scale thirty-three years
since, and for a suitable downward extension of the franchise.
To what extent and by what means should such an extension be
made ? It was considered by some that every man of sound
intelligence and years of discretion had an inherent right to
the suffrage, and some had also argued that women were entitled
to it. Let them consider if that would be just. There were
about a million of voters at present, and these would, of course,
be placed at once in a minority by such a scheme being carried
out. The chief business of Parliament was to determine the
amount, mode of collection, and expenditure of taxes ; and
would be clearly unfair to those who paid the greatest part of
the taxes, to commit these functions to a majority composed
of those who paid the smallest part. They would, to use the
words of a distinguished writer, " have every motive to lavish,
and none to economise," and any voting power exerted by them
in regard to funds to which they did not contribute would be
contrary to all principles of free government. It was true that
everybody paid taxes, to some extent, indirectly. But this was
very different to a tax levied directly ; and it would, at all
events, be to the interest of indirect tax-paying voters to make
sure that whatever increased expenditure they might carry by
their votes, it should not be paid for by any increased taxation
upon the tea or sugar, or other duty-paying articles, consumed
by themselves. This might be met, no doubt, by some general
system of direct taxation ; but any change of that kind, even if
the revenue could be so well collected, must necessarily be
carried out by slow degrees, and they had to deal with things as
they existed. There were also many glaring anomalies in the
present distribution of the representation whichitwas, to his mind,
almost as important to have corrected as to widen and deepen
the limits of the franchise. That Honiton, with a population
of 3,300 and 269 electors, or Portarlington, with 2,500 people and
106 electors, should each return the same number of members
as Liverpool or Manchester was obviously a defect ; and a
majority in a division might not represent a tithe of population
and property for which the minority appeared. Let them im-
agine the difference of property paying taxes if that qualification
was to be regarded instead of population, in Liverpool, compared
with Honiton. He did not, however, advocate an absolutely
rigid system of numerical representation, but for the correction
of many existing anomalies, which were comparable with
Weymouth having four members before the Reform Bill. He
considered that a complete and maturely considered plan should
be carried, for rectifying the present deficiencies in the scheme
of voting. It should comprise an extension of the suffrage both
in counties and boroughs. It should also provide for revision
of the representation, and ought to be sufficiently comprehensive
to settle the question for another third part of a century. He
would like also to see an extension of the present class of voters ;
and had no objection to what had been unreasonably sneered at
as fancy franchises — such as that every person who paid income
tax should have a vote, whether a householder or not.
He had stated in his address that he considered the vote by
ballot unnecessary and unsuited to British institutions. A vote
was not the private property of the voter, which he could sell
or dispose of as he wished ; it was a public trust, and should be
publicly exercised. The well-known argument taken from the
use of the ballot in clubs had been made use of to him by an
elector. But in a club no sort of trust was involved, and the
members had a positive right to express their opinions as to
admitting a candidate for membership into their Society or not,
and there was no sort of obligation to publish the fact or the
In respect to church rates, while the Church and State were
united, the right of the latter to tax members of the Church for
the support of the fabric could not be disputed. It was very
different with those who did not take part in her services, or
concur in her formularies. To Nonconformists the payment of
church rates was a positive injustice. He would give his most
earnest support to any system which might be devised for reliev-
ing them from this grievance, and at the same time the parish
churches from falling into decay. Failing this — for the reasons
he had given, as well as because as a member of the Church
of England he was desirous that there should be no sense of in-
justice on the part of others — he would vote for the abolition of
church rates, feeling sure that the gap would be filled up by the
voluntary support of her members.
After some remarks upon the foreign policy of the Government
and the distribution of the burdens of taxation during the last
few years, Sir Charles stated that if elected he should take his
seat as an independent supporter of Lord Palmerston's Govern
ment— not necessarily following it in every groove, or pledging
himself to vote with it on every question, but generally support-
ing liberal and progressive measures.
After an animated discussion — several speakers addressing
the meeting at once — and a number of questions being put to the
candidate upon the Permissive Bill, capital punishment, and
other public topics, a resolution was proposed to the effect that
the meeting having heard the political sentiments of Sir Charles
Bright, was of opinion that he was a fit and proper person to
represent the borough in Parliament, and pledged itself to sup-
port him at the forthcoming election.
An amendment, to the effect that the views of other supposed
candidates should be heard before giving any pledge in favour
of Sir Charles Bright, was rejected by an overwhelming majority
— only twenty-five hands being held up in its favour.
The original motion was then put and carried by acclamation.
Bright was ably supported in Greenwich and Blackheath
by his old friend, Mr. John Penn, the famous engineer,
and father of the late Member for Lewisham. During a
part of the canvassing period, Sir Charles was the guest of
Mr. Penn at The Cedars, Lee, a pretty place through which
the South-Eastern Railway runs. Another energetic and
distinguished member of his general electioneering com-
mittee was the late Sir E. J. Reed, K.C.B., M.P., F.R.S.,
at one time Naval Constructor to the Admiralty. Sir
Charles also shared, with Sir J. Heron-Maxwell, a partial
support from the landed interest in the person of Sir Thomas
Mary on- Wilson, Bart., of Charlton House, where he stayed
more than once.
Bright was further supported at a number of the meet-
ings by an elderly man with a name sounding somewhat
like Hobart, who used to make his way from the crowd in
front on to the platform in working garb — sometimes
coatless, with his shirt sleeves tucked up. He had a great
" gift of the gab," and interspersed workmen's jokes and
sayings, which always evoked cheers and kept the crowd
thoroughly entertained. He would wind up somewhat as
follows :—
" Now, 'ere's Surr Charles. He's a real good working
man he is. If his hands ain't horny, his head's hard for
work, aye, and soft for us working men, and the work of
his brain has given lots of good employment, and lots of
good pay to heaps of us around about here. And he's a
thorough sailor, like many more of us."
This style of advocacy always led to warm applause. It
turned out that he was a paid speaker ; and, as far as was
known, had not himself done a stroke of work for years —
preferring rather to live by his tongue ! We see more of
this nowadays than was experienced at that time.
But some of Sir Charles' actual cable hands also came
forward, referring to him as the real working man's candi-
date, and speaking of his having " shared grub with them "
— which was, more or less, true — on board ship, etc. Some
boatloads of these used to come over from Henley's and
Silver's Telegraph works, on the other side of the river, to
take part in the meetings, besides most of the hands from
the Telegraph Construction Company's Greenwich works,
with whom he had had so much to do in connection with
the Atlantic cable.
There were five candidates for two seats : Alderman
Salomons, the old sitting member ; Sir John Heron-Maxwell,
a strong Tory ; Sir Charles Bright ; Captain Douglas Harris,
professedly Liberal ; and Mr. Baxter-Langley, an " ad-
vanced " Radical.
In the result, the voters showed their preference for
moderate men by returning Alderman Salomons, the old
member, at the head of the poll, Sir Charles being second
with 3,678 votes, or a majority of 1,237 over Sir J. Heron-
Maxwell, whilst Captain Harris and Mr. Baxter-Langley
were " nowhere." At the declaration of the poll, Sir
Charles Bright and Alderman Salomons addressed an im-
mense crowd from the hustings, and were received with
the usual enthusiasm which accompanies success.
Sir Charles — considerably the youngest of all the candi-
dates— was the only man who had ever succeeded for the
first time at a Greenwich parliamentary election.
On his entry into Parliament Sir Charles did not join
the ranks of the too voluble members. He seldom spoke,
but when he did, his speech was concise and to the point,
and dealt with subjects he knew thoroughly. In fact,
he never got up on his legs without having something
useful to say.1 He voted consistently, and was scarcely
ever absent from a division.
Sir Charles always did his best for his constituents.
Among other matters, he joined with Mr. Otway, M.P.
1 This remark applies equally as regards the scientific meetings ,
connected with his profession. Sir Charles was, indeed, essentially
a man of action rather than of words — or papers. Nevertheless, he
was once characterised in print as "an engineer who could talk the
leg off an iron pot ! "
for Chatham, in repeatedly urging upon the Tory Government
the need of some improvement in the wretched pay (about
fourteen shillings per week) then doled out to the dockyard
labourers — remembering, as he told his constituents, the
advice of President Lincoln : "If you keep on pegging
away, some good may come."
The subject of this biography could, however, speak at
length — and well, too — when occasion demanded it. His
addresses at meetings in Kent sometimes extended to
two or three newspaper columns ; but then, of course, on
such occasions the whole region of current politics had to be
DURING 1865 the Aeronautical Society * of Great Britain
was founded by Sir Charles Bright — in conjunction
with the Duke of Argyll and Mr. James Glaisher — with the
object of fostering and developing aeronautics and aerology ;
and to this matter he gave much careful attention, not-
withstanding his arduous professional and political engage-
The Inquiry into the Construction of Submarine Telegraphs
Aroused by the failure of the Red Sea line — the losses of
which amounted to more than half a million sterling, and to
which a continuous Treasury guarantee had been given—
the Government, before undertaking further responsibility,
had resolved some years previously to thoroughly investi-
gate the entire question of submarine telegraphy, and ap-
pointed a committee for the purpose.
This Committee, with Captain Gait on, R.E.,2in the chair,
representing the Board of Trade, devoted twenty-two sittings
1 Afterwards the Balloon Society.
2 Then of the War Office, and afterwards Sir Douglas Galton,
K.C.B., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S.
1865-1869 277
to questioning engineers, electricians, professors, physicists,
seamen, and manufacturers, who had taken part in the various
branches of submarine work, and whose knowledge or experi-
ence might throw light on the subject. Investigations were
instituted concerning the structure of all cables previously
made or in course of manufacture, and the quality of the
different materials used, as to special points arising during
manufacture and laying, on the routes taken, on electrical
testing, and on sending and receiving instruments, speed
of signalling, etc. Eminent scientists and engineers, including
Professor Wheatstone, Professor Thomson, Sir Charles
Bright, Mr. R. S. Newall, Mr. R. A. Glass, Mr. Wildman
Whitehouse, Mr. Latimer Clark, Mr. Samuel Canning, Mr. C.
W. Siemens, Mr. Willoughby Smith, Mr. C. F. Varley, and Mr.
F. C. Webb made known to the Committee the science and
practice of cable making and laying.
The finding of this Committee was published by order of
the Government, as also the reports of the meetings and
descriptions of the experiments, together with papers and
drawings sent in by the experts who were consulted, the whole
being included in the form of a Parliamentary Blue Book—
the result of work which will ever be considered a model of
scientific investigation.1
1 Referring to this Blue Book, Sir Charles, in his Presidential
Address of 1887 to the Institution of Electrical Engineers, remarked :
" I consider it to be the most valuable collection of facts, warnings
and evidence which has ever been compiled concerning submarine
cables, and that no telegraph engineer or electrician should be with-
out it, or a study of it. It is like the boards on ice marked ' Danger-
ous ' as a caution to skaters. The succinct report of the Committee
at the beginning of the book, which is, of course, based on the
evidence obtained, should especially commend itself."
Second and Third Atlantic Cables, 1865-66
As has been already mentioned, benefiting by the evidence
and conclusions of this exhaustive inquiry, coupled with the
experience gained in the various lines since the First Atlantic
Cable, at last (in 1865) another Trans-Atlantic line came to
be embarked upon. As we have seen, this, and yet another,
was in the end successfully carried out, the type of cable
advised by Bright being the same as that which he (Sir
Charles) had recommended in 1859 for the then proposed
connection with Gibraltar.
To celebrate the Atlantic cables a great banquet was given
at the instigation of Mr. Cyrus Field, when that gentleman
was in London. It was held at the Palace Hotel, and was
graced by many distinguished personages in the political
and scientific world.
Besides the subject of this biography, the company
included the Right Hon. James Stuart Wortley, M.P., Mr.
Thomas Brassey, M.P., Mr. Samuel Gurney, M.P., Mr. R. W.
Crawford, M.P., Sir Daniel Gooch, Bart., M.P., Sir George
Elliot, Bart., M.P., Mr. Charles Edwards, M.P., Mr. W. C.
Romaine, C.B., Captain Mackinnon, R.N., M.P., Captain
(afterwards Rear-Admiral) Sherard Osborn, R.N., C.B.,
Captain Richards (afterwards Rear-Admiral Sir George
Richards, K.C.B., F.R.S.), Professor Sir Charles Wheatstone
F.R.S., Sir Charles Fox, Captain Galton, R.E. (afterwards
Sir Douglas Galton, K.C.B., F.R.S.), Mr. W. T. Henley,
Captain Sir James Anderson, Sir Samuel Canning, Mr. John
Chatterton, Mr. Willoughby Smith, Mr. Henry Clifford,
Mr. Richard Collett, Mr, W. Shuter, Mr. H, Weaver, Mr,
1865-1869 279
T. H. Wells, Mr. William Barber, Mr. Charles Burt, and Mr.
J. C. Parkinson, besides Mr. John Walter and Dr. W. H.
Russell, both of The Times newspaper.
In the course of the proceedings Mr. Field said : —
Ladies and gentlemen, we have here to-night a gentleman who
was one of my earliest friends in the Atlantic Telegraph, and
who, for the distinguished part he took in the expeditions of
1857 and 1858, was knighted by Her Majesty. He is now a
member of the House of Commons. I hope we shall hear from
Sir Charles Bright.
Sir Charles Bright, M.P., rose and said :—
Mr. Field, ladies and gentlemen, I was not expecting to be
called upon as a member of the House of Commons this evening,
for the occasion upon which we have met together, and the recol-
lections it has brought up, made me lose sight of myself for the
time being in any other capacity than that of an engineer.
We have had a most able expression of the kindly feeling and
goodwill which in reality exists between us in this country and
that great nation which is uppermost in our minds to-night, and
we have also heard something about the possibilities, or contin-
gencies, of difference between us. Well, I for one do not think
there is any likelihood of our being very long in an unfriendly
position towards each other while such a communication as that
which we have witnessed in this room continues in operation l ;
for while the electric telegraph is a most deadly instrument in
times of war, I regard it as the most effective engine that states-
men can have in their hands for maintaining peace between
nations. (Hear, hear.)
The changes which an earlier invention of the telegraph would
1 A wire had been led into the room, in connection with the Atlan-
tic cable, by which various messages were sent to the States and
replies received during th$ evening,
have made in the history of events in the world can hardly now
be followed out, and there is room for a treatise to be written by
some ingenious person upon the occurrences which would not
have happened if telegraphs had been there to prevent them.
We need not go far for an example. If we look back at the lamen-
table war between England and the United States at the begin-
ning of this century we find that certain Orders in Council, which
were obnoxious on the other side of the Atlantic, were actually
withdrawn or cancelled at the very time that war was declared
on their account by the American Government. So, too, at
the end of many wars, it has happened that thousands of lives
have been sacrificed through the tardiness of communication ;
as, for instance, the battle of Toulouse l — after peace had been
settled between France and England — which would have had no
place in history if electricity had then been trained to our service.
That the story of our suppression of the Sepoy revolt in India,
in 1857, would have been a much longer one but for the telegraph
is fully recognised ; and, in connection with this, I remember a cir-
cumstance at a much earlier date, which was, at the time, almost
prophetic. When the telegraph between London and Southamp-
ton was opened, in 1843, the meeting of the British Association
was being held at the latter place. Lord Palmerston, who was
a landowner in the neighbourhood, took an active interest in the
proceedings, and, in referring to the telegraph, he said that the
time might come when, supposing a mutiny broke out in India,
the Government would telegraph instructions to the Governor-
General in Calcutta as to the steps to be taken to repress it.
And this reminds me, gentlemen, that while we are celebrating
the beginning and completion of the Atlantic Telegraph, there
remains yet a good deal for us to do. England must have a more
perfect communication with her Eastern Colonies— we must
have an independent line of our own to India, and onward to
An uncle of Sir Charles, Major Henry Bright, in command of
the Royal Irish Fusiliers (87th Regt.),was shot dead when leading
his men in this battle.
1865-1869 28i
Australia and China. (Cheers.) There are men at this table who
have done great things, but there is ample work in the future.
I hope that we may all meet together, at no very distant time,
to congratulate ourselves upon the success of further labours,
when the seas shall cover wires communicating like nerves between
every great centre of thought and action in the world.
I should get too enthusiastic and make a long story of it
were I to attempt to describe the extent to which I expect sub-
marine telegraphy will be carried in the time even of this genera-
tion ; and I will therefore resume my seat, thanking you again
for your kindness in coupling my name with a toast at such a
triumphant banquet as this. (Prolonged cheers.)
Later on, the following cable message was received from
Professor Samuel Morse, LL.D., in America :—
Greeting to all met to perform an act of national justice. May
this divine attribute ever be the companion of the telegraph in
its true mission of binding the nations of the entire world in
bonds of peace ! Special greeting to Cyrus Field, Sir Charles
Bright, and Sir William Thomson, as also to Cooke, Wheatstone,
Hooper's India-Rubber Cables
Almost from the earliest days of submarine telegraphy
the question of adopting india-rubber for insulating the
conductor had been a subject of consideration. Mr. C. V.
West— ^in connection with Messrs. Silver and Co.— ^was
probably one of the first champions of india-rubber for this
purpose. He had not only proposed to lay an india-rubber
insulated cable to France before the Channel line was laid,
but actually submerged short experimental lengths in
Portsmouth Harbour and elsewhere about that time.
Then again, Mr. (afterwards Sir C. W.) Siemens had devised
a special form of india-rubber coating for submarine wires,
and considerable lengths were made by his firm at an early
But in all the foregoing the india-rubber, more or less
pure, was subject to serious deterioration by change of
temperature and general conditions. It was not, indeed,
until the late Mr. William Hooper conceived the idea
of applying the system of vulcanization to india-rubber-
covered wires, that very practical success was met with in
this direction. Mr. Hooper's first patented process had come
out in 1859, followed by improvements in 1860, 1863, and
The strong point about india-rubber as an electrical in-
sulator was its high resistance and low inductive capacity
compared with gutta-percha. But its manufacture was
a less simple matter from first to last ; and much credit is
due ,to the late Mr. Hooper for developing the art to the
extent he did. Shortly before this he had submitted speci-
mens of the core made by the Hooper material and process
to various eminent engineers, electricians, and chemists for
their opinion. Besides being reported on by Sir Charles and
his partner, Mr. Latimer Clark, its qualities were also testified
to by Sir William Thomson, Sir Charles Wheatstone, Mr. Wild-
man Whitehouse, Dr. Miller, Dr. Frankland, Mr. C. F.
Varley, Professor Fleeming Jenkin, and Mr. F. C. WTebb,
but the report of Messrs. Bright and Clark was of a specially
exhaustive character.1
Thus, about this time, Hooper's core came into high repute.
L The full report is embodied in Appendix 13 to Vol. II of the
original biography,
1865-1869 283
It was adopted for river crossings in India, and when, shortly
afterwards, an additional cable was determined on for the
Persian Gulf, Hooper's core was selected for the submarine
portion of the line.1
Improvement of Communication with India and the East.
Perhaps one of the most important matters which Sir
Charles Bright took up in Parliament was the improvement
and acceleration of the mail and telegraphic communication
with India and the East. Indeed, ever since he had laid the
Indian cables, he had been indefatigable in his endeavours
to improve the land line connecting links.
It will scarcely be realised now that in 1866 the contract
speed of the Peninsular and Oriental mail steamers was only
8J knots in vessels of 800 tons ; and that the Australian
mails were taken on from Point de Galle once a month at
the same speed in 600 tonners.
But the telegraph service was still more indifferent ;
for although the cable laid by Sir Charles in 1864, between
Fao, at the head of the Persian Gulf, and Karachi, was
worked well and quickly by the trained English staff, yet,
owing to the crass ignorance and indolence of the Turkish
staff between Constantinople, Baghdad, and Fao — coupled
with the inefficiency and venality of the half-castes em-
1 India-rubber core is probably better suited for underground
lines in tropical climates than gutta-percha. It is also proof against
the teredo and other submarine borers.
All the india-rubber core as used in the present day for electric
light mains, torpedo cables, etc., is manufactured on the principle
of Hooper's process. It is also still adopted for cables laid in certain
teredo -ridden waters,
ployed by Government on the Indian side — messages con-
stantly took a week, and sometimes letters dispatched from
England at the same time were delivered first ! Besides
this, the messages were mostly incorrect and often muti-
lated by the apparently intentional omission of parts.
As for the Turks, they would often from sheer apathy allow
their apparatus, or wires, to be out of order for days together
rather than devote an hour or two to repairs. Notwith-
standing constant complaints and urgent representations
from all sides, the Turkish Government were so jealous that
they would not allow a land wire between Constantinople and
Fao to be worked by English operators, though the traffic
was even then at the rate of £100,000 per annum.
With a view to remedying this state of things, Mr. R. W-
Crawford, M.P. for the City of London, and Sir Charles
Bright took up the cudgels. Thus in the House of
Commons, on February 27th, 1866, an important discussion
was initiated by Mr. Crawford on the wretched working of
the land lines in Turkey and India connecting up the 1,300
miles of cable laid in the Persian Gulf in 1864. He was
followed by Mr. Horsfall ; and Sir Charles contributed his
quota, as follows : —
Sir C. Bright, having been practically engaged in the con-
struction and laying down of the portion of the line under
discussion, hoped the House would permit him to add the
expression of his regret that a line with which much pains
had been taken, and which had cost much money, should have
occasioned such disappointment.
He took it for granted that the Turkish Government was
desirous of carrying out the convention ; but so little interest
did the Turks feel in the matter that the line between Bussorah
1865-1869 285
and Baghdad was delayed for a year, owing to some miserable
local squabble, and operations in the Turkish dominions had been
retarded ever since. The working of the Indian line had been
described as " the most wretched in the world." He had met a
gentleman waiting as long as seven days at Bombay for a tele-
gram, and he had himself been obliged to wait for two or three
days for a message between Karachi and Bombay — -a distance of
500 miles. It would be difficult to exaggerate the importance of
this line in a political sense, and while it was working so badly
it would be impossible to extend our telegraphic system through
to Australia and China. (Hear, hear.1)
To obviate so serious an impediment to prompt and accurate
communication, he (Sir C. Bright) wished to call attention to the
importance of carrying a second line from England, by direct
submarine cable to Gibraltar and Malta, to connect up the exist-
ing Malta and Alexandrian cable and the Egyptian land lines ;
thence by a cable to Aden and Bombay, so as to avoid the delays,
and errors arising from transmission at the hands of those working
the present land route, comprising half-educated half-castes,
Turks, Austrians, etc., who all combine in mutilating and mang-
ling the plain English of our messages. (Applause.)
Finally, he (Sir C. Bright) wished to point out that by what was
known as the Turkish route a message was liable to be dealt with
by no less than ten administrations before passing into British
hands — a matter which the honourable gentleman ventured to
think required our serious consideration and a speedy remedy.
Mr. Moffatt, Mr. Childers (for the Government), and Mr.
Ayrton continued the discussion, which led to the appoint-
ment of a Select Committee on " East India Communica-
tions," of which Sir Charles proved one of the most active
members. The other members of the Committee were : —
1 The Times, February 28th, 1866.
Mr. Crawford (in the chair), Lord Stanley, Lord Robert
Montagu, Sir Henry Rawlinson, Admiral Seymour, Mr. John
Laird, Mr. (afterwards the Right Honourable Sir James)
Stansfield, Mr. Acton Ayrton, the Right Honourable Hugh
Childers,1 Mr. T. M. Weguelin, Mr. Charles Turner, Mr.
H. J. Bailie, Mr. G. Moffatt, and Mr. Charles Schreiber,
whilst at a later period Mr. Ward Hunt (the Chancellor
of the Exchequer) and Sir James Fergusson were added.
The sittings extended from March i3th, 1866, till July
2oth, and culminated in an exhaustive Report, with a Blue
Book of nearly 700 pages. Some sixty witnesses were
examined, commencing with the principal postal and
other Government officials (Mr. Frederick Hill, the Con-
tract Secretary, and others), together with the chiefs of
the Indian Telegraphs — Col. Frederick Goldsmid, Col. D. J.
Robinson, R.E., Gol. Richard Strachey, R.E., Major J. U.
Bateman-Champain, R.E., besides Capt. James Rennie,
C.B., and Mr. W. T. Thornton of the India Office. All of
these gave valuable information as to the mail and telegraph
The tardiness of letters and gross telegraphic irregulari-
ties were testified to by many merchants of eminence, in-
cluding Messrs. Henry Nelson, representing Crawford, Colvin
& Co., Charles Shand, W. H. Crake, Patrick Campbell of
the Oriental Bank, Robert Gladstone, G. McMicking of Ker,
Bolton & Co.; C. J. Robinson, and John Green, of Ralli
1 Mr. Childers was at that time representing Pontefract, near
which Badsworth Hall— an old seat of the Bright family— is situated.
As a fellow Yorkshireman, as well as for other reasons, he and Sir
Charles had much in common and were close friends.
1865-1869 287
Brothers. They were all unanimous in condemning the
existing state of things ; as were the Hon. R. Grimston
(Chairman of the Electric Telegraph Company) and Sir
James Carmichael (Chairman of the Submarine Telegraph
Company), who pointed out that the public blamed their
companies — to whom the messages were originally handed—
for the misdeeds of the Turks and Indian " half-castes." Sir
Macdonald Stephenson, Chairman of the Telegraph to India
Company, with Mr. Latimer Clark, C.E., furnished im-
portant details about the cause of failure of the early cable
from Suez to Bombay in 1859, on the £800,000 of whose
capital the Government had, too hastily, given a subsidy.
With reference to the question of providing speedier
steamers and the cost of an accelerated service, Mr. Joseph
d'Aguilar Samuda, M.P. — perhaps the highest living author-
ity on shipbuilding, and a friend of Sir Charles' — put in
most valuable evidence, making many suggestions that
were shortly afterwards carried out. As regards through
cables and their construction, all requisite knowledge was
imparted to the Committee by such experts as Mr. H. C.
Forde, C.E. ; Mr. R. A. Glass, Managing Director of the
Telegraph Construction Company ; Mr. C. W. Siemens,
C.E. ; and Prof. Fleeming Jenkin, C.E.
Throughout this prolonged inquiry Mr. Crawford, the
Chairman, and Sir Charles were in constant attendance.
After the Chairman, Bright was, perhaps, the most active
at the many meetings, taking part, as he did, in the examina-
tion of a large proportion of the witnesses.
With reference to the mails, the Committee strongly recom-
mended increased expenditure for more frequent services, and
an additional speed of about two knots which was shown to
be practicable. In view of the then approaching com-
pletion of the main railway system in India, they also recom-
mended that Bombay should in future be the principal
port of call.
The following were the recommendations arrived at by
the committee, in regard to the telegraph side of the
inquiry l :—
(ist) That, having regard to the magnitude of the interests
— political, commercial and social — involved in the connection
between this country and India, it is not expedient that the means
of intercommunication by telegraph should be dependent upon
any single line, or any single system of wires, in the hands of
several foreign governments, and under several distinct responsi-
bilities, however well such services may be conducted as a whole,
in time of peace.
(2nd) That the establishment of separate lines, entirely or
partially independent of the present line through Turkey, is
therefore desirable ; and, in that view, that means should be
taken for improving the condition and facilitating the use
of the lines of telegraph which connect the Persian system with
(3rd) That, with the view to better security against accident
in time to come, the communication by the way of the Persian
Gulf should be doubled, either by the laying of a second submarine
cable, or by continuing the land line from Karachi and Gwadur
to Bunder Abbas, and thence, under arrangements with the
Government of Persia, to Ispahan, by way of Kerman and Yezd.
(4th) That the scheme for establishing a direct communica-
tion between Alexandria and Bombay, by way of Aden — on
the principle of a line practically under one management and
1 Report on " East India Communications," Parliamentary
Blue Book, 1866, p. viii.
1865-1869 289
responsibility, between London and the Indian Presidencies
in the first instance, and afterwards with China, Japan and the
Australian Colonies — is deserving of serious consideration and
such reasonable support as the influence of Her Majesty's Govern-
ment may be able to bring to its aid.1
(5th) That considering the great outlay of guaranteed rail-
way capital already incurred in the establishment of the tele-
graph on the several lines of railway in India, it is expedient that
means should be taken for affording the public the utmost bene-
fit attainable from that expenditure. It is suggested that this
could be effected either by the Government of India sanction-
ing the use of the wires of the companies by a public company
willing" to rent the privilege on equitable terms, or by such an
organisation of the several independent companies as will estab-
lish a unity of system, and bring the use of the lines fairly within
reach of the public.
(6th) That the magnitude of the interests involved in the
trade of this country with China and Australia, and the rapidly
increasing development of the colonies, render it desirable that
arrangements should be made to bring these communities within
the reach of telegraphic communication with Europe.
(yth) The Committee also finally urge upon the Indian
authorities the absolute necessity in the meantime of improving
their internal arrangements, so as to remove all risk of delay in
the transmission of messages from Karachi to the interior.
Extension to the Far East
Shortly after he had laid the Indian cables and the con-
necting links were in some sort of working order, Sir Charles
began to urge the question of extensions to Australia on the
one hand and China on the other.
He commenced the public ventilation of the subject in
1 This suggestion of Sir Charles Bright was afterward s realised
in the present vast system of the Eastern Telegraph Company.
what has become a somewhat recognised fashon — i.e. by
writing a letter to The Times on the subject. Just as
Charles Bright had been an original projector of the Atlantic
cable, so also in this matter he was the first in the field. The
result was that his letter met with some opposition from an
anonymous writer. The lines which Sir Charles advocated
have, of course, since been laid without any conspicuous
difficulties being met with l ; and it is somewhat amusing
in the present day to read the sort of objections that were
then raised by " C."' and others.
In the course of this correspondence — as well as in his
Institution of Civil Engineers' paper 2 later — Charles Bright
pointed out that owing to the already existing land-line
system of the Indian telegraph, when the Persian Gulf
and Mekran coast cables were laid, electrical communication
existed as far eastward as Rangoon. He then drew atten-
tion to the fact here, in the House of Commons, and at the
Select Committee on " East India Communications," that
" there would be no difficulty in selecting a cable route with
a favourable bottom from Rangoon, at a short distance
from the coast, to Singapore." He further pointed out
that " between Singapore and Hong-Kong a cable could be
readily carried in shallow water, touching at Saigon ; or the
connection with China may be effected by crossing the penin-
sula and laying a cable across the Gulf of Siam." Sir Charles
then went on to say that to effect the same object a land
line of telegraph was possible from Rangoon through Bur-
1 They now form a part of the system of the Eastern Extension,
Australasia and China Telegraph Company.
2 Inst. C.E. Proc., vol. xxv.
1865-1869 2gi
mah and Western China ; " but," he added, " in uncivilised
countries, communication by the aid of submarine cables,
whenever practicable, is far more reliable.'' Bright then
said : " Proceeding southwards from Singapore towards
Australia, the first section, to Java, can be laid in shallow
water, and hence to Timor. Indeed, with the exception
of a short distance to the south of the latter island — as
yet not surveyed by soundings — the remaining link to
Australia can certainly be laid in shallow water." Finally,
Sir Charles remarked : " The Australian telegraphs already
extending between Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane,
and Port Denison — a distance of about 2,400 miles — are
being pushed on northwards from the latter place towards
the Gulf of Carpentaria. As the whole of the intermediate
country is being rapidly occupied by settlers, there will
be little difficulty in completing the link between the
Australian telegraph system and the landing point of
the cable." 1
The first Company promoted with a view to putting these
views into effect was the Oriental Telegraph Company, at
the instance of Mr. Charles Edwards, M.P., and his associ-
ates of the Telegraph Construction Company. Sir Charles
was asked to act as technical expert in connection with
this project. It was, however, subsequently abandoned in
favour of others of a less ambitious character.
1 The full Times correspondence — as well as articles in The
Observer and Saturday Review on the same subject — are given in
Appendix 15 to Vol. II of the original biography.
The Anglo-Mediterranean Cable
The first was that of the Anglo-Mediterranean Telegraph
Company, formed in 1868 for the purpose of providing a
direct and thoroughly efficient line of telegraph to Egypt.
With this view a contract had been entered into for the pur-
chase of certain lines through Italy, etc., and short lengths
of cable which formed a connecting link with the French
continental lines in communication with the Submarine
Company's system. Then, besides taking over the old
Malta and Alexandria cable of 1861, the Company undertook
to establish fresh communications between Malta and Alex-
andria, by means of a direct deep-water cable of about goo
miles across the Mediterranean. This was found necessary
owing to the constant failure of the old line between these
points, which had been laid on a bad bottom in shallow water,
touching at intermediate points along the north coast of
The new cable was laid with complete success. The Tele-
1865-1869 293
graph Construction and Maintenance Company were the
contractors, whilst Sir Charles acted in the double capacity
of engineer and electrician to the " Anglo-Mediterranean "
Company. This line gave every satisfaction afterwards as
regards its working. The core was composed of copper con-
ductor =150 Ib. per nautical mile, and gutta-percha dielec-
tric =230 Ib. per nautical mile. The speed obtained was
ninteen words per minute.
The above afterwards formed the European end of that
vast world-wide system of electro-metallic nerves to the
East and Far East, now owned by the " Eastern " and
" Eastern Extension " Telegraph Companies.1
Bright went out on the expedition. He journeyed over-
land to join the ship at Marseilles, being busily engaged
over parliamentary matters up to the last moment. From
Marseilles he proceeded a day later to Messina, and there the
first boat was taken for Malta, which was reached on Sep-
tember 23rd, 1868. Here Bright spent two days with
the Governor (Sir Patrick Grant, G.C.B.) and also visited
the telegraph station. The following day the expedition
started from Malta on the work of laying a direct cable to
Alexandria, which, as before stated, was performed without
hitch ; the completion being effected on October 4th. That
evening we find Sir Charles dining with the Consul-General,
the following day visiting Cairo, and afterwards the Pyramids
with Mr. Douglas Gibbs2 and other friends. After staying
for three days in and about Cairo, for a fair, a religious fete,
1 Vide Submarine Telegraphs.
2 Formerly of the Electric Telegraph Company. Mr. Gibbs was
representatve in Egypt of the cable system.
and other social functions of interest, Charles . Bright and
his party returned to Alexandria in time to. catch the
P. & O. boat Manilla, for Marseilles. From there Sir Charles
journeyed direct to Paris, which he left the same day by the
tidal train for home.
In connection with this new Mediterranean link, it may be
mentioned that Bright — in collaboration with Mr. A. S
Ayrton, M.P. — arranged a concession with the Austrian
Government for a system of cables between Trieste, Ragusa,
Corfu, and Malta, which afterwards culminated in the
system of the Mediterranean Extension Telegraph Company,
and was eventually merged with others.
British Indian Lines
The next great cable project with which Sir Charles was
associated (beside his brother Edward, who acted as Secre-
tary) was that of the British Indian Submarine Telegraph
Company. This was the outcome of the previously referred
to Anglo-Indian Telegraph Company which had been formed
in 1867 f°r the purpose of establishing direct telegraphic
communication to India, by means of submarine cables,
instead of relying upon land lines to the Persian Gulf,
and a cable thence as heretofore. The " Anglo-Indian "
Company, however (which had acquired the Egyptian
landing rights of the "Red Sea" Company, and had
secured as their engineers Sir Charles Bright and Mr.
Latimer Clark), failed at the time to raise sufficient
capital for carrying out the entire enterprise. This long
and important line between Suez and Bombay was
1865-1869 295
ultimately manufactured and laid a year later by the
Telegraph Construction Company.
British Indian Extension, etc., Lines
Next we have the extensions of the above lines. These
extensions were to start from the Indian telegraph system
to Penang, hence to Singapore. From the latter there were
to be two branches, one towards Australia via the Straits
Settlements, and the other up to Hong-Kong and other
Chinese ports in which England was commercially interested.
The line was afterwards further extended to Japan. This
scheme was, in fact, the outcome of Sir Charles' original pro-
ject, as set forth in The Times, in his paper on " The Tele-
graph to India/' in the House of Commons, in Parliamentary
Select Committees, and elsewhere. Besides the Oriental
Telegraph Company previously referred to, another, en-
titled the Anglo-Australian and China Telegraph Company
—of which Messrs. Bright & Clark and Messrs. Forde
& Jenkin had undertaken to act as engineers -^had been
formed several years before. But it was left for the com-
bined forces of the newly formed British-Indian Extension
Telegraph Company, the China Submarine Telegraph
Company, and the British-Australian Telegraph Company —
at a time when more faith prevailed in submarine telegraphy
—to realise the project ; and from what has been said it
will be seen that it was only in the nature of things that
Sir Charles should have become the engineer to the above
undertakings. In this capacity he was partnered by Mr.
Latimer Clark and Mr. H. C. Forde.
All these lines (entailing an enormous length of cable)
were eventually laid with complete success within three years
by the contractors, the Telegraph Construction Company.
Marseilles, Algiers and Malta Line
It was about this time that the Marseilles, Algiers, and
Malta Telegraph Company was founded. This project
—viz., the telegraphic connection of these important Mediter-
ranean ports by means of a cable touching the Algerian
coast at Bona — was also successfully accomplished. One
of the objects of these scheme was to avoid the necessity
of English messages going through the Italian lines, which
were worked so badly — or, indeed, any other land wires
than those of France.
Falmouth, Gibraltar and Malta Cable
A few months later the Falmouth, Gibraltar, and Malta
Telegraph Company was formed, to complete a direct sub-
marine communication by telegraph between Great Britain
and her Eastern possessions. Thus our fortresses at Gibraltar
and Malta — as well as our fleets — would be in ready com-
munication with the home Government ; and our messages
to and from the East would no longer be dependent upon
the goodwill or political condition of any continental nation ;
besides that, the ordinary interruptions common to land
wires were avoided. As we have seen before, the Govern-
ment had such a link in mind several years previously, and
Sir Charles had even been requested to draw up a specifica-
tion for the cable ; but it was decided that owing to the
existing continental land lines, other submarine communica-
1865-1869 297
tions were more urgent. It was for the same reason that
the Falmouth, Gibraltar and Malta Company was preceded
by the flotation of concerns for laying cables to India and
the Far East. As the result of pressing advances on the part
of the Portuguese Government, this cable was ultimately
taken into Carcavellos, Lisbon, on its way to Gibraltar.
The starting-point chosen for it eventually was not Falmouth
but Porthcurnow, a quiet spot about ten miles from the
Land's End — the Company leasing a land line between
there and London. For the purposes of this last contract,
Sir Charles and Mr. L. Clark stood in the position of engi-
neers to the Company, whilst Mr. Edward Bright was the
first Secretary.
All the above-mentioned schemes were put into effect
during that peculiarly busy telegraphic period characterising
the end of the seventh and the beginning of the eight decade
of last century. The cables were, in each instance, laid by
the Telegraph Construction Company, although owing to
the great pressure of business at that firm's works, the
manufacture of certain portions was undertaken by Mr,
Rival Schemes
Quite a number of rival companies were " floated "
about the same time for effecting telegraphic communication
with the East, Far East, America and other parts of the
world — some effective, some otherwise. The schemes,
however, we have dealt with were those which were actually
carried out, or with which Sir Charles was associated.
In some of these rival projects it was proposed to adopt
a cable without any iron sheathing. This was notably so
in the case of the Direct English-Indian and Australian
Submarine Telegraph Company's proposed line, of which
Sir William Thomson and Mr. C. F. Varley l were the consult-
ing electricians, but this project never took a practical shape
—indeed, notions of cables of this stamp were soon after-
wards entirely abandoned.
The " Eastern " Companies
Some two years later the four companies owning the cables
on the direct route to India were amalgamated into the
now world-famous Eastern Telegraph Company. These
companies and their cables (already referred to) were the
so-called " Falmouth, Gibraltar, and Malta " ; the " Mar-
seilles, Algiers, and Malta " ; the " Anglo-Mediterranean,"
and the " British-Indian/' To all of these Sir Charles
Bright acted as consulting engineer. Their amalgamator
and successor, the " Eastern " Company, now possesses by
far the largest and, from a national point of view, the most
important telegraphic system in the world. It was pro-
moted under the chairmanship of Mr. Fender (afterwards
Sir John Fender, G.C.M.G., M.P.), with Lord William
Hay (now Marquis of Tweeddale) as vice-chairman ; and Sir
James Anderson2 became the general manager.
1 Mr. Varley had always been a great advocate for unsheathed
cables, just as Charles Bright had been opposed to them.
2 Succeeded, since his death in 1893, by Mr. (now Sir) John Deni-
son Fender, K.C.M.G., the present managing director.
1865-1869 299
This consolidation having been accomplished, in the follow-
ing year the Eastern Extension, Australasia and China
Telegraph Company was formed for absorbing those com-
panies which owned the extension lines to the further side
of India, the Straits Settlements, China, and Australia, pre-
viously alluded to. The companies thus incorporated were
the " British-Indian Extension," the " China Submarine,"
and the " British-Australian." The board of this amal-
gamating company was an equally strong combination to
that of the " Eastern " Company — being, in fact, very
similarly composed.
Parliamentary Life
A short time after Charles Bright had been elected member
for Greenwich, Lord Palmerston's death took place and
Earl Russell became leader of the Liberal party.
In February, 1868, Bright questioned the Secretary of the
Treasury as to the Government's proposed Bill to acquire
the Telegraphs, with a view to keeping the " Magnetic "
and other Companies advised ; and on the subsequent
introduction of the measure by Mr. Ward Hunt, the then
Chancellor of the Exchequer, he found its clauses were of a
very confiscatory nature and obviously unfair to those who
had developed the business and run all the risk. In combin-
ation with Mr. Milner Gibson (afterwards Lord Houghton)
he, therefore, opposed the second reading, and caused its
postponement. This resulted in reasonable terms being
arranged in the interval between the Government and the
About the same time, Sir Charles also associated himself
with Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton, Mr. Ayrton, Mr. John
Locke and Mr. John Hanbury — all fellow-members of the
House of Commons — in strenuously advocating the equalisa-
tion of poor rates in the Metropolitan parishes. He pointed
out that in the East and South-East districts of London,
possessing the poorest population — and where naturally
there was a greater proportion of paupers — the rates under
the existing system were, most unfairly, the heaviest.
This session closed Sir Charles' Parliamentary career ;
for he was so closely engaged professionally that it became
impossible to devote the requisite time to politics. Moreover,
it was a very expensive borough in many ways, partly on
account of its wide range at that period. It had, indeed,
already cost Sir Charles over £4,000, and he had experienced
many pecuniary losses of late. As a matter of fact, at the
actual moment he was unable to return from Havana, where
he was engaged — as we shall see further on — in the submer-
sion of a cable between Cuba and Florida, which was destined
afterwards to form the connecting link (devised by him)
for bringing the West India Islands and the East and West
Coast of South America, into communication with the United
States, Europe, etc. — indeed, with the rest of the civilised
Thus, although strongly urged by his constituents at
Greenwich to come forward at the dissolution at the end of
1868, he felt obliged to decline. This he did in the follow-
ing terms, as taken from The Times of October loth. 1868 :—
1865-1869 301
The following is the copy of a letter just received from Sir
C. T. Bright, M.P., in which he declines being put in nomination
again as a representative for the borough of Greenwich : —
MALTA, September
I have been detained in the West Indies longer than I expected
owing to a mishap with the telegraph cable which I have been
engaged in laying, and now I find that it will be necessary for me
to return there after completing some business in the Mediter-
ranean. As you were deputed by the meeting of Liberal electors
prior to the last election to communicate to me the resolution,
passed in my favour, I think I may ask you to be kind enough to
make it known to the gentlemen who took part in that meeting
— and through them to the electors in different parts of the
borough — that I do not feel warranted in soliciting at the next
election the suffrages of so populous a constituency as it has now
become, with a prospect of a session of unusual labour and
unequalled moment to the interests of the people, unless I could
devote the whole of my time to the trust which I undertook. I
beg you will also do me the favour — should you be present at
any meeting which may be held by the Liberal electors regarding
the course to be pursued at the ensuing election — of expressing
my deep gratitude for their warm-hearted support and forbear-
ance to me during the time that I have enjoyed the honour of
being one of the representatives of the borough. With many
thanks to you personally for the trouble you have taken regard-
ing my position towards the borough on several occasions,
I am, very truly yours,
D. BASS, Esq.
Sir Charles often characterised the House as " one of the
pleasant est clubs going." He made many friends, one of
the most agreeable — though only a distant connection — being
the " Tribune of the People," John Bright, with whom there
ensued many a pleasant game of billiards and interchange
of thought at the Reform Club when temporarily out of reach
of the " whips." There were, too, several civil engineers
in Parliament at the time — to wit, Mr. Robert Stephenson,
Mr. J. d'Aguilar Samuda, Sir Daniel Gooch, etc. — with all
of whom Sir Charles was naturally intimate.
Sir Charles also made many other Parliamentary friends.
Amongst them were Sir Julian Goldsmid, Bart, (afterwards
chairman of the Submarine Telegraph Company), Mr. Samuel
Gurney (formerly chairman of the Atlantic Company) ;
Sir John Lubbock, F.R.S. (now the Right Hon. Lord
Avebury); Lord William Hay (now Marquis of Tweed-
dale, a promiment spirit in submarine cable adminis-
tration) ; Mr. (now Sir John) Aird , Sir Edmund Lech-
mere, Bart.; Vice- Admiral Sir J. C. D. Hay, Bart.; Mr.
Bernhard Samuelson ; Alderman (afterwards Sir James)
Lawrence, and his brother, Alderman (afterwards Sir
William) Lawrence ; Mr. Charles Edwards (partner in
Messrs. Glass, Elliot & Co.) ; Mr. George Traill ; The Right
Hon. George Sclater-Booth (afterwards Lord Basing) ; and
his neighbour Sir John Kelk, in whose company he (Bright)
usually returned home when the House rose at night.
Whilst the prestige and interest of representing a great
Metropolitan borough was considerable, the subject of this
memoir soon found that it was not exactly a bed of roses, and
he sometimes expressed the wish that he had been returned
for the Land's End, or John o' Groats, whence a constituent
could not interview him so readily. He found himself
1865-1869 303
incessantly pressed with deputations or applications about
every conceivable fad or want appertaining to his enormous
and particularly varied constituency. Not a chapel could
be built, a bazaar opened, a " sing-song " be held, nor -a
regatta started, without a requisition on his purse, or a desire
being expressed for his personal presence. Even the sweeps
on May Day, the boys on oyster eve, and the guys of
November, all claimed him as their own — the onus of refusal
resting on his shoulders.
Gladstone was at the moment in the unique position of
being Prime Minister-elect without a seat, having just
been defeated for West Lancashire. Accordingly, Sir
Charles mentioned to the right honourable gentleman that he
intended retiring, and suggested that he (Mr. Gladstone)
might be disposed to stand in his stead.
Besides being the youngest knight since the middle ages,
Bright was also for some years the youngest member of the
House of Commons.
About the same time as his retirement from the House of
Commons, the family left their town house for a new home
near Chiswick. During the interval of removal, rooms were
taken in Maddox Street ; and Sir Charles went down to
Winchester for some days to see his eldest son, John, at the
school. Another note in his diary indicates a visit to the
Chinese Ambassador, but without any further particulars.
At this period Bright dissolved his partnership with
Mr. Latimer Clark. The firm of Bright and Clark had
done much for the pioneering and extension of submarine
telegraphy during the period of its existence.
West India Cables
The Florida-Cuba Line
narrative has now reached what proved to be the
most trying period of Sir Charles' active life. This
represented the most arduous piece of work it has ever been
the lot of man to carry through in the whole history of
submarine telegraphy — partly due to the irregularities of the
sea bottom round about the coral-reefed islands of the
West Indies, and partly to the unhealthy climate in these
regions. In the end a number of the staff died, and others
were invalided home.1 Bright himself had at one time to
succumb ; but the work was stuck to, and eventually
carried through.
First of all, in 1868, Sir Charles undertook the laying of
a cable to connect Havana (Cuba) with the American
telegraph lines of the United States,2 via Key West and
1 The landing of several of the cables entailed wading through
pestiferous mud, undisturbed for ages past.
2 Worked by the Western Union Telegraph Company — by far
the largest land-line system in the world.
305 X
Punta Rassa on the west coast of Florida. This formed
but the commencement of a vast submarine system
which he had had for some time in view — for linking into
the world's telegraphs the whole series of West Indian
Colonies. These included islands belonging to England, Spain,
France, and Denmark— as well as Central America—
(Age 37)
at Colon, Panama, and Georgetown, Demerara. The fore-
going comprised twenty separate cables, each upwards
of 700 miles in length, and laid in water 1,000 to 2,000
fathoms deep. Moreover, land lines had to be erected on
or across various islands, the whole network extending
to over 4,000 miles.1 This grand scheme was enlarged in
1 This formed by far the greatest length connected with any single
enterprise. Altogether some thirty-six shore ends were landed in
a highly malarious climate, with a scorching sun overhead.
order to include a festoon of cables on the east right
along the whole coast of Brazil and thence to Buenos
Ayres — a distance of 4,140 miles ; while on the west side
of the South American Continent Bright proposed to
connect Panama southwards with Ecuador, Peru, and
Chili, involving some 3,080 miles of cable ; and north-
ward along the Pacific coast, to embrace Mexico — another
1,590 miles. These projects altogether amounted to nearly
thirteen thousand miles, and were eventually all carried out
in what was a comparatively short time under the particular
circumstances. They entailed, however, a vast amout of
labour and pecuniary risk — not to mention several years
spent in cable laying, coupled with serious loss of health
on the part of Sir Charles.
The cable between Florida and Havana was made by the
India- Rubber, Gutta-Percha and Telegraph Works Com-
pany at Silvertown,1 for the International Ocean Telegraph
Company of America, and was laid by Sir Charles from the
s.s. Narva, which he joined in the States, whence he sailed
on November 2ist. Shortly after his arrival on the scene of
action, and after laying the above cable, Sir Charles penned
the following letter to Lady Bright :—
HAVANA, January 8th, 1869.
... On arriving here on Sunday I got all ready for starting,
1 This firm had originated, as Messrs. Silver & Co., (shortly after
the introduction of vulcanising india-rubber) as a general india-
rubber manufactory, but being converted in 1864 into a limited
liability company, its sphere of operations was extended to all
sorts of telegraph work. Previously it had only covered quite
short lengths of wire (with india-rubber) for Mr, C. V. West and
and next day went out to grapple before daylight ; but, after
two casts, the picking-up machine — made in New York — broke
down, and I have been very busy ever since trying to get it right
again. With the appliances I have for doing it, the job is very
tedious and excessively vexatious.
It has been blowing too hard for the last two days to do any-
thing in the way of grappling, so I do not lose time. When it
is fine I shall get hold of it very soon, I expect, and shall then
return as quickly as possible.
I shall not telegraph by what steamer I leave, as I don't
want to be bothered with business for a few days after I get back,
but shall wire " Yours of Wednesday or Saturday (as the case
may be) received," by which you will understand that I leave
by the steamer on that day of the week after my message. . . .
He subsequently picked up and repaired the line in ques-
tion— the first Havana cable — which had been laid in 1867 by
Mr. F. C. Webb, who had the misfortune to lose no less than
sixteen of his assistants and seamen from yellow fever
during the work, besides being nearly shipwrecked when
out of course off Cape Hatteras. The repairs were very
difficult owing to the strong current of the Gulf Stream
between the islands of Cuba and Key West ; but after
weeks of grappling in about a mile depth of water -
with a storm intervening — Sir Charles completed the
In connection with this success he was the recipient of
an elaborate illuminated testimonial in acknowledgment
from the International Ocean Telegraph Company.
Preparations and Manufacture of Island Links
On his return home, we find Sir Charles joining forces
with General William F. Smith, President of the "Inter-
national Ocean " Company, and Mr. Matthew Gray, the
able Managing Director of the " India-Rubber Company ''
of Silvertown, for the purposes of the West Indian telegraph
extensions. The preliminary negotiations and arrange-
ments occupied considerable time. Concessions — and, in
many cases, subsidies — had to be obtained from the authori-
ties of the various colonies and then ratified by their
Governments, ere the great scheme could be laid before the
public. Two companies, the West India and Panama
Telegraph Co., and the Cuba Submarine Telegraph Co.,
were then formed, mainly by Sir Charles and his brother
Edward among their " Magnetic " friends. The capital
thus raised was about a million sterling.
For the purposes of this undertaking, Bright took over
and fitted the Dacia, a screw steamer of about 2,000 tons
burthen, with special machinery of his design. After having
her cut in half and increased in length by 40 feet — to provide
room for a large additional cable tank amidships — she was
also strengthened by a broad iron belt on her sides from
stem to stern. Sir Charles bestowed special care on her
paying-out gear and even more on her picking-up appara-
tus, which latter is about the most efficient of its kind
ever put on board a cable ship. The great feature in the
gear was that it had a large margin of power, and therefore,
showed no tendency to jerkiness under a heavy strain,
such as is liable to cause rupture of the cable. In fact, its
perfection was such that it might be likened to the certain,
yet elastic, action of an elephant's trunk, in gently and
steadily drawing up the grappling rope when raising a
lost cable to the surface. The Dacia, and her gear,
has since done as much useful work as any telegraph
ship, and has probably done more repairs than any vessel
The type of cable specified by Sir Charles was similar to
that which had proved such a success in the heated waters
of the Persian Gulf, the patent outer protective wrappings
with Bright & Clark's compound being applied ; but the cop-
per conductor was stranded instead of segmental, weighing
107 Ib. per mile, while the gutta-percha weighed 166 Ib. per
mile. There were as many as four types, made to suit the
various depths. These consisted of very heavy shore ends
weighing 16 tons per mile ; intermediate of 5 tons per mile ;
and deep sea of 2,\ tons for depth up to 700 fathoms, and}
for beyond that depth, i ton 12 cwt. The general character
of the main cable was undoubtedly well chosen,1 as the
" open jawed " types adopted for the Atlantic cables of
1865 and 1866 were already showing signs of deterioration.
The whole of the 4,000 and odd miles, weighing nearly
10,000 tons, were made at Silvertown by the India-Rubber
Company between the latter part of 1869 and the summer
of 1870, under the constant supervision of Sir Charles and
a highly-trained staff, who afterwards went out to assist
1 This form has been adhered to ever since — partly on account
of its characteristic durability, and partly on the score of immunity
from marine borers and fish attacks.
on the expedition. These consisted of Mr. J. R. France
(who had previously acted as engineer to the Submarine
Telegraph Co.) ; Mr. Leslie C. Hill, a prizeman of University
College, who had been engaged in the laying of the French
Atlantic cable ; Mr. Robert Kaye Gray (son of Mr. Matthew
Gray, and now engineer-in-chief of the Silvertown Com-
pany) ; Mr. E. March Webb (afterwards chief electrician
to the same firm) ; Mr. Percy Tarbutt, subsequently a
highly successful mining engineer ; Mr. F. L. Robinson, in
charge of correspondence and accounts (now Secretary
to the West Coast of America Telegraph Company) ; and
The cable was shipped on the s.s. Dacia, on the s.s.
Suffolk, a twin-screw bought by the companies to be
stationed in the West Indies as a repairing ship ; and
on three large sailing vessels chartered and fitted
for the purpose. These were supplemented during the
laying work by the s.s. Titian and s.s. International. A
small steam-launch was also built to go out with the
Dacia. She was christened the Beatrice, after Sir Charles'
youngest daughter, now well known as a portrait painter.1
Sir Charles Bright sailed for New York about the middle
of March, leaving Mr. France, the chief of his staff, to
represent him during the remainder of the manufacture,
shipment and voyage out, until he (Bright) joined the
expedition on the scene of operations. The object of Sir
1 This is a notable instance of taste running through a family,
for Sir Charles — and, indeed, most of his children — had always
shown a predisposition for the pencil, and even for the brush, as
was shown in the original biography.
Charles' mission was to meet General Smith — with whom he
stayed for some time to discuss business — before making
his way to Havana.
The great expedition left the Thames in the summer of
On June 7th a message reached London from Baltimore
as follows : " Steamship Dacia total wreck, on outer
north reef Bermuda. Sir Charles Bright on board. Three
saved." This created a terrible sensation at first, on account
of the many lives on board — apart from the steamer and her
cargo, which were insured for about £300,000. Those
connected with the companies knew it must be a falsehood,
as the Bermudas were fully a thousand miles out of her
course. As a matter of fact, on the very day this supposed
disaster was published, the Dacia reached the West Indies, as
may be seen from the following letter written by Charles
Bright to his wife, after he had joined the vessel : —
JAMAICA, June 25th, 1870.
. . . The Dacia did not arrive at St. Thomas, our rendezvous
till the 7th of this month.
I left in her the same day for San Juan, Puerto Rico, where
we arrived on the 8th and left next day. My birthday was
celebrated on board the Dacia that evening by dressing the
ship with lamps. On coming into Kingston on the I3th, the
pilot ran us on to a mud bank, and I had to take out some of
the cable forward to lighten the ship. It is very slow work
uncoiling cable, so we did not get off till last night. The mail
steamer which takes this also ran ashore, but she got off last
night. I expected she would have some damage to repair, but
she is coaling now and is to leave shortly — so I must hurry
through my letter-writing.
Tell Robert I have received his letter and will write soon, but
have as much as I can do just now ; moreover, the engine is
running over my head taking the cable back into the ship, and
the thermometer stands at 90° ! . . .
About this time H. M.S. Vestal (Captain]. E. Hunter, R.N.),
which had been specially detailed by the Admiralty to
render any assistance possible, arrived on the scene. A little
later, accompanied by her five consorts, the Dacia started
off on her work. Sir Charles, however, met with quite
unlooked-for difficulties ; for, although all the cable was
said to have tested perfectly when shipped in the Thames,
yet, on and after reaching the West Indies, serious faults
developed. These had, of course, to be cut out, involving
constant turning over from one tank to another, as set forth
in Bright's diary. Thus great delay ensued with nearly
every section, and in some instances the faults only showed
themselves on submersion. The above defects occurred
in the gutta-percha (mainly in the joints) and were occasioned
by minute gas-bubbles forming between the layers, and
bursting through — either from the weight of the coils in
the tanks, or from the pressure of the water at the bottom
of the sea. A large number had to be removed. Though all
were but tiny punctures — like the prick of a pin — they were
sufficient to cause serious loss of insulation, which would
have gone from bad to worse had they not then been repaired.
Sir Charles and all the staff were greatly tried by these
quite unexpected troubles. Nothing of the kind had ever
occurred during the laying of the cables in the Persian
Gulf or in other hot climates.1
1 Anent this, Bright's diary contains the following note : "I
had not seen a bad joint in a completed cable for a long time."
The result was most disastrous to the expedition. Over
and over again, when some of these faults had been got at
and removed — after expending many days in turning over
cable from one tank to another — and as a start was being
made for submerging a new section, at the last moment
another joint would give way, and the turning over had to be
renewed. It generally occurred towards the bottom of
the coil in the tank — where the greatest pressure existed —
and this meant recommencing the tedious process of clear-
ing perhaps several hundreds of miles to get at it ! In this
way week after week was taken up, rendering the under-
taking more trying than ever to all engaged, in so broiling
a climate.
On two occasions further trouble arose by the cable
parting in deep water during the operation of recovering
faults that had passed overboard. One case like this
unfortunately occurred — midway between Colon and
Jamaica — when it had not been possible to take observations
for a couple of days. This entailed months of grappling
before the end could be found. The other was on the long
section of nearly seven hundred miles, between Puerto
Rico and Jamaica ; and — although only about thirty miles off
land — was in very deep water and on such a rough and rocky
coral bottom that about forty grapnels and several grappling
ropes were broken, and weeks passed before the. cable could
be recovered. It was a very different task to the com-
paratively easy grappling for the Atlantic lines, where the
cable hook is readily drawn along the surface of the ground
through soft ooze.
Sir Charles had calculated on completely finishing his
task — vast as it was — within a year ; but it took him a good
deal longer in the end. He suffered very heavily by these
terrible and unlooked-for delays, which immensely increased
the cost of the work. Still, though so heavy a loser both
in pocket and health, he bore it all throughout with
equanimity ; and, although greatly discouraged by this
untoward turn of affairs, he and his brother Edward — who
eventually joined him — stuck to it till every section was
complete and in perfect order.
The scheme of the Panama and South Pacific Telegraph
Company in connection with the West Indian system at
Panama— for cables down the west coast of South America
— was ultimately abandoned.
During the manufacture of this Panama and South Pacific
cable, the late Lord Sackville Cecil— half-brother to the
Premier of that time — acted for Sir Charles in his absence
abroad. He had been a pupil of Sir Charles', and electrically
tested this cable up to the time its manufacture ceased.
Laying the Cables
Operations were commenced at the beginning of July
(1870) from the terminus of the International Ocean line.
This point was to be the junction connecting Cuba and the
American United States Telegraph system with the whole
of the West Indies and Colon for Panama.
The first sections to be laid were those of the Cuba Sub-
marine Telegraph company along the south side of that
island — the " Pearl of the Antilles," from Batabano (already
connected by two land lines with Havana) to Cienfuegos, and
thence on to Santiago. The latter portion was laid without
much difficulty, in tolerably deep water ; but the first part
from Batabano proved exceedingly troublesome, as the
shallow and narrow channels of approach were composed
of tortuous passages amidst coral reefs and rocky islets for
some forty-five miles. Batabano is the southern terminus of
a short railway across the narrow part of Cuba from Havana.
It was of the greatest importance, both to the Government
and the mercantile community, that a reliable line of tele-
graph should thus be established with Cienfuegos, a large
port, and still more with Santiago, the second city of this
vast and prosperous country. The existing land lines through
the wild interior worked badly at all times ; but these were
also constantly interrupted by the " Cubanos "—Creoles,
or born inhabitants, of the island — who were, proverbially,
in a state of chronic revolt against the Spaniards' rule.
While the channels to Batabano were being further
sounded, Sir Charles went to Havana, accompanied by
Sefior Lopez — an elderly gentleman especially attached to the
expedition — in order to arrange various matters with the
authorities. The Sefior, who was a friend of Sir Charles' in
England, was an excellent negotiator and interpreter, besides
being closely related to the then Governor, General Lopez.
Sir Charles and the Sefior were received with the greatest
consideration by the various dignitaries, and, while there,
were made honorary members of the " Cercle Espanol."
This Club is worth describing, as the building at that time —
strange as it may seem — constituted by far the largest
club-house in the world ; the " Carlton " and " Reform "
rolled into one club would not equal it in size. There were
twenty-three billiard tables occupying part of one floor,
the Club being built in quadrangle form. The luncheon
and dining accommodation was on a very large scale. There
was an immense library, an extensive well-fitted gymnasium,
and a superb ball-room. The latter had two side rows of
marble pillars and intermediate tropical palms, tree ferns,
and flowers, which formed a sheltered promenade of no mean
order. While Sir Charles and Senor Lopez were in the Club
an attack was made upon it by a party of the " Cubanos,"
and some lively revolver shooting took place in the streets,
until the disturbance was quelled by the authorities.
As the result of the survey, many more shoals were
revealed than had hitherto been thought of. To avoid
these would have involved a detour of 360 miles, as they
extended far out to sea. Thus Sir Charles had to employ
" sugar flats," towed by a light-draught Spanish gunboat, the
Alarma', and as a heavy type of cable was necessary, the
work — entailing much manual labour — became very trying,
especially as each short section had to be jointed. Con-
cerning this, Sir Charles remarks in his diary :—
Working in boats under a burning sun knocks up the men
very soon, and the joints take very long to make, as we are out
of ice * and cannot get any more without going to Batabano
and telegraphing for it to Havana — whence to Batabano there
is only one train a day, and that in the early morning.
On the first completion of this section, Charles Bright
wrote home to his wife as follows : —
1 This, or some cooling mixture, is always necessary for subse-
quently handling a gutta-percha joint in tropical climates.
July 3Oth, 1870.
... I have had a very tough job getting seventy-five miles
of cable laid over shallow water, and got aground again in this
ship. The place is full of shoals. The charts are good for nothing,
and the pilots only used to very small ships. This is the biggest
ship that has ever been here.
I am very well, though having an anxious piece of work —
almost a labour of Hercules in its complication — but I think I
am better when I am hard at it ! Am busy now testing the
cable we have laid, as there is a small fault near shore here which
I have come back to take out, so must stop writing. . . .
But after the laying of this troublesome and exhausting
section was effected, Sir Charles had to go back no less than
three times to cut out faults that showed themselves.
The following letter, written about this time to Lady
Bright, serves to recount some of the above troubles :—
Aiigust i()th, 1870.
... I wrote you from this (blessed) place on the 3Oth July,
and never hoped to see it again. After no end of trouble to get
the cable right then, owing to the shallow water, rocks, squalls,
and troubles of every kind (including getting the Suffolk aground
half a dozen times, but luckily without getting a rock through her
bottom), we at last finished, and went to the other end of our
lines, about seventy-five miles off ; but we had not been paying
out long from the Dacia — and in fact, had just got in deep water
—when another fault showed itself. It was half-past four in
the morning, and I was luckily on deck to stop the ship at once.
On testing we found the fault near this end ! Was not that
vexing, after spending three weeks in these abominable waters,
to have to come back and do all the work over again ? I have
only a few ounces of patience left, out of, I should think, many
tons which I must have brought from Jamaica ! — but I have
got it all right again, and leave to-morrow morning for the Dacia
off Diego Perez to join on to the deep sea, and go on paying out.
I have not had a letter from you of later date than June i5th,
nor have I seen an English paper for months ! We might as
well be in the Pacific Ocean as on the south side of Cuba for get-
ting any English news. I can give you very little news of myself
except that which you will like best to know, that I am well,
and no one on the sick list on either of the ships. I am always
particular about the ships having plenty of ventilation. At
Cienfuegos, when we were there, there was yellow fever, cholera,
and small-pox all at once raging in the town ; so I put the town
in quarantine, and would not let any one have liberty to go
ashore — in fact I only went four times myself, which I was
obliged to do on business.
You will all have gone to the seaside, I think. For myself,
I don't want to see the sea for ever so long again. . . .
Eventually the Cuban line was in complete operation
on September 2nd, and a little later Sir Charles opened the
telegraph office to the public.
As a slight return for all the attention paid him in the
island of Cuba, Sir Charles gave a picnic party when near
Havana : an excursion was made to a beautiful hill, from
which lovely views were obtainable.
The Dacia and the rest of the fleet arrived at Santiago on
August 27th. While at this picturesque seaport — approached
by a long narrow entrance between cliffs — Sir Charles and
his staff were hospitably received, on several occasions, by
Mr. F. W. Ramsden, the British Consul, and Mrs. Rams-
den, who did everything to make their temporary visits
On the first visit a strong shock of earthquake occurred
at night, shaking the hotel in which they were quartered.
Every one bolted downstairs and into the street in their
sleeping attire ; but the quickest of all was Senor Lopez,
though stout and about seventy years of age. He flew down
the stone stairs taking two or three at a bound, arriving
outside in the scantiest of raiment — mainly pyjamas —
lengths in advance of Sir Charles, who started before him.
The Senor knew what an earthquake out there sometimes
meant ! The streets were full of residents, many absolutely
in puris natur alibis, as is very much the custom at night in
that warm climate. Only a few minor buildings were,
however, wrecked on this occasion. Regarding this a
Jamaica newspaper l reported as follows :—
The earthquake at Santiago on Sunday last was a serious
affair. At nine a.m., during High Mass, a terrific shock was
felt, shaking the foundations of houses in the city. The people
in the Cathedral and from all the dwelling-houses rushed out in
great numbers, almost undressed, and perfectly terror-stricken.
The shrieks were heard on board the vessels of the Expedition,
fully a mile from the shore. A second shock followed, producing
renewed consternation on land. Boats from the Expedition were
sent on shore to offer any assistance that might be requisite. A
few buildings were thrown down.
The same journal describes the general proceedings about
this time in these words :—
The Dacia, Vestal, Suffolk, and two Spanish gunboats in
Santiago, arrived there on the 27th with cable working beauti-
1 The Jamaica Gleaner, September loth, 1870.
fully. Telegrams from London daily. Festivities, balls, seren-
ades, dinners, picnics, in honour of the expedition. Sir Charles
Bright presented with freedom of the city. No other instance
like this in Santiago since conquest. Expedition will probably
leave Santiago on Saturday for Holland Bay. Five steamers
will form the expedition.
In a subsequent number this paper reported as follows : —
August 28th, 1870.
There were great rejoicings here over the cable success ; the
whole harbour has been grandly illuminated last night in honour
of the event. In all directions fireworks are shooting in the air.
The enthusiasm in favour of Sir Charles Bright has been at its
height. Fourteen hundred volunteers marched in procession,
and then chartered steamers and sailed round the Dacia in honour
of the expedition. They presented a brilliant array of lights.
The foreigners gave " God save the Queen," with thrilling effect,
and simultaneously uncovered at the playing of the tune.
The Dacia, Suffolk, and H.M.S. Vestal were gorgeously illum-
inated during this imposing ceremony. The enthusiasm of the
people of Santiago knew no bounds General Valmaseda and
2,000 citizens visited the Dacia in order to present their voluntary
congratulations to Sir Charles Bright.
August yoth. — The rejoicings over the success of the cable still
continues. Private families in groups have caught the enthusi-
asm, and are paying their respects in person. Every public body
in Cuba has addressed Sir Charles Bright. Clergymen of
the United States have been entertained on board the Dacia.
Mr. Ramsden, the British Vice-Consul, gave a dinner to-day ;
and, in response, the city gave a grand dinner.
The festivities are likely to last for several days.
September 1st. — The Cuban shore-end from Batabano was laid
yesterday morning. The inhabitants turned out, General
Valmaseda and the officials were up at 5 a.m. to see the splice
The clubs enthusiastic.
There was even a regatta in honour of the expedition.
The fleet was decorated throughout with bunting.
And later this journal announced :—
On the 5th, the Governor of Santiago gave a banquet to Sir
Charles Bright. Complimentary speeches were made in honour
of the expedition.
On Thursday, the Spanish Circulo gave a picnic in the country,
to which Sir Charles and his officers were invited. The country
house and its approaches were brilliantly illuminated in the
On Friday, General Valmaseda gave a grand ball to com-
memorate the successful laying of the cable.
On Saturday, the British Consul, Mr. Ramsden, gave an evening
party ; and on Sunday afternoon, thousands of persons from
the city visited the fleet.
During this period the Franco-German War was in full
swing. Sir Charles had occasion to exercise a little tact in
this connection — even so far away as the West Indies — as
may be gathered from the following report in the Jamaica
Gleaner aforesaid : —
The French vessel of war Talisman arrived at Santiago de
Cuba, it is said in search of the Prussian gunboat Meteor. The
Prussian Consul applied to Sir Charles Bright to forward a tele-
gram to Havana to the Consul-General. Sir Charles, not liking
to interfere in any way with the neutrality of nations, applied
to the Consul-General for advice ; and was informed that Spain
being a neutral Power, they would not like to give advantage
to either party. Sir Charles therefore politely declined to permit
the cable to be used for this purpose, and the French steamer
Talisman immediately put to sea.
The laying of the " Cuba " Company's lines being at last
brought to a successful issue, the " West India and Panama "
series of cables had to be tackled. Continuing in the route,
the first section of this system to be laid was naturally
that from Santiago (Cuba) to Holland Bay, on the north-east
coast of Jamaica.
Whilst all the preceding festivities were going on, pre-
parations were being made for the laying of these future
sections by the turning over of great lengths of cable from
one tank to another in order to remedy a sticky condition
which had proved a great source of trouble in paying out.1
Indeed, it was only owing to this being necessary as soon as
the Cuban lines were completed — and partly on account of
faults in the insulation — that social entertainments as
above described could be given time for.
The Cuba- Jamaica cable was laid after some trouble (start-
ing on September I3th), but without any incident of special
or novel interest. The shore end was landed near Plantain
Garden Harbour, in Holland Bay, and the final splice effected
on September i5th.
Almost immediately on arrival, the Vicar of St. Thomas',
Morant Bay, several miles off — boarded the Dacia and
presented the following address to Sir Charles. This is
reproduced as being characteristic of wordy elaboration
such as " gentlemen of colour "are prone to — especially when
1 The above stickiness of the outer compound and a want of lime
are matters noted in Sir Charles Bright's diary as entirely novel
experiences, such as he had never before met with in laying cables
in the Persian Gulf, or other tropical climates.
associated with the pulpit or bench. The exact meaning of
some of the phrases and passages is sometimes difficult to
decipher. Maybe, however, in this very touch of mystery
lay the charm of the address to those members of the
Vicar's flock who attached their names to this well-meant
"masterpiece of English literature."
To Sir Charles Bright, of the Telegraph Expedition, etc.
HONOURABLE SIR, — We, the inhabitants of the Parish of St.
Thomas, desire very respectfully to thank you, for your presence
in our midst, not only as a distinguished individual, but con-
nected as you are with the discovery of a science, hitherto unknown
among the ancients, but, confining its Mystic achievements to the
select few of the present generation, among whom, you, Sir
Charles Bright, bear a conspicuous part, and also for the Com-
pany's selection of our Seaboard at Holland Bay as the vehicular
channel of communication with the Metropolis of the world.
That, notwithstanding the difficulties and calamities through
which we have recently passed, yet, it is our firm belief, that St.
Thomas will, in the good providence of God, be the Pioneer in
leading on Jamaica to ultimate beneficial results. For within
the brief period of five years of her political reconstruction, Capi-
talists, men of genius, commercial men, and an enterprising
galaxy of Scientific men, have, with a wonderful combination,
spent more money for the development of the resources of the
Island than has been done during any former Government.
Thanks for the. name of " Saint Thomas," and to our worthy
Governor, Sir John Peter Grant, and his official and lay associates
in the legislative Council of Jamaica. Thanks to our beloved
" Queen Victoria," and her Constitutional advisers, for conferring
on us " Crown Government," and delivering us from the yoke
of oppression and wrong. An official, of limited perception of
our geographical importance, willing to pay homage to his con-
stituents rather than to his employers, very recently published
in his " Report " on education that the inhabitants of St. Thomas
could not worthily be contrasted with either of the parishes of
Manchester and Saint Elizabeth in point of mental culture and
the development of civilisation, in ignorance, too, that superior
men of genius, enterprise, and benevolence, selected this parish
for the introduction and importation of a new method of abceda-
rian instruction in " Telegraphy," the letters of which will never
be deciphered by the pharisaical declamation of the Reporter,
and which will — and in all probability may — be taught by one
of the many rustics employed in connection with the Company's
works and offices, and which will cause the inhabitants of Man-
chester and Saint Elizabeth to hide their diminished heads in the
clefts of the rocks in their mountain fastness.1
And we fervently pray that He who first diffused the genius,
by the inspiration of His Spirit, into the minds of men in its
incipient conception of " Telegraphy " for the good of mankind,
will, with the knowledge thus conferred, abundantly provide
the means for its furtherance, to the remotest parts of the earth,
with a large marginal surplus for compensation to those who
labour and struggle with the gigantic undertaking.
And we further pray that the time may soon come when the
shores of " Africa " will be visited by " Telegraphy," and that
as a continent with her varied Nationality, contribute her share
in the disbursement of the general outlay, and the knowledge of
the " Lord " cover the earth as the waters of the mighty deep
With profoundest respect, we are, Sir Charles,
Your obedient, humble servants,
# # #
(Here followed a number of signatures representing the congre-
gation of St. Thomas', Morant Bay.)
The next day Sir Charles landed the shore ends for the
1 It is not every day that one falls upon so long a sentence as the
above !
cable to Colon (Panama) and Puerto Rico respectively,
and at 11.30 that night the telegraph fleet proceeded to
Kingston, which was reached at 9 a.m. the following
Here, again, it was necessary to feed the " laying "
vessels with a further supply of cable, to the extent of nearly
700 miles, from the ships holding the reserve stock, before
further work could be proceeded with. This meant spending
several weeks at the chief town of our principal West
Indian colony ; and, when once the programme became
known, it was a signal for more festivities ashore.
The whole town had been in a state of feverish excite-
ment the day before, as soon as the inhabitants had satisfied
themselves as to the working of the cable to Cuba, which
(by means of the connecting land-line across to Holland
Bay) put them into telegraphic communication for the
first time with the American United States, the Mother
country, and the whole of Europe. Many had journeyed
to Port Royal in order to see the first of the telegraph
squadron and offer greetings.
Whilst the expedition was at Kingston, Bright spent
most of his time ashore attending to various business, whilst
his orders — in the way of cable transference — were being
carried out on the ships. First of all he opened the new
telegraph office there. Then he had to call on a number
of people on official matters, all more or less connected with
the welfare of the cable systems.
Then various dinners had, in a similar way, to be given
and received.
Sir Charles had a real pleasure in getting ashore again,
if only to get into touch with home matters once more —
by telegraph as well as through the newspapers.
Soon after landing, an address was presented to him
which was thus reported in the local journals :—
At eleven o'clock on Wednesday a deputation from the Royal
Society of Arts waited upon Sir Charles Bright at the Telegraph
Station, to present him an address from the Society on the suc-
cessful laying of the telegraph cable to Jamaica. The Hon.
Secretary read the address, as follows : —
SIR, — We, the undersigned, Members of the Council and
General Members of the United Royal Agricultural Society and
Society of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce, of this Island,
deem it our peculiar duty and privilege to welcome you to our
shores, and to thank you in the name of the inhabitants of this
ancient and loyal Colony, for the benefits — Social, Political,
Scientific, and Commercial — likely to result from the great work
you have lately so satisfactorily accomplished in connecting this
country by Electric Cable with Europe, America, and the Neigh-
bouring Islands.
In recognition of your important services the Society has
unanimously elected you an Honorary Member — a position we
hope you will do us the honour to accept. And we beg that
you will receive our cordial congratulations and good wishes to
yourself, and for the further success of this great enterprise,
destined, in its completeness, to link together the Nations of
the Earth.
Dated at Kingston, Jamaica, this 28th day of September, 1870.
Sir Charles, in reply, said he felt very highly honoured by the
bestowal of membership, especially caponing from such high
quarters. These addresses, when presented to engineers, are
looked upon as of very great value, and are prized as much as
the glittering stars on the breasts of some. He thanked the
Society heartily for the high honour conferred upon him. Sir
Charles then invited the deputation to visit the operating room,
when messages were sent to Holland Bay and speedily replied to.
Sir Charles desired the operator to ask Holland Bay to send a
few lines, which was done accordingly.
The address to Sir Charles was accompanied by a beautiful
cabinet-box of photographs of all the islands, the box being
entirely made from native wood. This gift was greatly
appreciated, and was always prized by Bright in after
A number of private dances were also given, amongst
other festivities, by the leading people of Kingston and
round about, as well as aboard H.M.S. Vestal. Then
finally, we find the following extract in the Jamaica
Despatch : —
On Thursday night last a grand subscription ball was given in
this city in honour of our distinguished guest, Sir Charles Bright.
Thus ended the festivities, and on the following day
(October nth) Sir Charles left Kingston in the Vestal for
Colon, the transference of cable having got sufficiently
advanced to allow of making further preparations for the
subsequent sections.
Colon was reached on the i6th inst., and the Consul-General
at once boarded the Vestal.
Across the isthmus between here and Panama a land
telegraph already existed. The connection to it by the cable
to Panama was one full of importance ; for the traffic and
mails from the whole of the western coasts of the entire South
and Central American continent concentrate at Panama.
The next day (October I7th) Bright left that ship to go round
Manzanilla Bay to select the landing-place for the cable.
On the same evening a banquet was given by the town to
Sir Charles, at which another flow of speeches occurred.
Bright had previously received a special request to unveil
the statue of Christopher Columbus, which had just been
erected there at the instance of the Empress Eugenie. This
he arranged to do the following day.
That same afternoon saw the arrival of the Dacia with all
the necessary cable on board. On the next day Sir Charles
had to journey to Panama on official business, and that
evening he dined with President Correoso. This was on
October 20th, and Bright notes in his diary that on the 2ist he
visited H.M.S. Zealous with Admiral Farquhar On the 22nd
Sir Charles returned to Colon (or Aspinwall, as it is some-
times called) by special train ; and that evening the
American Consul paid him a visit aboard the Dacia.
And now a sad story must be recorded. Since Sir Charles
Iqft Kingston he found that sickness had occurred amongst
his " shipmates "—cable hands and sailors — for'ard. Several
had to be sent to hospital, and one had ultimately died of
yellow fever. Though frequently having to go (and remain)
ashore himself, Bright had done his best to prevent the rest
of the ship's company from doing so. However, for the
purposes of landing the cable, this could not be avoided
entirely. Moreover, the landing spot was often — by force
of circumstances — situated in the midst of a malarial
district, besides being unhealthy in other respects,1 and to
make matters worse the ship's doctor had resigned !
On October 23rd, the ships went round to the bay selected
for landing the cable, but a heavy swell from the
north-east prevented work.
Sir Charles notes in his diary for the next day as follows : —
Monday, October 24th, 5 a.m., weather moderating ; ordered
steam. 8.30 a.m., got into position for landing S.E. ; moored
to wharf and buoy by stern.
The heavy shore end had to be landed on a mud bank and
dragged to the cable-house through a pestiferous swamp
forming part of the neighbouring lagoons. The result was
that Sir Charles and others employed in the work caught
malarial, or " chagres," fever. This had just previously
killed one of the two doctors of that fever den, whilst the
other had been invalided home to the States ; thus, the
outlook — in the strictest sense — was not a bright one 2 ;
in fact a general depression ensued which Sir Charles had
to do his best to check. But there was a vast amount
more trouble and sadness in store.
The shore end having been landed, paying out towards
Jamaica was started on at 3 p.m. the same day (October
The following facsimile reproduction of a few lines in
1 It may be mentioned here that, in addition to lime-juice, Sir
Charles had doses of quinine regularly dispensed to all on board.
The sailors at first objected. He had it, however, mixed with their
rum ; so that they had to absorb the quinine, or leave the " grog ! "
2 As a further instance of the pestiferous character of the climate,
it was a saying that during the building of the Colon-Panama Rail-
way " every sleeper represented a man who had died on the work."
Sir Charles' diary for this day, concerning the course, is
given as an example of how he attended to everything of
importance himself—
This diary — neatly kept notwithstanding the anxieties
and grief caused by the nature of his work, and sickness
and death amongst his staff — serves to illustrate his
patience and fortitude under adverse circumstances, besides
giving an idea of the life, routine and troubles associated
with cable work. His notes appear to have been usually
entered in the dead of night, between watches, and at
moments when least liable to disturbance. They were
drawn up with uniform precision and neatness throughout
the expedition.
1 October 25, 8 a.m. — Laid 79 miles. Light breeze, smooth
sea. Midnight, laid 162. Wind freshening. . . .
1 The four hours' recurring records of speed of ship, cable laid,
strain, barometer, etc., are in most cases omitted from these diary
October 26, 4 a.m. . . . Blowing fresh from southward and
westward, ship pitching a good deal. 8 a.m., changed to No. I
tank. In changing, the bight .fouled a piece of spare cable at
the bottom of the tank, but got clear.
The Calif ornian, Liverpool steamer, passed at 0.50 p.m., and
reported her position at noon — then being about five miles astern
of our position.
(N.B. — None of the calculations, either of Calif ornian, Dacia,
or Vestal, agreed with one another. All the calculations are by
" dead reckoning," it being too thick for noon observations.)
4 p.m. laid 240 miles. ...
October 27, 6.55 a.m. — Finding a fault outside ship, made
fast hawser from bow sheave to cable at stern and let go ; but
the warp parted, in roughish weather, and we lost the cable.1
Heavy storm with thunder and shifting squalls.
Put down large conical buoy with blue flag. — buoy No. 2.
Estimated distance from Colon 320 miles, cable paid out
367. Weather too bad to do anything.
At 3 p.m., Seaton, 2nd foreman, died of fever ; buried at
8 p.m. Did the best we could in the way of a funeral service
at sea.
Friday, October 28. — Blowing fresh. 'Heavy swell, but looking
better. Could do nothing in morning, drifting to W. Buoy
bearing S. 82, E., showing a 2 knot westerly current.
Lowered grapnel in afternoon with 1,200 fathoms of rope and
30 fm. i in. chain.
Saturday, 29th. — The buoy not in sight. Blowing strong from
E.S.E., sea moderating. Riding to grappling rope. In after-
noon weather bright and clear, commenced heaving in on line.
Sighted buoy from top gallant yard J point on starboard bow,
apparently adrift.
1 Owing to the lack of recent observations it ultimately took
many weeks to recover and complete the above section, as will be
seen in these pages.
4 p.m., picked up buoy and let go another with two mushroom
anchors, 3 and 4 cwt. respectively.
9 p.m., in position for grappling again ; lowered grapnel.
October 30 (Sunday). — Grappling all day, from last night's
7 a.m. — Ship's head N.E. by E., rope leading well ahead.
Light breeze from E. J N. Foresail and topsail set, going with
wind and current.
ii p.m. — Wind freshening, and grappling rope leading further
11.50. — Strain increasing, and dynamometer wheel rising and
falling violently.
October 31, 4.20 a.m. — Commenced heaving in, strain increasing
suddenly on starting engine and going back, or stopping ;
appears to be fast on rock. 4.45, put on slow motion. 5.10,
strain up suddenly.
5.15 a.m. — Grappling rope parted between dynamometer and
bow-sheave ; end struck Captain Dowell, who was by the bow
sheave, and knocked him down insensible, but no cut. 5.30,
Dowell better ; wind increasing and sea getting up.
Lost 800 fathoms rope, 7 swivels, 30 fathoms f- inch chain, 2
large swivels and fittings, and I large grapnel.
10.30 a.m. — Vestal some miles S., fires a gun, went to her,
and at 11.30 sighted buoy. . . . Took long time to get buoy
on board, owing to heavy sea and wind. . . . Lost chain and
grapnel ; end of buoy rope chafed by rocks.
November i. — Grappling all day. Blowing fresh, heavy sea.
10 a.m., Vestal signals she is short of coal, and will have to return
to Port Royal.
10.30 a.m. — Too much to the West for the cable. Began
taking in ropes. Having only 60 tons of coal on board, and
requiring 40 to reach Kingston, decided to return to take in coal.
Started at 1.15 p.m. Heavy sea, blowing hard. . . .
November 3. — Heavy sea. Ship rolling a good deal.
November 4. — Blowing hard, heavy sea. Only 100 miles run
at noon since yesterday.
November 5. — Wind moderating. Land of Jamaica just in
sight in the morning. 0.40, took pilot on board, who says it
is the worst weather they have had for 25 years, and that every-
body looks for a hurricane.1 2.30 p.m., Gillespie died of fever.
6 p.m., buried Gillespie at sea off Jamaica.2 8 p.m., H. Mitchell
died of fever. Midnight, buried Mitchell at sea off Jamaica.
Sunday, November 6. — Anchored in Kingston harbour at 8
a.m., and sent the sick men to hospital.
November 7. — At Blundell Hall ; sent convalescent hands to
Bellevue ; coaling Dacia at wharf.
Soon after landing, Sir Charles penned the following to
Lady Bright. Foreseeing that his wife was sure to hear —
probably in an exaggerated form — the sad tidings, he thought
it best to tell her himself how things were, if only to allay
worse apprehension.
November jth, 1870.
I know that a short letter will be better than none. I have
two of yours to reply to. I am writing against time. Am quite
well. Lost end of Colon cable, which will give me some trouble ;
the particulars you will find in the enclosed paragraph. It was
bad weather, and a squall came on during a ticklish operation
with the cable. . . .
I cannot write much. I am pestered from day to night with
somebody or something turning up. Am sorry to say I have
had much trouble with sickness on board the Dacia : buried
three of my cable hands, one a foreman, on our voyage from
Colon to Jamaica. I suppose you would hear of it from some
1 This meant much, for the Caribbean Sea is often subjected to
very disturbed conditions.
2 Owing to the Captain's illness, Sir Charles had on several occa-
sions to read the burial service over his late " shipmates."
one else, and most likely made worse than it has been. I have
cleared the men out of the ship, and sent some to hospitals,
and some to the mountains. All going on well now, but fear I
shall lose one or two more. . . .
This sad and depressing story is best continued by extracts
from the diary — necessarily in a somewhat matter-of-fact
form, as follows : —
November 8. — Richardson (jointer) died in Kingston Hospital
of fever. Commenced cleaning and fumigating Dacia.
November 9, — Whittingstall (foreman) died in the hospital
of fever. Buried Richardson at 5 p.m.
November 10. 9 a.m. — Whittingstall buried. Rose died in
hospital of fever.
November n. — Welhamdiedof fever at the hospital. 5 p.m.,
Rose buried.
Having in mind the trouble which the cable had given, and
the serious losses by death, Sir Charles had foreseen — even
before starting on this last section — that he would require
additional assistance. Accordingly, before leaving Colon, he
had sent a " cable " to his brother Edward requesting him
to come out to help him. Sir Charles now determined that
under prevailing conditions it would be best to get on with
the other sections for the present.1 Moreover, his brother
had " wired " in reply to say he was coming out by the
first mail ; so the first thing to be done (after shifting some
cable between the ships) was to take the fleet to St. Thomas,
the rendezvous and starting-point for future operations.
1 This decision was made partly in order to get to more healthy
surroundings — with a view to checking further sickness — as well
as on account of the bad weather here just at that time of year.
With these lines of explanation we will now return to
Bright's records.
November 15. — Started transferring cable from Bonaventure.
November^. — Finished transferring cable
November 20 (Sunday). — Nothing done.
November 21. — Sent Dacia to St. Thomas, accompanied by
I started for San Domingo City, Puerto Rico, on board Vestal.
Sr. Lopez with me, also Mr. James Gutteres.1
November 25, 10 a.m. — Anchored off San Domingo. H.M.S.
Y antic here. Went on board and then on shore with Captain
Irwin. Called on the English Consul and the Secretaries for War
and Finance, the President being away. Left in the Vestal
at 5 p.m.
November 28. — Arrived at St. Thomas in the evening.
November 29. — Dacia arrived this afternoon with the Suffolk.
Found that Robert Jackson had died on board the former on
26th inst., and was buried at sea the following day.
November 30. — Erecting testing-house at landing-place, etc.
December 5. — Seine with Edward on board being long overdue,
got the Danish authorities to despatch the Eider to search for her
December 6. — Eider returned without any news of Seine.
i p.m., went on board Suffolk with staff,, weighed
anchor and went round to landing-place in Gregorie Bay. 3.55,
got end of cable ashore for the St. Thomas-Puerto Rico section,
and returned to Dacia. Mr. France's connection with the ex-
pedition came to an end to-day.2
1 Mr. Gutteres was manager in the West Indies of the West India
and Panama Company. He was associated with Sir Charles in the
early days of the " Electric " and " Magnetic " Companies, and was
a close friend to the last with the rest of his family.
1 This gentleman had been the chief of Bright's staff, but, having
other work in view at home, he, at this juncture, sent in his resig-
nation, and returned to England by the next mail.
December 7. — Splice made in morning between " S.E." and
" intermediate." Bearings of splice —
David's Point, W.N.W.
Saba Island, S.W.J W.
R.M.S. Seine arrived in afternoon.1 Went on board and took
Edward to Dacia.
Went out to the Suffolk and laid Puerto Rico section to abreast
of Savana Island. At night, in getting end on board Dacia, with
fresh wind and swell, the cable got jammed in the rocks at the
bottom, and parted.
December 8. — Picked up cable in afternoon, and spliced on to
cable on board Dacia.
December 9, 1.30 a.m. — Weather fine. Started paying out
towards Puerto Rico/
2 p.m., buoyed cable (Cuba type) off San Juan de Puerto Rico.
3 p.m., went into harbour of San Juan (the capital of Puerto
Rico) with Vestal and Titian.
December 10. — Went ashore. Got large flat to put shore end in ;
coiled i, 800 yards on board of her.
December n, 6 a.m. — Went out, but had to come in again,
weather being too bad.
11.25 a.m. — Weather having improved, started for buoy again.
0.30 p.m., mushroom in. Hauled in some slack and anchored.
Splice made during afternoon.
December 12. — Completed shore end to St. John's Bay, and
slipped final splice.
Ball given to the expedition in evening by the municipality
to celebrate the laying of this section.
December 13. — Titian alongside, but great difficulty in getting
hands employed to transfer the cable.2
1 She had experienced a fearful gale for several days after passing
the Azores, and only reached St. Thomas after the engineer had
utilised the cinders and anything to spare that was at all burnable !
2 Owing to sickness and deaths, Bright was obliged to have
recourse to native labour.
Testing-house on shore finished.
December 15. — Finding the Spanish hands could not be got
to coil the cable properly, determined to do it at St. Thomas.
Left in Dacia at 5 p.m.
December 16, 9 a.m. — Arrived at St. Thomas ; went ashore
to testing-house and along land line.
And now comes another break in the cable-laying opera-
tions, for whilst the Dacia is employed in taking in a fresh
supply of cable from the Titian we find Sir Charles proceeding
to some of the Leeward and Windward Islands in H.M.S.
Vestal, on various official matters.
To extract again from his diary : —
December 17. — Left in Vestal at 5.30 p.m. for St. Kitts, Sr. Lopez
with me. Mr. Gutteres also on board.
December 19. — Arrived at Basseterre, St. Kitts, at 0.30 a.m.
Went ashore after breakfast and saw Mr. Wigley, the adminis-
trator, to arrange where the cable could be landed. Drove to
Frigate Bay estate. Walked to a
N.B. — No large timber to be got.
Left at 5.30 for Antigua.
December 20. — Arrived off St. John's Harbour, Antigua, and
inspected Goat Hill Bay. Four miles of land line. Left at 6p.m.
Night very dark. Vestal anchoring in shallow water near
Hurst's Shoal, lost anchor and chain.
December 21. — Sweeping all day for lost anchor and chain.
December 22. — Left for Dominica.
December 23. — Arrived at Dominica in the morning. Saw
Major Freeling, the Lieutenant-Go vernor of Dominica, about
landing the cable ; also Sir Benjamin Pine, the Governor of
the Leeward Islands, now here.
Left in the afternoon for St. Pierre.
December 24. — Arrived at St. Pierre in the morning. Held
meeting with the Chamber of Commerce and some deputies of
the Council-General. Sailed for Barbadoes at night.
December 25 (Christmas Day). — Abreast of St. Lucia in
December 26. — Arrived at Barbadoes and anchored in Carlisle
Bay at 8 a.m.
Called on Governor Rawson.1 Drove to N. end of bay by
Pelican Point ; then to S. end by Fort Charles. Afterwards
called on General Munro.
Left for Guadeloupe in the afternoon.
December 29. — Arrived at Basse Terre, Guadeloupe, at 5.30
Went ashore to see the Governor and discuss the telegraph
question. Left at 10 p.m. for English Harbour.
December 30. — Arrived at English Harbour at 10 a.m. Went
ashore, saw Mr. Vizard, and sailed for St. Thomas in the after-
December 31. — Arrived at St. Thomas. Found Dacia still
transferring cable from Titian. Mail in to-day.2
Sunday, January i, 1871. — No work ; service on board Vestal ;
called on Governor, Consul, etc.
January 2. — Shannon arrived from England with a new jointer
on board.
January 3. — Having finished turning over cable during after-
noon, set out (at 5.30) for Puerto Rico.
January 4, 8.30 a.m. — Arrived at San Juan de Puerto Rico.
Vestal with us.3 Mr. Latimer came on board. Went with Sr.
Lopez to see the Governor.
January 5. — Transferring cable and getting ready for Puerto
Rico- Jamaica section.
January 8. — Landed shore end near St. John's Gate, and
buoyed end.
1 Afterwards Sir Rawson W. Rawson, K.C.M.G., C.B.
2 By this mail Sir Charles received a letter which formed a curious
and striking instance of Post Office zeal. It was a letter forwarded
by the G.P.O., London, and addressed : —
" To Sir Charles Bright,
" England.
(// not there, try elsewhere}."
3 Sir Charles had returned to his quarters aboard the Dacia
on last reaching St. Thomas.
January 9. — 6.30 a.m. — Anchor up, and set on for buoyed
end, cable on drum.
i p.m., splice with shore end finished. Started paying out
towards Holland Bay, Jamaica, a matter of nearly 700 miles. '
January 10, 0.40 a.m. — Stopped ship owing to appearance of
a fault, supposed to be in lead, but found to be in cable.
Rode to cable till daylight. 7.30 a.m., after effecting repair,
went ahead easy. 8.30, stopped ship's engines. Took sounding,
32 fathoms, sand — about ij mile from land.
We will now leave the diary temporarily, and confine
ourselves to a more general and less technical description.
Sir Charles and his brother — who had joined the expedition
by request — kept alternate watches in charge of the laying
operations. The large cabin they occupied was imme-
diately under the paying-out machine. When laying cable
the rumbling noise of the apparatus acted as a lullaby
to the one resting below ; while, from habit, any stoppage
of the machine at once roused the sleeper. This may well
be understood when the fracture of a cable in deep water
with a rough bottom probably meant an expense of many
thousands of pounds and several months in its recovery.
H.M.S. Vestal went ahead as pilot, and the Dacia coasted
along a few miles off Puerto Rico, under the lee of the island,
with the sweet scent of orange and lemon. trees wafted off
during the night. At daybreak on the morrow (January I2th)
they bore over towards San Domingo (and Haiti), past
Saona Island, and across the great bay leading to Alta
Vela, a rock resembling a "high sail." The trade wind
from the east here blew heavily, and the sea rose so much
that it was with difficulty that the speed of the Dacia could
be kept low enough for safe " paying out/' and yet at the
same time avoid being pooped by the following waves. At
night on the fourth day out, more than six hundred miles
had been laid without any serious hitch ; but at daybreak
— when Jamaica was already in sight — a fault showed
itself, after having passed overboard. This it was, of
course, necessary to recover. The depth was about, 1,200
fathoms — nearly a mile and a half. However, the fault
was got on board once more, in safety, and cut out.
But, after the splice had been made, in passing the cable
from the bows to the stern again, the cable parted, through
getting foul of the propeller, owing to a strong current.
Had it not been for an unfortunate, but excusable, error
on the part of the navigating lieutenant of the Vestal—
who mistook Cape Espada at the south-east end of San
Domingo for the end of Saona Island, and thus piloted the
Dacia many miles out of her true course — the cable would
have been laid to within a few miles of Holland Bay, her
destination, when the fault occurred and the accident took
place. As it was, it required months of grappling and a
very heavy outlay to raise the cable again, the bottom of
the sea about here (off Morant Point) being a nest of volcanic
ridges interspersed with coral walls. These latter had a way
of breaking grapnels, and, occasionally, the still more
precious grappling rope.
To return to Sir Charles' diary : —
January 15. — The cable having parted, Buoy No. I was at
once lowered, and we then proceeded to prepare for grappling,
whilst the Vestal left for Kingston.
5 p.m., grapnel down.
January 16, 17, 18, and 19. — Dacia grappling.
January 20. — The weather being bad, proceeded to Kingston
harbour for provisions, as well as to effect lengthy repairs to ship
and engines.
February 4. — Left Kingston for grappling ground.
February 6, 8 a.m. — On reaching supposed position of grappling
ground the sea had got up too much to grapple ; besides being
too hazy to find buoy.
6 p.m., lowered grapnel.
February 7, 7 a.m. — Commenced heaving up. Found one
prong of grapnel broken off and two straightened out. Too
much sea for grappling.
February 8. — Strong breeze from N.E. Weather thick. No
observation at noon.
5 p.m., wind and sea moderating. Put down grapnel in
February 10. — Have so far been unable to g£t a drift across
the cable.
February n, 9.30 a.m. — Picked up grapnel. Found prongs
covered with chalk and coral.
3.40 p.m., lowered grapnel again.
February 12. — Blowing hard with rain. Too much sea for
February 15. — Grappling during day.
i p.m., took line in. All the prongs of grapnel bent and
scored by rocks.
February 17. — Lowered grapnel again.
February 18. — Too much sea for grappling, so left Dacia in
Vestal for Kingston.
February 24. — After waiting for mails, returned in the Vestal
to grappling ground.
February 25. — Stormy. Gale from E. Could not find Dacia
or buoy.
February 26 (Sunday). — Met with Dacia. Too stormy to
work. Went for shelter to Port Morant and put live stock and
provisions on board. I rejoined Dacia.
February 27 and 28. — At Port Morant. Too rough to do any-
March I. — Out at daylight. Found buoy with staff broken
short off.
March 2, 3, 4, and 5. — Too much sea for work.
March 6. — Grappling all night. At 10.40 a.m. strain rose to
10,000 and remained so. Began picking up.
i p.m., grapnel inboard ; four prongs completely straight-
ened, but no cable !
Being short of coal, started for Port Royal, and remained out-
side all night.
March 8. — Commenced coaling from barque Malta.
March 9. — Suffolk in from St. Thomas. Commenced coaling
March n. — Suffolk alongside to take over cable, grappling
rope, etc., from Dacia for grappling.
March 12 to 23. — Coaling, transferring cable and repairs on
board Dacia and Suffolk.
March 28. — First day on which weather has been at all fit for
grappling after above changes. Dacia went out to grappling
ground, but had to return to Port Morant for shelter.
April i. — Joined Dacia at Port Morant.
April 2. — Set out for grappling.
April 3. — Had to take shelter again in Port Morant.
April 6. — Still blowing hard from N.E. Heavy sea outside.
The Suffolk being now available and ready for grappling
work, Sir Charles, at this stage, determined to leave her with
his brother, Mr. Rae, and half the cable staff, to continue
the grappling for— and to complete — the lost Puerto Rico-
Jamaica cable, whilst he went on with the laying of the
remaining sections connecting up the long string of Lee-
ward and Windward Islands.
Being short of staff— owing to sickness and the return
home of Mr. France — Sir Charles Bright engaged the services
of Mr. Henry Benest,1 captain of a trading steamer belong-
ing to Messrs. Nunes Bros.
The diary continues : —
April 7 (Good Friday). — Started at daylight in the Dacia for
San Juan de Puerto Rico.
April 8. — At sea off the coast of Haiti. Weather fine. Sea
April 9 (Easter Day). — Divine service on quarter deck. Fine.
April 10. — After a dead calm, it rained in torrents and blew
April 12. — Arrived at San Juan de Puerto Rico in morning.
Tested Jamaica cable, and left at 6 p.m. for St. Thomas.
April 13. — Arrived at St. Thomas.
April 14. — Started transferring shore-end from No. 4 tank.
April 17. — Started transferring deep-sea cable from No. 3
to No. 4 tank.
April 19. — Commenced putting new tubes in ship's boilers.
April 22. — Dacia's crew " signed off " at British Consul's
and a new crew shipped, only the officers, boatswain, and
carpenter of the old crew re-shipping.2
April 23 (Sunday). — Liberty ashore.3
April 24 to 28. — Transferring cable.
April 29. — Dacia's old crew left by German mail steamer for
April 30 (Sunday). — Boarded H.M.S. Myrmidon, and arranged
1 Now a telegraph engineer of great experience, in constant charge
of the Silvertown Company's Cable expeditions.
2 The period was over for which they had " signed on," and few
cared to risk a longer stay in the midst of such ill-luck, with death
constantly hanging over them. This loss of old hands, of course,
made things all the more difficult for Sir Charles.
3 This liberty to the new hands was, by reason of their agree-
ments, unavoidable.
for her to accompany the Dacia as escort whilst laying the
remaining sections. Came round Water Island in morning to
splice on to shore-end. Anchored in Gregorie Bay. Making all
ready for starting laying St. Kitts section.
May i, 1871, 8.40 a.m. — Anchor up and jib set. Started
paying out.
5.55 p.m. — Light off scale. 7.40, cut cable aft and passed it
to bows — fault at sea. Picked up slowly all night, having to
stop from time to time on strain becoming excessive, to get
the cable clear. Cable came up with the outer covering torn
off in some places and the wires abraded by rocks.
May 2. — Picking up slowly. Fault estimated at 22 miles
off ; by Blavier's test, 18 miles.
May 3, 9.55 a.m. — Sudden jerk on cable while coming
up easily. Eventually it came up quite slack, after the dynamo-
meter jumped. Found it had parted at the bottom, the end
being torn to pieces by rocks. Two hundred and eighty-four
fathoms came in after the break.
0.30 p.m., grapnel down on the bank, 28 fathoms. Grappling
with 74 fathoms of lines, including 30 fathoms of chain.
i p.m., bottom at 25 fathoms. 1.20., no bottom at 80.
Hauled in grapnel. Three prongs broken.
2.15 p.m., put down grapnel, 66 fathoms of rope and 30
fathoms of chain. 5.50 p.m., picked up grapnel. Three
prongs broken off, two broken in half.
6.25 p.m., lowered grapnel again, but strain very irregular,
and picked up at 7.30 with all the prongs gone.
8.2Op.m., grapnel down again. 9.10, up; one prong broken.
9.33 p.m., grapnel down. 10.25, hooked cable. 10.40, bight
of cable (intermediate) out of water. Buoyed St. Thomas end.
May 4, i a.m. — Commenced picking up sea-end of cable.
8.50 a.m., cable parted about a fathom inboard, coming in
much chafed, and wires gone in places.
May 6, 4.40 p.m. — Started paying out again, and signalled
Myrmidon " Steer E. by S. J S." u.iop.m., stopped for defect
in cable.
May 7, 5.40 p.m. — Started paying out again towards St.
Kitts. . . .
May 8, 10 p.m. — Nearing St. Kitts landing-place. Stopped
engines. 10.30, let go anchor in harbour.
May 9. — Sent testing-house on shore. Went out with Captains
Holder, R.N., and Dowell, to examine landing-place.
May 10. — House erected by Mr. Tarbutt and men.
Laid shore-end round Bluff Head, and completed St. Thomas-
St. Kitts (or St. Christopher) section.
May IT. — Started transferring cable. Went ashore to see
the Administrator.
May 1 8. — Mr. Matthew Gray arrived from England, accom-
panied by Admiral Dunlop ; the former came on board, the
latter went on to the Windward Islands.
May 24. — Schooner Queen came alongside to take in shore-
end for Antigua section.
May 25, 5.40 a.m. — Started from Basse Terre with the schooner
to land the Antigua shore-end.
3 p.m, shore-end landed. Sent Captain Dowell on board
schooner to join the homeward mail, invalided ; also the boat-
May 26, 3.25 a.m. — Started laying cable towards Antigua.
i.o p.m., stopped for slight fault.
4.0, having cut out fault, resumed paying out.
5.0, buoyed end of cable off Antigua landing-place.
5.20, anchored in Goat Hill Bay.
May 27. — Put up testing-house. Landed shore-end and
completed St. Kitts-Antigua section.
May 29. — Laid second shore-end (for Guadeloupe section)
and buoyed it.
8.30 p.m., started laying towards Guadeloupe, so as to
approach there at daylight.
May 30, 10 a.m. — Buoyed end of cable off Guadeloupe.
May 31. — Went into the country to see the Governor. Test-
ing-house erected.
June 2, 6.30 a.m. — Up anchor. Commenced coiling cable in
boats. Strong tide to N.W. delayed landing shore-end till 7.15
June 3. — Tarbutt arrived from St. Kitts in schooner Queen.
6.45 p.m., spliced on to shore-end, and started paying out
towards buoyed end of cable already laid from Antigua.
June 4, 11.13 a-m- — Reached buoy. 5 p.m, slipped final
splice Antigua-Guadeloupe section.
6.30 p.m., anchored in St. John's Harbour for the night.
June 5. — Went to English Harbour to arrange about coaling
there. Started transferring cable on board Dacia. Land line
not finished yet.
June 6 and 7. — Transferring cable.
June 8. — Dacia taking in coal at English Harbour. Mean-
while I stayed at St. John's with Colonel Menzies.
June 9. — Rejoined Dacia at English Harbour.
June ii. — Left English Harbour in Dacia at 5 p.m.
June 12. — Arrived at landing-place at daylight. 3.30 p.m.,
shore-end for next section (to Dominica) landed.
June 13, 1.30 a.m. — Started paying out towards Dominica,
so as to near there in daylight. 2.11 a.m., Saint's Island (the
westernmost island) abeam.
5 a.m., Dominica in sight.
Noon, stopped paying out and buoyed end of cable.
1. 10, anchored in 15 fathoms. Went in afternoon to select
exact landing-place and arrange with the Acting-Governor
about land-line.
June 14. — Testing-house sent on shore. Mr. Benest in charge
of working party.
June 15.— Testing-house erected, and trench for shore-end
June 16. — Anchor up first thing in the morning, and set on
for landing-place.
Noon, shore-end landed, and started laying forward buoyed
4 p.m, final splice lowered, thus putting through Antigua-
Dominian section. Back to anchorage off Government House.
June 17. — Transference and arranging of cable for next section
June 1 8 (Sunday). — Work continuing but very slowly, owing
to the necessity of employing black labour. Tarbutt arrived in
R.M.S. Mersey from Guadeloupe. Ball at the Governor's.
June 20. — Sent Currich to hospital. 4 p.m, landed shore-end
for Dominica-Martinique section.
(N.B. — Message during day that part of Silvertown Works
had been burnt down.)
June 24, 3.48 a.m. — Commenced paying out to Martinique.
ii. 20 a.m., close to Martinique. Stopped paying out.
In buoying end, the buoy got foul of the propeller (owing to
strong current), and sank.
Went into anchorage, placing cutter to mark position of sunken
Went on shore to the hotel in afternoon. Admiral Dunlop
June 25. — Sent away steam launch and two boats to grapple
for cable. Picked up, and buoyed end during day.
June 26. — Out in morning with Dacia. Landed shore-end ;
and put through Dominica-Martinique section, during day.
Arno arrived in evening. Admiral Dunlop and Mr. Gutteres
go in her to Guadeloupe.
June 28. — Landed shore-end for cable to St. Lucia.
Dejeuner given at the hotel by the town. M. Borde,
President of the Council, presided.
June- 29, 1.40 a.m. — Picked up buoyed shore-end, and started
laying towards St. Lucia. During night ship rolling and pitching
a good deal whilst paying out cable.
i p.m, off St. Lucia. Stopped paying out and buoyed cable.
Went into harbour and anchored.
June 30. — Made all ready for landing shore-end in Cul de
Sac Bay to-morrow.
July i. — Landed shore-end, and joined on to D.S. at buoy,
thus completing Martinique-St. Lucia section.
July 2. — Coaling all day.
July 3, 9.30 a.m. — Cast off from wharf in morning, and set
on to Cul de Sac Bay.
4.30 a.m., landed shore end for St. Lucia-St. Vincent section.
After buoying, returned to anchorage for English mail in the
evening. Admiral Dunlop and Mr. Gutteres on board. Former
goes on to Trinidad, latter to St. Vincent.
ii p.m., hove up anchor and set on for St. Vincent.1
july 4. — Anchored off Kingstown, St. Vincent, in 21 fathoms
of water.
Went in launch to Greathead Bay, Cane Garden Bay, and
Otley Hull Bay. Chose the latter.
July 7. — Landed shore-end ; also landed and buoyed the
Barbadoes shore-end.
July 8, 3.30 a.m. — Started laying back to St. Lucia. 8. am.,
in leaving the lee of the land and entering channel ship pitched
very much.
4 p.m., entering Cul de Sac Bay. 6.30 p.m, slipped final
splice with buoyed end and went into Castries Harbour.
July 9 (Sunday).- — Lunched with Governor Des Voeux, and
left in the evening for Forte de France, Martinique, to dock
the Dacia.
July 10, 6.30 a.m. — Arrived at Forte de France. Went
into docks.
3 p.m, went ashore with Mr. Gray and Sr. Lopez. Called
on the Governor.
July n. — Dock hands emptying dock and shoring ship.
Called on the Directeur d'Interieur. The Governor and
party on board the Dacia in the evening looking at the cable
and machinery.
July 12. — Dock hands still engaged on ship. Mr. Tarbutt
arrived from St. Vincent.
1 Before laying the cable between St. Lucia and St. Vincent it was
necessary to proceed to the latter to select the landing-place and
make other preliminary arrangements.
Went to the country house of the Governor near Balata — six
hours driving there, two hours back.
July 13. — Dock hands and crew engaged in scraping and
painting ship.
To a dinner-party at the Governor's in the evening.
July 14, 15 and 16. — Scraping and painting ship.
July 17. — Commenced letting water in dock at 0.45 p.m.
Dock full at 1.55.
2 p.m., started warping out. 4.30 p.m., anchored in har-
6.15 p.m., accounts settled. Cast off from buoys, and set
on for Barbadoes.
July 18, 4 p.m. — Anchored off Bridgetown, Barbadoes.
July 19. — Called on Governor Rawson * and General Munro.
Dined with the latter. The former pressed me to make a stay
at Government House, but I fear that will be impossible.
Started taking over cable from Benledi.
July 30. — Suffolk arrived with Edward on board, besides a
fresh supply of grappling rope and grapnels.
August i. — Went with Edward and Gray to examine possible
landing-places. Selected a site.
E.B. and self dined with the Governor.
4 p.m., got under way and set on for Demerara, to arrange
for landing cable there.
August^, 5 p.m. — Arrived off Georgetown, Demerara.
Went ashore to Beckwith's Hotel. Mr. Mason called.
August 6. Went to inspect the proposed landing-place.
August 7. — Mail day.
August 8. — Saw Babington.
August 9. — Looked at various other points for landing the
August 10. — Suffolk in at 3 p.m.
1 Then Governor-in-Chief of the Windward Isles, with head-
quarters at Barbadoes, and afterwards Sir Rawson W. Rawson,
K.C.M.G., C.B.
•> 3 C
be S.) Nothing in sight.
11.30, lightship bearing S.W., about 3 miles distant.
Noon, waited for tide. (High water at 5.38 p.m.)
3.50 p.m., resumed paying out up the river Demerara.
Soundings, 17 ft., and ship drawing u ft. 6 in. aft, 9 ft. for-
5.12, cable end buoyed, and a can buoy put on bight. 5.15,
returned to Georgetown.
N.B. — Admiralty chart 533 of Demerara River not reliable ;
several inaccuracies.
August 18. — As we could not get nearer than within 10 miles,
arranged with the Governor for the use of the Governor Mundy
schooner for landing the rest of the cable in the very shallow
water. Had to get her cleared out and prepared for receiving
August 20 (Sunday). — Cable all coiled in hold of schooner.
August 21. — Started at daylight landing shore-end from
schooner (Governor Mundy) , steamer Stirling assisting. Hard at
it all day. Governor Scott with me during part of the work.
100 convicts assisting on shore cutting trench and hauling.
Great difficulty in getting so heavy a cable 1 through the mud,
about the consistency of cream. Knocked off work at dusk.
August 22, 9.20 a.m. — Landed end on Sophia Estate, 3 miles
from Georgetown. During afternoon made splice with cable
previously laid.
August 23. — St. Vincent-Barbadoes cable laid from Dacia.
August 24. — Suffolk laying cable further out from the buoy,
ready for the Dacia to continue the section between here and
Trinidad, after turning over cable.
August 25. — Went to Berbice (New Amsterdam), with Mr.
Gray and Mr. Cox, to inspect the route of the land-line towards
Surinam, which connects on to Cayenne.
6 p.m., arrived at Berbice. Went to Britton's Hotel.
After inspecting the land-line and station, the Dacia
being well employed for some days taking in fresh cable,
1 No less than thirty-five miles of the heavy shore-end type had
to be laid — owing to the shallowness of the approach for a long
distance, and the liability of ships anchoring over the route.
Sir Charles — whilst at Berbice — appears to have accepted
an invitation from the genial head of the Colonial Police
(Colonel Fraser) to accompany him on the Government
schooner during a round of inspection, extending to a trip
up the River Corentyn, where it was necessary to take to
canoes paddled by natives.
Game was met with at first ; but on getting higher up
the river the nearly naked aborigines in the interior drove
all the deer, etc., away. Some of the provisions having
been capsized out of a canoe, it became necessary to shoot
and cook the large lizards (iguana), which proved anything
but bad eating. They are desperately ugly, with greenish
brown wrinkled skins, forbidding snouts, and serrated
backs : they taste, however, very like rabbit or fowl.
While on this expedition Sir Charles killed a tremendous
boa constrictor (or anaconda) by a shot through the head.
It was hauled up to the branch of a tree by a noosed rope,
and was still wriggling the following day. None of the
natives would go near it, but a negro servant was slung
up and took the skin off, measuring 23 feet.
To return again to the diary :—
August 26. — Started in revenue schooner Petrel, at 3 p.m.,
accompanied by Messrs. Cox, Gray, and Godfrey. Anchored
at Bannaboo, near the mouth of the Corentyn River, at night.
August 27. — Left at ii a.m. with the rising tide.
August 28, 7 a.m.— Arrived at Orealla. Landed and went
out on the Savannah shooting. Returned at 9 ; too hot. Went
out again at 5 p.m. for an hour.
August 29. — Out at 5.30 a.m. Left in boats for Siparota at 2.50
p.m. ; arrived there at 6.15. Swung our hammocks in the
Indian lodges.
August 30. — Off in morning through the woods. Breakfasted
in an Indian lodge six miles off. Got back to camp at night.
August 31. — Started at 10 a.m. in boats for the schooner.
Beat two islands for deer on the way.
September i. — Anchored off Phillips' (collector's) Station. Left
at 9 a.m., and anchored for night at Three Sisters Island.
September 2. — Arrived off the police station at entrance to
Corentyn River early in the morning. Had to wait for the tide
till night for crossing the bar.
September 3 (Sunday). — Arrived off Georgetown in morning.
Left with Mr. Gray in the French steamer Guyane for Trinidad
(Port of Spain) in afternoon.
September 4. — Arrived at Port of Spain at np.m., and went
to Madame Pantin's Hotel.
September 5. — Dacia arrived in the morning. Edward, Cap-
tain Hunter, and Sr. Lopez came to the hotel.
September 6. — Called on Governor Longley. On board at
noon. Busy there rest of day.
September 7. — Transferring cable.
(Mr. Gutteres informs me that the St. Thomas-St. Kitts
cable has been damaged in the harbour of the latter place, during
the recent hurricane, by ships dragging their anchors.)
September 8. — Mails made up for England. Sent home Benest,
Baxter, and Lopez — all more or less invalided.
Left for Moruga (the proposed landing-place for the southern
cable) at night.
September 9. — Passed through Serpent's Mouth in morning.
Off Moruga at 2 p.m. Went ashore and examined landing-place
Started back for Demerara at 5 p.m.
September 10 (Sunday).— Weather fine. Off Venezuelan coast.
Divine service on quarter-deck.
September n.— Arrived off the Demerara light-ship, and
anchored near her at 10 p.m.
At this stage Blight's diary may be left, as the laying
of the subsequent cables did not follow in ready sequence.
It suffices, however, to say that within a month the remain-
ing sections were laid. These connected up the islands of
Trinidad, Grenada, and Barbadoes with the rest of the
telegraphic system.
At Trinidad, the Demerara cable was landed at the
south-east corner of the island ; while the continuing section
northwards to Grenada was taken from Maccaripe Bay. The
connection to Port of Spain (the capital) on the west side,
was made by means of a long land-line. A great part of
this was erected through a dense forest of more than fifty
miles, which had to be cleared away by a small army of wood-
cutters, for a width of at least forty feet, for a considerable
On the completion of the various sections connecting up
the Windward Islands and British Guiana, we find Sir
Charles leaving for St. Thomas, which was reached on
October I2th.
After at last bringing to a successful issue this chain of
cables, Bright became so weak from recurrent attacks of
malarious fever that his medical adviser peremptorily
ordered him to England for some months at least. Thus,
he very reluctantly took the mail from St. Thomas 1 a week
1 He was, in fact, in so exhausted a conditon that he had to be
carried on board the steamer.
The doctor had expressed himself strongly that he would not
answer for his life if he stayed ; indeed, his health and constitution
were seriously undermined, and he suffered the ill effects for the
remainder of his Ijfe,
after his arrival there, leaving his brother, with Captain
Edward Hunter, R.N.,1 and Mr. Leslie Hill, to go on grap-
pling for the lost cable between Jamaica and Puerto Rico,
as well as that between Jamaica and Colon.
These West Indian cables have always given a deal of
trouble, owing not only to the unfavourable character of
the bottom, but also to frequent attacks at the hands —
or, rather, at the snouts — of saw and sword-fishes, not to
mention the teredo, previously referred to.
Adventures and Reminiscences
The expedition was naturally greeted on the successful
completion of each section with the greatest enthusiasm.
Island after island was en fete, and a more hospitable race
than the West Indian cannot be found.
It would be impossible to enumerate all the attentions
shown to Sir Charles and the members of the Telegraph
Squadron. The civil and military chiefs vied with one
another in making pleasant the frequent intervals of per-
haps weeks on shore that had to be spent while shifting
cable from the depot vessels to the laying steamers, fitting
up the stations, and connecting with them the cables and
necessary land-lines.
Jamaica, as the principal centre of the cables (from
north, east, and south), was — for a considerable part of
1 H.M.S. Vestal had been paid off, and thus the gallant Captain
was available,
the enterprise — the main rendezvous for transhipping, coal
ing, and provisioning ; so more was seen and experienced
of that island and its inhabitants than of others. In the
official circles frequent entertainments were given by the
Governor, Sir John Peter Grant, aided by his able aide-de-
camp, Major (afterwards Sir Owen) Lanyon, the son of
Sir Peter Lanyon, an old Belfast friend of Sir Charles', as
well as by the chief of the forces, Col. Sir Henry Johnston,
Bart., and Sir John Lucie Smith, the Chief Justice of the
island. Among the many leaders in the island who made
time pass pleasantly for the members of the cable squadron
were General Munro, the Commander-in-Chief, with Colonel
Harman (afterwards Sir George Harman, K.C.B.) the
Adjutant-General, and Col. Chesney, R.E. (later General
Sir George Chesney, K.C.B., M.P.), Major W. W. Lynch, of
the Queen's Royals, and Captain Gordon, R.A.
The Griefs of Grappling
It now remained for Sir Charles' brother Edward, as-
sisted by Capt. Hunter and Mr. Leslie Hill, to recover and
" put through " the two lost cables— between Jamaica
and Puerto Rico on the one hand and Jamaica and Colon
on the other.
The following extracts from letters from Mr. Edward
Bright by way of report to his brother indicate the diffi-
culties to be contended with : —
$th November, 1871.
. . . We started this afternoon, but have been absolutely
stuck here by one of the engineers (4th) and an assistant hot
joining, added to the loss of poor Stephenson (2nd) . . . The
3rd engineer is drunk. Mr. Stoddart cannot, of course, take
charge of the engines with one assistant ; so we are in a fix, and
shall probably lose a clear day by Wheeler being on shore. I
have therefore wired you to send us at once a 2nd and 4th
Hilliard had previously written Glover's (by this mail) about
a 2nd officer coming out. Arrange with Norwood's and Glover's.
We must not let ourselves be stuck ; that would be as bad as
the old jointer business. Tarbutt is better to-day. . . .
24th November, 1871.
. . . Since I last wrote I have no success to report, as we have
had bad weather nearly every day, with too heavy a sea to
On the 6th, we grappled from 2 m. N. to 10 m. S. of the buoy,
with a S.W. drift. Three prongs of grapnel injured.
7th and 8th. — Grappled from 18*5 lat. N., 75-37 long. W.
Took two grapnels up at night, 3.30 a.m. Two prongs bent
on after grapnel; sounded 960 fathoms, yellow mud | •? \.
8th.— Continued grappling from {~Lo| to {75-44} with one
large grapnel. Prongs slightly bent.
9th.— From S. to N, {*7^}> strain on at {75-37} Pick up>
loth. — Sounded 1,340 fms. shell sand |l8 6|, grapple from
l8' 9}. Stuck at {l8i 21. Picked up. Chalk on chain and
/ u «3 i / 0 T~0
nth. — Grappled from j1 '\. Went a long way to west-
ward and picked up.
12 th. — Too rough to grapple or sound.
I3th. — Went into Port Morant.
I4th. — Wind moderated. Put out in afternoon.
i5th. — At buoy 6.30 a.m. Go 5 m. E. and 4 m. N. Broke
sounding line ; apparently very shallow, about 350 faths. Tried
to grapple, but could not get ship S., owing to a westerly set
of two knots. Grappled S. to N. from ] ~ I to 1
i6th. — Grapnel down j1 * |; obliged to take it up. Heavy
sea, and half a gale. This state of affairs increasing, we went
into Port Morant.
i8th and igth. — Wind still on.
20th. — Steamed to Narvasso. Wind still strong. Heavy swell.
Got lost buoy from there (previously got one from Caymaros
by schooner), so now three large buoys ready.
2ist. — Went to Kingston. Strong wind and heavy sea.
We leave to-day after coaling. I have wired for more of
Massey's deep-sea registers. Only one left, which had to be
We have had to invalid Tarbutt. Chronic dysentery and liver
complaint. He's very thin and ill. Do what you can to get
him fresh work. . . .
Once, when Captain Hunter and Mr. Bright were stand-
ing on the " bow baulks " of the Dacia, grappling for the
Puerto Rico cable in deep water, the grapnel suddenly
hitched on a rock ; and before the ship could be checked
a strain of over twenty tons came on the rope, which
broke inboard close to the dynamometer with a shower of
sparks. The end whirled overboard bet ween them as they
stood scarce a foot apart, but luckily without striking
either one or the other.
As a further illustration of what had to be contended
with, about forty grapnels were broken or bent in the
recovery of this and the Colon cable, besides the loss of
several grappling ropes.
As soon as Sir Charles' health had sufficiently recovered,
he returned to this scene of trouble.
At the moment when the mishap first occurred to the
Puerto Rico- Jamaica cable, Sir Charles and his brother
made careful sketches of the outline and appearance of
the Jamaica mountains in the distance, so as to give a
clue to the bearings of the spot. This could not, however,
be very accurately discriminated, though some angles
were also taken. Had it been the era of the " kodak "
the relations of the mountains and their slopes would have
been so accurately defined as to have materially assisted
the subsequent search.
The broken Colon- Jamaica cable had now to be taken
in hand. It was, unfortunately, in very deep water.
Moreover, considerable uncertainty existed as to its posi-
tion ; for it will be remembered that thick weather had
prevented observations for some time prior to the mishap,
while trying to recover a fault in deep water about 320
miles from Colon. Much rough weather was again experi-
enced, the Dacia being frequently driven for refuge to the
lee of Serrano and Roncador Cays, or to Old Providence
Island, for days — and even weeks — together.
While engaged grappling for the Colon cable, the Dacia
was caught in a violent cyclone, which came on suddenly and
whipped her clean round in an incredibly short time — tear-
ing the stay-sails to ribbons, clearing away the aft awning
(which there was not time to furl), and taking the port
quarter boat right out of the davits, which were bent
into most curious shapes. However — except for pitching
about those on board in a disagreeable sort of way — no
actual harm was done.
In grappling it was the custom to attach a light chain
with a long swab to the ring at the back of the grapnel.
Thus, what was broken off the ground or rooted up by the
prongs in front was enveloped by the swab as it rolled
over and over, and a good idea of the nature of the bottom
was thereby obtained. After the weariness of eight or
ten hours' drifting without touching the cable, there was
always something to look forward to when the hour or so
of winding up had brought the grapnel on deck. First of
all the state of the prongs was a matter of interest. Then
there was its companion, the six-foot swab, enveloping in-
fusoria, coral, and shells in its long tangles— collecting, like
some octopus, whatever the prongs had detached.
A number of unique specimens were secured in this
way, including many varieties of the lovely network-like
lace of 'Venus' bouquet-holder," or "flower basket"
(euplectella), with numerous net coral cups, besides black
coral and other varieties. The ooze consisted, as usual,
of the microscopic skeletons of infusoria, globigerince,
diatomacce, etc.
Apart from the vast difference in the climates, fishing
for a cable in the soft ooze forming the so-called " tele-
graph plateau " at the bottom of the North Atlantic was
child's play to the work entailed in recovering this line
between the west end of Haiti and Holland Bay, Jamaica,
where the bottom is mostly volcanic, and certainly one of
the roughest in the world. The soundings, that had been
made some five or ten miles apart, gave very little idea of
the real state of things ; for between one sounding and the
next, perhaps half a dozen unknown declivities would be
found to exist — and there was certainly no "telegraph
plateau " in these parts.1
Homeward Bound
On leaving Jamaica, the International proceeded to San-
tiago de Cuba. Here Sir Charles and his brother were
cordially received by Consul and Mrs. Ramsden ; and they
then proceeded, via Batabano, to Havana. Before leaving,
Sir Charles gave a picnic, some of the leading officials
being invited. The scene selected for the picnic was
a lovely plateau on a hill near Havana, shaded by the
1 Bearing in mind that the Thomson steel-wire sounding
apparatus had not then been introduced, the number of sound-
ings taken compare favourably with what had been done elsewhere
at this period.
luxuriant foliage of the island, and commanding a beautiful
Whilst in this neighbourhood, Charles Bright visited
the tobacco plantations of Don Jose di Cabarga, a well-
known manufacturer of the best Havana cigars, who had
a special brand named " Sir Charles Bright regalias." x
Perhaps the most curious sight here was a large enclosure
with about a dozen detached cottages, given up to those
slave-wives anticipating family increase. They were given
no work to do, were looked after by a competent medical
man, and had excellent food provided for them. Sir
Charles and his brother had, of course, to allow themselves
to be nominated as godfathers, and their names were given
to a few of the already existing babies.
After a few days, the brothers took steamer to New
Orleans. Thence they journeyed up the Mississippi in one
of the " Palace Steamers." The lower part of the great river
was quite uninteresting, mostly bordered by mud banks,
into which the steamer every now and again had to poke its
nose to receive bales of cotton — and passengers — and to dis-
charge goods. The journey was not very pleasantly passed.
The national games of "euchre" and "poker" were being
played all about the saloon, and all night long ; and as
the players did not attempt to moderate their somewhat
coarse voices, a lively time resulted for those in the state
At various points, very light railways with small trucks,
1 After Sir Charles' return from the West Indies, " Don Jose "
made a habit of sending him every year a case of these.
came down from the plantation villages — generally located
on rising ground at a distance, so as to escape floods. It was
notified that all passengers were expected to provide
themselves with clench nails, in order to help to re-fasten
the rails if any got loose on the trip ! These light rail-
ways were nicknamed " huckleberry " lines, because, as
hurry was unknown, the trains would pull up in the ripe
season to let the negro women get out and pick the huckle-
berries here and there.
Every one knows what " skimming dishes " the creek
steamers are, often drawing only a few inches of water ;
but the skipper, being " on the burst " with Mississippi
yarns, asserted that in one very shallow " bayou " there
was a " stern- wheeler " so light that a heavy dew on the
grass was enough for it to pass over !
Our travellers were glad to go on by rail from Vicksburg
in a Pullman car, though on one of the worst-made lines
they had ever met with— a sort of corduroy road through
forests and round spurs of mountains. They had happily
secured a special compartment at the very tail of the train,
which afforded fine views. The train oscillated so much
that the voyagers were soon literally rocked to sleep !
The smallest incident was a relief from the monotony
of the Mississippi. At one point they were roused by a
plaintive but subdued howl of " Hi ! Boss ! Boss ! ! " accom-
panied by a faint odour, not unlike singed india-rubber.
On going out to the rear division where the stove was, the
cry was found coming from the large "grille" that sur-
rounded it. On opening the lattice door a little nigger
boy tumbled out half-grilled and fainting ; but a douche
of water revived him. He turned out to be a " stow-
away " who had crept in there with the double object
of warmth and concealment ; but as the train went on,
the draught increased the heat, till at last he was forced
to cry out, being half-roasted alive. It was arranged
with the conductor to take the lad to his destination — and
without cooking him any more.
On arriving at New York in February, 1873, suitable
thick garments required to be bought " ready-made." Each
pair of trousers had a deep pocket behind, the explana-
tion of its use in these parts being that it was customary
for every man to carry a bowie knife.
The trip was prolonged into Canada, and the Niagara
Falls were seen in their extraordinary winter mantle of
ice and snow. The Falls were passed under with icy
" stalactites " of eighty to one hundred feet hanging over
the ledge. It was a great change from the 85° of the West
Indies, the temperature being down to 30° below zero, or
62° of frost.
After returning to New York, Sir Charles and his brother
had an uncommonly rough passage home in the White
Star mail steamer Atlantic. This happened to be her final
voyage before being wrecked.
And here ends the story of the West Indian cable expedi-
tions— the last expedition which Sir Charles accompanied
or took an active part in.
QHORTLY after Sir Charles Bright's final return from
^^ the West Indies in 1873, the family took up quarters
in a new town house at South Kensington — No. 20, Bolton
About this time Sir Charles embarked on a book on
electrical and telegraphic matters. It was, however,
set on one side shortly after. Up to his last days, he
expressed an intention of completing this work ; but,
like many other busy men, he never found an opportunity
of realising his hopes, or, indeed, of doing much literary
work of any sort. The fact is, though writing extremely
concise and clear reports and addresses, his characteristic
ability lay more in the direction of carrying out practical
work. He was not one of those engineers who have con-
tributed largely to the literature of their subjects, being
indeed, a man of actions rather than of words.
He had, however, a more complete collection of electrical
literature than was contained in any individual library.
Sir Charles' library contained many works not included in
the famous collection of the late Sir Francis Ronalds,
afterwards presented to the Institution ' of Electrical
Engineers. Moreover, he had kept up, from the very
beginning, a collection of press-cuttings referring to tele-
graphy, or electrical matters generally. This collection
has since been continued by the author, the twelfth bulky
volume having now been reached. Probably no similar
collection can be seen elsewhere.
Bright had only been home a short time when he became
interested with Count d'Oksza — a prominent Spanish gentle-
man * to whom we have already referred — in a project
for telegraphically uniting Spain with her Canary Island
possessions and with extensions down the West African
Coast.2 This eventually culminated in the formation of
the Spanish National Telegraph Company — promoted by
the Silvertown Company — with subsidies from the Spanish
and French Governments, whose system extends as far as
the latter's colony of St. Louis, in Senegal. The extension
to the Cape was afterwards carried out, with the help of
subsidies from the French, Portuguese and British Govern-
ments, on the condition that the cable landed at some
of their respective colonies en route. These sections were
partly laid by the Silvertown Company, and partly by
the Telegraph Construction Company.
1 Of Polish extraction, his full name was Count Thaddeus Orze-
chowski !
2 Whilst in Spain, connected with the above negotiations, Sir
Charles visited Lisbon — partly to see the Portuguese authorities
concerning the proposed cable to Cape Verde Isles, and partly with
regard to tramways. Thus, in The Times of May 23, 1873, we find
a news telegram as follows : —
"Lisbon, May 22.— Sir Charles Bright gave a banquet last night
in honour of the British Minister, at which many persons of note
were present."
Land Telegraphs
Transfer to the State
A S we have seen, the Telegraph Act for the settlement
•*••*• of terms with the Companies was passed in 1868.
In the following year, the Telegraph Purchase and Regula-
tions Act (for the administration of Government service)
became law.
Up to this time our Government was the only one, be-
sides that of the United States, which had not undertaken
the erection and control of the country's system of tele-
graphs. When the transfer took place it was after thirty-
three years' working by private enterprise. During
this long period those engaged in the undertaking had
provided the capital and incurred all the risk, besides
developing the telegraph system into a highly lucrative
business. Thus, it was but natural that the Companies
should show no desire to part with the systems they had
The above-mentioned Government Bill was brought
forward somewhat suddenly, and without giving the Com-
panics any particulars beforehand. The indecent haste
with which this matter was pressed may be gathered from
the following extract from a pamphlet entitled Government
the Telegraphs (Effingham Wilson, 1868) :—
On Wednesday, the ist April, 1868, the new Chancellor of the Ex-
chequer, Mr. Ward Hunt, appeared at the table of the House of
Commons to move for leave to introduce one of those anomalous
measures known in Parliamentary phraseology as " hybrid "
bills (i.e. public bills affecting private rights), to enable Her
Majesty's Postmaster-General to acquire, work, and maintain
Electric Telegraphs. . . . Mr. Ward Hunt rose to ask leave to
introduce this Bill at twenty-five minutes before six o'clock.
The House of Commons adjourns its Wednesday discussions at
a quarter before six o'clock. The Chancellor of the Exchequer
had, therefore, only ten minutes to develop " the objects " of
the Bill. Having fully exhausted those ten minutes, the Speaker
intimated that the hour for terminating the discussion had
Mr. Milner Gibson and Sir Charles Bright rose to address the
House ; but they were too late even to ask a question or obtain
an answer — much less to raise any discussion on the principle
of the measure.
The Bill, as at first framed, was very arbitrary, and
practically looked like confiscation ; but in view of the
strong opposition of the Companies, the Post Office authori-
ties l came to better terms.
A Parliamentary Committee was eventually appointed
to deal with the matter — consisting of the Chancellor of
the Exchequer, Mr. Goschen, and others ; and this Com-
mittee then proceeded to thoroughly thrash out the con-
1 The late Lord John Manners was at that time Postmaster-
General, Sir Arthur Blackwood being the first Secretary.
ditions of the bill. Sir Charles was at the time in the
West Indies, but the Committee secured expert evidence
from his brother (on behalf of the " Magnetic " Company),
as well as from the following witnesses : — Mr. F. I.
Scudamore, one of the Secretaries of the Post Office ; Mr.
Henry Weaver, Secretary to the Electric and International
Telegraph Company ; Mr. R. S. Culley, Engineer to the
" Electric " Company ; and Mr. Latimer Clark. Another
important witness was Mr. H. Foster, C.B., of the Treasury
On the Post Office authorities actually taking over
the lines in 1870, they at once established a universal
rate for telegrams throughout the United Kingdom.
One of the benefits of the change was the rapid extension
of the system to small towns, and even outlying villages,
which until then had no telegraph. This policy was, of
course, forced upon the Government. They could not,
like the Companies, consider whether a station at any
given place would " pay " or not. Partly as a result of
this, the State, unlike the Companies, works the telegraphs
at a loss in this country — although the amount of this loss
is a diminishing quantity each year.
Railway and Government Arbitration
On returning from their arduous and exhausting work
in the West Indian tropics, Sir Charles and his brother
were in immediate request by the Railway Companies,
who were engaged in important arbitrations with the
Post Office authorities as to the value of their interest
in the Telegraphs, on account of the purchase and transfer
to Government of the Telegraph Companies' system just
referred to.
The Railways were concerned in a variety of ways. In
some instances the Telegraph Companies paid considerable
sums to certain Railways for mere way-leave. For ex-
ample, the South-Eastern used to receive nearly £2,000 a
year under this head from the Magnetic Company alone,
besides dividing the message receipts when collected at,
or delivered from, the railway stations. In other cases
the Railways had their telegraphing and signalling per-
formed by the Telegraph Companies ; and, again, in
others, the Railway Company had the use of the telegraph
as a set-off against the way-leave. The railways, of course,
offered a better protected route for the wires than the
highways, and were free from the chance of injury by
falling trees in storms. The value of this beneficial in-
terest may be gathered from the fact that while the Tele-
graph Companies obtained £5,847,347 for the whole of
their lines, stations, and plant, the Railways received
for their interest in the message business and way-leaves
Mr. R. Price-Williams, C.E., the eminent railway cal-
culator, had very ably worked out the figures for the Rail-
ways ; and — conjointly with Mr. Latimer Clark, as the
former Engineer of the " Electric " Company — Sir Charles
and Edward Bright put together the sort of evidence that
was needed. For some years the brothers were more or
less engaged in attending as witnesses in the many necessarily
lengthy arbitration cases. In the above arbitrations the
Right Hon. J. Stuart-Wortley, M.P., was umpire, with
Mr. F. J. Bramwell, C.E.,1 and Mr. Henry Weaver as
arbitrators. These railway assessment cases were admir-
ably conducted by Mr. Samuel Pope, Q.C., the famous
railway advocate, while Mr. R. E. Webster2 led on the
other side.
During the various arbitrations, patent cases, and law-
suits generally, in which Sir Charles was engaged from
time to time, he used — even when vitally concerned — to
vary the proceedings by taking sketches in court, which
afforded some amusement.
1 Afterwards Sir Frederick Bramwell, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S.
2 Now Lord Alverstone, G.C.M.G., Lord Chief Justice of England-
A T several periods of his life Sir Charles had shown a
-^^ predilection for mining. It attracted him from
the scientific, as well as the adventurous point of view-
combining as it did chemistry, geology, and mechanics.
Thus, in 1861, he and his brother had taken up the ex-
ploitation of a mine in the Valgodemard Dauphine of the
south of France. This contained veins of grey copper,
i.e. copper ore carrying silver. The mine was worked by
the Brights from 1862 to 1865, but eventually the mineral
proved too refractory for profitable working. It had been
originally brought to the notice of Sir Charles by Mr. E. B.
Webb, C.E. This was Bright's first professional connec-
tion with Mr. Webb, but for many years — up to the time
of the latter's death — a firm friendship existed between
The valley in which the Valgodemard mine was situated
was exceedingly beautiful. During the working of the
mine a claim of 40 francs was made for a very young
walnut tree — a mere sapling — which had to be removed
in making a watercourse. On it being pointed out that
the sapling was not worth even a franc, the owner replied :
' That may be so now, but it would have grown into a
fine tree ! " This novel form of argument did not, how-
ever, prevail with the small local tribunal at Roux, which
awarded the greedy old man — much to his chagrin-
just the franc deposited by the Valgodemard Company.
Sir Charles' next mining interest was that of the New
Mansfield Company. This was formed about 1864 to
work some extensive alluvial deposits of low-grade copper
ore, near Klausthal, in the Hartz Mountains. Mr. Webb
was again a partner in this venture with the Brights.
When Sir Charles first visited the New Mansfield mine
he was very warmly received by Professor Bruno Kerl
(of the great German College near by) and other important
persons, who pressed him so much with " chopins " of
strong beer that he began to think they had designs upon
his head ! l On a couple of the professors paying a return
visit, they indulged freely in some port at the works, and
became so much affected that when they wanted to go
back to Klausthal at night Sir Charles thought it better
to have them driven twice round the mining district, and
then to bed at New Mansfield. Here, to their great aston-
ishment, they awoke next morning.
Then came the Croscombe lead mines, in Somersetshire.
These proved a heavy loss to Sir Charles. He was chair-
man of the company — an unlimited one — formed about
1 Bright had been warned by his mining associates that the good
folks of Klausthal had a reputation for plying their English visitors
with more than enough of their somewhat " heady " beer !
1865. The failure occurred during 1867, whilst he was
busily engaged with House of Commons committees. Sir
Hussey Vivian, M.P.,1 was also on the board of directors,
but the brunt of the loss fell on Sir Charles.
Soon, however, Bright was destined to have a still closer
and more definite connection with mines and mining.
About the year 1868 he foresaw that, as the engineering
and electrical science with telegraphy was becoming better
understood with each new undertaking, professional services
would gradually become less valuable and less sought
after. Then, too, the manufacturing firms — since becoming
limited liability companies — had acquired a staff which
rendered them capable of contracting for the submersion,
as well as for the construction, of cables. This being so,
Bright determined that he must cast his net wider in the
profession of civil engineering. Thus, a little later, he em-
barked on more general and independent consulting practice,
to which larger profits were attached. In this, his brother,
Edward, was associated with him.
1 Sir Hussey Vivian (subsequently first Lord Swansea) was an
old friend of Sir Charles' ; and when his big chemical and smelting
works at Swansea and Birmingham were being converted into a
company in 1883, Bright took up a considerable interest therein.
The Servian Mines
In the middle of 1873 the advantages of the mining
domain of Kucaina, in Servia, were brought before Sir
Charles and his brother by Mr. J. E. Tenison Woods, who
had formerly — on behalf of the Daily News — been with
Bright on H.M.S. Agamemnon during the laying of the first
Atlantic cable, and was subsequently one of his assistants
in carrying out the first telegraph to India, via the Persian
Gulf. He had been recently engaged near Kucaina, at
Tischivitscha on the Danube — a place that can only be
pronounced by a sound resembling that of sneezing.
Kucaina was interesting, not only from the richness of
the lead ore — which held a considerable amount both of
gold and silver — but in its ancient history. It had
been largely worked by the Romans, who had left the
remains of a castle partly built with large stones of calamine
ore, containing some silver, which was taken out and
smelted. The Romans had, seemingly, also had hot-air
baths, or calidaria, here. These were excavated by the
Brights, when some grassy mounds were being dug
into for foundations for mining buildings. They were
found with the wood ashes and soot in the flues under
the stone benches, just as fresh as when this mining settle-
ment was broken up after Trajan's time. In another
neighbouring spot were the remains of a mediaeval Vene-
tian church with the peculiar apse. Underneath this an
ancient smelting floor was found, with a quantity of silver
in the interstices. The formation was friable porphyry,
in conjunction with indurated limestone, in which the
ore was found. There were many thousands of ancient
shafts distributed over miles of surface ; but the Romans,
Venetians, and, later on, the Austrians, had been beaten
by the water at a comparatively small depth below the
valley level — although there were many remnants of ancient
buckets and other contrivances, with the usual earthen-
ware mining lamps, etc. From the archives at Belgrade
it is clear that the Venetians in the i6th century had paid
the ancient kings of Servia no less a tribute than 500,000
ducats a year (a ducat being equivalent to gs. 6d. of our
money now, but worth many times more then) for the
privilege of exploiting this and several other mineral
districts. The vast heaps of slag from their smelting
furnaces all over the Kucaina and other mining regions
show that the ancients went vigorously to work.
After careful examination of the district and tests of
the ore by Messrs. Johnson and Matthey, Sir Charles and
his brother decided to take up these mines. A little later
they sent out pumps, steam-engines and compressed air
borers, together with several experienced Cornish miners.
Various arrangements had to be made with the Servian
Government relating to the mining rights, royalties,
and other privileges, which were conducted with the Finance
Minister, M. Chedomille Mijatovich, who showed every
consideration and kindness to Sir Charles and Edward
Bright. The brothers subsequently made a holiday stay
with M. Mijatovich.
In their frequent business at Belgrade they also visited
Prince Milan (subsequently the King) at his Konak, or
palace. On the occasion of Sir Charles' first trip to Servia
he was accompanied by his eldest son, John Brails ford,
shortly after the latter had left Winchester.1
Messrs. Bright arranged with Mr. Felix Hoffmann (the
former owner) who knew the district thoroughly, to carry
on the work for a time under their supervision. He was
an able mining engineer, though not much acquainted
with modern English or American machinery. The influx
of water that had baffled him — in a shaft sunk some forty
fathoms by a small Austrian syndicate — was at once dealt
with by the new pumps.
The ore thus produced was very rich, yielding — with
50 to 80 per cent, of lead — from one to four ounces of gold,
and 20 to 100 ounces of silver to the ton of rough stuff.
This was dried in a reverberatory furnace sufficiently
to drive off the moisture and a small part of the sulphur,
and then shipped across the Danube from Gradishtie
to Bazias in Hungary. Then the railway took it to the
Royal Saxon Smelting Works at Freiberg, near Dresden,
where it " fetched " from £20 to £30 per ton. A con-
signment was sent to Vivian's at Swansea, but the returns
were not as good as those of Freiberg, where they ap-
peared to understand better the treatment of this peculiar
During 1874 and 1875 — on the strength of good results-
Sir Charles and Edward extended the works, building
large stores. They also erected good stone and brick
1 On his return, this son went to Balliol College, Oxford ; and
after taking his degree, was called to the Bar (Inner Temple).
houses— in fact, a regular little colony — for the accommoda-
tion of the officers and miners, about 200 of whom were
allowed by the Austrian Government to come to the colony
across the Danube, with their families. Mr. J. E. T. Woods
—and subsequently Captain J.E. Hunter, R.N., who had
previously co-operated with the brothers in their West
Indian cable work — assisted in the management. Others
of the staff took part in this mining undertaking and in
the analysis of the ore from the various workings — notably
Mr. Leslie Hill and Mr. Percy Tarbutt, afterwards a mining
engineer of eminence and a director of several African
and Australian mining companies.
The two brothers were greatly pleased with the country,
and also enjoyed their work ; they made yearly a couple
of stays of three months each, during which they superin-
tended the mining operations, both above and below ground.
When special supervision was not needed at the works
there was no difficulty in passing away the time. There
were generally some friends out on a visit, including
Sir Charles' brother-in-law, Mr. Robert John Taylor, as
well as Mr. E. B. Webb and Mr. H. Meissner and others, to
form riding parties to explore the forests, and, sometimes,
to hunt and shoot.
The domain comprised about eight square miles ; while
the seignorial and timber-cutting rights extended over
sixty square miles— nearly all of virgin forest. This formed
the commencement of an enormous tract stretching for
nigh upon a thousand miles through Servia and Bulgaria
towards the south-west along the range of the Balkan
Mountains, as far as the Black Sea. The principal tenants
were wolves, deer, and wild boar, besides the hazel huhn,
quail, and very big hares.
During his various stays in Servia, Sir Charles wrote a
number of letters home, to his wife and others. Although
mostly of a domestic nature, the following serves to describe
an experience of some interest :—
July igth, 1875.
... I have a chance of writing to-day by a wagon, so I send
you this little note. . . .
Yesterday I went to a place outside our land — about two and
a half hours' ride — where the Archbishop was consecrating a
new church. His chaplain had been here paying a visit with
three other priests, and asked us to come.
The Archbishop was in church when we arrived, and the cere-
mony was half over, as we were a little late in starting. After-
wards he sent his chaplain to invite us to see him, and received
me most graciously — as though he had known me for years.
He is a very quiet-spoken, gentle, sort of man, and evidently
a most amiable person.
He received us (Hunter and me) in a sort of bower, made up
for the occasion of wooden poles set in the ground, with branches
of leafy trees twisted all round so as to make an arbour of about
twelve feet square. Sweetmeats were brought in, according to
custom, and we conversed, through our interpreter, for about
twenty minutes, about all kinds of things. . . .
He then asked us to take breakfast with him ; so, afterwards
—breakfast being here about noon — we went to a long table
(also in the church grounds) covered with a similar kind of arbour
or foliage, erected just for the time. There at the upper end of
the table sat the Archbishop ; I was on his right, and Hunter
sat next to me. The Natchalih, or principal civil officer of the
district, was on his left, and about a dozen priests, or " popas,"
c c
on each side. Then below were all the chief villagers — that is
to say, the oldest men, or communal heads. The table (made
of planks on trestles) was about 100 feet long, so you may imagine
there were a great number present. We had some curious soup,
and other food, in the course of which the Archbishop drank his
first glass to me, and I to him, according to the Serbish custom.
What do you think the glass contained ? — beer ! Afterwards
various toasts were drunk. One to the Prince was proposed
very quietly by the Archbishop. The latter then retired, and
a few minutes later sent a fine melon to me as a present.
On taking leave he was most cordial, and begged that I should
never be in Belgrade without coming to see him. He, on his
part, promised to visit me at Kucaina.
At the ceremony the robes were very gorgeous. The Arch-
bishop wore a crown of some pearl and Silver-like stuff — probably
pearls strung on silver wire — with silver lace embroidery, and a
splendid — - I don't know what to call it ; I know it can't be
right to call it a cloak, though it was something of that sort.
After the ceremony all the people walked by and kissed a
cross which he held in his left hand. • Then they kissed his right
hand, in which he had a little bunch of flowers, with which he
gave them a little pat on the forehead, by way of blessing. . . .
But the profits, as well as the pleasures, of Kucaina
were not to last. Towards the end of 1876, of all uncon-
scionable things that could happen, the little State of
Servia — with a certain incomprehensible self-confidence
—declared war against the Turks ! It suffices to say
that the result was disastrous to the mines ; for Austria,
objecting to the war, had called back all the Hungarian
miners, who were mostly in their Frontier Guard, or
" Landwehr." At the same time, both Austria and Turkey
—whose territories entirely surrounded Servia — prohibited
the export of dynamite or gunpowder. As the former was
an essential for dealing with the hard limestone, and could
not be made in the country, work was practically stopped
for lack of men and explosives.
Sir Charles and his brother kept operations going for
some years after ; but it was such a costly and trouble-
some process that the mines had eventually to be given up.
The Fire Alarm
Electron sits, a sentinel alway—
To watch the fire fiend in his stealthy start,
And then to stir the town with clamours at its heart !
IN the course of the year 1878, the brothers brought
out a system of fire alarms 1 based upon their method
of ascertaining the locality of faults in telegraph conduc-
tors, which they had patented as far back as 1852, and which
has already been referred to.
The advantage of a prompt warning as soon as a fire
begins scarcely needs urging. A Committee of the House
of Commons had recently reported on the Metropolitan
Fire Brigade. This report stated that the first duty of a
police constable on the breaking out of a fire was to give the
alarm to those about ; and, if the fire was in a house, to
arouse the inmates. Some time would thus be lost — more in
running to the nearest station — and, as has been justly said,
the very period in which the fire could be nipped in the bud
is lost in these preliminary arrangements. Indeed, the
first five minutes at a fire is worth (in the opinion of the chiefs
1 See Patent Specification No. 3,801, of 1878.
of the Fire Brigade) the next five hours. It remains only
to remark that the " prompt warning " advocated above
is best secured electrically.
In the United States, and many countries of Europe,
fire alarm call-posts were already an accomplished fact,
but over here scarcely any-
thing had been done in this. ^
direction. A few call-posts
on the American system,
with clockwork as the lead-
ing characteristic, had only T"TT '
been introduced tentatively.
Such apparatus not only
costs a good deal, but was,
from its very nature, sub-
ject to get out of order -
from rust, wear and tear,
and other causes.
By the Bright system,
thorough simplicity and re-
liability were obtained, com-
bined with low initial cost.
The locality of the fire— or,
rather, of the call - post FIRE ALARM POST
from which the summons
to the engine is given — is indicated by a few yards of
wire in the post, or call-box. Each coil of wire has a
definite electrical resistance, peculiar to itself, which is intro-
duced into the line circuit by merely pulling out the " short
circuiting " handle. This disturbs a balance of resistance
at the central (fire) station and rings a bell. The fireman
on watch then turns a handle, which inserts resistances in the
circuits corresponding to those in the posts. Thus, when
the bell stops ringing, the handle points to the place whence
the alarm proceeded, the particular coil (i.e. call-post)
being thus indicated at the Fire Brigade station — and this
without clockwork or anything that can suffer from exposure
to air or moisture in the posts.
After showing working models to Captain Shaw,1 the
Chief of the Brigade, and also to the Metropolitan Board
of Works, this simple but effective system was largely
adopted in and around London.
As it was deemed desirable that an acknowledgment should
be given from the brigade station to the person effecting
the call, the resistance wire was coiled upon an iron core,
and thus converted into an electro-magnet in close proximity
to an armature. To the end of the latter was fitted a light
red disc, which showed itself at a hole in the call box, when
the current passed. The acknowledgment is then made
from the engine station by breaking and making the circuit
with an ordinary key, thus occasioning the disc at the alarm
post to wave to and fro.
As a proof of the great advantage of such street calls, no
less than fifty calls were given to fires in ten months on the
first fifteen call points put up in the City and in South-
wark. After this, the system was rapidly extended to
twenty circuits in London, comprising nearly ninety miles
of line and one hundred and forty call points.
1 Afterwards Sir Eyre Massey Shaw, K.C.B.
A further extension of the principle by another patent l
was then introduced by the brothers. This applied it
to giving automatic notice of fire starting in buildings by
contact being made to connect up the apparatus and ring
a bell, or bells, upon undue heat arising in any room.2 It
was introduced throughout the South Kensington Museum
and in several other important buildings.
There are various contrivances by which an undue or
abnormal increase of temperature in a room may be made to
give an alarm by electricity — such as., the rising of mercury
in a tube, or the melting of easily fusible metals ; but the
brothers determined that the cheapest and most convenient
was a small bi-metallic spring. By making it of brass on
one side, and steel, or platinum, on the other, it was shown
that the difference of expansion of the metals causes the
spring to move until it comes into contact with a screw
terminal, which can be adjusted to the desired temperature.
1 Specification No. 596, of 1878.
1 This apparatus was especially intended for out-of-the-way
(unvisited) warehouses — particularly corn mills. It can be adjusted
so as to give the alarm at any predetermined temperature.
As the heat detectors may be set to give warning at any
temperature exceeding that of the normal state of the air in
a building, they can be employed to indicate the commence-
ment of any heating in heaps of corn, jute, etc. — either when
on board ship or stored in warehouses — thus calling atten-
tion before actual harm is done, or spontaneous combustion
sets in.
In the same way the heating of coal on board ship can be
at once detected, either in holds or bunkers. As we all
know, this is a prolific cause of fire at sea ; and it was, then,
in this direction, partly, that the above automatic fire alarm
was intended to come to the rescue.
Where the system was to be used as a self-acting alarm in
buildings or ships, a " localiser " was placed in combination
with mere " detectors." The object of the " localiser " is
to make known the particular part of the building (or ship)
affected. The " heat detector " is set to a given tempera-
ture— say 110° Fah. — and immediately that temperature
is exceeded in any portion, contact is made automatically,
and the alarm given by a loud (electric) bell, or gong, placed
in the most effective position.
From the foregoing, it will be seen that the invention had
a number of other practical applications where a specified
temperature requires to be maintained.
When exhibited later, at the International Electrical
Exhibition at Paris, in 1881, the Bright Fire Alarms gained
the only gold medal awarded to such apparatus ; and the
distinction of a gold medal was also awarded to the system
at the English (Crystal Palace) Exhibition in 1882.
The invention was extensively brought forward by papers
and lectures in London, Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds,
Bradford, and Hull ; but, for some time, the public gener-
ally showed much apathy about these life and property saving
appliances, forget /ul of Shakespeare's proverb :—
A little fire is quickly trodden out ;
Which being suffered, rivers cannot quench.
As for the Insurance Companies, although they received
premiums in the United Kingdom of more than twelve mil-
lions per annum — of which, on the average, they repay for
losses by fire about 50 per cent., or six millions1 — their
United Tariff Committee persistently declined to make any
concession in rates in connection with these self-acting fire
alarms. This though they afford the means of bringing
hydrants and extincteurs to bear on a fire at the outset—
when they may be used with some effect ! 2
As a reason for turning a deaf ear to the alarm, a certain
manager (of one of the largest Insurance Societies) frankly
said that the general use of such appliances might militate
against their business, inasmuch as they found that a large
fire now and then actually benefited them— bringing a shoal
of new insurers !
An interesting episode occurred when the first patent
was taken out in 1878. Those days being before the appoint-
ment of a special " Controller," the application was referred
to the law officers of the Crown, and this came before the
1 Insurance Cyclopedia.
2 Yet the companies make considerable reductions where hydrants,
extincteurs, and water buckets are kept on the premises insured.
then Attorney-General, the genial Sir Hardinge Giffard, Q.C.
—now Lord Halsbury. His patent expert did not see how
the system of resistances could be worked or made the sub-
ject of a patent, nor could Sir Hardinge, after a personal-
explanation at his Chambers in the Temple. He was, how-
ever, considerate enough to come to the habitat at Golden
Square,1 where Sir Charles and his brother showed him work-
ing models, which he tested himself. The result was that
he became perfectly satisfied, and at once gave his fiat for
the patent.
A little later, Mr. Edward Bright read a paper at the
Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians with re-
ference to the fire alarm in all its aspects.2 During the
course of the discussion which followed, one of the speakers
alluded to an American invention which reminded Sir Charles
of another, which he humorously referred to as follows :—
I have in recollection a burglar alarm which I believe hailed
from the same quarter. It was a system which, in ingenuity and
ambition, could hardly be surpassed. By an electrical arrange-
ment embodied in this invention, when the burglar stood in
position to open the safe, a trap door under his feet opened and
precipitated him into a cell below, where he would be safe till
morning, when an indicator would show that the trap door had
been in action ! The only defect in the arrangement seemed to
1 This large corner house (No. 31), occupied as offices and experi-
mental rooms by the brothers, was said to be that referred to by
Dickens as Ralph Nickleby's.
2 "Electric Fire Alarms." By E. B. Bright, M.Inst.C.E.,
Member of Council (Journ, Soc. Tel. Eng., vol. xiii).
be the absence of an automatic handcuffing arrangement when
the burglar was trapped.
The Bright Fire Alarm in all its varieties — as now fitted
up throughout London and other towns — was described in the
newspapers and technical journals at the time ; and the
Graphic, of September 6th, 1880, contained a fully illustrated
article thereon.
"\ T riTH the advent of the telephone there commenced a
new epoch in the progress of electrical communi-
cation, and ever since Professor Graham Bell exhibited, in
1876, his original" speaking telegraph " at the Philadelphia
Exhibition, Bright took up the subject warmly.
A year later, Professor D.E.Hughes invented the micro-
phone— perhaps the best transmitter in conjunction with
the Bell receiver. Sir Charles had first observed (as early
as 1852) that pressure altered the resistance of a mercury
contact — a fact which has some historical interest in con-
nection with the theory of the microphone. The carbon
transmitter invented by Edison, about the same time, also
helped to render the telephone a practical success. A number
of other transmitters and receivers followed, some of which
Sir Charles experimented with and reported on.
Various companies were soon promoted in the United
Kingdom for establishing Telephony throughout towns.
In 1880 the United Kingdom Telephone Company * was
incorporated in England for purposes of telephone exploita-
1 Now, by amalgamation, the National Telephone Company,
which eventually absorbed all the other telephone working concerns
in this country.
tion, since which most of our large cities have been connected
by trunk telephone lines. Central exchanges for intercom-
munication by word of mouth have been established in all
the larger towns, and the telephone is now in constant use
in almost every office, as well as in a large proportion of the
private houses throughout towns.
Another important company established about the same
time was the Edison Telephone Company, and soon after
its formation the Crown took legal action against them for
infringement of their telegraph monopoly of this country.
It was to be a " test case " ; and Bright was applied to by
Government to give his views as a witness on their behalf.
This he did. In his evidence, Sir Charles proved at length
that telephones worked merely by varying currents of
electricity through a wire — no sound actually passing. He,
in fact, showed conclusively that a telephone was a form
of electric telegraph, and therefore came within the meaning
of the Telegraph Acts of 1868 and 1869. It may be added
that his view was supported by most of the eminent practical
experts of the day.
As an outcome of the above proceedings, the National
Telephone Company now works under licence from the
Government for the use of telephones amongst themselves
by people in the same city or town. It is only a question
of a few years when the telephone system comes altogether
under the direct management of the Post Office. The
sooner this takes place, the better for the public — it being
indisputable that the telegraph and telephone are intended
to work together.
Electric Lighting
/"XUR friends across the Channel were enthusiastic about
^^ electric lighting long before it was seriously dealt with
in England. Important installations in Paris illuminated
the Rue de 1'Opera and other main thoroughfares several
years antecedent to any public lighting being carried out
in London.
The earliest experiment here was made with a few Jabloch-
koff lights on the Embankment ; and the first commercial
undertaking in this direction was the British Electric Light
Company, established in 1878. Mr. Joseph Hubback, a
former mayor of Liverpool, was the chairman, and among
the directors were Mr. Edward Easton, C.E. ; General
Sir Henry Green, K.C.B. ; Mr. Frederick Walters, of the
firm of Frederick Huth & Co. ; Mr. Adam Blandy, and
Mr. Edward Bright, whilst Sir Charles acted as their consult-
ing engineer.
The basis of operations was the purchase of the English
patents for M. Gramme's dynamo machines, and the subse-
quent acquisition of Mr. St. George Lane Fox's incandescent
lamps, as well as the arc lamps of Mr. Brockie — the first
really steady light of the kind. Public exhibitions were
given, and lighting contracts were carried out with a num-
ber of clubs, factories, mills, and shops, besides various
large steamers, including some of the Navy. Amongst
the latter was H.M.S. Bacchante, commanded by Captain
(now Vice-Admiral) Lord Charles Scott, just before taking
the young princes Albert Victor and George on their voyage
round the world. Among other installations was the South-
Eastern Railway Station at Cannon Street with its approach-
ing bridge. Stafford House was also lighted by the Company
for the Duke of Sutherland.
For some years after its start, the Company made good
progress. Their competitors were Messrs. Siemens Brothers
and Messrs. R. E. Crompton & Co. — both of whom had
very good machines of their own — as well as the " Brush "
Company, who adopted an American variety of dynamo.
The " British " Company established a large central station
and factory in Heddon Street, at the back of Regent Street,
and started lighting some clubs in Albemarle Street and Dover
Street, by means of overhead wires, in 1880. These wires
were slung from a tall mast on the roof of the premises, for
at that time there was no Electric Lighting Act giving powers
to undermine the streets for underground wires.
The Company prospered, and were making profits by 1881.
They exhibited their improved Gramme apparatus and lamps
on a large scale at the Paris Exhibition of that year, and
received a high award. They were also the first to bring
forward M. Faure's great improvements on M. Plante's
storage cells. In the following year (1882) the " British "
Company gave a beautiful demonstration of the lighting
effects of the Lane-Fox coloured incandescent lamps, for
dinner table ornamentation and house decoration ; this
was at the Crystal Palace during the International Electric
Exhibition held there. The Company also lighted a large
section of the building with their Brockie arc lights.
But the good time did not last long. The Company's
overhead wires were cut by neighbouring landlords, on the
ground that, although the lines were stretched far above their
buildings, their (landlord) rights went farther and extended
from the bowels of the earth usque ad ccelum — or even beyond.
Maybe these soil holders were also gas holders ! Then
again, when the limited number of contracts were just
enough to give a profit to the few engaged in the business,
their principal opponents, the " Brush Company " suddenly
brought out and floated a spawn of minor companies, to
each of which was assigned a county or small division of the
United Kingdom, so that the competition was tenfold, to
the detriment of all save the parent company. Sir Charles
predicted that a " winding-up machine " would soon be
required ; and this proved to be so, for in a few years
most of these subsidiary companies went to the wall.
In 1882 a Bill, was brought in by Government giving
electric lighting powers. It, however, acted as an obstacle
to development, and was apparently framed to protect
the threatened interests of the Gas Companies ; for while
it gave municipalities the right, under certain conditions,
to lay underground wires and supply lights, it also gave
them the power to take over the works of any company
in twenty-one years at a valuation of their apparatus, pipes,
wires, etc. — for what they would fetch, rather than as a
"going concern." Their profits and "goodwill" were, in
fact, not to be taken into account. It is needless to say
that neither a capitalist nor the investing public would
" go in " on such terms, and electric lighting was practically
hung up for five years till the new Act was passed in 1887.
That extended the purchase period to forty-two years.
During this early stage in electric lighting, Sir Charles
had devised various ingenious improvements in dynamos,
storage cells, methods of transformation and distribution,
besides modified arc and incandescent lamps for special
He was also largely engaged as an expert before Parlia-
mentary committees on the subject ; and in this connection
he and his brother furnished a number of particulars relating
to the cost of producing light by electricity.
The Corporations of many important towns, being anxious
to consider the question of supplying themselves with the
electric light, applied — during several years following
1882 — for estimates and specifications, a large proportion
of which were carefully worked out by Sir Charles, in con-
junction with Mr. John Muirhead, M.Inst.C.E., and his
brother, Dr. Alexander Muirhead ; but the majority of
the municipalities were at that time afraid to make the
The slow rate of progress was, no doubt, largely due to
the state of affairs referred to in the following letter of
Sir Charles' to The Times :—
To the Editor of " The Times"
Your leading article of to-day on the present outlook of the
working of the Electric Lighting Act points to the considerable
dangers to be apprehended by ratepayers. They also point to
trouble of other kinds hereafter, arising from the legislation of
last year, which was, to my mind, too much hurried.
My object in addressing you now is to show that much dissatis-
faction will be the outcome of the operation of the Act, if the
Provisional Orders being issued by the Board of Trade should be
confirmed by Parliament without a thoughtfu1 forecast being
made of the future position of the consumers and the persons to
whom the concessions may have been granted.
It happens that I had to give much attention to the matter,
for I have been consulted (in association with Mr. John Muirhead)
by many corporations and local authorities upon the technicali-
ties involved in the Provisional Orders in which the ratepayers'
interests are greatly concerned.
I am glad that Sir Hussey Vivian has succeeded in removing
the difficulties in the way of obtaining a full hearing of objections
to the Bills ; but unless the local authorities take advantage of
this by acting promptly, they will, I think, have cause for regret
It was clearly intended, both by the Act itself and by the regu-
lations of the Board of Trade, that local authorities should apply
for the orders to supply electricity. It is expressly stated in
Rule 2 that the Board " will give a preference to the application
of the local authority of the district." As it is, very few have
so applied ; consequently the consumers will have to look to
the various newly-formed compan'es, who have made applica-
tions, for their supply.
I do not wish to criticise the position of these companies,
but, as a fair example, I find that one company has paid nearly
a quarter of a million pounds in cash and shares merely for one
of the many forms of incandescent lamps. What hope, there-
fore, have the ratepayers in a district to be served by such a
company of obtaining the electric light at a reasonable price ?
Several millions have been spent by the companies applying
for Provisional Orders in unproductive purchases of this kind ;
and if action is not now taken, the ratepayers will have to provide
dividends on the enormous sums thus improvidently expended
on promoters and patentees.
Furthermore, such companies are tied to the so-called " sys-
tems " for which they have paid so heavily ; and, if they are
allowed to obtain what will be virtual monopolies, they are not
likely to sell their obsolete plant at the value of old iron in order
to introduce superior and more economical apparatus — when
they have the consumers at their mercy. For it may be assumed
that — although not contemplated by the Act — a virtual mono-
poly will be acquired owing to the natural objection of the authori-
ties to grant permission to several companies to break up the
same streets.
It is a notable fact that the original " Gramme " patent for
the best known and most largely used electric lighting machine
expires and becomes public property in less than a year. When
this occurs, the capital sunk in most of the other patents — even
assuming that they have any present value — will, pro tanto, be
rendered unproductive.
Surely, then, the local authorities, as representing the rate-
payers, should ask Parliament to refrain from confirming to
the companies these Provisional Orders until the whole question
is more thoroughly considered in all its bearings. The Metro-
politan Board of Works have already taken a step in this direc-
tion by lodging a petition to Parliament.
My opinion is, that if the present Provisional Orders as granted
by the Board of Trade to the various light companies are con-
firmed by Parliament, the effect will be to double the necessary
price of electricity to the consumers in the districts affected.
Yours faithfully,
July 6th, 1883.
In December, 1884 — as a result of the unsatisfactory
condition here alluded to — the Board of Trade called
together a select committee to thoroughly consider some pro-
posed amendments to the Electric Lighting Bill of 1882.
This committee was formed at the instance of Lord
Thurlow. Besides Sir Charles, it included Sir Frederick
Abel, K.C.B., F.R.S. ; Sir Frederick Bramwell, F.R.S. ;
Sir Daniel Cooper, K.C.M.G. ; Sir Rawson Rawson, K.C.M.G.,
C.B. ; Sir David Salomons ; Sir William Thomson, F.R.SS.
(L. & E.) ; Professor W. E. Ayrton, F.R.S. ; Mr. Latimer
Clark, M.Inst.C.E. ; Mr. R. E. Crompton, M.Inst.C.E.;
Professor W. Crookes, F.R.S. ; Professor George Forbes,
F.R.S.E. ; Mr. James Staats Forbes ; Captain Douglas
Galton, C.B., F.R.S. ; Mr. Robert Hammond ; Professor
Andrew Jamieson, F.R.S.E. ; Professor Fleeming Jenkin,
F.R.SS. (L. & E.) ; Major S. Flood-Page ; Mr. J. W. Swan ;
Professor Silvanus Thompson, and Mr. Frank Wynne.
Sir Charles sometimes presided at the meetings of this
committee ; Mr. Emile Garcke acted as secretary through-
out, whilst the entire management thereof came under the
control of the late Sir Henry Calcraft, K.C.B. (an old friend
of Sir Charles'), as Permanent Secretary to the Board of
This select committee of inquiry had a number of meet-
ings, and eventually some favourable changes in the Act
were submitted and approved.
Amongst others, the authorities of Bristol once applied
to Bright to investigate the question of utilising the great
tidal flow of the river Avon as a source of power to drive
dynamo machines for the distribution of electric light and
power. He was first approached by Mr. William Smith,
of Clifton Down, while at his post in Paris as a British
Commissioner to the Exhibition. The following is a copy
of Sir Charles' letter to Mr. Smith on the subject :—
PARIS, 27th October, 1881.
Since you left Paris I have considered your enquiry as to
employing the tidal waters at Bristol for electric lighting and
other purposes, and the particulars of the local conditions of
the question which you named to me.
The practical (or controlling) feature of the proposition lies
in the availability of the force intermittently accumulated by the
tide. From your description of ths tidal action, and the sketch
plan which you drew at our first discussion upon the subject,
there appears to be an hydraulic force — which, expressed in
horse-power, would be very great indeed — now thrown away,
but which is capable of utilisation.
I- know many places in England and other parts of the world
where tidal power is economically used ; and at a lecture given
in the early part of the year at the Society of Arts upon " Elec-
trical Railroads and Tramways," I drew attention to the special
applicability of electricity to the transmission of force from our
great watersheds, and the tidal power where the physical cir-
cumstances of the place can be profitably dealt with. You may
assume, at all events, that there are millions of horse-power at
present running to waste in many places, but which by the
perfection of dynamo electrical machines during the last few
years, and the facility of carrying force by electricity to a dis-
tance, may be brought into service in a commercial and lucra-
tive shape. This may be taken as an established scientific fact.
Of course, further progress will be made, of which advantage
can be taken by those who are first in the field to secure the use of
available water-power ; but as far as we have progressed at
present you may take it for granted that given so much in horse-
power you may get so much in light — or motive power — for
distributing to workshops, without any cost beyond the wear and
tear, lubrication, and expense of supervision (which can be dis-
tributed over many machines) in places where water-power is
economically available.
I shall be glad to run down to Bristol on my return to England
and examine the locality of your water storage, and consider its
applicability on the spot.
Yours very truly,
When the letter was placed before the Town Council,
it was accompanied by some interesting data from the
Dock Engineer, Mr. Thomas Howard, as to the amount and
speed of the water passing, supplemented by a series of
calculations worked out by Professor Silvanus Thompson,
F.R.S., of Bristol University College, showing that the avail-
able tidal power amounted, per tide — taken only on the
outflow — as follows : —
At Totterdown, 279,389 horse-power.
,, Rownham Ferry, 859,658 horse-power.
,, Mouth of River, 2,149,146 horse-power.
Giving a total of no less than 3,288,193 horse-power per tide.
The economical utilisation of this enormous power-
representing about 75 billions of foot-pounds per annum —
was a curious problem to solve.
In working out the details, the calculations made by Sir
Charles went to show that the cost of the cumbrous appliances
necessary to turn the tide to account— whether by a great
series of slow-moving mill wheels, or by great floats — coupled
with the necessity for storage of electricity during the inter-
vals of motion, would entail a far heavier prime cost than
steam power close to its work on shore. The conditions
were, in fact, unfavourable in this instance to the economical
utilisation of water power.
Whilst at Bristol in connection with this matter, Sir
Charles stayed a little distance off with his son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn King — a visit he naturally
much enjoyed.
At the special invitation of the Governors of the Bristol
Trade and Mining Schools he distributed the prizes for that
year. In doing so he gave an exhaustive address to a great
audience of scholars. Sir Charles chose for his subject
" Electric Science," and during his discourse he explained
the various developments of its application up to date.
Sir Charles Bright continued to take an active part in the
development of electric lighting up to the last.
Early in 1888 he undertook to act as engineer to the St.
James' and Pall Mall Electric Lighting Company— one of
the companies formed under the New Act.1 A long report
was drafted by Bright for the Company a day or two
before his death, but he did not live to sign it. His brother
subsequently sent it in to the Board ; and Sir Charles was
later succeeded in the capacity of consulting engineer by
an old friend— Professor George Forbes, F.R.SS. (L. & E.).
1 The enormous work done by the " St. James' and Pall Mall"
Company— over a comparatively small area— up to the year 1895,
was well shown in the Electrical Times of March 5th, 1896. This Com-
pany is certainly one of the greatest successes of the new illumina-
Various Evidence and Reports
The " Direct United States " Cable Arbitration
\ N interesting Cable case was arbitrated upon in 1878,
-^*- in which Sir Charles Bright gave important and
rather amusing evidence :—
The " Direct United States" Cable was made and laid by
Messrs. Siemens Bros., in 1875, for the Company so named,
between this country and the States. But owing to their
opponents — the original Anglo-American Telegraph Company
—cutting the message tariff down to a shilling per word,
and partly to mysterious breaks of the cable, the " Direct
Company " did not yield a sufficient return, and the majority
of shareholders resolved to wind it up. The liquidators
appointed arranged to form a new company to work with
the " Anglo-American Company " under an arrangement ;
but owing to differences on the subject the matter had to
be brought before an arbitrator.
Naturally much of the value of the " Direct " Com-
pany depended upon the existing condition of their cable,
and it was sought to show, on behalf of those negotiating
the proposed alliance with the " Anglo," that the serving
of yarn protecting the outer wires was in a state of rapid
decay, and that the wires themselves were partly rusted
away. In corroboration of this, a length was produced
which had been picked up when a fault had been grappled
for. Sure enough, the yarn covering was scarred with
the pit -holes, as though it had had the small-pox ; moreover,
at the ends of the specimen the iron wires were attenu-
ated to fine points.
The holes above alluded to were attributed by the other
side to the ravages of the teredo. Sir Charles, however,
created somewhat of a sensation on the tenth day of the
arbitration by pronouncing that they were more likely
to be due to cockroaches ! In the first place, he expressed
his disbelief in the existence of teredoes in great depths
in the North Atlantic ; and after minute examination of
the specimen, he said, regarding the nibbles :—
I have formed an opinion that they have not been caused by
any insect at the bottom of the sea, but I believe them to be
produced by cockroaches at the bottom of the ship. I have had a
book of my own in my cabin in the West Indies, which is eaten, in
circles like that, by cockroaches. This is almost exactly similar
to the leaves of the book eaten through. I should like to know
the history of that specimen from the time it was picked up.
There are some small shells in and about the outside of the
cable — in fact, such as you would always get up with any cable
which has been resting at the bottom. But they are not insects
of the character I have been accustomed to see in specimens
brought up where the hemp has been eaten into by them, and in
which — in every case I have seen specimens — a great number
of the insects have remained, almost filling up the holes themselves.
There are many of these specimens in existence, and some have
been photographed.
The Umpire : " Cockroaches bore, do they ? "
Sir Charles : ' ' They eat round the holes with their mandibles. "
The Umpire : " How deep ? "
Sir Charles : "I have had forty or fifty pages of a book bored
through." 1
As regards the attenuation of the iron wires at the end
of the specimen, as alleged, from general rusting away, Sir
Charles put the wires in a gauge and showed that they
were the same size as when the cable was made, except
just at the end of the specimen, where the cable had broken,
and where they were drawn down to points — as he ex-
plained— by excessive strain.
The above facts and opinions naturally went some way
in upsetting the important contentions of the other side.
Other Atlantic Cables
Since the 1865 and 1866 Atlantic Cables, several others
had been laid. In addition to the Direct United States
Cable just referred to, there had been the French Atlantic
Cable of 1869, to which Sir Charles had acted as con-
sulting engineer. These and the Anglo-American Com-
pany's lines were eventually " pooled " together so far as
commercial earnings went.
Owing to the continuance of the Atlantic Cable monopoly
by the amalgamation or " pooling " arrangements come
to from time to time by the companies concerned, Mr.
James Gordon Bennett, the well-known proprietor of the
1 Arbitration between Johann Carl Ludwig Loeffler and the liqui-
dators of the Direct United States Cable, August gth, 1878. Ques-
tions 4,249-4,253.
New York Herald, combined with Mr. Mackay (the Silver
King), in 1882, to lay a couple of entirely independent
lines. Mr. Bennett — with his agent in England, Capt. A. H.
Clark — consulted Sir Charles on the subject, and the latter
drew out a full specification embodying all that was best
for the construction of an Atlantic cable.1
The lines were subsequently made and laid by Messrs.
Siemens ; and have been worked most satisfactorily since,
as the Commercial Cable Company's property.
Duplex Telegraphy
During 1883, Mr. John Muirhead, who — in conjunc-
tion with his brother and Mr. Herbert Taylor had long
before invented the system of electrically duplexing cables
so universally adopted — found that the French Govern-
ment had been employing a similar method of duplexing
recently patented by Mr. Ailhaud, in connection with certain
cables belonging to the Administration. He was obliged to
take proceedings in the matter, and consulted Sir Charles,
who studied the case very closely and wrote a digest on
the subject. The report was long and necessarily technical ;
but, determined on the fact of infringement, his conclu-
sions were as follows :—
In the arrangement for the Marseilles-Algiers cable they (the
French Government) use at least two of the methods invented
by Muirhead, and consequently they infringe his patent.
I am informed that Ailhaud's Counsel allege that as he did
1 Sir Charles' Report on the subject was reproduced in Appendix
23 of Vol. II of the original biography.
not employ in his combination the special form of artificial cable
patented by Muirhead, he could not have infringed the latter 's
patent. To this I reply that the devices indicated by Muir-
head constituting separate and distinct inventions, may be apr
plied equally to all forms of duplex, and may be worked with
any system of artificial line. I am of opinion that Mr. Muir-
head's invention has been laid under contribution by Ailhaud
in all its essential features.
July ijth, 1883.
It remains only to be said that the matter was ulti-
mately settled in Mr. Muirhead's favour.
The Phonopore
In the year 1884, Mr. C. Langdon Davies invented his
phonopore telegraph. It was almost immediately brought
to Sir Charles' notice. He became much interested
—in fact enthusiastic about it — and drew up a long report
thereon. Sir Charles was afterwards the first president
of the Phonopore Syndicate, remaining so up to the time
of his death.
This apparatus forms a most valuable adjunct to land-
line systems for purposes of duplex telegraphy — the line
being duplexed also, if required — and it is perhaps surprising
that it has not been yet turned to still further account.
On aerial lines, it has proved to be capable of working
through 500 miles and over. It is now doing good work
on the Great Western, Midland, Great Eastern and Brighton
Railways. If applied in connection with ordinary duplex
telegraphy the combined systems effect no less than 180
(twenty to thirty worded) messages an hour !
The Paris Exhibition
SO far ahead had France progressed in public electric
lighting, and so important had the question of the
introduction of telephones become — in conjunction with
the many improvements in telegraphy and other electrical
appliances — that in 1880 the Government of the Republic
decided to inaugurate an International Electrical Exhibition
in Paris during the following year. In October, 1880,
they communicated officially with the other Governments.
The result, as regards England, is very clearly stated in
the following extract from The Times of July 4th, 1881 :—
The English Foreign Office — after the natural period of incu-
bation for such documents — received an invitation to appoint
Commissioners to assist in the work.
By the time this had been received and duly considered, the
Belgian Government, to quote one instance out of several, had
collected together double the number of exhibitors that England
had the slightest chance of bringing forward. Meanwhile the
Foreign Office found itself unable to deal with the undertaking
proposed, so it was passed on successively to the Post Office,
the Board of Trade, South Kensington, and every department
which could possibly be expected to deal with a suggestion that
an Exhibition could be held on other than the approved models,
and without an expenditure of £50,000 or £60,000 of public
money. Mr. Gladstone, on the perfectly intelligible general
ground that it is not the province of Government to foster special
and sectional exhibitions, refused to sanction any grant of money,
and the entire matter sank into stillness till a question was asked
in the House of Commons of Sir C. Dilke, as Under-Secretary
for Foreign Affairs, whether the Government had really no inten-
tion of taking any part in what was going on. Sir Charles Dilke
replied that the Government had no intention of appointing any
Upon Sir Charles Dilke 's reply becoming known in Paris, M.
Berger, the Commissaire-General of the Exhibition, wrote to the
principal technical society in England devoted to electricity and
invited its co-operation in default of that of the Government.
The Society of Telegraph Engineers and Electricians at once
set to work, by forming and sending to Paris, to put things into
shape, a special committee, of which Sir Charles Bright was
chairman, and Mr. W. H. Preece and Mr. Edward Graves, chief
officers of the Postal Telegraphs, and Professor D. E. Hughes,
together with several other well-known scientific men, were
The time originally cut to waste having been in great measure
recovered, and every arrangement having been made without
official aid or interference, the Government was at last moved
to appoint a Commission, of which the Earl of Crawford and
Balcarres, K.T., was the Chief Commissioner, supported by Sir
Charles Bright, Professor Hughes, and Colonel Webber, R.E.1
After the appointment of the Commission matters were
pushed on in this country, and a large number of exhibitors
came forward.
The exhibition was opened during the summer of 1881
in the great Palais de 1'Industrie, and proved a thorough
1 Subsequently Major-General C. E. Webber, C.B.
success. As the chief president of the British section, Sir
Charles attended especially to the allocation and arrange-
ment of the spaces for British exhibitors. Among the
latter was his brother, who showed on a large scale the fire
alarm system already widely adopted in London and else-
where, together with other of their joint inventions, for
which a gold medal was awarded by the International
Jury. The British Electric Light Company — with which
Sir Charles and his brother were, as already shown, closely
associated — also had an extensive exhibit of Gramme
machines, Brockie arc lights, and Lane-Fox incandescent
lamps, which illuminated part of the Exhibition. The
latter work was ably carried out by their engineer, Mr.
Radcliffe Ward, who has more recently taken an active
part in the introduction of electro-motor omnibuses and
vehicles in London.
Subsequently, a paper concerning the Exhibition was
read by Sir Charles and Professor Hughes before the Society
of Telegraph Engineers.1
His many friends in French official circles, coupled with
his unvarying urbanity, served to render Sir Charles very
popular in Paris as a British Commissioner.
An International Congress — consisting of about 200 of
the most distinguished electrical savants of Europe, each
nominated by their respective Governments— also held a
series of meetings and discussions in a special congress
room at the Exhibition. Bright was naturally amongst
" The Paris International Exhibition of Electricity," 1881, by Sir
Charles Bright, M.Inst.C.E. and Professor D. E. Hughes, F.R.S.
See Journal Inst. E.E., vol. x, p. 402.
the delegates for the United Kingdom. Many important
questions were discussed and dealt with, including various
points of international electrical measures and nomen-
During the period of the Exhibition the Prince of Wales
—now His Majesty the King — paid it a visit, and on this
occasion Sir Charles conducted His Royal Highness over.
This honour Bright had previously enjoyed during the
manufacture of the First Atlantic Cable— a fact which the
Prince had, as is his wont, kept fresh in his memory.
The French Government recognised the services of Sir
Charles and his three colleagues by making them officers
of the Legion of Honour.
About this time the Societe Internationale des Electriciens
came into existence, and Sir Charles had the honour of
becoming the first President, representing Great Britain.
The Institution of Electrical Engineers
\ T the end of 1886 Sir Charles was elected President of
'*•*• the Society of Electrical Engineers and Electricians 1
for the Jubilee Year (1887) of Her Majesty's reign.
As President, Sir Charles gave the usual inaugural address
at the commencement of the session. Being also the Jubilee
of the Electric Telegraph, he chose as his subject the initia-
tion and progress of Electric Telegraphs (land and sub-
marine) up to date, bringing forward some noteworthy
Speaking of this address and of his presidency, the
Electrical Review remarked :—
The election of Sir Charles Bright on the occasion of the Jubilee
year of the Telegraph, as well as in the Jubilee year of the Queen,
may be taken as a special compliment to one who has worked
so hard to promote the interests of telegraphy. So identified
has been his career with the step-by-step progress of the telegraph
that it would have been impossible to avoid mentioning the part
1 Since incorporated as the Institution of Electrical Engineers.
2 Sir Charles' Presidential Address was reproduced in full in
Appendix 25 of Vol. II of the original biography ; and also, of course,
in the Journal of the Institution in 1887.
he personally played in the advancement of the science, without
creating a number of serious blanks in the story. Sir Charles'
address will long be remembered for its early recollections and
history of telegraphy. It is, in fact, imbued with all the force
and character of an autobiography.
Leading articles concerning Sir Charles' address also
appeared in The Times, Standard and other journals the
following morning.
In the capacity of President, again, Sir Charles and Lady
Bright received the Institution at a soiree on December I5th,
at Prince's Hall, Piccadilly, at which a large and dis-
tinguished assembly were present.
During his presidential year, many papers of great
interest were read, but the one which Sir Charles naturally
took special interest in was that of his former pupil, Mr.
Edward Stallibrass, A.M.Inst.C.E., on " Deep Sea Sound-
ing in Connection with Submarine Telegraphy."
Sir Charles had scarcely completed the period of presi-
dency when his untimely and sudden death occurred.
On the occasion of his funeral, the Council of the Society
attended in full force.
The President, who followed, was an old friend of Sir
Charles' from the earliest telegraph days— the late Mr.
Edward Graves, Chief Engineer of H.M. Post Office. At
the first meeting of the Society after Sir Charles' death, Mr.
Graves commenced the proceedings by moving the following
resolution :—
" That an expression of our deep regret for his loss and our
sincere sympathy with Lady Bright and the members of Sir
Charles Bright's family in their bereavement be agreed to ; and
that the Secretary be instructed to convey an expression of the
same to Lady Bright."
This followed on some remarks of the President, in which
he said, inter alia : —
" Sir Charles Bright, our immediate Past-President, was known
to every one by the reputation he early acquired in connection
with the spanning of the Atlantic Ocean by a submarine cable,
and by proving that there was no limit of distance, or depth, to
the success of submarine telegraphy. I will not attempt to
deal with all his other great works. In him we lose not only
a member of great eminence, whose name will be for ever
associated with some of the greatest achievements of Electrical
Engineering, but those who were personally acquainted with
him, as I was for more than thirty years, lose also a genial
and kind-hearted friend."
In the following year Sir William Thomson (afterwards
Lord Kelvin) became President ; and in opening the
proceedings, he took occasion to make a special allusion
to his former shipmate. Again, at the first annual dinner
of the Institution in the same year, Sir William Thomson
(President), in responding to the toast of the evening—
' The Institution " —proposed by Lord Salisbury, began by
paying a warm tribute to Sir Charles' work.
Yet again, as a further tribute, on taking the presiden-
tial chair in 1897, Sir Henry Mance, C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E.,
remarked in his address :— " If we, as engineers, desire
to do honour to any one individual who pre-eminently
distinguished himself in the development of oceanic tele-
graphy, we have simply to refer to the list of our Past
Presidents, and select the name of Charles Tilston Bright."
Colleagues and Pupils
man could carry out such arduous and great works
as were undertaken by Sir Charles Bright without
able assistance, and in selecting his associates and assistants,
Sir Charles evinced throughout his knowledge, not only of
antecedents, but of character. Further, amongst all
those who worked with him — on the Atlantic, in the East
or West Indies, in this country or elsewhere — he always
established and maintained a thorough esprit dc corps and
good feeling, that led to the happiest results.
Generally speaking, his coadjutors were men of mark ;
and the pupils which he occasionally received, have, as a
rule, made names for themselves in the engineering and
scientific world. Most of these have been referred to, as
occasion arose, in the course of this memoir.
In only one instance did Sir Charles despair of a pupil,
and the case was peculiar. The young fellow was well
trained, and the grandson of a great legal luminary. He
had mostly lived in the country, and was an amateur
about bees. He used to bring bars of honey to the office,
and the dear little insect filled his head so entirely that
no electricity could be got into it ; in fact he really had " a
bee in his bonnet," and the arrangement with him had
to be cancelled. Subsequently making his way to the
Antipodes, he got together heaps of hives, and has done well
ever since — in the bee line, at any rate.
ROM the outset both Charles Bright and his brother
interested themselves greatly in the Volunteer move-
ment; and very shortly after Government authorised the
formation of corps — during the French scare of 1859 — Sir
Charles raised a company from the officers and employes
of the Magnetic Company in London. His brother Edward
did the same at Liverpool, and both received commissions as
It was necessary that isolated companies should form
part of a battalion, so Bright joined the 7th Surrey Regi-
ment, which had started a little before under the command
of Colonel Beresford, M.P.
Though for many years afterwards Sir Charles attended
Volunteer gatherings of one description or another, he
became too much occupied to take an active part in the
drilling, parading, shooting, etc., and eventually had to
resign when going out to lay the cables in the Persian
His brother raised a second company in Liverpool, and
was promoted to Captain-Commandant.
FROM an early period in his life Sir Charles interested
himself in Freemasonry. Both he and Edward
Bright joined the craft in 1854, entering the Cambermere
Lodge of Cheshire on the same day.
In later times he filled the position of Master in the Bard
of Avon and other Lodges. He also passed through the
Chair of several Arch Chapters, as well as in Mark Masonry.
Then, again, Sir Charles was for a considerable time the
Deputy Grand Master for Middlesex, of which the late
Colonel Sir Francis Burdett, Bart., was Grand Master.
Moreover, he was a member of the " Prince of Wales "
Lodge, of which H.R.H. is permanent Master.
Finally, he was a founder of the " Quadratic " Lodge
at Hampton Court, of which he became Master ; the
" Saye and Sele " Lodge at Belvidere ; and the " Electric "
Lodge. Of the latter his brother was the first Master,
followed by Bro. W. H. Preece,1 and by the late Mr.
Edward Graves, at that time engineer to the Postal Tele-
graphs. The latter Lodge was, in fact — as may be imagined
— constituted for members of the electrical profession.
1 Now Sir W. H. Preece, K.C.B.
As an instance of the esteem in which the subject of this
memoir was held by his brother Masons, we may mention
that his name was adopted as the title of the Sir Charles
Bright Lodge at Teddington. Of this he was the first
Home Life and Recreations
TN his domestic relations the subject of this biography
had his share of happiness, as well as the reverse.
Let us confine ourselves to the former.
As we have seen, at the early age of twenty he married
Miss Hannah Barrick Taylor, fourth daughter of the late
John Taylor, of an old Yorkshire family (originally hailing
from Treeton) who had been previously connected by
marriage with the Brights. Lady Bright survives Sir Charles.
In 1877, Sir Charles' eldest daughter, Agnes, married
Mr. Mervyn Kersteman King, son of Mr. William Poole
King, of Avonside, Clifton Down, formerly High Sheriff
of Bristol, and head of one of the leading Bristol ship-
owning firms.1
The second daughter (Mary) married Mr. David Jardine
1 To the deep grief of all her relations — and indeed of all who
knew her intimately — this daughter died of scarlet fever, in 1894,
leaving a son and daughter. The son, named after Sir Charles, is
probably the only instance of a boy who (when leaving Eton for
Cambridge) was 6 ft. 4 in. at the age of seventeen. In this he more
than took after his grandfather, for Sir Charles stood a little over
6 feet. He later joined the Coldstream Guards, and quite recently
married Lady Clare Noel, daughter of the Earl of Gainsborough.
Jardine, now of Jardine and other Dumfries-shire estates,
son of the late James Jardine, and nephew of Sir Robert
Jardine, Bart, M.P.
The latter marriage was solemnised at St. Paul's, Knights-
bridge, on January I4th, 1886, Bright giving away his
A few months later — owing to heavy pecuniary losses —
the family removed from Bolton Gardens, South Kensing-
ton, to a smaller house in Philbeach Gardens, a little further
The following year, on the occasion of the Queen's Jubilee,
Sir Charles and his wife were amongst those present at the
service in Westminster Abbey. This was the last occasion
on which they appeared in public together.
Let us now, finally, say a few words regarding Bright's
social enjoyments. The subject of our biography was not,
at any time in his life, what would be called a " Society "
man. His profession always kept him fully occupied ; and as
regards entertaining, his tastes ran rather in the direction
of small and quiet parties of real friends, than of entertaining
a roomful of mere acquaintances.
Shooting and Fishing
Although Sir Charles adhered, as a rule, to the adage he
had adopted and often quoted through life, of " nulla dies
sine linea," yet he liked " a day off " occasionally ; and
thoroughly enjoyed relaxation from work in shooting and
fishing— particularly the former. He had been brought up
to both from boyhood, and in the sixties he joined with his
friends, Mr. Edwin Clark, C.E., in a lovely shooting manor,
Bought on Court, near Maidstone, where game was plenti-
ful, coupled with good pike and perch in a mere on the
estate. It was one of his hobbies to be up early and get a
bit of fishing before the shoot — in fact before breakfast
began 1 ; and on such occasions his maxim of " nulla dies
sine linea " was applied to the fishing-line.
It was rather an awkward country to shoot over in
September (though hilly and beautiful), owing to various hop
gardens and the many hop-pickers on the manor ; and
an instance occurred when the sport was somewhat marred
by one of his guests peppering both a schoolmaster and a
hop-picker in the course of the same day. The friend
was a fair, but greedy, shot, and wouldn't wait for the birds
to rise properly.
Later on, he had some very pleasant days of sport near
Horsham with his friend Sir Richard Glass (who made
half of the first Atlantic Cable) and others. Still later, with
his son-in-law, Mr. Mervyn King, at Kingsnympton Park,
near South Molton and Chulmleigh, North Devon.
Sir Charles was also wont to shoot with an old school-
1 Bright was always an early riser. When not employed as above
it was a custom with him at daybreak to sketch out ideas on a slate
kept at hand.
Thus, he got through a good deal from 6 o'clock till breakfast time.
He similarly occupied his spare moments when on holiday as well
as at his office ; and thus his slate saw the gradual evolution of
many an invention.
fellow, dipt. Cosby Lovett, at Combe Park, near Leighton
Buzzard, in Bedfordshire.
Some of his most enjoyable shooting days were, however,
spent with another school-fellow, John Stallibrass, the
squire of Eastwoodbury and Thorpe Hall, near Rochford.
A part of Mr. Stallibrass' domains extended to Foulness
Island off the Essex coast. Once there, the game was
also there ; for the furry portion, at all events, couldn't
go to sea, and the partridges didn't like to. The high sea
embankments, grown over with scrub, formed capital
shooting ground after the birds had been driven to them.
For lunch, the squire's lessees of the famous oyster beds
in the inlets used to provide a hamper of fresh oysters at
one of the farm-houses.
Some of the best sport Bright ever experienced was
when he took over the Harleyford shooting from Sir William
Clayton, Bart., in 1874. The shoot extended from close to
Great Marlow up to Medmenham, and a long way inland from
the Thames, covering over 2,000 acres, with a large amount
of woods, coming down to the chalk cliffs above the river.
A number of pheasants had to be bred each year to keep
up the supply ; but of hares, partridges and " bunnies "
there were plenty. Sir Charles' rule was to shoot at inter-
vals with small parties — his brother and two or three other
guns. Those who came oftenest and stayed longest were,
perhaps, the late Count Gleichen,1 Mr. E. B. Webb, Mr.
1 Afterwards Admiral H.S.H. Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-
Langenburg, G.C.B. — cousin to our late Queen.
Edwin Clark, Mr. Latimer Clark and Mr. Robert Fowler.1
The object was never a big battue, but a varied and reasonable
day's sport.
Sir Charles revisited Marlow and that part of the river
more than once. He was always very popular there,2 and
was at one time asked to stand for the borough. This, how-
ever, he did not see his way to do.
Though, perhaps, the most important moments of his
active life were spent at sea, in a way that had many of
the advantages of yachting, Bright was seldom able
to revel in any lengthy cruises solely on pleasure bent.
He, however, frequently allowed himself a few days' trip
at sea after a manner that was so near his heart.
Captain Cosby Lovett was his usual host on these occasions.
Captain Lovett 's wholesome sea-going yacht Constance
(200 tons) was quartered at Southampton ; and from here
these two old friends would go out for a sail along the
South Coast — and even further afield — at short notice, when
Sir Charles' professional engagements permitted of it. Some
sea-fishing also formed a part of the programme as a rule,
but both were greatly interested in all the intricacies of
yacht -sailing for its own sake alone. They were, in fact,
yachtsmen in the strictest sense.
1 Mr. Fowler was a partner in the firm of Hargrove, Fowler &
Blunt, Sir Charles' solicitors. He was also a brother of Sir John
Fowler, Bart., K.C.M.G., LL.D.
2 Even now, his portrait may be seen hanging on the walls of the
Complete Angler Hotel.
Another friend with whom Sir Charles used to go yachting
occasionally was Mr. J. B. Saunders, of Taunton, with
yachting headquarters at Teignmouth. Mr. Saunders'
yacht was the Pixie, and in her they had pleasant cruises
to the Channel Isles, Falmouth, the Isle of Wight, etc.
Mr. Saunders — a most genial host — was originally an old
telegraph acquaintance in the Electric Telegraph Company.
In later days he contracted for the telegraph work of some
of the railways in South Wales.
River Sailing. — From early boyhood Bright had been
devoted to the river, as we have already seen. Thus when
at Mario w some of the time was spent in sailing as well
as rowing.
The " Beatrice " Parties. — Sir Charles' steam launch
Beatrice l — which has already been referred to in the chapter
on the West India cables — was for a time kept on the lower
reaches of the river. She was occasionally used for excur-
sions up river, and has witnessed more than one Oxford and
Cambridge Boat Race, with a festive party on board.
Tours and Picnics
When in the country or at the sea-side, Bright used
sometimes to make up driving and riding parties ; and
when once staying at Eastbourne, Mr. Karl Siemens and his
charming daughters joined Sir Charles and his family in
some of these.
1 Named after his youngest daughter.
The most extended tour in which he took part was,
however, a month's picnic of an entirely novel character,
during August, 1876. This charming novelty of absolute
freedom from work, coupled with pleasurable excitement,
came about from what might be termed an inspiration on
the part of an old friend that fairly eclipsed any " happy
thought " that ever shone in the luminous pages of Mr.
Punch. It is especially interesting now, in view of the
hold motoring has since taken upon us.
The idea occurred to the fertile brain of Mr. James Caird,
of Dundee, to invite some friends of both sexes to a peripatetic
picnic in a special Pullman car train. The ingredients of
the party were like plum pudding — varied but pleasant.
Besides the host, his wife and sister, there were Mr. Frederick
Leyland, of steamship renown, with Mrs. Leyland, their
son, and two daughters ; Captain Herbert Marryat — related
to the famous nautical author — represented the military
contingent ; then Art had her exponent in the late Mr.
Phil Morris, R.A.1 ; Music in Mr. Horace Jee ; while Science
claimed Sir Charles, whose eldest daughter Agnes accom-
panied him. Mr. Shenstone Roberts, the genial representa-
tive of Messrs. Pullman in this country, with his wife, was
also there. Finally the party was completed by Mr.
Edward Bright, who took upon himself to preserve some
sort of account 2 of any interesting incidents during this
" voyage on wheels " in and about the most delightful
1 For a short time also the late Sir John Millais — a connection
of Mr. Caird's — was one of the party.
1 This was afterwards reproduced in the Daily News, which also
gave a " leader " on the subject.
scenery of England and Scotland, intermingled with a
little shooting and fishing.
The programme was to start from London in a special
train, with servants, supplies, sleeping quarters, and enter-
taining rooms, so as to be as independent of hotels as the
dwellers in a caravan. This holiday trip was to include
calls upon friends here and there, and visits to a number
of the most interesting and beautiful places in our island-
staying a day or so here and there, wherever there proved
to be the greatest attraction.
It was understood from the first that nobody was to
enquire too curiously of their entertainer as to where
the expedition was next going ; and Mr. Caird so
arranged everything, that each day's excursion proved
a pleasant surprise to his friends during the month's
The freedom of promenading throughout the cars — a
distance of 120 feet — and the comfort of all the appliances
for resting and amusement, prevented any tedium being
experienced. Between the cars were roomy railed plat-
forms, upon which members of the party often sat cosily
upon camp stools for pleasant chats, while enjoying both the
fresh air and charming views passed through — particularly
in Derbyshire and the Highlands.
The saloon was so full of windows from one end to the
other that unimpeded views could be had of the scenery
throughout, and through many districts — especially on
the Highland Railway and its branches— the train went at a
purposely low speed in order that the beauties of the country
around might be enjoyed leisurely.
A very able American " conductor " took charge of the
Pullman cars he was so well accustomed to, and greatly
contributed to the comfort of the company. Being a good
fisherman he now and again caught a creel of trout before
breakfast. Then there was Sir Charles' old valet, Field, with
another, and a ladies' maid.
The Railway Companies proved most considerate, and
gave special time bills throughout.
The start was made from St. Pancras on July soth, the
train proceeding first to Bristol and Clifton to interview some
friends. Thence to Bath and Cheltenham, where the
" waters " were " sampled."
Next on to Worcester, where, after admiring the Cathedral
the party pottered about the Potteries, and left for Derby-
shire, where Chatsworth, Haddon Hall, Matlock and Buxton
were visited.
Onward by the new Settle and Carlisle route, through
the beautiful Eden Valley, they were passed forward to the
North British system. Making a halt at Melrose, they
visited Abbotsford, Dryburgh Abbey, and the tweed factories
at Galashiels.
At Edinburgh, they went to Rosslyn Castle and Abbey,
etc., and thence their wanderings extended to the Highlands,
via Perth, after having the cars safely ferried over the Firth
of Forth to Burntisland.
The party then wended their way to the west, making
some stay amid the wild mountainous scenery of Loch
Carron, at Strome Ferry and Plocktown. A flying visit
to the Isle of Skye was thought of, but accommodation
could not be arranged for so large a number. Mr. Caird
had provided carriages at the railway siding, so delightful
drives were made to Loch Maree and Gairloch.
They next passed onward to Thurso, where all is slate
and paving-stone. One old dame here passed her opinion
very audibly on the platform : " Hech, eets jeest a gatherin'
o' strollin' players, ye ken ! "
The train was then sent back round the Wick, while the
party drove to John o' Groats and had a great hunt on the
shore for the famous " buckle " shells. The next move
was on to Barrogill Castle at the invitation of the Earl of
Caithness, who entertained the party with much hospitality.
Besides knowing Mr. Caird, he had met Sir Charles in Cuba,
where the Countess — formerly Countess di Pomar — had
large estates. She believed in spiritualism, and that she
belonged to the " Inner Circle " — whatever that might
portend. She once told Sir Charles of an interview she
had one night with the wraith of Mary, Queen of Scots,
in the ruined chapel, when staying at Holyrood Castle.
Returning from this northernmost part of the " Land o'
Cakes," a pause was made at Wick to see the herring fleet
of about 800 vessels crowding out of harbour on a sunny
afternoon with their variously-coloured sails — a scene of
which Mr. Morris made some interesting sketches. The
next morning their return was witnessed — laden to the
gunwale with the silvery prey, afterwards to be shovelled
out by stalwart fishermen standing amongst the fish up to
their thighs.
Once when the train was passing over one of the less
frequented lines, some of the ladies were initiated into the
mysteries of stoking and driving on the engine, at which
they proved themselves adepts— especially in whistling.
With regard to the latter one of them afterwards remarked :
" We pulled away at all the handles we could get hold of, and
were not a bit nervous ! "
The curiosity of the people in many places was very
great, and sometimes the crowd at the railway stations
made it difficult to get in and out. Dinner-time in the
cars proved an especial attraction to the outsiders — as
at the Zoo ; and at Wick a vast number of herring-scales
were left adhering to the windows as a reminiscence of the
faces and ringers of the admiring multitude.
On the way south the expedition pulled up at Dunrobin,
having been invited by the Duke of Sutherland to visit
the Castle.
Next succeeded a visit to Sir Alexander Matheson, Bart.,
at his beautiful seat, Ardross Castle. Here, again, the
party were most hospitably entertained. Near by, there
were moors all round belonging for many miles to our host,
who, however, being somewhat elderly, did not care to shoot
—while Lady Matheson's principles were opposed generally
to anything being killed. These principles she lived up
to, for she did not eat fish, flesh, or fowl. However, when
out in the grounds after lunch, Sir Alexander said there were
a couple of guns and a brace of dogs if any cared for a pretty
stroll and a bit of shooting. Sir Charles and Captain
Marryat elected to go ; and on taking leave, Lady Matheson
characteristically wished them a " very pleasant walk-
but ' long life' to the grouse!"
A different route was chosen for the return of the Pullman
expedition ; and Lochs Lomond, Long, and Fyne were
successively visited by using the steamers from Balloch
and Helensburgh.
The party finally made their way to London, via Glasgow
and Dumfries.
On the lines in the North of Scotland it was found that
the cars were too lofty to pass under the bridges, but some
navvies who were sent forward — accompanied by Sir
Charles and the assistant engineer of the railway — obviated
the difficulty by scraping away the ballast from under
the sleepers, and so lowering the permanent way a few
inches where necessary. One of the bridges proved, how-
ever, such a close shave that it cut off the tops of some
of the ventilators.
At several points the party were taken for Americans,
the tune of " Yankee Doodle " being expressly played
for their benefit by a band at one station, while at Buxton
a flower girl, on getting but a shake of the head when
proffering her bunches, remarked : " It's no use talking
to them ; they'ar Americans, and don't speak English ! "
At Edinburgh a gudewife's verdict upon one of the cars was,
" Weel, it's just a gingerbread-looking thing ! "
The weather was fine throughout, and no hitch whatever
occurred to mar the trip.
A delicious sensation of comfort and freedom was ex-
perienced on reaching each fresh halting-place from the
fact that no baggage had to be removed from the cars.
Moreover, all were utterly independent of the thousand and
one troubles connected, with hotel accommodation— carry-
ing their rooms, servants and provisions with them. There
was also the feeling of thorough privacy which could never
have been obtained for so many at the inns on the way.
Practically such a party could not have travelled throughout
the country from the West of England to John o' Groats
by any other means ; as at many of the most interesting
localities where a stay was made, beds and sometimes pro-
visions for such a number — eighteen all told — would not have
been procurable. The idea of " home " in connection with
the cars grew stronger every day of the journey ; and on
returning after drives, walks, rowing or fishing expeditions
to the railway siding — where their travelling houses were
temporarily bestowed — every one felt as if going to a most
pleasant rendezvous.
The company started out for a fortnight's trip ; but it
was at once so novel and so delightful that it was extended
to a month, and terminated to the regret of all concerned.
It constituted a kind of yachting voyage on land, with-
out the accompaniment of baffling winds or topsy-turvy
Club Reminiscences
Sir Charles was an eminently " clubable " man — full of
varied information, an accomplished raconteur, and always
most genial. He was a member of the Reform Club, where
he frequently enjoyed a game of billiards with his namesake,
the late Right Hon. John Bright, and other friends. He also
belonged to the Garrick, Whitehall, and Royal Thames
Yacht Clubs. This last was his favourite resort for
lunch and in the evening. Here he sat down to many a
pleasant supper with professional friends, after meetings
of the various Societies and Institutions to which he be-
His taste for yachting had something to do with this
preference for the club in Albemarle Street. For a number
of years he was on the Council and Committee, whilst his
brother acted as auditor.
Sir Charles seldom missed the annual Thames Yacht
Races. On these occasions he used to make up a party
for the Club steamer.
When once Bright took to any one he stuck to him ;
and his most frequent guests at the Races were, perhaps,
the late Count Gleichen (Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langen-
burg), Baron Gudin, Messrs. E. B. Webb, Rudolph Glover
of the War Office, Charles Dibdin of the Admiralty, W. H.
Preece, and George Forbes — beside various wives, sisters,
and daughters of these and others.
The Thames Yacht Club was always an eminently sociable
resort — a large proportion of the members knowing one
another in yachting circles.
In 1875, Count Gleichen executed a marble bust of his
friend. This proved a capital likeness, beside being a
most artistic piece of work, as may be seen from the repro-
duction here given. It was duly exhibited in the Royal
Academy of that year and was much admired as a faithful
and life-like portrait. Plaster duplicates were made ; one
of these was presented to the Institution of Civil Engineers,
whilst another is in the library of the Institution of Electrical
Executed by Prince Victor of Hohenlohe-Langenburg
Death and Funeral
Slowly, slowly up the wall
Steals the sunshine, steals the shade ;
Evening damps begin to fall,
Evening shadows are displayed.
Darker, darker and more wan
In my breast the shadows fall ;
Upward steals the life of man,
As the sunshine from the wall,
From the wall into the sky,
From the roof along the spire ;
Ah, the souls of those that die
Are but sunbeams lifted higher !
OIR CHARLES never really got over the severe attack
^ of malarious fever, to which he nearly succumbed
when laying the West India Cables ; and which were recur-
rent every now and then long after his return to England.
He had been in failing health for some time. This was
largely owing to various worries and the need of an entire
rest from work.1
His comparatively sudden death occurred at early
1 Edison is said to have told a friend : " Don't worry, but work
hard, and you can look forward to a reasonably lengthy existence."
Sir Charles, unfortunately, had to worry as well as work.
morn on Thursday, May 3rd, 1888, from failure of the heart,
while on a visit to his brother, near Abbey Wood, in Kent.
The obituary notices and leading articles in the various
newspapers which appeared on this occasion with regard
to Sir Charles, were given in the last Appendix of the original
biography, as well as the references to his funeral from The
Times, Morning Post, Pall Mall Gazette, St. James' Gazette,
Globe, etc.1 The technical press, however, naturally pro-
vided the most detailed particulars ; and the concluding
words of the Electrical Review obituary notice of May nth,
1888, may be suitably quoted here :—
We have endeavoured to give a summary of the life of the
late Sir Charles Bright — a life spent from its early beginning
with the creation of the electric telegraph — pointing out some
of the important works he was engaged in, some of the improve-
ments he had introduced and originated, and showing at the
same time the type and character of the man, who could so
readily and easily devise, undertake, and carry out such works.
He leaves behind him many of his old friends and fellow-workers
to grieve and mourn his loss, but he also leaves behind a monu-
ment of lasting fame. The works he has accomplished bear
evidence for all time of his skilful handiwork, his intuitive know-
ledge and unerring judgment ; and as the great fabric of the
modern telegraph system rises and spreads throughout the
world, its foundations and superstructure bear evidence of the
vital part played by Sir Charles Bright in their construction and
formation. We may, indeed, safely assume that so long as
the broad Atlantic, separated by its broad expanse of water
1 The week after his death, the Illustrated London News, Graphic,
The Engineer, and other journals also contained good portraits of
Sir Charles.
from this country, carries at its utmost depths the electric con-
necting chain of communication, so long will the name of the
Atlantic and its first cable be connected with that of Charles
Tilston Bright.
The funeral took place on the following Monday (May 7th) .
To quote further from the Electrical Review with reference
to this :—
The service was conducted at St. Cuthbert's, Philbeach
Gardens (opposite Sir Charles' residence), South Kensington,
and the burial in Chiswick churchyard, where the family vault
was situated,1 and near which the family used to live.
Besides the relatives of the deceased, a large and distinguished
gathering of friends attended to pay their last tribute of esteem
and affection — though no one was actually bidden.2 Among
those present were : His Serene Highness Prince Victor of
Hohenlohe-Langenburg, G.C.B. ; Sir Francis Burdett, Bart. ;
Sir David Salomons, Bart., nephew of the late Sir D. Salomons,
who sat with Sir Charles as member for Greenwich for several
years ; Sir Robert Jardine, Bart, M.P. ; Sir F. Goldsmid, K.C.S.I.,
C.B. ; Mr. William Lindsay and Lady Harriet Lindsay; Lady
Smart ; Mr. Phil Morris, R.A. ; Mr. Linley Sambourne, of
Punch ; Sir William Thomson, LL.D., F.R.S.,3 Sir Samuel
Canning, M.Inst.C.E., and Mr. Henry Clifford— the last three
his fellow-shipmates and pioneers on H.M.S. Agamemnon in the
first Atlantic cable expedition.
1 Here his wife's mother had been buried in 1871, and again, his
wife's brother was interred here in 1884. For both of these, who
had predeceased him, Sir Charles had always a strong affection,
and the latter— Robert John Taylor— had probably been his best
friend through life.
2 The only intimation of the funeral was given through the news-
3 Afterwards Lord Kelvin, O.M., G.C.V.O.
Amongst his professional friends were also Mr. Latimer Clark,
F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., for several years his partner ; from the
Post Office, Mr. E. Graves, and Mr. W. H. Preece, F.R.S.,
M.Inst. C.E.,1 associated with him from the days of early tele-
graphy, Prof. D. E. Hughes, F.R.S. (a fellow Government
Commissioner with Sir Charles at the Paris Exhibition) ; Mr. F. C.
Webb, M.Inst.C.E. (for some time on his staff) ; Mr. H. C.
Forde, M.Inst.C.E. (a previous partner); Mr. John Muirhead,
M. Inst.C.E. ; Mr. F. H. Webb, Mr. R. Collett, and Mr. E. Stalli-
brass. Amongst those who were out on Sir Charles' last and
most trying cable expeditions in the West Indies of 1869-72
were Mr. R. Kaye Gray, M.Inst.C.E., Mr. E. March Webb, Mr.
H. Benest, and Mr. James Stoddart — all of the Silvertown
The Council of the Society of Telegraph Engineers (of which
Sir Charles was last year President for the Telegraph Jubilee)
were present, and the Royal Astronomical, Geological, and
Geographical Societies had sent officials to represent them.
The Institution of Civil Engineers was represented by its
Secretary, Mr. James Forrest, who was also a personal friend
of Sir Charles. To all of these bodies Sir Charles belonged very
early in life.
Most of his pupils, past and present, were also there, and
amongst the many wreaths one was placed on the coffin by them.
Some of Sir Charles' old mechanics and servants in his different
undertakings also attended.
Though choral, neither service was of an elaborate char-
acter. At St. Cuthbert's, the hymn selected for singing
was " Rock of Ages " (a favourite hymn), whilst at the grave
it was " Now the labourer's task is o'er/'
On the churchyard being reached, the funeral service was
read by the Vicar of Chiswick, the Rev. Lawford Dale, M.A.
1 Now Sir William Preece, K.C.B.
— an old schoolfellow of Sir Charles', who had rowed in the
same " eight " with him.
The inscription on the coffin was merely :—
Cbarles Gileton Bright
Born, June 8tb, 1832
, 1888
IN attempting to summarise Sir Charles Bright's careei
in the course of a few concluding words, the question
at once presents itself whether to characterise him as a
great inventor, as an eminent engineer, or as a man of
affairs. He was prominent in each of these respects — a
rare combination in any single individual.
His numerous arid largely used inventions have been
briefly dealt with here.1 Throughout life a note-book was
in his pocket, in which — almost daily — he sketched ideas
forming the embryos of many inventions.2 In telegraphic
and submarine cable work — of which he has been rightly
characterised as the pioneer — these are still indispensable ;
for without them long cables could scarcely be laid or worked
—even at the present time. In electric lighting, again, he
helped — as we have seen — to point the way, besides devising
several important improvements. Telephony also owes
something to him. Electric traction was not sufficiently
within the realm of practical progress at that time for Sir
Charles to turn his attention to it ; but this was the only
branch of electrical engineering and applied science to which
he had not devoted his energies at one time or another.
1 They are all dealt witli further in the Appendix.
2 Q uite a collection of these small note-books have been preserved .
In everything he undertook there were the same charac-
teristics evinced of profound practical thought in the initia-
tion of each enterprise, coupled with untiring energy and
dauntless pluck in carrying them to a successful issue.
Besides these qualities, he was always courteous and genial
in his bearing towards his staff and those with whom he
had to deal.
As we have seen, Bright's life was a life fraught through-
out with danger and anxiety. In his various undertakings
he was calm under adversity, brave in emergencies that
would have caused many to quail. Greater force of charac-
ter is perhaps required by a submarine telegraph engineer
than by any other engineer whose work is practically done
when the designs are made, whereas the greater part of a
telegraph engineer's difficulties occur in the laying and
repairing of the line, and in unforeseen mishaps which are
always liable to take place. Heavy weather, or a moment's
error of judgment, have repeatedly ruined the whole work
of an expedition.
We will not prolong this summary by dwelling on his
political and other services, but will conclude by quoting
from the closing observations in a biographical sketch of
Sir Charles, which appeared in the Electrical Engineer. The
sentence runs thus : —
It will be seen that the work of Sir Charles Bright has been
of a wide and varied character — both in land and submarine
telegraphy — dating from the earliest days of the electric wire.
Indeed, he may be said to have been a leader in the rise and
progress of electrical industry.
The same article went on to say :—
There are some men whose talents impress us more than any
other of their merits, and stand out gaunt and bare like some pro-
jecting cliff with nothing gentle to relieve the eye or mask the
height. There are others in whom a keen intellect is sometimes
veiled by geniality of manner, just as a rocky hillside may be over-
hung with verdure. It is to this category that Sir Charles Bright
belongs ; and though his past services may well command our
admiration, the better part of our praise is that those who have
had the pleasure of his acquaintance, love rather to remember
the kind and sociable qualities of the man than the successes of
the engineer. His attractive ways and well-known figure will
be missed by many for some time to come.
Though, for a professional man, Sir Charles did well
pecuniarily at times, he died poor.
May it not be said that whether a man ends well provided
with this world's goods or otherwise is largely a matter of
luck — quite irrespective of genius, which is, of course, on the
other hand, inborn. Apart from luck, however, there was
a trait in Bright's character which would naturally conflict
with his amassing a fortune — and adhering to it. That
trait was the taste for converting money into things which
gave himself and his friends immediate pleasure : it may
be summed up by the words hospitality and generosity.
Furthermore, he seemed throughout to bear in mind that
Life is mostly froth and bubble,
Two things stand alone :
Kindness in another's trouble,
Courage in our own.
Appendix l
SHORTLY after their introduction to Electric Telegraphs in 1847,
Charles Bright and his brother Edward — when young fellows
of seventeen and eighteen — began to discuss weak points in the
existing apparatus, and to work out improvements. But in those
days a patent was an expensive luxury, for what with Mr.
"Deputy Chaff Wax " — who put the great seal on, eighteen inches
round, and over an inch thick — and the heavy fees, stamps, etc.,
coupled with the high charges of the patent agents for legal verbi-
age and technical drawings, the cost mounted up to about £200
down. There was then no distribution of fees over many years,
as at present. But — and this is an important " but " — a large
number of separate inventions and improvements relating to
the same general subject, might at that period, be comprised
and protected in a single patent.
So the brothers continued piling up their ideas by sketches
and descriptions in a locked " Inventions Book " till 1852, when
they saw their way to taking out their first patent. This patent
(E. B. and C. T. Bright, No. 14,331 , of October 2ist, 1852) embraced
no less than twenty-four distinct inventions, illustrated by
twenty-eight drawings, as described in fifteen specification pages.
It became an historical one ; and it may fairly be said that few
patents have contained so much variety, and so many novelties.
The greater part came into active use, and a considerable pro-
portion are still employed as the most satisfactory apparatus
for the purposes for which they were designed.
More than thirty years afterwards (July 2nd, 1883), the Electrical
1 Inasmuch as the inventions of the subject of this memoir have
only been referred to in part— and then but briefly— in the body
of the book, it has been thought well to deal with them here in
further detail, whilst giving illustrations and descriptions of those
which have not formed part of the main narrative.
449 GG
Engineer thus described some of the principal inventions embodied
in this patent of 1852 :—
1. The system of testing insulated conductors to localise faults
from a distant point, by means of standard resistance coils in series
of different values, brought into circuit successively by turning a
connecting handle. A drawing in the patent specification repre-
sents the best forms of resistance coil arrangement at present used
in testing land and submarine telegraphs.
2. In dividing coils into compartments, and in winding the
wire so as to fill each compartment successively, and thus gain a
greater determination of polarity. This system of winding coils
was afterwards suggested in 1854 by Herr Poggendorf, subsequently
by Herr Stohrer, of Leipsig, as well as by M. Foucault, and again
by M. Ruhmkorff, vide Du Moncel's Applications de I'Electricite,
vol. ii. pp. 241-243.
3. The employment of a moveable coil pivoted on an axis, actu-
ated by a fixed coil outside it. The one reacting upon the other,
the same electrical current traverses both, for obtaining unvarying
standards of power. This invention is similar to that now being
brought forward by others as a novelty for electric lighting pur-
poses. A differential method of testing with a standard galvano-
meter also foreshadowed the differential galvanometer.
4. The double roof shackle generally used at the present time
for leading in wires over house telegraphs, telephones, electric
light wires, and whenever great strains are involved by long spans.
This was further improved in a patent of Sir C. Bright, No. 2601 of
A.D. 1858. See also The Electric Telegraph, by Lardner and Bright.
5. The now universal system of telegraph posts with varying
lengths of arms, to avoid the chance of one wire dropping on another.
6. The partial-vacuum lightning protector for guarding tele-
graphic lines and apparatus. This has since been re-patented in
various forms.
7. A translator, or repeater, for relaying and re-transmitting
electric currents of either kind in both directions on a single wire.
This contrivance was used with great success by the Magnetic
Telegraph Company, up to their purchase by Government in 1870,
and was the first device of the kind in any country.
8. The employment of a metallic riband for the protection of
the insulated conductors of submarine, or subterranean, cables.
This also has been recently re-invented and re-patented, and is
found to be the best protection for the insulator, either on the
sea bottom or underground.
9. Another improvement was the production, in an automatic
key, of a varying contact proportionate to the pressure exerted
upon it, for adjusting the time length of change in testing or signal-
ling. This was by means of mercury — on the same principle as
a sand-glass.
Besides these, a new type printing instrument, a novel motfe
of laying underground wires in troughs, and other telegraphic
improvements, were included in this early patent of the Brights.
In addition to the appliances referred to above, the first form
of curb key — for working long cables — is given in this patent.
Spring catches are made to slip over a cog of their respective
catches and wheels by the movement of a key, lever, or handle.
Alternate currents may thus be sent. When the apparatus is
at rest, the sending coils are put on short circuit, and the line
wire connected to earth.
Again, another form of lightning protector here described,
consists of two " condensers " in juxtaposition and garnished
with points, and a third of fine wire brushes.
Let us now consider " No. i " in the above digest of the
Electrical Engineer — the system of localising faults. This
apparatus is still in constant use — fifty-six years afterwards.
The Electrical Review — in its cbituary notice of Sir Charles
— characterises it as "a special system for testing insulated
conductors, with the object of localising the distance of an earth,
or contact from a station, by the use of a series of resistance coils
mounted in a box. This is the first mention of resistance coils
specially constructed of different values to be met with, and the
credit of being the first to use this system of testing rests entirely
with the late Sir Charles Bright." l The obituary notice of the
Institution of Civil Engineers also speaks of the invention in a
similar strain.
The preceding was, it will be seen, a purely telegraphic patent.
The brothers, however, also devised, between 1849 and 1851 :—
i . Feathering floats for paddle wheels ; also a feathering screw.
2. Agricultural ploughs for mechanically shifting the lower
half of the soil penetrated at the top.
3. An improved lightning conductor for buildings.
These were described and illustrated in the Mechanics'
Magazine at the time.
1 Electrical Review, vol. xxii. pp. 508-512.
1 The next patent was dated September 1 7th, 1855, No. 2103,
C. T. and E. B. Bright. It embraces seventeen further inven-
tions, illustrated by eighteen figures described in thirteen pages
of text. This joint patent of the Brights in 1855 is thus referred
to in the Electrical Engineer of July 2nd, 1883 :—
" Up till the year 1854 the system of telegraphing by the
movements right and left of a magnetic needle or needles was
generally employed, and as the receiving operator had to watch
the movements with his eyes, he had to dictate to an amanuensis
seated by him. Apart from the cost of the second clerk, many
errors arose from words— of like sound, but unlike spelling and
meaning — being misunderstood by the writer, besides the strain
on the eyes of the operator, which became fatigued, and thus
added to the number of errors. To meet these objections, Sir
Charles devised an acoustic telegraph (still very extensively
used), giving a short and separate sound to the right or left of
the receiving operator, corresponding to the movements of the
"This system was rapidly extended over the' Magnetic ' lines,
and resulted in a large saving of staff — as the writing clerks
were dispensed with — and also in far greater accuracy, besides
being the speediest apparatus of the non-recording class. It
was later on successfully adopted by Sir Charles for working
each cable between the various West Indian Islands.
" Professor Morse, in his report on the French International
Exhibition of 1867, notes the fact that ' this Bright's Bell System
is the fastest manual telegraph.' The above apparatus has ever
since been universally known as ' Bright's Bells.' It consists
of three distinct parts, which were described in the Electrical
Review of May nth, 1888, as follows :—
1. The apparatus for, and method of, transmitting signals.
2. The receiving relay, which has the means of increasing its
sensitiveness, and of protection from the effects of return currents.
3. The ' Phonetic,' a sounding apparatus. This may be either
used as a complete instrument, or applied in part to other tele-
graph instruments now in use. The magnet, when acted upon
by electro-magnetic coils, causes the axle to vibrate or deflect in
one direction, thus sounding a bell by means of a hammer head
on one arm, the subsequent reversal of the electric current causing
a muffler on the other arm to stop the sound."
1 Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers,
vol. xciii.
This patent also included a very simple and effective method
of 'duplex working — almost the very first — which was used success-
fully on some of the Magnetic Company's wires, enabling signals
in opposite directions to be made simultaneously.1 It also
covered the means for producing working currents from inducti'on
coils, and a machine for producing continuous currents from
secondary induction coils by the action of a quantity battery in
the primary coils.
As expressed in the obituary notice of the Institution of Civil
Engineers : —
" It will be seen from an examination of these two early patents
what a large practical and scientific field Charles Bright covered
as the result of his experience and intuitive knowledge — in addi-
tion to his experimental investigation and foresight in the require-
ments of telegraphic science. We might enter more fully into
the details of these various inventions, but sufficient evidence
has already been given of his wonderful insight into the mysteries
of the profession in which he played so large a part." 2
It is to be regretted that the specifications of these two patents
are now out of print, for they are, perhaps, especially of interest,
on account of the youth of the inventors at the time — as well
as owing to the extensive use of the inventions they refer to.
Charles Bright next patented a series of improvements in
apparatus for laying submarine cables (undej date April 8th,
1857, No. 990), after becoming chief engineer to the Atlantic
Telegraph Company at the age of twenty -four. It covered six
separate inventions. In this patent, young Bright described
the first cable dynamometer. He says :—
I cause the strain which the length of cable hanging ... be-
tween the stern of the vessel and the bottom of the sea ... to
be measured and indicated. . . .
One method . . . consists in placing the axle of the stern wheel
in bearings held back by springs — which may be made to assume
1 See Submarine Telegraphs, by Charles Bright, F.R.S.E. (Crosby,
Lockwood & Son, 1898).
2 Inst. C.E. Proc., vol. xciii.
an angle in a line with the direction of the cable. Or I measure
the tension of the cable by lateral pressure, or water or atmospheric
pressure, and other suitable means may be adapted to the same
The strain is indicated on a dial. The whole can be so constructed,
that should the strain amount to more than it is considered safe to
permit, a SELF-ACTING management slackens or RELEASES the brakes
or other restraining agents of the machinery.
Afterwards the full specification says :—
The first part of my invention consists in measuring and indica-
ting the strain. . . . The machinery . . . becomes a compen-
sating regulator . . . and consists in causing the strain when it
has reached its "safety point" to act upon and release a brake,
strap, or other retarding agent. When being so released, the cable
will be free to run faster over the paying-out apparatus, and thereby
prevent fracture.
It is a pity that time (owing to the way Bright was hurried
in order that the expedition should start in 1857) did not permit
this ingenious apparatus to be then applied. The following
year, however, a vertical dynamometer was adopted for the
laying of the 1858 cable ; and in this the principle of the above
invention was largely worked on.
Here, also, was described and illustrated an automatic machine
for the regular coiling and uncoiling of the cable in the holding
vessel. This, though never brought into use, might very suitably
under certain circumstances be adopted — to the great saving of
cable hands, and of trouble. In these days of strikes it might
be well if such an apparatus were always at hand — and in full
view of the British workman !
The paying-out apparatus in this patent consisted of sheaves,
" the grooves of which are so adapted to the figure and dimen-
sions of the rope, as to grasp it firmly, at the same time that they
preserve its conformation."
Had this plan been more generally adopted, it would have
saved many an open-sheathed cable of early days from being
put out of shape by the pressure on the flat surface of the crdinary
Another useful appliance was first set forth in the same specifi-
cation as follows :—
To ascertain at all times the rate at which the vessel is going, I
register its speed on deck by the rotations of a vane submerged
in the sea (in the manner usual with what is known as the patent
log) being electrically communicated through a wire, or wires,
contained in the cord by which the vane is sustained to an indica-
ting instrument on deck ; and I show the rate of the cable upon
a dial by toothed wheels acting upon the axle of one of the sheaves
on the stern wheel. The total distance passed over by the vessel,
and the total lengths of cable delivered into the sea, are also indicated
by these registers.
This ingenious arrangement was particularly referred to in
the descriptive pamphlet issued by the Atlantic directors in
1857 1 ; and was used on the ships of that year's expedition, as
well as on the successful one of 1858.
A month later, he followed this up by taking out a further
patent for some improvements in the paying-out machine, with
Mr. Charles de Bergue, an engineer and " machinist " of London
and Manchester. This patent was dated May 7th, 1857, No. 1294.
The variation from the previous patent was mainly directed
to the arrangement of the paying-out sheaves and their gearing
on to a friction brake, regulated by hand from the indications
of strain, as shown by levers connected to a Salter's balance.
The paying-out machine used on the Atlantic expedition of 1857
was constructed upon this specification.
In the following year, when the cable was successfully laid,
a brake with a self-acting release arrangement at a given point
of pressure was employed. Here, only a maximum agreed
strain could be applied — this being regulated from time to time
by weights, according to depth of water, and consequent weight
of cable being payed out. The above device was based on
Appold's apparatus for measuring the labour performed by
prisoners at the crank. Its application to the exigencies of
cable -laying was worked out by Charles Bright in conjunction
with Mr. C. E. Amos, M.Inst.C.E.
Three months after laying the First Atlantic Cable, Sir Charles
took out a patent containing a series of important improvements
connected with the insulation of overground wires, including
the construction of his insulator with double insulating sheds-
one superimposed on the other. The outer, while adding vastly
to the insulation, was composed of hard wood, papier mache,
gutta-percha, etc., so as to act as a shield to protect the inner
glass, or glazed earthenware, cup which it covered.
1 See also The Engineer, vol. iv. p. 38.
He also, in this patent (i8th November, 1858), described an
improvement in his self-adjusting terminal insulators, which
are still in general use under the name of " Bright's shackles."
Fifteen months afterwards a number of additional novelties
in telegraphic apparatus were comprised in a patent (dated 2oth
February, 1860), which contained seventeen drawings relating
to nine distinct inventions, covering apparatus for " duplex "
signalling, improved " curb keys," testing appliances, printing
telegraphs, etc.
About two years later, Bright took out a patent for increasing
the rate of signalling through long submarine, or subterranean,
wires, by a perfected compensating (curb) key, which effected
the neutralisation of the excess (or residual) electricity, so per-
mitting a rapid succession of signals.
Sir Charles thus describes it in the Specification — No. 538 of
1862 :-
The third part of my invention has reference to the sending appa-
ratus, whereby currents are communicated to the conducting wire.
In passing currents into long lines of submarine, or subterranean,
telegraph wire, the speed of signalling in the usual manner is re-
tarded, and the distinctness of the several signals one from the
other is impaired by the effects of induction ; so that, for instance,
a dot is liable to be merged into a dash at the distant end — unless
the sending key is operated so slowly as to allow a sufficient pause
between the signals for the line to become clear of the residual
effects of the preceding signals before the following current is
My present improvement consists of a key which is operated
in the same manner as the lever keys generally used, but which
regulates the force or duration, or the force of the currents sent
into the line.
The figure here represents the key as adapted for regulating the
ordinary single current alphabet of dots and dashes, a a is a
lever key working upon an axle b, and operated by the pressure
of the finger upon the ivory button c. The key and base, d d, upon
which it is fixed, are connected with the terminal e by the metallic
strap /, and the terminal e is connected to the line wire when the
instrument is in use. The stud g, which stops the motion of the
key, is connected to the terminal h, which is connected to one
pole of the battery. The other pole of the battery is connected to
earth so that a current flows into the line when the key is depressed.
At the short end of the key is a screw i, the lower end of which
presses against a small arm or lever k, and thus prevents it from
coming in contact with the screw /, against which it would other-
wise be pressed by the spring m. A click n attached to. the arm
k takes hold of the rough surface of a wheel o upon the axle of
which is fixed a spur wheel p, which gears into a train of wheels
terminating in the fan q. When the key is depressed, the click
takes hold of the wheel o, and the speed at which the arm k rises
is regulated by the adjustment of the fan q. The screw / is con-
nected to the terminal r, which is connected to the other pole of
the battery — or to some intermediate point in the battery ; so
that if the key is depressed for a longer time (say for sending a
stroke) than the time at which the arm k arrives against r, the
battery is placed upon short circuit, and no current flows along
the line (or a part of the battery may be cut off) if the connection
with r is made at an intermediate point. By this means a longer
interval takes place after a long signal than after a short one, al-
though the operator is manipulating the key with the usual pauses
irrespective of the currents actually sent into the line ; and when
once the rate of motion of the arm has been properly adjusted to
the requirements of the line operated upon, the signals will come
out at the other end with equal spaces between them.
A second arm, controlled by a fan, to regulate the time of com-
mencement of the currents after spaces of greater length than
the spaces between the separate signals, may be used on circuits
of very great length.
I have described a fan as the regulator for time, because the
periods under control are so brief that such regulation is suffici-
ently precise, and it is easily understood by operators of common
intelligence ; but I do not confine myself to its use, as other regu-
lators may obviously be applied to govern the speed of the arm
k. This system of adapting the duration or force of the current
to the requirements of the line may be readily applied to the keys
now employed to send currents after the ordinary single current,
dot and stroke, system ; or to the method in use to some extent
of sending two currents of opposite names for each signal recorded.
But the positive and negative currents may be separately utilized
after the manner invented by E. B. Bright and described in the
specification of Letters Patent granted to him dated January i3th,
1858 (No. 54), and improved upon in the specification of my patent
of February 2oth, 1860 (No. 465), by placing upon the axle of the
key a wheel formed of two plates of metal insulated from each
other, and connected to the two poles of the battery. The direc-
tion of the current is here changed at each upward motion of the
key by means of a ratchet wheel fixed to the commutator, and
worked by a click upon the key.
I claim under this third head of my invention the method of
adapting the duration or force of the electric currents to the re-
quirements of the line.
In the above patent is also described an ingenious fluid relay,
in which mercury (or other conducting fluid) is allowed to flow
vertically in a fine stream between the orifices of two reservoirs.
The magnetic needle, or arrn of the relay, on passing into the
conducting stream, completed the local, or secondary, circuit ;
and on leaving broke it. Thus, the conducting surface was con-
tinually changed ; while no force was needed from the needle
or relay arm to make contact by pressure, as in previous devices
of a similar character. This, with other inventions already
described, was shown at work in the International Exhibition of
In addition to the foregoing, there was included in this patent,
his system of protecting cables against both rust and marine
insects. It constituted a new method of applying a preservative
coating by means of an elevator, to layers of yarn or tape, as an
external protection to submarine cables, instead of passing
the cable through the heated mixture. The object here was to
avoid the danger of injury to the gutta-percha core. The mixture
employed was pitch and tar, with finely ground flint, which was
found to resist the teredo and other boring sea-worms. Further
details of the invention are severally given in Chapters II. and
III. of Vol. II. of the original biography. It at once came
into general use, and yielded a large return to Sir Charles and
his partner, Mr. Latimer Clark.1
Shortly after taking out the above patent, Bright devised his
1 The above was worked in connection with a previous patent
belonging to the firm, on which it was a great improvement.
" ladder " lightning guard, for insertion between an aerial line
and its signalling instrument or submarine cable with which it is
working. The guard was mainly intended for out-of-the-way
cable huts used for connecting land wires with cables, and only
visited periodically for testing purposes. It is unnecessarily
costly and elaborate for land-line work pure and simple. In this
device (see illustration on page 459) a series of fine platinum wires
are strung horizontally — one above the other — at-small distances
between two conducting plates, between which is a metal rod
with a pin resting on the uppermost wire. This rod is connected
to the cable or telegraph instrument, and the wires to the
land-line apparatus. Should lightning enter the line, the thin
wire is instantly fused by the charge before any current
reaches the cable or telegraph instrument, thus only allow-
ing it to pass to earth across the discharging points. The
vertical rod then drops by gravity to the next cross wire
(or " rung ") of the miniature ladder ready for the next similar
emergency; thus the communication between the line wire
and the cable or telegraph apparatus is not interrupted, but
always maintained through the wire and rods. This apparatus
has been used extensively in the cable service since its introduc-
tion. It has always been found to protect the cable efficiently.1
With previous lightning guards based upon the fusing of a thin
wire, the communication was entirely interrupted until a fresh
wire or another protector had been inserted — sometimes entailing
a lengthy and difficult journey.2
In 1878, Bright embodied an important system of lighting by
induction in a provisional specification,3 stating that "at each
point where the light is used, the light, or a group of lights, is
actuated by the secondary coil, or coil, of an induction apparatus
fixed there. The primary coil, of such induction apparatus is in
circuit with a metallic main conductor, common to all, and
connected with an electric battery or a magneto-electric machine,
which generates the current at any convenient locality.
1 There may, of course, be any number of these wires. When
the last is fused the rod drops on to the earth terminal. The aerial
line is then insulated, whilst the cable is direct to earth : and this
being observed, fresh wires are then inserted as soon as possible.
2 For further particulars see Journal of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers, vol. xix. p. 392.
3 No. 2602 of 1878.
" The size and length of the primary and secondary coils of
the induction apparatus are adapted to the number of lights
employed at each point where the secondary currents actuate
the electric light." x
In connection with this system of transforming the current,
he also specified various forms of incandescent lamps.
In pursuing his experiments, Sir Charles was, however, led to
the conclusion that it was not an economical mode of distributing
electricity, owing to the unavoidable loss in conversion as com-
pared with the direct, or continuous, current ; and he did not,
therefore, proceed to the final specification.
Some time afterwards the system was re-patented by Messrs.
Gaulard and Gibbs, and an important installation established,
having its initial centre of distribution at the Grosvenor Gallery.
A little later an action was brought by those interested to restrain
others from employing " transformers." The case, however, fell
to the ground on the score of want of novelty, when Sir Charles'
specification was cited.
The method is now very largely used, chiefly owing to the
difficulty of finding suitable sites in the heart of London and
other cities for manufacturing electricity on a large scale, except
at a considerable distance from the lighting area.
By employing currents of great intensity, very small main
conductors can be available, compared with those needed for
direct currents of low voltage. To take an instance, the mains
from a great distributing centre atDeptfordare insulated to with-
stand the enormous tension of 10,000 volts ! Entering the pri-
mary wires of induction coils in the City, it induces currents of
greatly moderated intensity in the much larger wires of the
secondary coils. These secondary currents are still further re-
duced, by a similar process of transformation, to the low and
innocuous 50 or 100 volts, or whatever may be required for the
1 In reference to this invention, the Electrician, of October i4th,
1892, remarks : " 1878. Specification No. 4212. Sir Charles
Bright here patented the lighting of vacuum tubes (lamps) by the
secondary coils of an induction apparatus situated at each point
where the light was required, the primary coils being coupled
up to a main conductor common to them all. May not this,
indeed, be freely interpreted as allowing a transformer to each
house ? "
In the same year (1878) Sir Charles brought out a novel printing
telegraph,1 in which the various letters are determined by a series
of consecutively differing resistance coils— the resistances being
inserted by means of a keyboard at the sending station. Here
the type-wheel ceases to move at the receiving station— where
a different relay is inserted — on the equivalent resistance being
By an arrangement of the apparatus, the type-wheel is caused
to move the letter to be printed to either direction, instead of
rotating in one direction only,as in previous printing instruments.
Thus is avoided the delay arising from passing over letters rarely
During that year, again, the two Bright fire alarm patents for
street and house (automatic) duties saw the light of day. As
a chapter has been devoted to this matter no further allusion
seems necessary.2
In 1879 Bright patented (Specification No. 792 of that year)
a series of improvements directed to increasing the delicacy of
the relays and other telegraphic receiving instruments.
This apparatus proved far more sensitive and decided in action
than the lightest Morse relays of the time.
His principle was to control the moving part of the receiving
apparatus, by which the signal is given or the contact is made
(whether magnet, armature, or coil), by a second moving part
worked by the same current. Here, the restraint is withdrawn
1 See Patent Specification No. 4873 of 1878.
2 See also the Society of Telegraph Engineers' paper on " Electric
Fire Alarms," by E. B. Bright, M.Inst.C.E., Member of Council
(Jour. Soc. Tel. Eng., vol. xiii.).
from the first or signalling part while the current is passing but
renewed and brought back to zero when there is no current on
the line.
Some further improvements to increase the sensitiveness and
lightness of telegraph receiving apparatus were included in a
patent, No. 2387 of 1880. Here, he turned to account levers made
of aluminium for lightness.
He made a special application of this arrangement to acoustic
instruments, or " sounders," by making use of the principle in
the construction of ordinary needle instruments ; and in the
present day " Bright's single needle sounder "—in one form or
another — may be seen in almost every country post office and
railway station. On the same pivot with the needle is a pin,
which, with each movement, beats against either one of two
cylinders of different metal and pitch. Thus, the clerk can read
by sound instead of by sight, with all its attendant advantages,
and this course is nearly always adopted in receiving actual
During the following two years, several patents followed for
improvements in electric " arc " lamps, chiefly relating to the
" feed " of the carbons so as to ensure a steady light — a great
desideratum, but not attained to at that period.
In the latter year he also devised a novel storage battery
or accumulator, with the view (as stated in the patent of June,
1882) " of lessening the weight and space required for a given
surface of the elements employed, besides augmenting the effec-
tive action for receiving, storing, and utilising the charges of
electricity, while also simplifying and economising the con-
struction and preparation of the secondary batteries.
" In carrying out the first part of my improvements each
division, or cell, of my secondary battery is separated by a porous
diaphragm into two parts, which are filled — or nearly so — with
a great number of small spherical granules, made of any suitable
" Electrical connection is made with the two masses of spherical
granules in each side of the cell by means of electrodes communi-
cating with them.
" I find the ordinary small lead shot, although containing a
very little arsenic, to be very suitable as spherical granules ;
and in using them I employ electrodes made also of lead. Sul-
phuric acid diluted with water as the conducting fluid in the
The remainder of the patent gives his method of chemically
converting the surface of the granules — as well as other forms of
secondary batteries — into protoxide of lead, by the employment
of dioxide of lead, etc.
During 1883 Sir Charles was largely occupied in the production
of a peculiar dynamo -electric machine, the principle of which
is thus shortly described in his patent of May 4th of that
year : * —
1 Specification, No. 2280 of 1883.
" In the machines hitherto constructed the coils either of
the armature or field magnets, or both, are made to rotate at a
very high rate of speed.
" In my invention the coils both of the armature and field
magnets are fixed."
It seems a puzzle, but he attained this object by the employ-
ment of moveable induced poles of a special and peculiar shape.
The field magnets (see illustration below) were wound upon
fixed hollow cores, through which passed an iron or steel shaft,
which was divided by a non-magnetic metal between the coils.
The divided ends of the shaft — also made of iron or steel — were
extended into the form of segments of a circle or radial arms
but on opposite sides to one another, and so shaped that the
outer ends of the segments or radial arms revolved in the same
In immediate proximity to the outer parts of the segments or
radial arms, a circular series of insulated conducting coils were
fixed, forming an armature— either of the ring type, or of a num-
ber of electro magnets.
The divided shaft with its two central segments would be
polarised by the field magnets (or by permanent magnets for
machines of small type, if preferred), N. on one side and S. on
the other. Its rotation communicated successive waves of
polarity (and hence dynamic currents) to the coils of the sur-
rounding fixed armature as the segments passed round.
This patent of May, 1883, also included an improved com-
mutator in which a circular metallic brush was employed to make
the requisite electric contact between the rings or cylinders.
The above machine was, however, only applicable to the pro-
duction of a continuous current ; but in November of the same
year he took out a further patent,1 shown in the drawing below,
extending the principle to alternating current dynamos. In this,
as previously, the armature coils are fixed as well as the field
magnets, the central shaft which rotates being divided in the
centre, as before, by a piece of brass or other non-magnetic metal.
The magnetic parts of the shaft expanded at each of their
central ends into discs, from the outer edge of which spaces
were cut, so as to constitute radial arms, which thus formed poles,
North on the one side of the now magnetic division, and South
on the other. The N. and S. radial arms alternated with one
another in position, as shown, and thus, when rotated before
the armature coils (which were linked in pairs), produced alter-
nating currents.
By this invention it will be seen that the arrangement of the
apparatus is such that the employment of collectors or commuta-
tors is altogether dispensed with. Again, the repairs which arise
from the damage of coils of wire moving at a high speed arc
avoided — as well as the inequalities of the current arising from
imperfect contact — besides the wear between the collectors and
commutators with the frequent adjustment entailed.
1 Specification No. 5422 of 1883.
The principle involved in both these improvements may be
thus tersely described : Instead of the currents being set up in
the coils of the armature ring by revolving rapidly within or
adjacent to the poles of the field magnets, the divided shaft itself
forms the field magnet's poles, and induces the requisite currents
in the armature coils, by its rotation before (or in juxtaposition
to) them.
To sum up this digest, Sir Charles Bright took out some twenty
patents, comprising about one hundred and thirty distinct in-
ventions, which were either entire novelties or else practical
improvements upon his own or other previous apparatus. A
large proportion of these came into use.
From the first essay in 1852 — for more than thirty years — his
average came to something over one invention every three
The foregoing analysis tends to show over what a wide field
Bright's reasonings and researches extended, and how versatile
was his inventive genius.
ACT, Telegraph Purchase and Regula-
tions (1869), 373
Bright, 276
AGAMKMNO.V, H.M.S., lent by H.M.
Government for First Atlantic Cable
undertaking, 55 ; description of,
55 ; takes cable aboard, 55 ; with
the cable in a storm, 98 ; completes
the laying of the First Atlantic Cable
(August 5th, 1858-), 136
AIRY, PROFESSOR (afterwards Sir
George Biddell Airy, K.C.B., F.R.S.),
reports on feasibility of Trans-
Atlantic Telegraphy, 81
ANDERSON, CAPTAIN (afterwards Sir
James), commands Great Eastern,
1865 and 1866 Atlantic Cable expe-
ditions, 181
PANY, formation of, 182 ; relations
with Atlantic Co., 188 (note) ; Bright
Consulting Engineer to, 188
ARBITRATION, Bright acts in regard
to Railway Cos.' and Government
Telegraphs, 376
ARMS, coat of, belonging to Bright
family, 3
ment for formation of, 39 ; regis-
tration of, 41 ; first meeting of, 41 ;
Bright subscribes to, 42 ; election
of board, 42 ; American support,
43 ; negotiations with Government,
43 ; first meeting of shareholders,
45 ; Magnetic Co. provides capital
for, 45 ; Bright appointed Engineer-
in-Chief, 46 ; Mr. Whitehouse ap-
pointed electrician, 46 ; Mr. Field
appointed general manager, 46 ; in-
crease of capital, 75 ; representa-
tives on 1865 expedition, 182 ;
amalgamated with Anglo-American
Co., 184
BADSWORTH : Hall, i ; monument in
Church, 2 ; Hunt, 3
BALEARIC ISLANDS, Bright telegraphic-
ally connects with Spain (1860), 202
BRETT, BROTHERS, promotion of cable
laying, 26
£5,000 of shares and bonds in " New-
foundland " Co., 38 ; counsels re-
newed effort after disaster of 1858,
116; cause of cable injury, views
on, 165
Sir Charles Bright, 4
Tilston and Edward Brailsford),
joint inventions of, 8 ; testing
electric wires, 8, 9 ; duplex tele-
graphy, 24 ; fault-testing apparatus,
9, 162 ; curb keys, 163 ; West
Indian cable work, 345 ; railway
arbitrations, 376, 377 ; Servian
mines, 381-387 ; fire alarm, 388
scent from ancient Yorkshire family,
i ; birth and parentage, 4 ; sporting
proclivities, 4 ; at Merchant Taylors'
School, 4 ; success in games, and on
the river, 4 ; bent of school studies,
4 ; early interest in electricity and
chemistry, 6 ; in answer to adver-
tisement, joins Electric Telegraph
Co. at fifteen, 6 ; works instrument
at telegraph station, 6 ; precocious
inventor, 8 (note) ; becomes assist-
ant engineer, British Telegraph Co.,
9 ; letter to his fiancee, g ; insulator
for aerial telegraph wires, 1 1 ; En-
gineer-in-Chief to Magnetic Tele-
graph Co., ii ; shackles, n ; tele-
graph posts, 12 ; translator or
repeater, 12 ; metal tape for pro-
tecting insulated wires, 12 ; mar-
riage, 19 ; lays the first cable to
Ireland (1853), 26-30 ; Atlantic
cable most memorable achievement
of his career, 32 ; experiments car-
ried on with his brother, on the
wires of the Magnetic Co., 19, 20,
35, 36 ; copper conductor for cable
recommended bv, 46 ; protests at
insufficient size of conductor adopted,
48 ; appointed Engineer-in-Chief to
Atlantic Telegraph Co., 46 ; vigil-
ance in superintending manufacture
of cable, 51 ; cable-laying gear, 58 ;
patent log, 58 ; Bright strongly
urges for laying the cable from both
ships simultaneously from mid-
ocean but this plan not adopted
till afterwards, 58 ; Bright starts work
from Niagara, 66 ; reports on cause
of first disaster, 69 ; arrives at Ply-
mouth after first disaster, 73 ; pro-
ceeds to Valentia to pick up cable,
74 ; modification of Appold's Fric-
tion Brake by, 76 ; dynamometer
invented by, 78 ; leads off dis-
cussion on papers concerning sub-
marine telegraphy at learned so-
cieties, 81, 82 ; approached by
numerous " inventors," 82 ; or-
ganises a " Trial Trip " of the Cable
Fleet and tests his arrangements for
laying the cable, 88-91 ; aboard the
Agamemnon in a perilous storm, 91-
105 ; embarks on a renewed effort,
1 06 ; again attended by disaster,
106 ; sets forth once more with
H.M.S. Agamemnon and rest of
squadron, 117 ; and this time (on
August 5th, 1858) achieves success,
137 ; sends message to Atlantic
Telegraph Co., 140 ; lands end of
cable on coast of Ireland, 141 ;
official report of success, 141 (note) ;
banquetted in Dublin, 144 ; at
Killarney, 146 ; Knighthood con-
ferred on, for successful laying of
First (1858) Atlantic Cable (age 26),
145, 146 (note) ; presentation at
Court, 145 ; brief rest at home,
149 ; bitter disappointment on
electrical collapse of First Atlantic
Cable, 158 ; views on the cause,
159 ; final efforts made to renew
signalling with his Curb Key ap-
paratus, 163 ; North Atlantic Cable
Project of 1860, association with,
167 ; Royal Geographical Society
Paper on the results of the Fox
surveying expedition, 173 ; Joint
Report, with Robert Stephenson, to
the Board of Trade, regarding types
of cable, 200 ; advises Government
regarding proposed line to Gibraltar,
200 ; lays cable in the Mediterranean
Sea (Spain to Balearic Isles), 200-204 ;
Telegraphic extensions for " Mag-
netic " and " Submarine " Telegraph
Companies, 205-206 ; urges impor-
tance of surveying proposed cable
routes, 208 ; retirement from En-
gineership (in favour of Consulting
Engineership) to " Magnetic " Com-
pany, 209 ; partnership (1861) with
Mr. Latimer Clark, M.Inst.C.E., 212 ;
makes suggestions regarding electri-
cal standards and units, 212 ; and
serves on (1861) B.A. Committee
for, 213 ; Joint B.A. paper with
Mr. L. Clark, on " Electrical Stand-
ards, Units and Measurements," 213 ;
makes experiments concerning effect
of temperature and pressure on the
insulation of covered wires, 214 ;
evolves formula for same, 215 ;
outer covering for cables, 216 ;
application of, 217 ; cable com-
pound, 216, 225 ; patent for curbing
electric currents when signalling,
216; the Telegraph to India, En-
gineer to Government for (1862),
219 ; personal supervision of Persian
Gulf cables, 225 ; adopts improved
and elaborate system of electrical
testing for same, 227-229 ; starts
laying cable sections from sailing
ships (January, 1864), 235 ; landing
the cable in mud, 247 ; completes
work successfully (April, 1864), 255 ;
first message through line to Bright,
240 ; returns home, 256 ; reads
paper on the " Telegraph to India "
to Institution of Civil Engineers and
is awarded Telford Medal (1865),
261 ; asked, and agrees, to " stand
for " Parliamentary Borough of
Greenwich, 265 ; election address,
266; elected M.P. (1865), 274;
political views, see election address,
266 ; activity in the House of Com-
mons, 274 ; urges for the equalisa-
tion of poor rates, 300 ; takes
part in Government inquiry into
Construction of Submarine Cables,
277 ; serves on Parliamentary Com-
mittees regarding telegraphic and
postal improvements with the East,
283-289 ; acts as Consulting Engineer
to second and third (1865-6) Atlantic
Cables, 179, 185, 188 ; advises on
types and estimates for same, 179,
185 ; draws out specification for
same, 179 ; speech at Liverpool
Banquet on completion of 1866
Atlantic Cable, 196 ; Consulting En-
gineer to subsequent Atlantic Cable
enterprises, 199 ; promotes exten-
sion of cables to Far East, 289 ;
Engineer and Electrician to Anglo-
Mediterranean Telegraph Co., 292 ;
Malta-Alexandria Cable expedition,
293 ; stays in Cairo, 293 ; Engineer
to British Indian Submarine Tele-
graph Co., 294 ; Engineer to British
Indian Extension Telegraph Co.,
295 ; Consulting Engineer to the
China Submarine Telegraph Co.,
295 ; Engineer to the British-
Australian Telegraph Co., 295 ;
Engineer to the Falmouth, Gibraltar
and Malta Telegraph Co., 296 ;
opposes hasty acquirement of land
telegraphs by Government, 299 ;
retirement from Parliament (1868),
304 ; undertakes the laying of a
system of cables in the West Indies,
305 ; acquires and fits out as tele-
graph ship the s.s. Dacia for the
purpose, 310 ; devises gear aboard,
312 ; designs type of cable, 313 ;
association with Silvertown Com-
pany, 310 ; experiences much trouble,
and two years' anxiety, in laying
West Indian cables on bad sea-bot-
tom, in unhealthy climate, 316-318 ;
victim to malarious fever, 360 ;
goes home under doctor's orders,
360 ; returns to West Indies to
complete work, 365 ; grappling for
and repairing cables, 365-367 ; home
once more, 367 ; promotes other
cable enterprises, 372 ; again op-
poses State absorption of inland
telegraphs, 373 ; expert witness
in railway and Government tele-
graph arbitrations, 376 ; mining in
France, Germany, Somersetshire and
Servia, 378-387 ; fire alarm system,
388-396 ; expert in telephony, 397 ;
gives evidence for the Post Office
v. Edison Telephone Co., 398 ;
electric lighting expert and in-
ventor, 399 ; consulting engineer
to British Electric Light Co., 399 ;
gives expert evidence concerning
Direct United States Cable, 409 ;
Reports on Mackay-Bennett Atlantic
Cable Scheme, 411 ; draws up
specification for same, 412 ; reports
on Ailhaud's Duplex Telegraphy as
infringement on Messrs. Muirhead's
Patents, 412; reports on Phonopore,
413 ; Commissioner for H.M. Govern-
ment at Paris Electrical Exhibition
(1881), 414 ; conducts the Prince of
Wales (now H.M. The King) over
Exhibition, 417 ; becomes President
of the Societe Internationale des
Electriciens, 417 ; becomes President
of the Institution of Electrical
Engineers, during 1887 Jubilee of
Telegraphy, 418 ; inaugural ad-
dress as President, 418 ; early in-
terest in Volunteer movement, 423 ;
captain of Volunteer corps, 423 ;
prominent as a Freemason, 424 ;
home life, 426 ; recreations — shoot-
ing, fishing, yachting and travel-
ling, 427-438 ; club reminiscences,
439 ; bust of, by Count Gleichen,
439, 440 ; death, 441 ; funeral,
443 ; summary of life work and
main characteristics, 446-448 ; sum-
mary of inventions, see Appendix
elder brother of Sir Charles, 4 ;
joins Electric Telegraph Co., 6;
early joint inventions with his
brother, 8 ; joins Magnetic Tele-
graph Co., 9 ; and becomes Mana-
ger, ii ; B.A. paper on " Retarda-
tion of Electricity through Long
Subterranean Wires," 20 ; succeeds
his brother as Engineer (whilst re-
maining Manager) of " Magnetic "
Co., 25 ; joins Sir Charles in West
Indies for cable work, 340 ; under-
takes grappling for lost cables during
Sir Charles' absence at home, 362 ;
engaged with Sir Charles on railway
arbitrations, 376, 377 ; engaged
with Sir Charles on mines in Servia,
381-387 ; introduces, with Sir Charles,
street and automatic fire alarm
systems, 388 ; contributes paper on
subject ; becomes Director of the
British Electric Light Co., 399 ; a
prominent Volunteer, 423 ; a pro-
minent Freemason, 424
BRIGHT, Mr. JOHN, formerly M.P. for
Pontefract, first master of Bads-
worth hunt, 2
BRIGHT, COL. SIR JOHN, Bart., ancestor
of Sir Charles, i ; monument to, 2
BRIGHT, LADY, on board during laying
of Anglo- Irish cable, 28 ; letters to,
from Bright (mainly when abroad),
9, 16, 233, 234, 252, 309, 315, 321,
322, 323, 338, 385 ; telegram and
congratulations to, on laying of
Atlantic cable, 142
to Mr. David Jardine Jardine, 426
BRIGHT & CLARK, Messrs., the firm of,
212 ; paper on electrical standards,
units, and measurements, 213 ;
nomenclature of electrical standards
and units, 213 (note) ; experiments
on effect of temperature and pres-
sure on the insulation of gutta-percha-
covered wire, 214, 215 ; compound
for covering cables, 216 ; engineers
for Government to first cable to
India, 225 ; Consulting Engineers
to Anglo-American Telegraph Co.
(second and third Atlantic Cables),
188, 193, 194, 195 ; British Indian
Telegraph Co., 294 ; British Indian
Extension Telegraph Co., 295 ; China
Submarine Telegraph Co., 295 ; Brit-
ish-Australian Telegraph Co., 295 ;
Marseilles, Algiers and Malta Tele-
graph Co., 295 ; Falmouth, Gibral-
tar and Malta Telegraph Co., 296 ;
dissolution of partnership, 304 ;
BRISTOL, Bright advises re electric
light, 405
Electrical Standards and Units
(1861), Bright a member of, 213
Bright consulting engineer to, 399
GRAPH COMPANY, the amalgamation
of earlier companies, 25 (see under
" Magnetic " Telegraph Co.)
BUST, Bright's, by Count Gleichen,
exhibited at Royal Academy, 439,
CABLES, earliest (in shallow water), 26
CABLE, ANGLO-IRISH (1853), 26-30;
design and manufacture of, 27-20 ;
laying of, by Bright, in deep water,
28, 30 (see under Ireland, first
effective cable to)
greatest achievement of Bright's
career, 32 ; general requirements,
and nature of the undertaking, 33,
53 ; conditions for landing, 37 ;
description of sheathed cable, 46-50 ;
length of, 46 ; for depth of, 34 ;
construction of, 50-52 ; type of
insulated conductor, 46, 48 ; 1857
machinery for regulating egress of,
56, 57 ; landing at Bally carberry,
Ireland, 63 ; description of laying
by Bright up to time of first break-
age, 66-69 ; picked up at Valentia,
74 ; necessary further capital raised,
75 ; Bright's improved (1858) paying
out gear, 77 ; novel suggestions re-
garding the problem, 82-86 ; working
through (electrical) experiments at
Keyham Dockyard, 86 ; introduc-
tion of Thomson Marine Galvano-
meter and " Speaker," 87 ; subse-
quent decision to pay out from two
ships starting from mid-ocean to-
wards respective shores, 87 ; " Trial
Trip " for testing arrangements and
methods, 88 ; Agamemnon in a
storm, 91 ; cable consequently
adrift, 100 ; renewed effort, 105 ;
splice lowered in mid-ocean, 107 ;
cable breaks, 107 ; another attempt,
109 ; another break, 112 ; ships
return home, 115 ; proposals to
abandon project, 116; a further
effort decided on, 117 ; splice
lowered once more in mid-ocean,
122 ; ships start paying out once
more, 123 ; encounter with a whale
124 ; another narrow escape, 124
splicing against time, 126 ; bolster
ous weather and precautions, 129
growing confidence, 131 ; perse ver
ance rewarded, 137 ; Bright lands
Irish end August 5th, 1858 ; signals
successfully sent through to further
end, 137 ; landing of American end,
140 ; wild rejoicings in America,
142 ; Bright sends official message
reporting completion of work, 140 ;
celebrations of event, 146 ; elec-
tricians take charge of line, 150 ;
congratulatory messages between
Queen Victoria and American Presi-
dent, 151-152 ; other early messages,
1 5 5-i 56; English and American
newspapers enthusiastic, 142, 154 ;
military messages, enormous saving
effected through, 156 ; gradual failure
of insulation, 156 ; causes of total
failure after three months' working,
CABLES, between First (1858) Atlantic
and Second (1865) Atlantic line :
Red Sea and India, 220 ; Spain to
Balearic Isles, 202-204 ; Malta to
Alexandria (in sections), 201 ; Persian
Gulf (first successful cable to India,
1863-4), 219-264 (see also under
Persian Gulf Cable and under India,
Telegraph to)
CABLES, second and third Atlantic
(1865-6), Bright acts as Consulting
Engineer to, 179, 185, 188 ; fresh
capital required for, 176 ; cost and
type of, 178-180 ; decision to lay in
a single length from one ship only,
and Great Eastern selected for pur-
pose, 1 80 ; cable broken during
paying out, 183 ; further capital
again raised, and new company
formed, 184 ; ultimate success
achieved (1866), 189 ; recovery and
completion of 1865 cable after re-
peated failures and many mishaps,
CABLES, subsequent to second and
third Atlantic lines : Anglo-Mediter-
ranean (Malta- Alexandria, direct),
292 ; British Indian (Suez-Bom-
bay), 294 ; British Indian Extension
(India - Straits Settlements - China-
Japan- Australia), 295 ; Marseilles,
Algiers and Malta, 296 ; Falmouth,
Gibraltar and Malta, 296 ; West
Indian, 305-370 (see under West
Indian Cables)
CANNING, MR. (Sir Samuel), M. Inst.
C.E., Bright's chief assistant on First
(1858) Atlantic Cable, 51 ; Engineer-
in-Charge for contractors to Second
and Third Atlantic Cables, 178, 182
Bright when abroad, 318, 319
CHAMPAIN, MAJOR (Sir J. U. Bateman,
R.E., K.C.M.G.), 251 ; Director-
General Indo-European Government
Telegraphs, 258
CHISWICK, Bright removes to Little
Sutton, 304
C.E., partnership with Bright, 212 ;
reads joint B.A. paper with Bright
on " Electrical Standards, Units and
Measurements," 213 ; representing
Messrs. Bright & Clark on Second
and Third Atlantic Cable expedi-
tions, 1 8 8, 193 ; Bright dissolves
partnership with, 304
CLIFFORD, MR. HENRY, a cousin-in-
law of Bright's, 51 ; joins Bright's
staff on First Atlantic Cable, 51 ;
Assistant (and afterwards Chief) En-
gineer to Telegraph Construction
Co., 178 ; Chief Assistant-Engineer
to contractors for Second and Third
Atlantic Cables, 182
CLUBS, BRIGHT'S, Reform, Garrick,
Whitehall and Thames Yacht, 438
COMMEMORATIONS : Rejoicing celebra-
tions in America on completion of
First Atlantic Cable, 1858, 142 ;
banquet at Dublin to Bright on
successful laying of First Atlantic
Cable,. 144 ; at Killarney on same
occasion, 144 ; on retirement from
engineership of " Magnetic " Co.,
209 ; with illuminated testimonial
and presentation of plate, 210 ; at
Bombay, to celebrate successful com-
pletion of first telegraph to India,
by cable, 255 ; at Liverpool, on
return of 1866 Atlantic Cable Expe-
dition, 194 ; to celebrate Atlantic
telegraphy, 278, 280, 281 ; Bright's
speech at, 279 ; Field's speech at,
279 ; Morse's greeting message, 281 ;
address and banquet to Bright at
Kingston, Jamaica, on laying of the
West Indian Cables, 331, 332
sociation, on the formulation of
Electrical Standards and Units
(1861), Bright a member of, 213 ;
House of Commons (1860), on Im-
provement in communication with
India and the East, Bright a member
of, 283, 289 ; Board of Trade, on
Electric Lighting Bill of 1882,
Bright a member of, 405
COMPOUND, Bright & Clark's, for
outer cable covering, 214-218
CONDUCTOR, COPPER : adopted for
First Atlantic Cable, Bright's objec-
tion to, 46 ; Whitehouse's views
on, 48, 160 ; Faraday's and Morse's
views, 48, 159, 160 ; Bright's specifi-
cation for heavier core, 159 ; Second
Atlantic Cable (1865-6), Bright's
specification for, 179 ; improvements
in Persian Gulf Cable, 226, 227
joint founder of the Electric Tele-
graph Co., 7 ; expresses pride in
Bright's career, 175
CORE, Gutta-percha, adopted for First
Atlantic Cable, 46 ; Bright's objec-
tion to, 46 ; Bright's specification
for Second and Third Atlantic Cables,
179 ; and for Gibraltar Cable, 201
CRAMPTON, MR. T. R., carries through
early English Channel cable scheme,
PANY, 310 ; cables laid by Bright
for, 319
device for, 218, also Appendix
Dacia, s.s., Bright secures and fits as
telegraph ship, 310 ; cable apparatus
for, 312 ; off Silvertown Works, 311 ;
West Indian Cable shipped on, 314;
reported wrecked, 315; engaged on
West Indian Cable work (1869-71),
Daily Telegraph, the, on " The
Anglo-Indian Electric Line," 237
DEATH of Sir Charles Bright, 441
DIARY, Bright's, when laying West
India Cables, 335
on an infringement of Muirhead's
system of, 412
DYNAMOMETER, for cable laying, bv
Bright, 78
EAST AND FAR EAST, Bright urges
telegraphic extension to, 289
COMPANY, cable system of, originates
with Bright, 289 (note), 290, 298, 299
ELECTION, Parliamentary, Greenwich,
joins, 6
Electrical Review, the, on Bright's
Presidential address to Institution
of Electrical Engineers, 418 ; obitu-
ary notice of Bright, 442
EVERETT, MR. W. E., U.S.N., Assistant
Engineer, First Atlantic Cable (1858),
FARADAY, mistaken views on signalling
through First Atlantic Cable, 48, 160
FAULTS, Bright's system, of 1852, for
locating, 8 ; used in testing faulty
First Atlantic Cable, 162
FIELD, MR. CYRUS, W., 104 ; forms
syndicate and establishes the New
York, Newfoundland and London
Telegraph Co., 38 ; makes the ac-
quaintance of Mr. John Watkins
Brett, 38 ; signs agreement with
Brett and Bright, as joint projectors
for an Atlantic cable, 40 ; fails to
obtain sufficient American capital
for same, 43 ; subscribes to Atlantic
Telegraph Co., 42 ; becomes general
manager of Atlantic Telegraph Co.,
46 ; accompanies 1857 and 1858 First
Atlantic Cable expeditions, 66, 89,
92, 1 1 8 ; promoter of Second Atlantic
Cable, 177 ; again fails to obtain
substantial American support for
cable, 177
FIRE ALARM, system of Brothers
Bright, 388 ; adopted in London,
390 ; automatic method, 392 ; gold
medal awarded for, at Paris Ex-
hibition (1881), 393 ; and Crystal
Palace (1882) Exhibition, 393 ;
paper on, at Society of Telegraph
Engineers, 396
FISHING, Bright's fondness for, 427
sociated with Bright over electric
lighting work, 408
FORDE, MR. H. C., M.Inst.C.E., joint
engineer (with Mr. Lionel Gisborne)
for " Red Sea " Co.'s line, 1858, 220;
joint engineer with Bright, Mr. L.Clark
and Prof. Fleeming Jenkinfor British
Indian Extension Co.'s Cables, 295
Fox (steam yacht), North Atlantic
Surveying Expedition, the, 172
FREEMASONRY, Bright's association
with, 424 ; " Sir Charles Bright "
Lodge at Teddington, 425
FUNERAL of Sir Charles Bright, 443
Atlantic Telegraph project, meeting
before Fox expedition, 171 ; discus-
sion on Bright's paper thereon, 173
GIBRALTAR, projected cable to, Bright
advises Government on, 201
GISBORNE, Mr. F. N., obtains sole
landing rights for cable on coast of
Newfoundland, 37 ; erects New-
foundland land line, 38 ; disposes
of exclusive rights to Mr. Cyrus
Field, 38
GISBORNE, Mr. Lionel, engineer " Red
Sea " line, 1858, 220
GLADSTONE, Right Hon. W. E., M.P.,
succeeds Bright as member for
Greenwich, 303
GLASS, ELLIOT & Co., manufacturers
of half the First Atlantic Cable, 50
GLEICHEN, Count (Prince Victor of
Hohenlohe-Langenburg), executes
bust of Bright, 439, 440
GOLDSMID, MAJOR (Maj. -General Sir
F. J. Goldsmid, K.C.S.I., C.B.),
Persian survey by, 224 ; Director-
General Indo-European telegraph
system, 258
PANIES, 299, 314 ; Bright's opposi-
tion to, on behalf of, 219, 314
GRAPPLING, appliances used on s.s.
Great Eastern for recovering the
1865 Atlantic Cable, 186, 187 ; work
on West Indian Cable expeditions,
309, 336-367
GRAY, Mr. MATTHEW, West Indian
Cables, 310
GREENWICH, Parliamentary borough
of, Bright elected member for, 274 ;
declines re-nomination for, 301
HARLEYFORD, Bright's shooting at, 429
HARROW WEALD, Bright's home at,
54, 55
HENLEY, Mr. W. T., manufacturer of
Persian Gulf Cable, 225
HOME LIFE, Bright's, 426
HOOPER, Mr. WILLIAM, improvement
in india-rubber insulated cables,
281 ; reported on by Messrs. Bright
& Clark, 283
HUGHES, Prof. D. E., F.R.S., fellow
commissioner with Bright of Paris
Exhibition (1881), 415 ; contributes
joint paper thereon with Bright, 416
HUNTER, Capt., J.E., R.N. of H.M.S.
Vestal, assists Bright on West Indian
Cable work, 316 ; manages Servian
mines, 384
INDIA, TELEGRAPH TO (1863-4), failure
of " Red Sea " Co.'s attempt (1858),
220 ; formation of new company
(1862), 220 ; submarine cable de-
cided on, 223 ; appointment of
directors and engineers (Messrs.
Bright & Clark), 224, 225 ; Persian
Gulf Cable, design and construction
of, 225-231 ; laying the different
sections, 232-255 ; banquet to com-
memorate success of undertaking,
255 ; erecting the land-line con-
necting links, 256-260 ; retrospection
and reminiscences, 261-264 ; Bright
contributes paper on the undertaking
to the Institution of Civil Engineers,
1868 ; further land-line system (of
Indo-European Telegraph Co.) es-
tablished 1868, 260
INDIA AND THE EAST, Bright works in
Parliament at improving telegraphic
and postal communication with,
283 ; serves on House of Commons
Select Committee for, 285
Messrs. Bright & Clark report on
Hooper's improved method, 281
formation and objects of, 260
Bright's paper on " The Telegraph
to India, and its extension to Aus-
tralia and China," 261 ; obituary
notice in proceedings — a tribute to
Bright — regarding his Atlantic Cable
and other engineering work, 138
EERS, Bright elected President of,
418 ; tribute to Bright and con-
dolence with family on occasion of
death, 419 ; Council attend funeral,
419, 444
INSULATOR, Bright's porcelain, n ;
universally adopted, u ; testimony
of Lord Kelvin to merit of, n ;
terminal, or shackle, n ; its appli-
cation, 12
INVENTIONS, Bright's summary of (see
IRELAND, first effective cable to, laid
by Bright, 1853, 26-30 ; design and
manufacture of, 27, 28 ; laying, 28,
29, 30 ; Kelvin's tribute to Bright
in this regard as " the first to lay a
cable in really deep water," 27
ried to Bright's second daughter, 426
KELVIN, LORD, F.R.S. (Prof. William
Thomson), director of Atlantic Tele-
graph Co., 45 ; accompanies First
Atlantic Cable expeditions, 66, 89,
92 ; tribute to Bright, when laying
the Anglo-Irish Cable (1853) as " the
first to lay a cable in really deep
water," 27 ; tribute to Bright as
pioneer of ocean cable- laying, 33, 158
(note), 420 ; on theory of electrically
working long cables, 48 ; on type of
core required for working Atlantic
Cable, 48 ; counsels renewed efforts
after 1858 failure, 117 ; electrical
testing and signalling apparatus,
87 ; use of same on First Atlantic
Cable, 151, 1 60, 161 ; reports jointly
with Bright on subsequent electrical
condition of First Atlantic Cable,
162 ; on use of excessive power, 166 ;
consulting expert, 1865 expedition,
182 ; electrical adviser to " Atlan-
tic " Co., 1866, 188 ; improves his
signalling apparatus for working
Second Atlantic Cable, 192 ; tribute
to Bright as originator of system of
electrical nomenclature and measure-
ment for electrical standards and
units, 213 (note)
KING, MERVYN, Mr., married to
Bright's eldest daughter, 426
KNIGHTHOOD, conferred on Bright,
145 ; ceremony of, 146 (note) ;
record youthfulness at time of, 146
LAMBERT, Mr. FRANK, for Messrs.
Bright & Clark, testing Persian Gulf
Cable, 228 ; arid 1865 and 1866
Atlantic Cables, 194
LAMPSON, Mr. C. M. (Sir Curtis, Bart.)
and Atlantic Telegraph Co., 45, 117,
LAWS, Mr. J. C., on Electrical Staff,
First Atlantic Cable expeditions, 66,
89, 143 ; representing Messrs. Bright
& Clark, tests Persian Gulf Cable,
228 ; also, in same capacity, 1866
Atlantic Cable, 188
LIBRARY, Bright's, 371
LIGHTING, ELECTRIC, early experi-
ments with, 399 ; Government Bill
of 1882, 401 ; Bright's improve-
ments in, 402 (see also Appendix) ;
British Electric Light Co., Bright
Consulting Engineer to, 399 ; St.
James' & Pall Mall Electric Light
Co., Bright Consulting Engineer to,
408 ; Bright's letter to The Times
on, 402 ; select committee on, 405 ;
Bright advises City of Bristol con-
cerning scheme for utilising water
power (of the river Avon), for, 405
tent (see Appendix)
LOG, SHIP'S, patent, by Bright, 58
Bright reports on and specifies for,
MCCLINTOCK, Capt., R.N. (Admiral Sir
Leopold McClintock, K.C.B., LL.D.,
F.R.S.), survey for North Atlantic
Telegraph project, 171
Bright joins and becomes Engineer-
in-Chief to, n ; improvements in
telegraph apparatus by Bright, for,
13, 21 ; Bright establishes extensive
system of wires for, 13-18 ; Bright's
underground system for, 15 ; ab-
sorbs British Telegraph Co., becom-
ing British and Irish Magnetic
Telegraph Co., 25 ; success of, 25 ;
Bright retires from post of Engineer
and becomes Consulting Engineer,
25, 209 ; banquet and testimonial to
Bright on said occasion, 210 ; change
underground system to overhead,2io
MANCE, Mr. (now Sir H. C. Mance,
C.I.E. M.Inst.C.E.), electrician to
Indian Government Telegraphs, tri-
bute to Bright as " pioneer of
oceanic telegraphy," 420
MARRIAGE, Bright's, 19
MESSAGES, early, by First Atlantic
Cable (1858), 137 ; first clear mes-
sage from Newfoundland, 151 ; rate
of same, 151 (note) ; text of, be-
tween directors in England and
America, 151 ; text of, between
Queen Victoria and President of
United States, 151, 152 ; further
early use of cable, 154 ; first public
news message, 155 ; saving effected
by single message, 156 ; for military
transport of troops, 156 ; last word
before gradual failure of line, 156 ;
Second and Third Atlantic Cables
(1865-6), message sent from Liver-
pool to Washington on occasion of
banquet to celebrate success, 194
MINES, Bright's association with, 378 ;
Valgodemard (S. France), 378 ; New
Mansfield Co.'s, Klausthal (Ger-
many), 379 ; Croscombe (Somerset-
shire), 379 ; Kucaina (Servia), 381-387
MORIARTY, Capt. H. A., R.N., C.B.,
navigating master of Agamemnon,
First Atlantic Cable expedition. 66,
88 ; Navigator, Second and Third
Atlantic Cable Expeditions, 182, 188
characterises First Atlantic Cable,
" the great feat of the century," 32 ;
reports in favour of small core for
cable, 48 ; accompanies First Atlan-
tic Cable Expedition, 66 ; views on
electric signalling through long in-
sulated wires, 160 ; message of
greeting to Bright and others con-
cerned with Atlantic Cable, at
banquet of 1866, 281
MUIRHEAD, Messrs. John and Alexan-
der, inventors of system of electri-
cally duplexing cables, 412 ; Bright
reports on infringement of their
duplex patent, 412 ; Bright associated
with, over electric light work, 402
NEWALL, Messrs. R. S., & Co., manu-
facturers of Anglo-Irish Cable (1853),
28 ; manufacturers of half First
Atlantic Cable, 50
Niagara, U.S.N.S., sent from America
to take half First Atlantic Cable and
assist in laying same, 56
PARIS, International Electrical Exhi-
bition, 414 ; Bright represents
Great Britain at, as Commissioner,
appointed by Foreign Office, 415
PARLIAMENT, Bright elected a member
of, 274 ; Bright's activity in, 274,
300 ; serves on House of Commons
Committees, 283-289
PAYING-OUT, Anglo-Irish Cable (1853),
apparatus for, 29 ; First Atlantic
Cable, 1857 expedition, apparatus
for, 58 ; First Atlantic Cable, 1858
expeditions, apparatus for, 76-81 ;
decision to pay out Atlantic Cable
from two ships starting in mid-
ocean, 88 ; Bright tests arrange-
ments for paying out said cable in
course of " trial